To all those looking for an RP SG....




So ... I've been having some serious debates with myself as to whether or not to post this up here, so here goes...

I'm sitting on an SG right now. Yes, yes, sitting on it. It has all the bells and whistles including a large map, teleporters to all zones, invention tables, etc. You name it, it's got it. The group, which was going strong for quite a while, disbanded due to OOC drama, something I VEHEMENTLY despise, which facilitated (justifiably) the players seeking refuge in RL because really who wants to pay $15 a month to deal with BS that shouldn't be there. I know I sure dont.

Those who returned, understandably, went their own different ways. Who would want to reutrn to something that left a bad taste in their mouth? I'd have left too ... but it'd be a waste to let this SG go to waste. But I digress ...

I'm SERIOUSLY considering repurposing it. I have a friend willing to redo the entire build of the base. I don't know how to change the name of an SG, so for now, it still has the name The Invictus Foundation.

My idea for the group is to turn it into a Foundation/Organization, etc. But this is where my ideas end and wold need fleshing out from like minded RPers. I'd want the group to be involved in much more than just hero work. Heroes are people too, with lives and such and that's what makes RP, all the 'other' stuff.

So the theme would be 2 parts, hero work and Paragon life. There are coalitions currently, but they've not yielded much in the way of RP fruit, so those spots are negotiable.

I've been hesitant in posting this for 2 reasons:
1) In times past I've been turned off from the CoH Virtue forum community. The negativity, trolling and general rampant uselessness are just a few reasons. I've found more community on the Euro servers in the span of a week than I have on Virtue in the past 2 out of 4 years that I've been playing the game. But with RP dying down in Virtue and more and more people are crying out for something more than just Pocket D, I'm considering giving this all another try.

2) Running an SG is hard as hell. I've done it before and I don't want to devote my life to baby sitting people. I want a balance between RL and game, so as such, you will not see me on at all hours monitoring people who should be able to monitor themselves and each other.

If you're still interested after all this, I applaud you lol. So where do we go from here ...? Here's where I am...

We can make this into whatever we want it to be.

- I no longer have the time in my life right now to help those who are new to RP and do not understand the basics of it (brackets, sentence structure, backstory, etc).

- I do not want children RPers, IC or OOC. I'd want this to be an ADULT group

- I loathe and despise drama. If we, as adults, can not handle disagreements in an adult fashion and choose to drag anyone and everyone into it, there will be no place for you. Simple as that. I've defriended, gignored, kicked and silenced people for it and I'll do it again.

I'd like to have like-minded people lead this effort because I do /not/ want to be the only one doing it. It would go against principle #2 o.o

As far as character parameters, I really don't care, as long as you're a SOLID RPer. If you spell "Strike" with an "I" or a "Y" I don't care. If your Warshade gets it powers from a failed Council experiment, or something OTHER than the pre-boxed method for whatever your AT is, I don't care.

Play your character, play it well and play it solid.

Shades of grey? While I do not mind this, and mature RP themes, I'm not a fan of sadistic mass muder, chop the head off, put it on a stick, violate little girls then ERP around the remains type of RP. No, No, NO and &*(^($%^$%^# NO!

Also remember that, whatever choices your character makes, IC decisions will have IC consequences.

If you're STILL interested in starting an SG after all this, send me a PM
If not, no harm no foul.

If, after monitoring this thread, I find nothing but trolling, bashing and more rampant negativity, I'll kindly ask a mod to remove the entire post.

Thanks for your time



You know, I normally don't get pissed at what happens in a game.

But considering I designed 90% of this SG's base and never got so much as a PM from you before this thread went up.....

Yeah, I get that my character is no longer in it, but if you're looking to re-purpose it and possibly hand it off to someone, shouldn't one of the first people you talk to about that be one of the co-leaders from back when the thing was still a functional SG?

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning



I'm not handing it off. That said, quite frankly, the answer to that question is no.

And it's no because there are no co-leaders anymore. If there still were, then I would have.
And we spoke about this briefly before.
If you want to discuss this further, then call me.



City of Heroes doesn't need anymore RP Supergroups.

It needs RP Villaingroups! Show Redside some Love!



Lol, true dat. I was considering looking into Titan Industries for my reside search. But I'm feeling ya



Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
I'm not handing it off. That said, quite frankly, the answer to that question is no.

And it's no because there are no co-leaders anymore. If there still were, then I would have.
And we spoke about this briefly before.
If you want to discuss this further, then call me.
K I'm kinda buzzed but felt the need to comment just for ***** and giggles. I agree 100% with you. I mean I don't give a **** if you designed the SG base 100%. If you leave it you relinquish all "rights" to it and have no grounds to be "pissed". Just my unwanted 2cents though.



Originally Posted by Augenblick View Post
K I'm kinda buzzed but felt the need to comment just for ***** and giggles. I agree 100% with you. I mean I don't give a **** if you designed the SG base 100%. If you leave it you relinquish all "rights" to it and have no grounds to be "pissed". Just my unwanted 2cents though.
I left it with my main character, yeah that's true. I left alts in what I thought was a dead SG and then came back to find out they'd all been booted.

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning



Originally Posted by Makai_No_Falco View Post
I left it with my main character, yeah that's true. I left alts in what I thought was a dead SG and then came back to find out they'd all been booted.
Dead SG or no dead SG, I have no reason to keep characters that haven't been logged on for 100+ days.

Again, this is NOT the place to have this conversation. Talk to ME voice to voice, and NOT on a message board.




Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
Dead SG or no dead SG, I have no reason to keep characters that haven't been logged on for 100+ days.

Again, this is NOT the place to have this conversation. Talk to ME voice to voice, and NOT on a message board.

I wasn't having the conversation, I was correcting someone.

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning