• Roleplaying or Non-Roleplaying: Roleplayer
• Character Name: Metrosexual Messiah
• Character Level: 37
• Character Archetype: Scrapper
• Character Alignment: Hero
• Player Times - Anywhere from 9am to 9pm Australia Time. But I'm generally on anytime between 7pm to 7am American EST.
• Looking For:
- An RP Supergroup (I'd prefer everyone to look unique, rather than a uniform appearance. Think Super Friends as opposed to Fantastic Four)
- In/Out of Character friends
• Character Description: A goofy, friendly, loveable dolt. Obsessed with his appearance. He's part surfer, part nightclubber, part fashionista all rolled into one handsome hunk of humanity. Read all about him over at his VV!
• Player Global Name: @Cyarm (Feel free to send a tell or in game email!)
• Player PvP Preference: Not moi!
• Small Image of Character
In Superhero Mode

Regular Person Mode