
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. • Roleplaying or Non-Roleplaying: Roleplayer
    • Character Name: Metrosexual Messiah
    • Character Level: 37
    • Character Archetype: Scrapper
    • Character Alignment: Hero
    • Player Times - Anywhere from 9am to 9pm Australia Time. But I'm generally on anytime between 7pm to 7am American EST.
    • Looking For:

    - An RP Supergroup (I'd prefer everyone to look unique, rather than a uniform appearance. Think Super Friends as opposed to Fantastic Four)
    - In/Out of Character friends

    • Character Description:
    A goofy, friendly, loveable dolt. Obsessed with his appearance. He's part surfer, part nightclubber, part fashionista all rolled into one handsome hunk of humanity. Read all about him over at his VV!
    • Player Global Name: @Cyarm (Feel free to send a tell or in game email!)
    • Player PvP Preference: Not moi!
    • Small Image of Character

    In Superhero Mode

    Regular Person Mode

  2. "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners. "

    I'm entering in everything correctly, this has been happening for about 2 days... and I purchased a server transfer fine this morning. I've tried to buy the Party pack and Martial Arts pack. I purchased the Magic pack perfectly fine the day before that.