• Character Name: Innocence Girl
• Character Level: 34, right now
• Character Archetype: Dominator
• Character Alignment: Vigilante, for the purpose of going to the Isles, but in RP, a heroine.
• Player Times: Random
• Looking For (Keywords): Roleplay mostly (yes, including, but not limited to, ERP)
• Character Description: Innocence Girl appeared in Atlas a few weeks ago. She does not remember anything of her life previous to that day. All she knew was ho to use her powers and that she should try and help innocent people. Since then, she has had some success into fighting the crime in Paragon. But there are rumors she might not be so innocent as her name seems to indicate.
• PVP: If part of a RP scene, sure. Not in PvP per itself, though.
• Global name: @Innocence Girl