Static Team: Paragon Impostors.




When: Wednesday Nights at 8:00-10:00 or later. Beginning June 27th
Members: 8+ I'd like to have Eight Members with a few backups now and again. I'll form a SG to keep track of this when I can. Might even be nice to have a couple teams running at once.

Where: Blue Side

"What's the difference between you and me?"
"I'm not wearing Hockey Pads"
The idea is a theme based around the idea of Gotham City Impostors. In which we have a bunch of average citizens who are dressing up like members of the Freedom Phalanx and other canon supergroups, such as the Vindicators. I'd like the costumes to be more badly put together costumes.
Example my character Statesguardian. He wears a Statesman T-shirt, a Statesman Replica helmet, a bedsheet cape, and blue jeans.
Also I'd like everybody to be Natural or Technology Origin. If your character is using technology though, I'd like it to be minimal.

I'd like everybody to be at least level 15 before the first meeting, which I don't think is too much to ask.
I'm planning on starting one week from now, but if people want to start getting to level 15 tonight, I'd be more than up for it.

Who: To get more information in game contact me @Fourth.

Alpha Team Spots left: 7
Statesguardian- StJ/WP Brute (Natural) - Statesman inspired

As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish, he'd stay away.

-- Hughes Mearns (1875-1965) The Psychoed
Saint Fourth the Patron Saint of Dark Poetry