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  1. Hmmm, I did right. She only got better to stay in group and as soon as she was 'safe' I kicked her and had to iggy her because she became a troll. I believe Toyko was wrong because she started off as a high ranked officer and me and all my other high ranked officers held a SG intervention. I DID privately talk to her in tells. I even made a private chat box, So I did everything in MY power to help her. Like I said before, sometimes embarassing someone makes them realize how they are or behaving. Its not like I had every single member get on and yell at her, just my top dogs. They do actually have a say in my SG, I don't know how other SGs work, but there is a bit of democracy in mine. And I held this intervention because these people had problems with her and instead of ******** to me or yelling at me because I couldn't control her, I held a High Ranked meeting and had everyone, including her, lay out their problems.
    Yes, when I started this thread, I was not tactful at how to ask for advise. I was aggervated and wasn't thinking. Thank you for the construcive critism, sometimes that is needed.
  2. I already told everyone, I am here for advise. If you don't approve of what I am saying or how I am posting, please don't post in here =) That problem is solved. She has been dealt with, so my problems are solved. Thank you for advise, and 'constructive critism'...Now I will do what I do best...
  3. I understand your kid agro, and family duties. I play CoH/CoV for about 4 hours aday. I run a decent VG and SFs everyday. I run Silver Mantis's SF everyday, for about 2 hours...give or take 10/20 mins...I get 42 merits. I also run Flashbacks too. As lame as this sounds, I went to and looked up merits, anything that was worth 14 merits + I wrote down in a notebook(I have a CoH/CoV notebook I write stuff down in xD I know, I'm lame) and when I need merits, I look up the mission, how many levels, time it takes, ect and chose what I have enough time for. Also, join chat channel Virtue TF 2010, they always have something going on and very understanding. Or you could run ITF. A decent team can speed it in 35-40 mins...worth 26 merits. But if you ever need a teammate, or anything hit me at my global @shikratia Hope I helped
  4. Okay, I did kick that character. I know many of you don't approve of me 'whining' on here, but now to let you understand what I go through, this character made another account and got back into the VG. I figured it out only minutes after she joined. Everything about this character didn't add up. She said she had only been playing the game for 2 days and knew nothing and needed a VG to show her the ropes of the game...Need examples? Well, I am insulted with my intelligence. So, still think I'm whining?
  5. I tried to do Barracuda's SF with a full team...I was on my 50 MM <BuBbLiCiOuS.> and we got to the very end....last baddie and totally failed. I will join you the 14th with Shikratia, my level 50 SS/WP brute. I will also try to bring a few friends along too
    BTW where would we meet....Arbiter in Grandville or AT Barracuda? I am EST so I am an hour ahead of you
  6. Who else is excited for CoS/CoH? Me, me, me! Ok, so from what I read...I can't wait for another year for this to come out. Oh my GOSH! <Giddy with Excitement>
    Lately, I have been a bit bored with the game. Not to where I want to quit, but can't wait for i17....CoS/CoH....I guess I'm anxious, not bored. I wish 'The Man' would maybe come out with new TF/SFs. Or something of that extreme. Any who, just thought I would share
  7. I know, maybe it was because I saw a bit of myself in her. BUt she is doing better since we all sat down and talked to her and gave her a very serious heart to heart. So, all is solved for now. I did set up the ranks and she has to re-earn everything. She understands and is willing to do what it takes. we are.....frenemies. Love/hate relationship. But I do thank everybody for their advise. It has helped so much.
  8. She doesn't even get on these forums >_> only 2 people here have mentioned that you have a problem with me asking for advise, whether it be right or wrong, embarassing or dramatic. I asked fo radvise and got it. So please, for the sake of this stupid arguement, just don't post in any of my threads again.
    I do know how to run a proper villian group. Even the most wonder leaders need advise. As I stated before, I am newer to the game, a 9 month player, and when I was comfortable with with the game, I created a villain group that is actually thriving. Maybe not a top 100 Villain Group, but a nice, cozy, THRIVING villain group.
    Have a nice day.
  9. Well I haven't mentioned her name and I held a group meeting because everyone had something to say. She needed to know why. NO I haven't given her a timline because there isn't one. Just one more screw up. I came on here because I needed advise from experienced people. I am not exactly embarassing her because EVERYBODY knows how I feel...hince Mechallo's reply. So, the general census is that I am doing the right thing. Everybody is giving her a second chance and she's going back the way she was in the begginning, so time will tell. Thank you all for all the advise, good...bad...or just plain old support, or non-support. Either way, thank you.
  10. Okay, every Villian Group has that one character that nobody likes and can't stand. Annoying, wastes prestige, does nothing, ot whatever the reason. I have a character, who doesn't roleplay for an fyi, and she is annoying to where noone likes, she spends all the prestige on dumb stuff, she doesn't really play the game, and people have quit or became active because of her, same with my coalition. I had met this toon in a previous Villian Group that I was only a member in and the leader told me all about her. So being that I have a big heart, I decided to 'help' this girl out.
    Shortly after I made my Villian Group, she got kicked from the other group.
    I am now going through the very same thing that the one leader told me about. So, once again, given that I do have a big heart, I decided to give her one last chance. I held a group meeting with everybody, told her everything that was wrong and made her convince us to let her stay. I know that some people will frown upon.
    And before any of you ask why I let her stay for so long, well...she was there with me from the beginning, she recruitted a lot of people and at the time pulled in most of the prestige.
    I told her why I had let her stay for so long and asked her what happened. She vowed to change and I told her this was her very last chance. Next time, she and all her toons will be kicked.
    Now that you have read my ranting and raving, I ask...
    did I do the right thing?
    What would you have done?
  11. Hahahahaha! I love these boards. Thank you all for the advise, and funny jokes.
  12. shikraria

    How do I.....

    Ok, I have seen people with a picture of their toons for avatars...
    Here's my simple question: How do I take a picture of my toon?
  13. Name: Shikratia's Shirkers
    Currently Recruiting: Of course, we are always recruitting and looking for FUN new recruits who just want to have FUN!!!

    RP Level: Optional, we have quiet a few RPers, so RP is lite.

    PvP Level: Every Sunday we like to challenge each other to a PvP. Either to work on a character, placing bets, or just to battle....we like to have FUN!!!!

    Theme/Concept: Shikratia is a faery brute who is quiet playful and always wanting someone to chatter with! Always exploring, helping, arguing, or small talk within the base or at the D. Given that this Villian Group is still quiet new, we just like to SHIRK things around a bit! :P

    Activity: Lite, Shikratia and her Dominators of Pain are working on that. We have around 30 active members who pop in a few times a week!!!

    Requirements for Membership: Just have to active, fun, and willing to listen to Shikratia talk about nonsense!

    Leadership: Shikratia ->Zero Charged -> Walther Browning

    In-Game Contact: @shikratia
    Out-of-Game Contact: shikraria here on the forum site!!!
    URL: Do we need one?
    Coalition: We currently have one spot left
    Other Details: We like to have competitions with prizes. I know a lot of people don't agree with this one but we have prestige competitions, PvP, and we play hide-n-seek We also give a bonus for sign on, we like to take care of our own. We have FUN prizes for promotions, and there's a VERY special prize for getting Dominator of Pain! We have meetings to discuss Villian Group matter, meet new recruits, give promotions, and to put together teams and such We are Shirkers and therefore just want to have FUN!!!
  14. Yea, another thing I noticed during reactivation weekend is that I get more members for my Villian Group and then after those few days, they never come on again :O Makes me mad >:| But, Just like trollers, I'll get over it and move on
  15. shikraria


    Thank you all I appreciate all the information and nobody being rude! I will tell the guy who told me that to look on the community forum site
    Once again, thank you!
  16. shikraria


    Ok so I was told that they nerfed Willpower? I know why they did but why now? My first level 50, Shikratia, is Superstrength and Willpower and I just got her IO's and set just the way I need her. Everytime I am enjoying something, not abusing it, they nerf it :O This isn't fair....
    So I guess the question here is, did they really nerf Willpower?
  17. Lol. Do you remember that villian's name? Yes, LoRTO ande WoW, that's exactly what that reminded me of. Another reason I stopped altogether playing WoW. LoRTO, good game and all, but I love CoH/V much better.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Static_Dizzle View Post
    Yes, you were as wrong as a wrong person committing incredibly wrong things. The amount of wrong associated with your actions could sink an entire island, make an elephant frown at your actions, and kill many...many kittens. You should bow your head and think about how wrong you were and to forever change your wrong ways.

  19. Thank you al so very much ^.^ BTW, what are trollers? I have only seen them on the blueside. They even say they're trollers when they are looking for a team! But just so I know....what are trollers?
  20. Ok, I have been playing CoH/V for 8 months now and I mostly played on redside. Well, about a week ago, I went to blue-side to get full effects of the game. Very different, but I like it.
    Last night however, I was bombarded with rudeness. Well, of course, I was rude first. So here's the story:

    I logged into my hero blaster and Atlas was PACKED. Cool, I thought to myself, it was nice to see that much activity. The first thing that I saw on the broadcast was 'This game is nothing compared to WoW. In fact, I like WoW much better. This game sucks.'
    I was horrorfied(<-?). Then I typed, 'If you don't like this game and you are going to put it down....then PISS OFF'
    Then someone reported me for saying that. I saw that I got reported and responded, 'How old are we, 14?'
    He answered yes. So, being that I am an adult, I apologized right away.
    He then kept demanding I apologize. I said I did, and apologized once again. He kept demanding it, so being fed up, I said ' Can you not read? I have apologized twice already. Please stop this nonsense, I said sorry.'
    Then he proceeded to say he was disabled and not only that I wouldn't apologize, I wouldn't do it because he was disabled and under-age.
    >_> At this point, I got about 15 different tells telling me to ignore this person and these people defending him. They were being ignorant. I asked them what had I done? I mean, villian side peeps aren't that mean. So in the end, I was reported eight different times and I ignored those people.
    So I must ask now, is that kind of thing normal? Or was I rightfully reported?
  21. Shikratia's Shirkers!!! XD

    We are a fun VG( currently a newer VG) that always has its eyes open for FUN and EXCITING new recruits! We always have a team, of various kinds, going. Once a week, we have a Prestige Contest with prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd, BUT for everyone else who participates gets a little something themselves!!!

    We have 7 coalitions that we are apart of. We are a faily active VG, on a scale of 1 to 10, I give it about a 6.5.

    We have a nice base that we are always upgrading. We have porters for all zones, excpet Pocket D(which is coming soon).

    For each promotion you get, you get a prize according to which rank you where promoted to(50K, 100K, 200K 400K).

    On an even MORE positive note, RPing is not required but is allowed. I myself RP with all my toons that are apart of my VG!!! Come all, all are welcomed!!!

    BTW, did I miss anything?

  22. Actually, just as an update, i have 25 members in my group. So, I think I'm doing great. 2 weeks old and i have everything I need.
  23. I started up my VG and its doing pretty well actually. NO I'm not a prestige ****. Rule #2 is so my VG doesn't die. And all of the 4 VG my toons are apart of have the first rule. So all those who thought that I would fail....I'm not. I'm actually doing quite well. I figured everything out myself, and with the leaders of the other VGs I'm apart of. So HA! I did it w/o any of your negativity. I have about 20 members too and a nice base. My next step is getting TPs for all zones and that is gonna take a min, I know the requirements. So thought I would update all of you who had nothing nice to say. But thanks for the advise!!!
  24. I am starting up a VG in virtue Shikratia's Shirkers. Just a VG where peeps can have fun playing and chatting. When I get enough peeps, I want daily TFs(if possible) and lost of mayhem mishes, competitions like prestige contests, costume contests, ect. I know its going to start off REAL slow, so I have a few questions for those who know better than me,

    1. How do I start up a base?
    2. How do I make portals?
    3. How would I edit?
    4. Anything else I need to know?

    1. Play in SG mode at all times
    2. Be on at least once a week
    3. NO DRAMA

    BTW, any other tips?