Villain Group Directory - Jan '10 - July 10
Name: Titan Industries
Currently Recruiting: Yes!
RP Level: Moderate to heavy. This is an rp vg; our members are generally looking to share stories together, both in-game and on the forums. We have an OOC channel, but teams and sg chat should be considered IC unless indicated otherwise.
PvP Level:Player's choice. The group doesn't pvp, but individual members are free to pursue it as they like.
Theme/Concept: Established in 2009 by Brooklyn Cale, Titan Industries is an acquisitions and problem-solving firm. The company operates out of a secure facility in St. Martial in the Etoile Isles and specializes in the quick, discreet resolution of problems. Employees are free to pursue their own interests, cultivate their own clients, and work on their own agendas. In order to find and perform jobs, each operative has access to the human, electronic, and financial networks provided by the company. In exchange, employees give a small percentage of their incomes to Titan Industries and occasionally carry out an assignment given to them by the firm. Jobs assigned to operatives by the company pay extremely well once they are successfully completed. Good performance and loyal service tend to result in better assignments, bigger paychecks, and more perks.
Most backgrounds and all origins are welcome. There's a few concepts that probably wouldn't fit in too well. (For example, Arachnos loyalists or anyone under the age of 18.) Also, characters are recruited into the group, so there's no IC way to apply. Players are welcome to inquire about membership though! A captain and the applicant will decide together how Titan Industries has heard about the character.
Activity: We're just getting started, but we currently have a nice group of experienced roleplayers. We tend to be active after 7 or 8 PM, EST. We have in-game teaming and rp, as well as forum-based rp. Members are not required to use the forums for storytelling, but they are certainly encouraged to do so.
Requirements for Membership: There is no minimum level to join, but anyone who's interested in applying will need to fill out an application at our website. We expect members to be mature, thoughtful, and active.
Leadership: Titan Girl (Brooklyn Cale) - Director; Suspense - Captain.
In-Game Contact(s): @Andy or @Crashed
Out-of-Game Contact(s): You can pm Andora on the main CoH forums. You can also pm @Andy or @Crashed on the sg's forums or just leave a post in the "An Open Invitation" section of our website.
You can also check out our Virtueverse page here.

The Rogues Gallery is recruiting, you say?!?
Where have all the costumed bad guys gone?
What we're about:
The Rogues are a concept-driven RP-Lite to RP-Friendly VG looking for intelligent, creative players that enjoy concepts, masks, monologues, machiavellian schemes, and a good old fashioned bank robbery or two. We are a costumed bunch of burglars involved with everything from mad science, magic, one-liners, gimmicks, disgruntled super-men, rogue mutants, high-tech capers... whatever blows your hair back. Unless it's that kinky stuff. If that's your bag, shoot me a private tell.
There's this thing we're all familiar with called "comic-book-evil". If slaughter, [censored], mistreating kittens, [censored], [censored], [censored] and all of that stuff is your bag, this isn't the VG for you. The good guys and the bad guys always get away for future episodes.
The nature of any MMO is that folks come and go as life's pressures dictate. If you're lucky, you find a place your character can call home and make some great and memorable friends along the way. We have at least a dozen unique members, but honestly, this is what recruiting is about. We're looking to expand our operations and are keeping an eye open for some goal oriented go-getters to get things back in the swing. There is always someone lurking in the global channel, across a span of time zones. Prime time, 8pm EST 5pm PST to the wee hours is typically when you'll find us cavorting about. Most of us are blue-collar working villains looking to unwind after a hard day slaving away at the DMV.
We're in there in the top 100 VG's. I don't know where as we don't keep count, but... we aren't small beans. We've been around for a while and the base (Warehouse 13) is so immersively rp-awesome that you'll be monologing in no time.
We don't "enforce policies" or have any prestige requirements.
This is a game! Don't take it too seriously. If you're having fun and no one is mad at you (or me for inviting you) then carry on! We encourage individuality, so there are no mandatory uniforms. Keep your grubby fingers offa mah juice boxes, though.
A costume and a concept. We have fun and I'm all about shenanigans, but... let's be fair. "xXx Fr3ak N45ty xXx" and "Kevin Bacon" probably aren't going to fit in no matter how much street cred they have.
No shirt, no shoes, no service. You know the drill.
Our current Crimelords are:
@Mr. Mud
If you want to set up a meeting or just shoot the breeze, please contact either @Nimrod or @Mindswipe. (@Mr. Mud is concentrating on his studies.) We might be villains but we value education. If the evil-doer thing doesn't work out, the world needs politicians and lawyers, right? Bother @Nimrod first. He isn't doing anything important with his life, trust me.
While we do have coalitions with other productive and well-dressed reprobates, we have a global channel and a global coalition with several other groups and friends spanning Virtue. There is always an SF or some sort of farming, badging, or teaming going on there. Speak up. Don't be shy. Sit up straight.
Masks! Costumes! Disguises!
You don't have to RP but I stay in character while running missions and such even when everyone else doesn't. Sometimes I break the "fourth wall" for a laugh. Do what you like. Have fun.
Our forums can be found at
We're a well-rounded VG! If it's in the game, we take advantage of it. We like IOs, badges, and XP as much as the next bunch. We have a home for any heroes if you part-time it there, as well.
We have veteran players that know how to run a team and we don't drop out and leave our mates hanging or fail SFs.
We can stay in-character and chew gum at the same time. Don't pretend you aren't impressed.
But we stress most of all... have fun... or else.
Name: The Mancini Family
Currently Recruiting: Yes. We need all the muscle we can get. Y'know, for our legitimate business.
RP Level: In-Character is a must, but otherwise we aint strict about OOC chatter.
PvP Level: You wanna PVP? That's good for you. Just don't expect the Don to follow ya in.
Theme/Concept: Lemme lay it all out for ya's. Don Mancini came on down from New York with the goal of running up lots of green. We're talkin' filthy, stinkin' rich. So now here he is, with his criminal empire just in the plannin' stages. Surely you're smart enough to realize that gettin' in on this thing while it's just gettin' started is a good investment, eh?
Activity: We're around. What that designates changes from week to week, but we're around, capisce?
Requirements for Membership: Gotta be willin' to get yer hands dirty, gotta be willin' to follow orders when yer given 'em, and gotta be willin' to be the best at what you do.
Leadership: Don Mancini
In-Game Contact: @IanTheM1 / @IanTheM2
Out-of-Game Contact: IanTheM1
URL: We aint got one'a those yet.
Coalition: None'a these either. But hey, you want in? Always good to have some friends, if you catch my drift.
Other Details: Currently we're workin' on renovating this little hole in the wall into a good an' proper restaurant, obviously it requires a little scratch, and a some clout with the spiders. We aint gonna twist yer arm or nothin', but anyone willin' to help build up some Prestige would be appreciated.
We also got a nice little circle of informants workin' on our behalf. Means we get some extra work now and again, usually involving us shooting some other guys in the face. We get more members of our little organization, maybe they'll start givin' us more work. ((We've got two able MA writers willing to put together arcs on a regular basis.))
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
Name: The Young Entrepreneur's Club
Currently Recruiting: Yes. Anyone with the skills of thievery, deception, and carrying large sacks of loot.
RP Level: In-Character is a must, but otherwise we're not strict about OOC chatter.
PvP Level: No particular interest in PVP, but be our guest.
Theme/Concept: We're a collaboration between several like-minded individuals, mutually working towards similar goals, ones generally based around the concept of theft, that is, taking anything and everything that's not bolted down.
Activity: We're available when necessary. Necessary being whenever we're around.
Requirements for Membership: For starters, being a thief might help. Having some skill doubly so. Fitting within some definition of "young" is also good.
Leadership: Trick of the Light
In-Game Contact: @IanTheM1 / @IanTheM2
Out-of-Game Contact: IanTheM1
URL: Maybe once our little club grows in size I'll consider "allocating" the webspace, but for now, no dice.
Coalition: Not a one. But then, we're the exact sort of loner types who wouldn't necessarily need friends. After all, we've got money.
Other Details: It's been taking some time, but our base of operations, a humble estate, is just nearing the completion of its renovation. Any attempts to garner more Prestige will be appreciated, with the reward being a secluded and cultured retreat open to all members.
Now, obviously, a band of "free marketeers" such as ourselves wouldn't be much without elaborate plans involving the liberation of expensive articles from various sources. Suffice to say, we're capable of drafting up such plans for group involvement. ((Two MA writers available for potential SG arcs.))
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!

Name: Anarchists For Freedom
Currently Recruiting: We are always looking to add to our members.
RP Level: None to very little. This is not a requirement. Most of our members don't RP, but we do have a couple of people who do RP so we won't turn you away if you RP.
PvP Level: Very casual. If/when we do PVP we do so in the arena. I have always had a blast when the group gets together to duke it out.
Theme/Concept: There is no real "Theme" or "Concept" other than our motto: "Anarchy is not chaos, it's order without control." Which basically means we won't tell you what you should or shouldn't be doing as long as it doesn't violate the one rule we do have (See below)
Activity: We have a fluctuating level of activity. There are at the very least 12-16 people who are on consistently and can be counted on to be around. As for total members, we have probably a solid 30 or so. Times vary depending on people's schedules, but mostly you can bet there will be someone on around 6PM CST most days.
Requirements for Membership: The only requirement we have is that you do what you find to be fun. Be it farming, pl, pvp, RP, whatever. If it isn't fun, you shouldn't do it.
Leadership: Tanuk (@Molecular), Mighty - Anarchy(@M I G H T Y) **Both are the MAIN Admin folks. We have all together 7 or 8 folks who can help you out.
In-Game Contact(s): @Molecular, @M I G H T Y, @M I G H T Y 2
Out-of-Game Contact(s): MolecularWC (Blueboards), or email at or
Coalition(s): Mostly we are coalitioned internally with our other divisions, but we do have coal's with a couple other VG's as well. The names of which escape me at the moment.
Other Details: We have our own website (as stated above), our own global channel, and we also have our own ventrilo server. Most of our members are long time Vets and are generous with their time and Inf when it comes to helping out the other members. We do view set IO's as a want and not a "need" but we aren't opposed to helping someone out if we have a few in our inventories that we aren't using or don't plan on using. Most of our bases are at max capacity for storage bins, most of which are available to every member. We have a "take a penny, leave a penny" kind of attitude when it comes to the storage bins.
**In reference to our "One Rule" we like to refer to it as the golden rule. No drama. Now, for those that RP, IC drama is fine and expected, but actively causing drama and causing a majority of the members to avoid you is not acceptable and will get you removed from the SG
The Rogue Knights
Currently Recruiting:
RP Level:
RP-friendly, RP-lite
PvP Level:
Hundreds of members across four villain groups. Players from every state in the US as well as many overseas players. There are Knights on at all times of the day and night.
Requirements for Membership:
Our website and in-game chat channel keep us unified. Knights are required to join both.
In-Game Contacts:
@BigDaddyDream, @Pitch Blue, @Zetsue
Out-of-Game Contact:
BigDaddyDream here on the forums. BigdaddyDreamPK on AIM. BigDaddyDream on Skype.
The Paragonian Knights
For Honor!
The Rogue Knights
Honor is for the weak!
Name: Eidolon
Currently Recruiting: Looking for RP Villain Groups for Coalition. Not actively seeking new members
RP Level: Heavy RP.
PvP Level: Casual/Occasional
Theme/Concept: Mad Science and Magic forcibly merged. Insane experiments done without limits. Members are either mad scientists or occultists or the results of their experiments. See: for more info.
Activity: Very casual, no "prime time". We have a handful of uniques and play whenever the mood suits us and time permits.
Requirements for Membership: Not seeking new members. Coalition partners must be RP-focused, no other requirements.
Leadership: Doctor Fear
In-Game Contact(s): @Doctor Fear
Out-of-Game Contact(s): PM Smurch on this forum.
Coalition(s): Coalition partners include: RP Alliance, RP Adversarial, Alt Overflow (and RP Alliance or Adversarial) and entirely IC.
Other Details: All teleporters, coalition member base entry permissions
Name: The Theoi Collective
Currently Recruiting: Not currently recruiting. Interested in Coalition partners.
RP Level: RP-heavy in all channels
PvP Level: Casual/Rare
Activity: Several uniques. Very casual and occasional players. No "prime time".
Requirements for Membership: Not actively seeking members
Leadership: Persephone Praxidice
In-Game Contact(s): @Private Cute Boots
Out-of-Game Contact(s): None
Coalition(s): RP alliance, RP adversarial, alt overflow (RP). All IC.
Other Details: Coalition member base entry permissions. Comfortable RP-friendly base design.
Name: The Supreme Society
Currently Recruiting: Looking for new players.
RP Level: RP-Heavy, with regular RP nights and RP mission teams.
PvP Level: Casual RP-PvP
Theme/Concept: The Supreme Society is an old-school group of costumed super villains out for the classical "take over the world" scenario. Think Legion of Doom or an evil Squadron Supreme. On VirtueVerse (currently undergoing revision).
Activity: Several dozen members, with a core active around ten to twelve. Most activity Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday nights with occasional activity in-between.
Requirements for Membership: Must be open to RP, must be a Villain (anti-heroes wouldn't really fit in). Traditional spandex-and-cape costumes are favoured, but not required.
Leadership: Eiko-chan, Hymnal, Agonus
In-Game Contact(s): @Eiko-chan, @auto-run, @The New Black, @Larina, @Raahh
Out-of-Game Contact(s): On the forums: Eiko-chan, Agonus, tensionfade
URL: The Supreme Society on GuildPortal
Other Details: Now under new management!
The Supreme Society maintains an OOC channel to keep members in touch with one another even across various alts. Consider us very "alt-friendly". Folks are generally willing to switch alts to make teams work.
Name: Shikratia's Shirkers
Currently Recruiting: Of course, we are always recruitting and looking for FUN new recruits who just want to have FUN!!!
RP Level: Optional, we have quiet a few RPers, so RP is lite.
PvP Level: Every Sunday we like to challenge each other to a PvP. Either to work on a character, placing bets, or just to battle....we like to have FUN!!!!
Theme/Concept: Shikratia is a faery brute who is quiet playful and always wanting someone to chatter with! Always exploring, helping, arguing, or small talk within the base or at the D. Given that this Villian Group is still quiet new, we just like to SHIRK things around a bit! :P
Activity: Lite, Shikratia and her Dominators of Pain are working on that. We have around 30 active members who pop in a few times a week!!!
Requirements for Membership: Just have to active, fun, and willing to listen to Shikratia talk about nonsense!
Leadership: Shikratia ->Zero Charged -> Walther Browning
In-Game Contact: @shikratia
Out-of-Game Contact: shikraria here on the forum site!!!
URL: Do we need one?
Coalition: We currently have one spot left
Other Details: We like to have competitions with prizes. I know a lot of people don't agree with this one but we have prestige competitions, PvP, and we play hide-n-seek We also give a bonus for sign on, we like to take care of our own. We have FUN prizes for promotions, and there's a VERY special prize for getting Dominator of Pain! We have meetings to discuss Villian Group matter, meet new recruits, give promotions, and to put together teams and such
We are Shirkers and therefore just want to have FUN!!!
Name: T.I.A.M.A.T.
Currently Recruiting: We are indeed. We seek students from grades 1st to University Students. We would take a few Instructor Characters and to a lesser extent staff. T.I.A.M.A.T. is very interested in contact with the greater RP community of Virtue in IC ways. Coalitions as well as simple interaction is highly sought.
RP Level: Mod to Hvy RPers wih no room for RP-Nazis.
PvP Level: Player's Choice
Theme/Concept: "To the gifted youth and young adults of the Rouge Isles, you are the future. The Thorn Institute can help you learn to focus your gifts and teach you to take your destiny in your hands. Alongside your peers your education will be both in the scholastic and the application of power. You are the Future and the Future is now.".
the Thorn Institute for Advanced Metahuman Ascendancy Training or T.I.A.M.A.T. as it is called in secret by the inner circle. Has started to gather powered children and young adults under it's roof. The VG is done in the spirit of Marvel Comics Hellions or more like Image Comic's Dv8. A darker take on the idea of a school for gifted youngsters.
Activity: While not new we stayed off the grid for a while and are now really getting started. We have three highly dedicated players and at the time of this posting four that come and go. Still we doubt you would be on and not see at the least one of your fellows on at nearly anytime of day. The recession is good for something...
Requirements for Membership: Open mind and a real care about the state of RP on Virtue. We rather players be legal adults in their States due to the language used and the RPing for crimes. We have a laid back setting and do not want to tip toe around subjects. Be able to take a loss. Mary Sue and the Godmode Squad are done to death, it's a school, failing is part of that so if you are "perfect" already then you do not need us. Also.. your activity.
Leadership: Widow Kross (Head Mistress Kross) / GEN Alpha (Dean of Warfare) / Mistress Bedlam (Valerie Roman, Dean of Mystic Arts)
In-Game Contact(s): @Kinetic Rush, @Steel Frost
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Steel and Rush can also be reached on the Devil's Night Syndicate page which has a T.I.A.M.A.T. topic. Feel free to reach us there as well. link
URL: T.I.A.M.A.T. has grown out of a deep storyline born form the changes in the Devil's Night Syndicate. While it does not have it's on URL as of yet we do have stories on their under it's own header... here
Coalition(s): We seek coalitions with other RPVGs with an active and open nature like our own. We look forward to IC interactions and story driven engagements.
Other Details: Club Devil's Night is where some of the students stalk off to go kick back and burn off steam, enough of them spend time there to gain Access to their VIP entrance and the Telepads are free for us.
Name: Steiner Security
Currently Recruiting: The doors of recruitment are now open.
RP Level: Hoping for RP-heavy.
PvP Level: Up to the individual, it will never be mandatory. I personally won't do it.
Theme/Concept: A better alternative in security to Cage Consortium, Longbow, Arachnos, and especially those that call themselves the Rogue Isles Police.
Activity: Right now, it's just one person, but I'm hoping to bring that number up in the near future. If I'm not working or sleeping, I'm on.
Requirements for Membership: Just be willing to RP. I try to stay In Character as much as possible, though each member can be as IC as they wish.
Leadership: Nicole Steiner
In-Game Contact(s): @NeutronStar
Out-of-Game Contact(s): PM me here or drop a message on our site.
URL: Steiner Security (this site is also under construction at this time)
Coalition(s): None at present, currently looking into an option for that.
Other Details: Base is under construction at this time. I'm hoping to eventually run SFs, though as Going Rogue gets closer, I'll be working out more of what the final goals of the VG will be, and will let the members know as I come up with it.
"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"
Name: Sin Enterprises
Currently Recruiting: Yes.
RP Level: RP-Heavy (( VG chat is IC, as are all the other chats except for things between parentheses or in the OOC global chat channel))
PvP Level: Casual, everyone's free to engage in it as much as they like.
Theme/Concept: Much like Umbrella Corp. from the popular Resident Evil series of video games and movies and Crey Industries within our very own Paragon City, Sin Enterprises is not without ulterior motives. While the aims of this organization may ultimately be well-intentioned, the means by which they are achieved is not. Sin Enterprises is run by ruthless twin sisters who despise corrupt government meddling, the petty gangs that would subjugate and trample entire neighborhoods and the ignorant Freedom Corps with their blindly faithful heroes. The Sin sisters suffer no guilt releasing a security detail to sweep the streets, "cleaning" it of social garbage.
Powered employees* are widely used to spread word among the gangs and various power groups that Sin Enterprises means business and to discourage any interference. Additionally, powered teams may be dispatched to demand restitution for such interference in business activities. More experienced teams are given additional instructions to "make an example" of any nuisances. These examples are expected to be violent, fast, and leave no direct connection to Sin Enterprises while leaving no doubt to any who knew the victims.
* All the player characters start as Powered Security.
Activity: Activity tends to vary, peak times are usually past 6 PM EST, though we have a several European members as well (mostly in the GMT +1 timezone).
Requirements for Membership: By application on the forums' Reception section.
There is no level restriction.
Leadership: Angela & Kira Sin
In-Game Contact(s): @Laughing Wolf, @Knightslayer, @Paxicon, @Melkhor, @Mrr'Shaw, @Conquerer Worm, @Onca (currently limited on in-game time), @Nitro-Girl (currently limited on in-game time)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Feel free to send me a PM, or just contact one of the officers on the Sin Enterprises forums.
Other Details: We have a weekly AE RP event on fridays at 9 PM EST, though the slot might sometimes be used for an SF or RP event instead (but something will always be going on!)
Other than that the events tend to be spontaneous.
Sin Enterprises' Virtueverse page!
Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
And don't forget to join the fight for our City!,134.0.html
Name: The Furioso Family
Currently Recruiting: We are recruiting all levels and all archetypes.
RP Level: light RP but we don't mind if you're heavily into RP, some of us are into it more than others.
Theme/Concept: We are a mobster-themed villain group
Activity: We are active everyday, Sunday is Meeting Day with missions afterward, Wednesday is designated SG night but we team up every day of the week.
Requirements for Membership: The Furioso Family has 2 rules: 1) Please play in SG Mode at all times and 2) please log in every 15 days to avoid being kicked from SG. Also 1 costume slot has to be dedicated to a suit, all black with a red spade in the over position. Colors are Red and Black.
Leadership: Catalina Furioso, Roxanna Furioso, Enrico Furioso
In-Game Contact(s): @Dark Fuel, @Maiden of Darkness
Out-of-Game Contact(s): feel free to send me a global tell or a PM here
URL: currently we have no website but I may be in the process of creating one
Coalition(s): B1ood Pack, Society of Sin are two of the 4 that I know off the top of my head
Other Details: First promotion after 25k in prestige, having your suit and staying in the Family for at least 1 week. The Furioso Family has moved from Triumph where we were #2 on the entire server to Virtue due to lack of players on Triumph.
we can't run from who we are, our destiny chooses us.
The Furioso Family has moved to Virtue
global @Enrico Furioso
Enrico Furioso Level 50 DP/Rad Corr
Name: Black Tie
Currently Recruiting: Always recruiting, also looking for coalitions (must be villainous themed. No redside heroes for us, thanks=
RP Level: Heavy and required to promotion
PvP Level: We actually do enjoy PVP. It's not mandatory, and we're not RPVP, but some of us really like it.
Theme/Concept: The Black Tie is a psuedoparamilitary terrorist organization (much like the Council or the Nemesis Army), operating within the Rouge Isles. Under the watchful eyes of its leaders, trained by the best, and armed for war, the Black Tie has ambitions of world conquest and perhaps more. The group is very structured and very themed with 'branches/careers' for members. Styles can range from silver age to pulp, and pinning the exact genre is a bit difficult.
Activity: Usually extremely active.
Requirements for Membership: You must be ultimately villains IC, plain and simple. We don't want heroes, vigilantes, etc. You may be in villainy for the money and the power, rather than the ultimate goals of the VG and you may even be a villain who attempts to paint himself as some misunderstood vigilante, but we want an OOC confirmation from the player that the toon is a villain.
Leadership: Lord Bad Dream (Lord), Markel Darkweaver (Lieutenant), Songbyrd (Lieutenant), Vandalist (Lieutenant), Michael Bain (Lieutenant), R-41 Incinerator (Lieutenant), Operation Blackwell (Lieutenant), Vandalist (Lieutenant)
In-Game Contact(s): @Talisien Nightbane, @Vandalist, @TPOA, @Sheyon
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Just send me a PM
Abyss Empire- Allies
Clan Di'mir- We hired the Di'mirs
Weapons Union- Also mercenaries we hired
To Spiti Tou Vladimir- N/A
The Dawning LIght Academy- Works as a "training" and brainwashing facility for Black Tie activities, posing as a school.
The Inferno- OOC friends
Union Corse- Allies in crime
Der Wille Von Mahakali- Allies
Other Details: The truism that in comic books there is some sort of toned down or kid friendly violence is rediculous. The Joker beat Robin to death with a crowbar. Dr. Doom sold his former lover to the demons and wore her skin as a new suit of armor to fight the Fantastic Four. Mac Gargan as Venom bit off the Silver Spider's arm and ate it. Black Tie can be violent, no doubt. The nature of CoV as a whole is far more gritty and pulpy than CoH, but I ask other groups and potential players not to overlook us for being "not comic booky" when we simply follow a more modern comic style.
Name: Entropy Legion
Currently Recruiting: always looking for people to join the Legion
RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, 100% IC spatial, /sg IC and OOC mix. Any OOC is with the typical (( )) chat rule.
PvP Level: Casual, we do schedule occasional RPvP (PvP in a RP context and decorum) Patrols. But PvP is a very minor, to non-existant, element in Entropy Legion
Theme/Concept: Entropy Legion is a silver-age style group of villains bent on the usual "conquer the world" or "the greatest heist" concept. We are a lot like the Legion of Doom, in where one member will come up with a Plot (created in AE) and the rest of the Legion will then help that Plot in order to have the Legion be victorious.
Of course, being the people that villains usually are, we mess up and are a bit screwed up. We are enjoying the RP of what it would be like if severely quirky and dysfunctional people were stuck in a room together.
The Entropy Legion is also under certain pressures from outside the group. They need to fight back various elements such as Arachnos, Longbow agents, and every thug in the Isles that thinks they are better than the Legion. The main pressure is from the Legions "sponsor", the Union of Dire Ambition. Radium Blight, in a desperate move to consolidate his power with the group, arranged membership with the Union. Now the Legion answers to the Union in exchange for financial backing, security forces, a good health and dental, a 401k plan....*sigh* Many of the Legion are not happy with having the Union "calling the shots" and Radium Blight is unhappy with the amount of paperwork associated with being in the Union. Many of the Legion members are starting to plot against Radium Blight, as he is plotting to neutralize them.
Activity: The Legion more EST biased, but RP and member interaction is at any time of day, any day of the week. We have regular scheduled events, with Wed being our main RP night (called "Rogue Night Out") and Monday being more of Infamy grind style missions, but in RP.
Requirements for Membership: out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), since we are an RP group, we try to do in-game interviews
Leadership: Radium Blight is the current sitting leader (Arch-Villain), with Dark Lies Made Real, Aeshara, and Pyro Jaw being the current "officers" of the Legion
In-Game Contact(s): @davpa is for Radium Blight
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Contact in this forum under Davpa_CoX for more info
Other Details: we are still a relatively new group, only have been active for a few months now. We are still building up our Hideout, so all of our Prestige has gone into base construction. We like to think of ourselves as a fun group that has a good "family" core of players that are always looking out for each other. We play Red and Blue side together and support each other with story ideas, RP interaction, and just a good laugh or two.
Name: The Ultarian Alliance
Currently Recruiting: Currently accepting members of all levels.
RP Level: Roleplaying is required to some extent and should only be done in Local. Team and Supergroup channels are out of character chat.
PvP Level: Casual, almost non-existant.
Theme/Concept: An Alien Empire and Arachnos alliance. All members are required to sport the emblem and guild colors. Technology, Science and Natural Origins only.
Activity: A fairly new Villain Group, cannot answer this at this moment.
Requirements for Membership: Hopefuls must apply on the site and post at least once a day on the group's forums.
Talkarat - Technology - Mastermind - Robotics/Pain Domination/Flight
In-Game Contact: @The Loner Hero
Out-of-Game Contact: forums - The Lone hero email -
Coalition(s): None at the moment.
Other Details: We're a new Villain Group. The Leader is a low level (lv.14 at the time of this post). Any help on getting this group off the ground is welcomed.
Name: Girls Gone Bad
Currently Recruiting: Definitely.
RP Level: Whatever comes our way, no requirements
PvP Level: PvP is fun, not required by any means.
Theme/Concept: We used to be good girls but now we're just bad.
Activity: Newly formed with a friend, thought it would be fun to have a Bad Girls Club.
Requirements for Membership: Would prefer all girls but if you want to RP a girl thats fine.
Leadership: Mistress Gliss
In-Game Contact(s): @VampireGoddess, Mistress Gliss or Impetta
Out-of-Game Contact(s):
URL: (under construction at this time, may need help :P)
Coalition(s): None at present.
Other Details: We are just looking to have fun no drama, would like to find lots of members to group with, have parties, dance and explore all aspects of the game.
Contacts @Nelo'Angelo
Theme outlaws bikers and barflies
Server Virtue
The IHMC is a 1% motorcycle club. Which means that we're the outlaws. That 1% of the motorcycle riders in the US that don't obey societies rules and laws. We live by our own laws. Our own codes. We don't let others tell us what to do. We do what we want.
We ride only Harley Davidson motorcycles. No leaners or crotch rockets. If you ride rice burners this ain't the place for you. We're motorcycle enthusiast. Not rice grinding toys enthusiast. So if you expect to ride and hang with us. Ya better ride a mans bike.
If you're interested in prospecting. Well hang around. If we think you're worthy of our patch we'll ask you to prospect. You don't ask us for it. Aside from that. Kick back relax. Grab a cold beer and a hot lady and enjoy.
((You can check out our website and post an app there if interested. We accept begining RP'ers as well as Vets. If you don't want to be a biker and simply wanna hang out with a bunch of bikers. Feel free to join up and rp with us or coalition your vg with ours. Look forward to seeing all of you virtue!
Okay, I don't see a vg directory for the current cycle so I'm just gonna start one. If it's unnecessary, my apologies. I think we know the drill by now, so the template's listed below. Also, sticky? Can we get one? Please?
(Template copied from Grae_Knight's layout for Feb. '08 - June '08)
Name: SG Name
Currently Recruiting: you are / are not accepting new members, not recruiting new members but looking for other players/SGs interested in RP, not looking for anyone new in any way but wanting to let others know you exist, etc.
RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, RP-lite, nonRP, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial, etc., what degree of immersion do you expect or require?
PvP Level: Casual, hard-core, arena, zone, etc..
Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your SG's theme and/or concept (Longbow or other NPC-oriented group, Single Origin, Single Archetype, etc.) or general raison d'ĂȘtre
Activity: how many unique members do you have, what times (of which time zones) are your members active, which days of the week do you see the most log on - when is your "prime time" (so to speak)
Requirements for Membership: must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other SGs, no villains on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.
Leadership: character name(s)
In-Game Contact(s): Global @<name> for in-game contact(s)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
URL: the group's website
Coalition(s): If you wish to reveal them here -you might also describe the nature of it - alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc., or whether it is an IC or OOC associate.
Other Details: feel free to add any other important information like base setup, frequency of TF/SF scheduling, prestige generation expectations / goals, or anything else of general but significant appeal.