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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gigas View Post
    Meanwhile. At Paragon Studios (*Devman theme playing*)

    Devman is sitting at his desk... Having finished his morning coffee and donut... He has decided to let his sidekick, The Fans, into his lair to test the mysterious Issue 17!

    But wait! What's this? *Dunananana!* Devman has succumbed to his evil arch nemesis.


    Will The Fans find Devman in time? Will they succumb to the dark side? Is JLove still sexy?

    Find out soon! (TM) Same Devtime! Same Devchannel!
    I lol'd. Hopefully it goes into OB sometime this week. I want to whip somethin in the face!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    You *might* want to hang onto that Mission Computer. Just sayin'.
    Annnnnd theeeennnn?
  3. You seem to have put some thought into this idea. You should really move this to the Suggestion thread as it doesn't constitute being here, in the tech issues and bug forums. You'll be more likely to get better feedback that way instead of a hundred people telling you it's in the wrong forum.
  4. MolecularWC

    Freeform Respecs

    After reading all the replies, I can't think of one single person who likes doing a respec. The few folks I know that actively do them are usually people who haven't been around that long and have no real idea of how much hassle it really is. I know I don't look forward to doing them at all, and really hate myself when I make a mistake in power selections because I wasn't paying attention at the time.

    This certainly would be a great addition to the game's QoL.
  5. I played both acts over the last two days with a DP/Dev blaster. I died a few times but nothing too discouraging considering the AT I was using. I loved both Arcs and 5 star'd them both. I also sent you a PM Turg.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    It's in a couple places, I just don't put any stock in them.
    Me either. But I'd love to see where NCSoft announced March 2nd like your linked article states.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Joe_Schmoe View Post
    I could have sworn they said March 2nd as well.. I went back to find my reference for this, and I couldn't find it anywhere. D: I hope it's tomorrow.
    It wasn't posted by a redname. It was posted on a third party site. I'll get you the link and edit this post with it in a moment.

    EDIT: and it was put up here at the MMORPG site. It's the only place I've ever seen March 2nd as the date. So if it was said anywhere on these forums, I haven't come across it.
  8. Man, I'm gonna have to wait another whole day or so for more? I hate Carnies. I can't wait to see them get their wigs split.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megami-Neko View Post
    Being "well known" is irrelevant. I've been in several Closed Betas.

    What desirable traits might I have that the OP does not? It's a mystery. <.<
    Coherent posts with proper spelling. Mystery Solved.
  10. I'll throw a couple of my toons into the mix for this for you to choose from. I'm a sucker for good art. So, here is a couple ref pics of my fire/psi Dom:

    And a couple of my SS/WP Brute:

  11. Name: Anarchists of Freedom (We have one banner for both blueside and redside)

    Currently Recruiting: We are always looking to add to our members.

    RP Level: None to very little. This is not a requirement. Most of our members don't RP, but we do have a couple of people who do RP so we won't turn you away if you RP.

    PvP Level: Very casual. If/when we do PVP we do so in the arena. I have always had a blast when the group gets together to duke it out.

    Theme/Concept: There is no real "Theme" or "Concept" other than our motto: "Anarchy is not chaos, it's order without control." Which basically means we won't tell you what you should or shouldn't be doing as long as it doesn't violate the one rule we do have (See below)

    Activity: We have a fluctuating level of activity. There are at the very least 12-16 people who are on consistently and can be counted on to be around. As for total members, we have probably a solid 30 or so. Times vary depending on people's schedules, but mostly you can bet there will be someone on around 6PM CST most days.

    Requirements for Membership: The only requirement we have is that you do what you find to be fun. Be it farming, pl, pvp, RP, whatever. If it isn't fun, you shouldn't do it.

    Leadership: Molecular Cremation (@Molecular), Mighty - Anarchy(@M I G H T Y) **Both are the MAIN Admin folks. We have all together 7 or 8 folks who can help you out.

    In-Game Contact(s): @Molecular, @M I G H T Y, @M I G H T Y 2

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): MolecularWC (Blueboards), or email at or


    Coalition(s): Mostly we are coalitioned internally with our other divisions, but we do have coal's with a couple other VG's as well. The names of which escape me at the moment.

    Other Details: We have our own website (as stated above), our own global channel, and we also have our own ventrilo server. Most of our members are long time Vets and are generous with their time and Inf when it comes to helping out the other members. We do view set IO's as a want and not a "need" but we aren't opposed to helping someone out if we have a few in our inventories that we aren't using or don't plan on using. Most of our bases are at max capacity for storage bins, most of which are available to every member. We have a "take a penny, leave a penny" kind of attitude when it comes to the storage bins.

    **In reference to our "One Rule" we like to refer to it as the golden rule. No drama. Now, for those that RP, IC drama is fine and expected, but actively causing drama and causing a majority of the members to avoid you is not acceptable and will get you removed from the SG

  12. Name: Anarchists For Freedom

    Currently Recruiting: We are always looking to add to our members.

    RP Level: None to very little. This is not a requirement. Most of our members don't RP, but we do have a couple of people who do RP so we won't turn you away if you RP.

    PvP Level: Very casual. If/when we do PVP we do so in the arena. I have always had a blast when the group gets together to duke it out.

    Theme/Concept: There is no real "Theme" or "Concept" other than our motto: "Anarchy is not chaos, it's order without control." Which basically means we won't tell you what you should or shouldn't be doing as long as it doesn't violate the one rule we do have (See below)

    Activity: We have a fluctuating level of activity. There are at the very least 12-16 people who are on consistently and can be counted on to be around. As for total members, we have probably a solid 30 or so. Times vary depending on people's schedules, but mostly you can bet there will be someone on around 6PM CST most days.

    Requirements for Membership: The only requirement we have is that you do what you find to be fun. Be it farming, pl, pvp, RP, whatever. If it isn't fun, you shouldn't do it.

    Leadership: Tanuk (@Molecular), Mighty - Anarchy(@M I G H T Y) **Both are the MAIN Admin folks. We have all together 7 or 8 folks who can help you out.

    In-Game Contact(s): @Molecular, @M I G H T Y, @M I G H T Y 2

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): MolecularWC (Blueboards), or email at or


    Coalition(s): Mostly we are coalitioned internally with our other divisions, but we do have coal's with a couple other VG's as well. The names of which escape me at the moment.

    Other Details: We have our own website (as stated above), our own global channel, and we also have our own ventrilo server. Most of our members are long time Vets and are generous with their time and Inf when it comes to helping out the other members. We do view set IO's as a want and not a "need" but we aren't opposed to helping someone out if we have a few in our inventories that we aren't using or don't plan on using. Most of our bases are at max capacity for storage bins, most of which are available to every member. We have a "take a penny, leave a penny" kind of attitude when it comes to the storage bins.

    **In reference to our "One Rule" we like to refer to it as the golden rule. No drama. Now, for those that RP, IC drama is fine and expected, but actively causing drama and causing a majority of the members to avoid you is not acceptable and will get you removed from the SG
  13. MolecularWC

    Blaster LFSG

    Warlocc, my SG is always recruiting. We don't always actively go out of our way to recruit people, but our doors are always open. We're not an RP SG but we do not discourage our members from doing it if that's what they like to do. Feel free to add me to your global @Molecular and I'll give you a trial run if you like. Give it a week or two and if you don't think it fits for you, or you just don't like how we do things, then you can quit with no hard feelings. We do use ventrilo and our own personal forums. And we have our own global channel that gets used quite a bit. If you're interested, let me know.
  14. When I'm on, I have no difficulties getting on a team. This is in part due to the fact that my VG/SG has our own global channel, and ventrilo server. If I happen to be on when no one else is (from my own group that is) then I will usually get a tell asking if I want to team. If I'm up to it, I'll accept, if I only have like 15 - 20 minutes, I'll stay solo.

    I live in the central time zone too, so my peak playing times are kind of on par with a majority of the folks who are on, so that may have some effect on that too.

    As for making teams, I form a team anytime I want to. Since I'm a Co-Founder of a SG/VG, it happens quite a lot.

    I have to agree though that global channels are a good way to go. I would like to add however that while broadcast is good, some folks such as myself, do not even see broadcast chat. I use my groups global channel tab and didn't add broadcast or local to it because I don't want to see some of the silliness that goes on in those two channels.

    In any event, I play frequently, and sometimes at an odd time (meaning not my normal play times) so feel free to add me to your global friends and I'd be more than willing to team up sometime. This goes for everyone.

    EDIT: It might help if I actually put my global handle in this post! @Molecular

    Look forward to teaming with some of you.
  15. Xan, I'll ask a couple of the Anarchists fellas if they got one. Digital and Kharner both seem to get purps with some irregular regularity. Maybe one of them have what you're lookin for.
  16. Wow, that really wasn't what I was expecting this thread to be about. Best wishes to his family. That really sucks.
  17. MolecularWC

    Shady Cage?

    Thread Necromancy not really intended here, but I just came across this guy about 10 minutes ago and it prompted me to come to the boards to see if anyone else ever seen him. I was tooling around, thinking of going to the Abandoned Lab in PO and I had forgoteen it was a green dot on the map (I haven't been in PO in some time). So I see this icon that looks like the BM icon, but it was in an area I hadn't cleared of the map with this particular toon. So I went to look and found that it was a BM contact, which I thought was odd since I had never seen him before. Glad to know I wasn't the only one to find him.
  18. This kind of reminds me of that movie "The Demolition Man". I'm in.
  19. MolecularWC

    Blueside is dead

    I have absolutely no problem finding a team when I log in. Maybe that is because I run an SG with people I know are gonna be there everyday, or it might be the fact that if I want a team I, get this, start my own team. And with all the toons I see running around all the time, I can't imagine why anyone would have a problem finding a team. Unless you're on at very odd hours, it shouldn't be difficult.
  20. If I wasn't running my static team tonight, I'd offer my stalker to you since he has recall, but I gots faces to punch with my group this evening.
  21. MolecularWC

    Virtue Down?

    I just logged on a second ago and Virtrue and Guardian are both showing that they are up. However, I did not try to actually load a toon in, but virtrue did let me get to my character list.
  22. MolecularWC

    Virtue Down?

    Virtrue and Guardian are both still down.