~ 40 in 60, A New Years Resolution ~




Hey everyone, hope you all had a safe and happy holiday season.
I've decided one of my resolutions for the new year going forward is to spend more time creating art!
After so many years of drawing absolutely nothing I've come a long way in the past few months putting
up more than 40 pieces in the last 6 months or so (most were pencil drawings but some were ink and some color).

Well for the new year I want to do 40 more... but in 60 days.

That's right 2 months. I don't know if this will be possible or not (it's still the busiest time of the year
for my computer business) but hey why not shoot for the stars right?

So yeah if any of you want me to try and draw one of your heroes... GIMMEH REFFFFS!

All the usual stuffz apply i.e. I cannot guarantee I will draw every hero posted here (or any of them for that matter),
I do not know if all drawings will be CoH related (though I suspect most of them will be) as I may need to switch it
up once in a while, I also do not know if the 40 will be pencil sketches, pen and ink, or color work it's just whatever
comes to me on that particular day.

This thread is mainly so I can have one easy place to come for references and inspiration... it also lets me know who
is interested in having me draw them, so post em if ya got em and click the button in my sig to go to the artz!

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris




You know you can tackle any of those you want. By all means, try to give art to the artless first, I've been feeding my need for it quite fine... but there's no way I wasn't going to toss my hat into the ring just in case you had a yearning, urging, burning desire to draw one of these three.

(And if you do have a yearning, urging, burning anything.. See a doctor!)

By the by, I'm not really into the resolutions thing. Mainly because I am perfect and need to make no changes... either that or I'm too lazy and complacent to try. I forget which. Anyway, the point is I am really glad to see you make this one... You have mad talent brother, you really should put it to use!



I think he has one? But he should put his arts up there and give us a linky link!



You're welcome to use my two fave characters.

Sapphic Neko and Sapphic Shock.
If you find any other chars on my DA account, feel free to use em too



Good luck! Here's a couple of mine who don't have much done (if anything) of them yet. Others in my sign if you feel so inclined. Have fun no matter what.

Rose Veldt
Rose Veldt (Heads)




Heck of a goal there

EDIT - Tada, the new improved, Kai OCD Reference Sheet category. I'll be adding some sheets for characters from That Other Superhero Game, and of course you are welcome to draw Kai.

Reference Sheets:




That's one hefty goal you have there sir And one I'm willing to encourage you on!

For your viewing pleasure:

StormVyxen - yes her hair really is butt length.
Trick Candle
Alizarine Blade
Alizarine Flame

Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."

"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."



I must say I'm proud of you for setting such an artistic goal for yourself. I have seen your art come a long way since you jumped back in the swing of things and I would love to help inspire you.

Ref folder here



Ooo ooo ooo ooo!

Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post

Oathbound is a case of "he thinks, therefore he is." though he doesn't know it, he was accidentally killed (along with his entire village) by an immensely powerful illusion/empathy controller (i don't have a name for him). Stricken with grief over this, the controller found the last surviving villager and created an illusion which he embedded with as much of the young man's fleeting consciousness as possible, effectively resurrecting him, though there was significant gaps in oathy's memory and inherent flaws in his psyche. He(the controller) never told oathbound of the events that transpired that day.

The two would later become inseperable friends, and traveled the world together fighting for justice and freedom (and redemption).

Eventually when the controller died, he imbued his illusion with the entirety of his psychic energy, prolonging oathbound's life indefinitely. Oathbound fights crime and injustice, mostly because it's all that he can really remember ever doing.

As far as his appearance goes, there are a few things that can't be depicted in game. He's kind of an amalgamation of a judeo-christian seraphim and a hindu diety, in that he has six arms and six wings.

References (of seraphim/dieties, not of oath):
seraphim wiki

notes about oathy's personality...
He's outwardly very reserved and somewhat aloof, sometimes to the point of seeming cold, or apathetic. This is largely due to the fact that he has outlived nearly everyone he's ever met, so he is wary of growing attatched to anyone, knowing that he will only suffer their eventual loss.

He has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, and rarely actually laughs at things he finds amusing or humorous, tending only a slight, sly smile.

Oathbound has no qualms with killing when he needs to, though he does save it as a last resort, as it has a detrimental effect on his psyche. As a side effect of his creator's remorse and guilt, whenever he or oathbound were in a situation where they had to kill someone or witnessed someone they cared about die, they absorbed a small fragment of that person's consciousness into themselves. As time goes on, and more and more people died/were killed more and more of his psychic power is required to keep his own mind in balance, thus reducing his cambat capabilites. (this is in fact how the controller died, so much of his own psychic energy was being used to maintain his illusion and his own psyche that he was no longer capable of healing his own wounds and died to a shot in his heart from a council soldier.)
(If you do make a piece for Oathy, I'd prefer his darker costume, though it's the one I have the fewest refs of so I would understand opting for the lighter colored costume. (need to take more refs))

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Also, If you're ok with 2 entries from the same person:

Originally Posted by Rockpirate View Post
Can I add my Dark/Ice defender, Arctic Black.

Kinda the idea behind his costume is that all the spikey bits (Mask, Shoulders, Gloves, Boots, Belt) are actually made of ice. (Curse you Ice Mistral! One day I shall have your shiney bits!)
(Rockpirate was a friend's account I used while mine was innactive)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Hey everyone, hope you all had a safe and happy holiday season.
I've decided one of my resolutions for the new year going forward is to spend more time creating art!
After so many years of drawing absolutely nothing I've come a long way in the past few months putting
up more than 40 pieces in the last 6 months or so (most were pencil drawings but some were ink and some color).

Well for the new year I want to do 40 more... but in 60 days.

That's right 2 months. I don't know if this will be possible or not (it's still the busiest time of the year
for my computer business) but hey why not shoot for the stars right?

So yeah if any of you want me to try and draw one of your heroes... GIMMEH REFFFFS!

All the usual stuffz apply i.e. I cannot guarantee I will draw every hero posted here (or any of them for that matter),
I do not know if all drawings will be CoH related (though I suspect most of them will be) as I make need to switch it
up once in a while, I also do not know if the 40 will be pencil sketches, pen and ink, or color work it's just whatever
comes to me on that particular day.

This thread is mainly so I can have one easy place to come for references and inspiration... it also lets me know who
is interested in having me draw them, so post em if ya got em!
CR, you know your artz just mesmerizes meh! So count me in! References are in my banner and name sig! HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, as well!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



no intrest in art but I wanted to applaud you for giving this a shot Chris R , I completed 30 pictures in 30 days just recently and having to draw every day really did help strengthen art muscles that had gone a bit saggy .

I wish you the best in this endevor and will be rooting for you



Good luck, I've enjoyed what I've seen of your art and sketches here and there. You're welcome to pick your favorite Burnt Matchstick for one of the 40.



Take your pick of any of the heroes in my photobucket. Only two that aren't mine are Gebeb (John Printemps, is that how you say his name) and Lady Hericane (Hericane obviously). Links to my albums:

Frozen Memories

General Knowledge 1
General Knowledge again

Modern Hoplite

I will add more to my area as I make more good costumes/toons I really care about. Currently I'm without that many.



Thanks for all the kind words and all the refs, lots here to get me started (post moar nao anyway, kthxbai).

Yes it is a very ambitious (read: I must be nuts for doing this lol) undertaking and I don't know what kind of quality will result, like any projects of this sort I imagine some days will be better than others. Hopefully the end result is more improvement and lots of cool artz.

@ Deebs: Yeah I followed along with your posts during yours (also Eddy Swan's and Alex Dai's "sketch a day" projects) too and that's probably what gave me this crazy idea... I blame you all!
ummm thanks?

So it starts tomorrow Jan 1st and runs through March 1st... oh yeah and I'm entered in the FArt contest too (yep bonkers I tell ya lol) hmmm not sure how that will work out but I'll probably count my contest entries for January, February and March towards my goal of 40... unless of course I get eliminated in Jauary or February hahahah.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Hi...umm I thinnk your name has changed...what do people call you now?

I've been slacking, but trying to change that. I have my own new years resolution, and hopefully the results will speak for themselves soon. Ok, I am going to go spend the last 50 minutes of 2009 and start off the new year by painting stuff. Happy new year!

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My DeviantArt Gallery