~ 40 in 60, A New Years Resolution ~




Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
DeeDee is an Anchery / Fire Blaster who can run really fast
Mike is a Willpowered / Superstrength Tank who can jump really high and far!

--> And no.. not at Febo's just off Prinsengracht *giggles*, waaaay more up :P.
I take it you've been there?
Ok cool got it.
Heh, yeah I used to pick a country/region every year an just go explore for a few weeks. I've been all over the place.
Although I have no interest in the "cafes" (they don't serve coffee in them anyway o.0) or some of the other stuff that people go to Amsterdam for it was one of coolest places for sightseeing and art museums (The Van Gogh museum there is one of my all time favorites) and I like that people don't take themselves too seriously over there.

(Sidenote: For those that don't know, Febo's is kinda like their version of a McDonalds or BK.)

Originally Posted by The_Wildcard View Post
Congrats on fulfilling your New Years resolution, Christopher! Its definitely resulted in some awesome sketches and drawings. If you're still looking over references for characters to draw I humbly submit my character Shift, the Fire/Shield Scrapper, for your consideration:

Thankyou Wildcard!
And yes I am still looking for things to draw so thanks for the refs I'll look them over... I can already tell from the thumbs that you have a good eye for poses.

P.S. Cool name too, I always thought there should be a SG called Keyboard Commando's or something like that where everyone has a key for a name (dibs on Pause Break! )
like Shift (for a shapeshifter) or Backspace (gravity controller) or Spellcheck (a magic themed hero) FLock (could be someone with a lot of pets heh)... Numlock (Ice control naturally lol) would be pretty cool too... Insert might be a bit tricky though... ahem.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post

I always thought there should be a SG called Keyboard Commando's or something like that where everyone has a key for a name (dibs on Pause Break! )
like Shift (for a shapeshifter) or Backspace (gravity controller) or Spellcheck (a magic themed hero) FLock (could be someone with a lot of pets heh)... Numlock (Ice control naturally lol) would be pretty cool too... Insert might be a bit tricky though... ahem.
Thank you! I was exceptionally happy when I found the name available back when I first snagged it, around the time WP and Dual Blades launched. I could totally see an SG like that, and I'm sure we both know folks who could run with a concept for "Insert," though I dare not speculate on the outcome.



Originally Posted by The_Wildcard View Post
Thank you! I was exceptionally happy when I found the name available back when I first snagged it, around the time WP and Dual Blades launched. I could totally see an SG like that, and I'm sure we both know folks who could run with a concept for "Insert," though I dare not speculate on the outcome.
You know
Inserting into hostile teritory?

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
YAY! Gratz me!

<wonders off still confused about 500>



Did I miss something in the rules?
Ummm think of it this way, it's like the 300... only it's 200 more so it's like that much more awesome.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by The_Wildcard View Post
Thank you! I was exceptionally happy when I found the name available back when I first snagged it, around the time WP and Dual Blades launched. I could totally see an SG like that, and I'm sure we both know folks who could run with a concept for "Insert," though I dare not speculate on the outcome.
For 'Insert' I only see one possible choice...

Trick Arrow/Archery Defender



A belated congratulations on making your goal! Of course, there's no excuse for stopping, so keep at it!



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Ok cool got it.
Heh, yeah I used to pick a country/region every year an just go explore for a few weeks. I've been all over the place.
Although I have no interest in the "cafes" (they don't serve coffee in them anyway o.0) or some of the other stuff that people go to Amsterdam for it was one of coolest places for sightseeing and art museums (The Van Gogh museum there is one of my all time favorites) and I like that people don't take themselves too seriously over there.

(Sidenote: For those that don't know, Febo's is kinda like their version of a McDonalds or BK.)
Ooh that's cool!. I think you went into socalled "coffeeshops" *giggles* those are not to sell coffee indeed :P.
I find it very refreshing to finally talk to someone that came to Amsterdam for to good things!
Amsterdam is really nice (and over 200 km away fromwhere I live.. but still!). And I'm ashamed to say I've never been in the Van Gogh museum sofar... I tend to.. just didn't get to it.... *blushes*

And to be even more clear...Febo is what we call a "snackbar". McDonalds or BK are "fastfood restaurants".

--> yes... the Dutch have odd ways.

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Originally Posted by The_Wildcard View Post
Thank you! I was exceptionally happy when I found the name available back when I first snagged it, around the time WP and Dual Blades launched. I could totally see an SG like that, and I'm sure we both know folks who could run with a concept for "Insert," though I dare not speculate on the outcome.
Yeah I know a few that could run with that... *shudder*

Originally Posted by Cuppa_LLX View Post
You know
Inserting into hostile teritory?
That is one of the tamer ways it could go but ok sure, heh.

Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
For 'Insert' I only see one possible choice...

Trick Arrow/Archery Defender

Haha well it would make a good answer to the "R U a Healer?" question. I sure am! Here allow me to "Insert" my healing arrow into you... I'm told one shot to the chest does wonders.

Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
Ooh that's cool!. I think you went into socalled "coffeeshops" *giggles* those are not to sell coffee indeed :P.
I find it very refreshing to finally talk to someone that came to Amsterdam for to good things!
Amsterdam is really nice (and over 200 km away fromwhere I live.. but still!). And I'm ashamed to say I've never been in the Van Gogh museum sofar... I tend to.. just didn't get to it.... *blushes*

And to be even more clear...Febo is what we call a "snackbar". McDonalds or BK are "fastfood restaurants".

--> yes... the Dutch have odd ways.
I didn't actually go in a "coffee shop" heh, I just walked past one when a customer came out... the cloud that rolled out the door after him let me know what kind of shop it really was lol.

The sightseeing was great... you never know what you'll find just walking around, I walked down a sidestreet one day and saw an big stone archway I had never seen. It was above the entrance to a shopping center and carved across the top were the words "HomoSapiens non urinat in ventum"... granted my Latin is rusty but to me that reads "Man should not piss into the wind" lol classic! That kind of structure would never be allowed where I live. Later I learned it used to be an old prison that was converted to a mall, hahaha.

You really must go see the VanGogh (I command it! )... it's totally worth making an afternoon out of it.

Burgers, fries, deep fried hotdogs... that's not fast food?
I was only in a Febo's once so I could be wrong... do you mean it is fast food but not a fast food restaurant because the stuff comes out of
vending machines?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Haha well it would make a good answer to the "R U a Healer?" question. I sure am! Here allow me to "Insert" my healing arrow into you... I'm told one shot to the chest does wonders.
There are healing arrows

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Hmmm didn't see any healing arrows mentioned at that link.
one of the characters in MGP has "healing arrows"

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Thank you very much ^^
You are the first.
Seems there are lots of lovely people here. Im not sure why i didnt sign up when i actually made my plaync account.




Originally Posted by Ercassiel View Post
Thank you very much ^^
You are the first.
Seems there are lots of lovely people here. Im not sure why i didnt sign up when i actually made my plaync account.

Don't worry I played the game for over three years without finding this little corner of the Forums either.

All I saw when I first signed up were the sections where people were complaining about what they didn't like about the game so I went Meh and just went back to playing and didn't come back for a long time. I even went looking for an "Art" section on several occasions (cuz I thought there had to be one) and couldn't find one. Silly me for not looking in a section called "Screenshots and Fan Creations."

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Don't worry I played the game for over three years without finding this little corner of the Forums either.

All I saw when I first signed up were the sections where people were complaining about what they didn't like about the game so I went Meh and just went back to playing and didn't come back for a long time. I even went looking for an "Art" section on several occasions (cuz I thought there had to be one) and couldn't find one. Silly me for not looking in a section called "Screenshots and Fan Creations."

I was expecting the exact same thing. Its obviously a huge part of the community. Although..it doesnt seem to be as big as some other games or online communities which surprised me considering the customization in the game..
Meh, Who knows ^^



I don't (and haven't) play any other MMOs so this is just wild speculation but perhaps the amount of customization is what keeps this smaller than others? If you can't get your character to look how you want it to then you need artists... When you have the power to get it almost exactly how you want then perhaps some just settle for that or screenshots?? Just a guess...

Plus, there are lurkers out the wazoo here! Every now and again we lure one out but there's hundreds of them out there... Thousands... Millions!!!!



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
I don't (and haven't) play any other MMOs so this is just wild speculation but perhaps the amount of customization is what keeps this smaller than others? If you can't get your character to look how you want it to then you need artists... When you have the power to get it almost exactly how you want then perhaps some just settle for that or screenshots?? Just a guess...

Plus, there are lurkers out the wazoo here! Every now and again we lure one out but there's hundreds of them out there... Thousands... Millions!!!!
I think that is probably a very good observation.
I play other mmo's and i have never really wanted art of any of my characters...appart from the sites that are social networking with customizable avatars.
One site in particular i use, you make your own little person, buy/save up for items..millions to choose from and the art community is massive. But it is aimed at a younger audience



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Plus, there are lurkers out the wazoo here! Every now and again we lure one out but there's hundreds of them out there... Thousands... Millions!!!!
HUH? Lurkers? No way!! Don't scare meh, Caemgen!!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Put up a little preview in my New Artz Thread of what's up next.

You big tease.



Thats only a little bit cruel..



Originally Posted by RedFire View Post
Following our discution on DA and on the advice of Caemgen I'll put some links here in case the heart tells you to draw my character:

- Http://artchivist.deviantart.com/gallery/#Red-Fire-Arts
- Http://hellsfire.free.fr/screen/apparence.jpg
- Http://hellsfire.free.fr/screen/redactor.jpg
Thanks for the links Red... I went and took Caemgen's advice... what was I thinking?
It's up in my NewArtz thread (button in the sig) if you want to take a peek.

...think this is like number 45 of 40 now... oh wait that finished already.
(got used to assigning a number to my drawings heh)

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris