~ 40 in 60, A New Years Resolution ~





Got linked to this thread by a friend of mine and felt compelled to compliment you on the artwork I've seen here and in your other threads. The works you've done are very very cool and stylish and perfect for COH. Already subscribed to this and the other art threads you've started and can't wait to see more great work to come.

Also wanted to congradulate you on reaching your goal! I'm actually using you as an example to get an artist friend of mine to draw more cause he complains about not havin enough to do. Here's hoping for another 60 great pieces and much more!



Originally Posted by Torrent_Wave View Post

Got linked to this thread by a friend of mine and felt compelled to compliment you on the artwork I've seen here and in your other threads. The works you've done are very very cool and stylish and perfect for COH. Already subscribed to this and the other art threads you've started and can't wait to see more great work to come.

Also wanted to congradulate you on reaching your goal! I'm actually using you as an example to get an artist friend of mine to draw more cause he complains about not havin enough to do. Here's hoping for another 60 great pieces and much more!
Hey there Torrent Wave,
First up let me just say welcome to the best part of the forums! Good to have ya.
**checks to make sure no one else has beaten him to it this time**

First! w00t!

Secondly thank you very much, I appreciate your saying so and, as for more good stuff to come, you have great timing since I have a flurry of stuff I am trying to get done in time for this months entry into the FArt (Fan Art contest that is... ahem), I am going to attempt a mini-comic in pencils which is a first for me as I never tried anything remotely like a multi-panel multi-page (I think I know why now too lol) visual story before.

Actually I've opened my project up to cameo appearances again this month so if you have any magic themed heroes you should go and read this thread quick and if you (or your friend if he/she has a game account) have anything that might fit post it up and maybe I can work it in... entry deadline is coming up fast though.

Thanks for that I was happy to reach my goal as well and while I'm glad it's past
I kinda miss it at the same time... might have to do that again at some point.

I'm always willing to help out other people with their art or their inspiration,
tell your friend I'd be willing to do an art trade or even a collaboration
with him/her if you think that would help get them going.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Hey there Torrent Wave,
First up let me just say welcome to the best part of the forums! Good to have ya.
**checks to make sure no one else has beaten him to it this time**

First! w00t!
Welcome to the creative part of the boards, TW!

CR! You beat me THIS time! BOOGER!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Heh, well thank you both for the warm welcome. I'll do my best to hang around and admire the various artists and artwork. Makes me wish I had an income that could afford commissions like these...

I approve of the idea of doing another challenge. It gives people another chance to admire you're artwork and keeps you nice and busy doing something you enjoy



Well as far as affording commissions like "these" I'm guessing you mean other artists works as I have been giving mine away free the whole 9months I've been here (I think I'm ready now to try a limited commission run or possibly a package deal with a colorist/painter) on the forums.

To that note many contests are held by collectors and artists where the prizes are free art, many talented people sell their stuff for less than it's worth to build up a base of fans or a portfolio, other more established artists who charge more have sales to make their stuff affordable to more people, heck I've seen some wander in wanting to test out a new technique they just learned and ask for refs and bam, free art to whomever posts first.

There are also free art trades (if your friend starts drawing again) or FArt cameo's (just ask Amerikatt ) and there are milestones like when someone hits 5k posts here or Kiribans when someone hits 10k views on DA or the HMP's (hundreds milestone posts) that I do.

Sometimes you'll have an artist show up, do a bunch of free art then disappear (like Pirate Cashoo) and some times there are events (like when Pyro hosted the Cannonbrawl Run) with art as a prize for winning a series of point based challenges (aren't we like overdue for a CannonBrawl Run part deux? hint hint )... point is there are lots of opportunities to snag some cool art if you check in regularly and participate in threads/give feedback often.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Hunh what now?

Lol nope it just happens to be (almost 10 months now) since I followed a random link and "discovered" the art section of the forums... I've actually been playing the game for over 5 years now (63 month badge a little while back).

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



I do not know if this thread is still going, however I followed the orders in your signature... never let it be said that I never did exactly what a signature told me to to (Its a weakness... like Kryptonite but for OCD.)

Your artwork is truly beautiful ChristopherRobin and I would consider myself privileged to have my character drawn by you.

So as per the signature, some reference shots of Nurse White.



His 40 in 60 thing is over and in fact the most recent change? Innovation? Development? Is that he has taken on a few commission pieces... Add those in to the multitude of birthday arts and other promised freebies and I'd say don't hold your breath...

BUT... I wouldn't count it out either. You never know what toon is going to inspire him or when he'll crank out a freebie just for giggles *shrug*



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
BUT... I wouldn't count it out either. You never know what toon is going to inspire him or when he'll crank out a freebie just for giggles *shrug*
I have absolutely zero expectations, but I figured there was no harm in leaving my info. If something happens then great! If not then all I have lost is a few minutes of my time, which I think is a very small price to pay for the chance (no matter how slight) that an artist such as Christopher Robin may feel like drawing the character.

Besides, all I am doing is what the signature told me to do! I cannot be held responsible for my easy suggestibility!



So if i said in my signature to send me money you would do it? :P

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



I don't know, it has never been put to the test but I am highly suggestible so you never know.



Originally Posted by Eat_Me View Post
I do not know if this thread is still going, however I followed the orders in your signature... never let it be said that I never did exactly what a signature told me to to (Its a weakness... like Kryptonite but for OCD.)

Your artwork is truly beautiful ChristopherRobin and I would consider myself privileged to have my character drawn by you.

So as per the signature, some reference shots of Nurse White.

Originally Posted by Eat_Me View Post
I have absolutely zero expectations, but I figured there was no harm in leaving my info. If something happens then great! If not then all I have lost is a few minutes of my time, which I think is a very small price to pay for the chance (no matter how slight) that an artist such as Christopher Robin may feel like drawing the character.

Besides, all I am doing is what the signature told me to do! I cannot be held responsible for my easy suggestibility!

sorry I missed responding to this I was wrapped up with getting my August FArt entry in on time.

Thanks so much for the complimentary words Eat. Caemgen has it right this 40 in 60 was a New Year's Resolution and ran Jan through March... alas it is over.

That said there are plenty of opportunities to score art from me coming up. I have a contest coming for when I hit 25k pageviews, the hundreds posts in my thread get a free drawing (I will be posting one up soon to my New Art thread in fact) also people who participate in the Art forums get a sketch on their birthday (can't get em all but I try) and I do art trades and just opened up for a limited run of commissions recently. Recently when I've hit a milestone (1k and 2k so far) number of posts I've done contests for that too.

Also I just do stuff for fun or warm-ups too so it never hurts to post your refs. Ya never know...
Oh and if you are new to the art section of the forums, welcome.

**considers changing sig to say "gimmeh bacon and boobehz." heh**

P.S. I lol'd @ the AiW double entendre of your chosen name.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Edit: Sorry if this response is all scattered, I am like totally out of it today and I am having trouble stringing two sentences together!

Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
sorry I missed responding to this I was wrapped up with getting my August FArt entry in on time.

Thanks so much for the complimentary words Eat. Caemgen has is right this 40 in 60 was a New Year's Resolution and ran Jan through March... alas it is over.
This is what I get for not playing City for a year! Had I only come back 6 months earlier I may have been on time for once!

That said there are plenty of opportunities to score art from me coming up.
Its good to know that all hope is not lost!

But really, honestly and truly I did not post my refs with any expectations in mind, I just thought I would put them up on the off off off off chance that something came of it because there was still an active link in your signature. But considering the age of the last post on the thread I figured the thread was probably way out of date.

Also I just do stuff for fun or warm-ups too so it never hurts to post your refs. Ya never know...
Perhaps starting up a reference thread would be a good idea? Not just for one artist but a collective Art Forum exchange, where people can post character references that are then listed on the OP and if someone ends up using the character as a reference for something, it could be linked back onto the front page so that everyone can see who has done what of who?

Sort of like a Fan Art Directory instead of an SG directory?

Could also be kept up to date with a list of artists whom are taking commissions, and they could use the fan art thread as a means of showing off their work and encouraging people to do commissions with them.

I would totally do this, but I don't draw and I think coming from a non contributor it would seem a little presumptuous. (Yet sowing the seed for the idea isn't? I make sense sometimes, honest!)

**considers changing sig to say "gimmeh bacon and boobehz." heh**
Or that works as well!

Push button, receive bacon boobhez?

P.S. I lol'd @ the AiW double entendre of your chosen name.
Thank you! Its always nice to know that humor (as dry and sarcastic as it is) is appreciated!



Hey ChristopherRobin, I know you saw my thread but here you go:



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Hey everyone, hope you all had a safe and happy holiday season.
I've decided one of my resolutions for the new year going forward is to spend more time creating art!
After so many years of drawing absolutely nothing I've come a long way in the past few months putting
up more than 40 pieces in the last 6 months or so (most were pencil drawings but some were ink and some color).

Well for the new year I want to do 40 more... but in 60 days.

That's right 2 months. I don't know if this will be possible or not (it's still the busiest time of the year
for my computer business) but hey why not shoot for the stars right?

So yeah if any of you want me to try and draw one of your heroes... GIMMEH REFFFFS!

All the usual stuffz apply i.e. I cannot guarantee I will draw every hero posted here (or any of them for that matter),
I do not know if all drawings will be CoH related (though I suspect most of them will be) as I may need to switch it
up once in a while, I also do not know if the 40 will be pencil sketches, pen and ink, or color work it's just whatever
comes to me on that particular day.

This thread is mainly so I can have one easy place to come for references and inspiration... it also lets me know who
is interested in having me draw them, so post em if ya got em and click the button in my sig to go to the artz!
Hi there Mr. Robin. I'm an artist myself, but I have this problem with perspective. I want to get to know Perspective, but Perspective never calls. Perspective must have Caller ID too because Perspective never answers when I try to get in touch.

That said, I have a picture of my big bad villain that I drew myself a year ago, and was wondering if you could maybe make it a little more... dynamic. A turned head, maybe a profile turned at a third for depth.

Here it is.

Nalrok Ath'Zim, demon overlord. His proportions are strange; I intended them to be as he's not a human. Wider shoulders, enormous ribcage, long arms. His legs are giving me trouble so... he's half the evil he normally is.

If you choose to give it a go I will probably explode with joy as your artwork is dazzling and quite skillful. :3

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Hey there Nalrok and welcome to the art forums.
Ya ever have perspective put you on hold? That's the worst. You'd think perspective would at least
have some decent tunes playing while you wait but no... people in elevators don't realize how lucky they are.

The holidays are my busy season and I do have a couple commissions waiting
yet (so it might be a little while yet) but I do try to help out other artists whenever I can.
Post up a clear in-game ref shot to go along with your art and I'll see what I can do when things let up a bit.

Also planning a contest coming up soon here to give away some freebies so keep your
eyes peeled and you might win a sketch of the hero/villain of your choice.

P.S. Thanks for the kind words.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris