Finding Teams on Virtue
Hi Grant!
I wanted to try and answer your questions from my own point of view, which may need a little background.
"How often are you able to join a team?"
Generally I can get into a PUG as often as I look for one.
"How often do you look for a team?"
Twice a month or so. Sometimes more.
"How quickly are you, on average, able to join a team?"
If I log in with the intent to team and I'm in the lower levels I can get a team inside of 15 min. If I'm in the higher levels it can take longer as there are fewer people there generally
"How often do you make your own team? Even if it's just to storm through a couple of newspaper/radio missions with some company."
About four or five times a month.
As much as I hate to admit it, I'm not a very good team player. Sometimes I'm grumpy and don't want to bother meeting new people. Sometimes I'm trying to challenge myself to solo a bit of an arc. Sometimes (most Fridays after 11pm CST) I'm intoxicated and a danger to a team. So when a person I don't know pops up in broadcast asking for a team, I'm fairly likely to tune them out. However, should that person actually send me a tell about a team, I try to join up or give a good reason why I can't right then (drunk, tornado, cat stuck in couch...).
So, I recommend if you *really* must have a team, ask someone in particular. Usually people are flattered to be asked and will respond favorably.
Also I notice your location. I've teamed with a lady in your timezone before and she commented that it was harder to find a team during her peak playing hours. I'm afraid Virtue is a little more EST/CST- centric then a few of the other servers. The only thing that I can recommend for that is to find a regular group or a very active global channel to work with. There are several of both though and I'm sure we can find one to fit you.
Good Luck!
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
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I'd recommend joining Virtue LFG Alpha, VU2010 and Virtue TFs for your global channels. Good luck teaming!
(I know I really didn't answer your questions, sorry. I just piggy backed on Moggie's suggestions there.)
Well thank-you kindly for your input, Moggie! And thank you for mentioning time-zones; when I posted this, I had meant to include yet another question (which I have edited into the initial post), which was "when do you most often join teams in the day". I did have to look up what PUG meant, however, heh (Pick Up Group; 'picking up team members as you go')!
So yes, I've added a fifth question, which is: "When, do you often find, are the best times for joining a team?"
I hope to see more responses from folks who are quite casual about the game too, especially from folks who join missions frequently as a way of leveling their super-characters, so if you're just looking at this topic out of some faint interest, please do reply, even if you just answer one or two questions! Your input would be great! These are community driven questions and answers; as well as individual ones!
*Thanks for your reply as well, Philly Guy! Quite handy and communicative!
**As a note on Virtue TFs; that channel is full now. Is there a second one, like how V-LFG Alpha came about?
Hmmm idk about if there's a second Virtue TFs channel. I'll ask ingame and see.
As for the best times to find teams, I find prime time (8-11) in the EST work well for me. Also, joining a good VG can help your teaming chances greatly.
Also, you might be silenced upon joining those global channels. Just send a quick /tell to a channel operator (the names with the star next to them) and they'll be glad to unsilence you.
Just checked Virtue TFs. An op there said it wasn't full. I'd suggest trying to join again.
I'm terribly sorry Philly Guy my friend, but my City of Villains just won't listen to reason. "Virtue TFs", exactly that?
How often are you able to join a team?
Blue side, if i'm a lower level quite a lot. it's generally not a struggle if i'm on at the right time
Red side, it doesn't matter if i'm low or high i always struggle to find a team
How often do you look for a team?
Whenever I get online. I prefer teaming over Solo'ing
How quickly are you, on average, able to join a team?
Like i said above, it depends. on a lower level hero i can find a team quickly. on a higher level its very hard for me. I even struggle on my def and tank who'r only in their 20's
Red side is near impossible for me to get a team. In fact nearly all my villains are lower then my heroes because i just find it impossible to find a team. Which drives me crazy cause i like villains side.
How often do you make your own team? Even if it's just to storm through a couple of newspaper/radio missions with some company.
Sadly, very rarely. I tend to dislike making teams though if it got me a team on redside i would do it. Perhaps i should try..
*When, do you often find, are the best times for joining a team?
For me I use to go by the early to noonish hours during the day which is of course early night for American's. However no matter what time i am getting on lately, i just can't seem to get a team. Maybe i've been black listed <.< >.> lol
Good goes
How often are you able to join a team?
Any time i look for a team i find one.
How often do you look for a team?
everytime i am on i listen to channels or form task forces
How quickly are you, on average, able to join a team?
5 mins
How often do you make your own team? Even if it's just to storm through a couple of newspaper/radio missions with some company.
at least 1 per day
*When, do you often find, are the best times for joining a team?
11am to 3 pm pacific then 6pm to 9 pm pacific
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
- How easy is it for you to find teams?
Pretty easy, unless it's late, late at night.
- How quick on average are you able to look for a team, and then join one?
I never advertise that I'm lft. I'll keep an eye on the main channels, see if there's a TF running and join it if I feel like it. That said...minutes, without any real effort, if I'm looking.
- How often do you form your own team?
Almost never. If there's an event running that I'd like to join in on....maybe. If I do aside from that, it's for a TF, (maybe every other month that I'll *start* one, on average) and I'll start with my SGs, then go to a main channel. I think it's been years since I've gone to broadcast to fill a TF. If I need a hand with a mission for some strange reason, I'll likely grab a friend or two off my global friend list.
When, do you often find, are the best times for joining a team?
About 7-9ish PM, Mountain Time.
I dont recall last time i entered a zone and asked for a team.
I do form and lead team instead. Oddly enough, when i use broadcast for LFM... sometime i get replies sometime its pretty quiet, and then then.. the odd thing append... I type /sea and PST the ppl in zone ... the same guys that were able to see my Broadcast, and ask them if they care to join a team, and then they accept ?!?!.
Strange hey?
Also i try to specify what we doing, in broadcast and in tells. IF someone join and stress me for a TV farm, while i specificly told we will do regular mission arc ... well the guy can just quit the team.
Just last night i had a team to try the new guess Author arc in AE, and 1 guys asked me in a private tell to run HDS...
Personnaly I like to pugs, but I have to specify what my team doing. Sometime i get good players, sometime i get lazy dudes, that just want to watch youtube while they barely do nothing ingame. Prolly also why i never LFT.
Global Co VG's/SG's | xeaon plot
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I'm terribly sorry Philly Guy my friend, but my City of Villains just won't listen to reason. "Virtue TFs", exactly that?
You should have no problems finding team mates using those other channels, though. Just make sure you specify red or blue side when you post for a team.
I do have a few villains myself, and when I'm on them, I'll be glad to team with you. I'll shout out in those channels when I'm on red side.
I tend to be a bit on the quieter side when looking for teams, which is my delema. I prefer teaming, but most of the time don't want to get on a PUG and only do one or two missions before I'm looking again.
That being said, usually I can get a PUG somewhat quickly. Global channels really are the way to go for finding teams though. Being part of The Cape Radio, I find teams with our listeners and DJs most of the time, or through some of the other globals out there.
Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad
This is one of the reasons why I came to V a few months ago.
I put "LFT,my lvl or higher" put it to looking for missions,and viola I'm on a team within a few minutes.
Or I broadcast that I'm looking for a team with lvl,at info.
Or look at my global friends list with all the new friends I have made on V while teaming on PUG's.
Or see who is on in my sg/vg.
I have yet to join a channel yet,just because of the success of above said items.
I am on estrn time (which it varies) between 9am-9pm.So that probably helps.
99% of the time I end up forming my own teams. The few times I just solo patiently hoping for an invite I get one inside of 20 minutes. I think part of the reason for that is that at 46 I don't mind exemping down to lower lvls... I don't get as much xp as I would on a team of my own lvl but it's more than I will get solo usually.
Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute
Aye, solo'ing is what I do when I can't find a team. Heh, I went from 46 all the way to 47 just by solo'ing while waiting for invites, hurr hurr!!
Thanks again for your replies everyone, very informative, and hopefully helpful to other heroes and villains!
And that'd be pretty groovy Philly Guy! I'd enjoy teaming with yer' sometime. My villain's name is " Bearnard the Beast' " (note the apostrophe at the end; without it, you'll add my Hero beast, hurr hurr). My characters are attached to my signature now too, which is I think pretty groovy!
So thanks again, and keep on posting folks! It's good to know when and where to look to join fellow heroes and villains!
Wow, the highest lvl villain I have is only lvl 40, but that's cool, right? The name's Bone Chisel and I'll look you up when I'm on next, Grant.
When I'm on, I have no difficulties getting on a team. This is in part due to the fact that my VG/SG has our own global channel, and ventrilo server. If I happen to be on when no one else is (from my own group that is) then I will usually get a tell asking if I want to team. If I'm up to it, I'll accept, if I only have like 15 - 20 minutes, I'll stay solo.
I live in the central time zone too, so my peak playing times are kind of on par with a majority of the folks who are on, so that may have some effect on that too.
As for making teams, I form a team anytime I want to. Since I'm a Co-Founder of a SG/VG, it happens quite a lot.
I have to agree though that global channels are a good way to go. I would like to add however that while broadcast is good, some folks such as myself, do not even see broadcast chat. I use my groups global channel tab and didn't add broadcast or local to it because I don't want to see some of the silliness that goes on in those two channels.
In any event, I play frequently, and sometimes at an odd time (meaning not my normal play times) so feel free to add me to your global friends and I'd be more than willing to team up sometime. This goes for everyone.
EDIT: It might help if I actually put my global handle in this post! @Molecular
Look forward to teaming with some of you.
Grant, there is now a Virtue TFs 2010 channel. Join up there for the TFs if you like.
As someone who JUST transfered over my toons to Virtue from Victroy Server, in the first few days I can already see a significant ease in the the ability to find a team; whether it be missions, AE, or TF's. As someone who ONLY played redside over in Victory, I wanted to start something heroside with GR coming soon in an attempt to get some of my villain toons ready for the switch over. So far I'm finding Virtue to my liking. It is a much larger populationa and so far I haven't experienced not being able to find a team reasonably fast.
So far so good Virtue.
Also, we're much more friendly on Virtue
Its already been said but imma say it again. A good SG/VG can be a huge benefit. Also an active Coalition is a great team finding tool as well.
I pretty much only team when my VG mates are doing things.
The fact that my main 50 can solo +1/x8 missions (with barely more difficulty than being on a full team) may have something to do with that, however.
What I've found out is playing with the same char...alot (I know I know thats tough with the alt-itis lol) but it works. My lvl 50 char Neowolf has a fairly easy time gettin' on some kick-butt PUGs almost anytime of the day (blueside), granted there are some slow times, whats really fun though is when you start to play with the same group of people. But yeah for the most part I love teaming and make an effort to do so be it in the friends, globals or SG venues. And if your on blueside look me up!!!
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@Fire Chief
Hullo Forum-Folks!
As I usually mention with every post I post in these here forums, I don't often post these forums. But a question has arisen in my mind, and after a brief attempt at using the Search tool to see if I weren't the only one thinking this, I've decided to post it here.
So here it is.
- How easy is it for you to find teams?
I speak mainly as a villain at present. Most times that I find myself playing City of Villains and are looking for a team, an irritating lack of replies causes me to simply delve into missions solo. I don't know if everyone else shares this experience, but I swear that every time I enter Grandville and mention that I'm a cheerful, burly, brawling Brute who is looking for a team, not one of the 9-17 people within the zone even bother to reply, no matter what's in their search comments. So again: how easy is it for you to find teams?
- How quick on average are you able to look for a team, and then join one?
By this, how long do you typically wait when looking for a team? Is it a mere few seconds after mentioning your desire to join a team, that a good fellow invites you to join them? Does it take minutes instead? Or do you often amuse yourself by solo'ing, or diverting yourself until someone comes along with a team and invites you?
And as a last question:
- How often do you form your own team?
Fairly simple question with a potentially complex and emotional answer from some folks; but how often do you take the initiative and say, "Team, looking for more"? Often when I'm in Grandville, I find myself puzzling over the fact that there may be as many as twenty villains in the zone, yet not one of them responds to my "looking for team" broadcasts, or even my "team looking for more" broadcasts. This puzzles me, and I want to know your input on how often you form your own team, how often you get immediate replies, and maybe even how often you reach a full super-team.
As I said, I speak mainly as a villain, but this is most certainly an open question for all super-powered types on Virtue; that means Heroes included. So again, in brief:
How often are you able to join a team?
How often do you look for a team?
How quickly are you, on average, able to join a team?
How often do you make your own team? Even if it's just to storm through a couple of newspaper/radio missions with some company.
*When, do you often find, are the best times for joining a team?
Thanks for reading through this, and I look forward to reading your replies! Hopefully other folks on Virtue who have similar thoughts will find your responses useful as well; and in this respect, I'm going to ask that we might try to keep replies as factual and informative as possible. Add your own experiences and thoughts by all means, but let's not deviate into emotionally drawn debates. Thank-you!