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Quote:In the Hami zone, redside...my favourite location in the game. Really pretty backdrop.I'll need directions to get to the Amphitheater in Perez Park.
My favourite location in Paragon City is in Eden, directly East of 'The Hive' entrance. It's the Unspoiled badge location, the scenic waterfall and shallow lake above and below it. That location is absolutely stunning in Ultra Mode, and really shows the beauty of nature like no other place I can name. I love going there to RP. I wish I could find a place like that in the Rogue Isles!
Maybe there is one...?
Oh, and for the original list, in The Hollows: The pool with all the Will-O-The-Wisps. -
Lot of names bringing back memories.
But also fond of some of those who are still around or returned. -
Would have bought the costume, think it looks good. No interest in purchasing anything else in the packs. *Shrugs*
The Cape -is- infected. With Kittens. And Puppies. And possibly ear dragons. And definitely earworms.
Roy, I'm really impressed.
And jealous. A bit.
But mostly impressed. -
Quote:Controllers:Because I love these threads and haven't seen one in a while.
Tell me about (brag about) your:
# of alts?
Favorite AT?
Favorite Powersets?
Favorite Origin?
Favorite Alignment?
Mind/Storm, 50
Ill/Storm, 50
Grav/FF, 50
Fire/Storm, 27
Fire/Rad, 33
Dark/Regen, 50
Katana/Will, 50
Spines/Fire, 35
Elec/Energy, 50 (My only having one does not reflect how much I like this character.)
Rad/Arrows, 50
Dark/Sonic, 50
Kin/Ice, 50
Sonic/Rad, 50
Empathy/Dark, 32
Stone/Energy, 50
Dark/Fire, 50
Inv/Dark, 36
Shield/Stone, 32
One level 8. Used to have a 41, but got deleted.
Ice/Psi, 50 (Another AT I only have one of, but love to bits.)
Dark/Energy (Ugh), 46
Mace/Will, 6
Claw/SR, 19
One, Level 47
Kinetic/Ninja, 22 (Played purely for RP reasons. Really dislike the Stalker AT)
One Level 5...uh...something/something. I don't know what it is about Corrs, I just can't seem to play one. Love the Defenders. Hate, hate, hate playing a Corr.
None. Used to have a 30-something Demon/Thermal, but deleted it. Hate this AT even more than Stalkers. Happy to have one along on a team, just don't ask me to play one.
Natural: 7
Science: 3 (Though 2 of these are my all-time favourite character stories.)
Magic: 10
Tech: 1
Mutant: 4
Hero (by story): 20
Villain (by story): 3
Vaguely aligned: 2 -
I was optimistic when they announced the changes to PvP...in divorcing the PvE from PvP, I thought they were on the right trail. I figured with two separate ways powers worked, they could fix stuff in PvP without worrying about how it was going to break PvE. It should be -easier- to make changes when things weren't working well, right.
I admit it....I was so utterly wrong. Oh, so wrong. -
Yup. I've seen people setting up Respec runs fairly reecently on the global channels. (Both Blue and Red)
Quote:...or just have them fight at the obelisk they're at? You'll still have eight fighting at each obelisk, just one will be from a different team. There's a remote chance they'll be killed at the time they want to port over their group...but the fights really aren't that tough. A little caution about their aggro should be enough to see them through.Ah, but then you're dependent on teammates who have that Vet Reward. Or that 8th teammate, whatever their AT is, has to sit out and wait by the obelisk that needs extra teammates.
If you're doing this trial a lot, it might be worth picking up Group Port from the pool powers if you don't have Assemble The Team. (But on a group of 24, is it really that unlikely that you don't have three people who have it?) -
If you're having difficulty with the Obelisks in part one, something's been working pretty well for us on Virtue: Send 7 of your team to one obelisk, then send the eighth to the next obelisk, clockwise. Everyone take them all down at the same time, and when your obelisk is done, the eighth teammate uses Assemble the Team to bring the whole group over to the Obelisk that isn't done yet. They should all drop within the window, and coordination is a lot easier. (You just need a group porter who knows which Obelisk their group is at so they don't drag them over before theirs are done.)
The Wisp pool in Croatoa.
A thought about the RWZ: it's usually pretty empty, except when there's a Mothership Raid running. If we get two instances, it could be awkward trying to get everyone together. If it's Hero-only or Villain-only, maybe eventually settle on two different (relatively quiet) non-coop zones to assemble?
Posi was made infinitely better by getting rid of the endlessly repeating missions. If you really, really want a grind, it's still there...Quaterfield, anyone? (Which was made shorter merely by virtue of having more options for getting around, without dropping any of the mission tedium.) Or you could just do...the TF two or three times in a row? Two different TFs?
While I'd really, really like to get this badge on my Blaster, I'll probably bring a Dark Defender (when you're running Blueside) stuffed to the gills with buff/debuff, at least until I get the hang of the CoP.
Redside, not got so much. -
Okay...I actually want to step away from the -utility- of the powers for one second (Which I love, by the way) and talk about how this affects our ability to create 'thematic' Doms.
Thank you, Devs! Thank you! I can't say thank you enough for making this change! I've been asking for something like this for years...well, ever since they announced the Patron Powers. I now have both Ice and Psi options for my Ice/Psi Dom and don't have to look at options like Chum Bucket if I want more power choices. (I have never taken a Patron Pool Power of any sort, since nothing made any sort of sense whatsoever for my characters.)
These changes give us something that we were sorely lacking: The choice to make our characters' high-level power selections make sense.
Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou.. .. -
If you're feeling like it's a rules violation, report it, /ignore them and forget it. The powers that be will sort it out...or not, as they see fit. That's part of their job.
Or if you're feeling like giving them the benefit of the doubt, a tell such as, "((Sorry but your RP style is not suitable for our group. Best of luck.))" (And probably followed by an /ignore)
Or just /kick, /ignore and move on. I've found the less discussion, the better, and it never ends well. (I've violated that rule and regretted it.) -
Lead by leading. Set the pace for your team. Get to know what your team can handle and keep them fighting at that level. Know the instant you can let them mop up and start hitting the next group. Everyone should be doing stuff and the team should be going full-bore. All the time. Keep people busy. Keep the team efficient. Set the pace. That's the tank I want.
If you feel the need to herd, ask yourself: do you want to sit around while someone does the work (inefficiently)? Or do you want to go out and be engaged all the time you're playing? Why would anyone else? -
Figure the odds of random person contacted not being the leader of the team...
...the odds of them not wanting to invest themselves in suggesting a stranger to the leader if they aren't...
...the odds of them being full up or satisfied with the team performance as-is...
...the odds of them being on a task force...
...the odds of them being on a team with just friends/SGmates...
I have no idea what those odds actually are, (and I'm too lazy and stupid to try to fudge numbers semi-reasonably.) but it seems likely to me that that's why people spam the list without reading the comments/locations/teamed status...trying to hit up enough people to overcome those odds.
Why not find a channel or three with interests similar to yours and post once on each of them rather than send a bunch of messages to random strangers? Those channels (like VirtueUnited, for example) are public spaces and you're definitely not intruding on anything private....and that's what those channels are usually for, a social medium to connect people. Be reasonably specific with what you're looking for, (TF, mission arc team, radios, AE) and people are generally pretty receptive.
Honestly, to those people who invite themselves onto teams...I've never done it and I am actually curious...how many attempts does it actually take for you to find a team that way? I'm willing to entertain the possibility I'm wrong...but the numbers of times I'm hit up by the same people multiple times seems to suggest otherwise.
This is part of why it seems rude to me: searchers are just poking random people when much better means of finding teams already exist. "You poked me because...you don't want to do something much more effective. I...see.... And same with...the last three people...."
And, yes, "rudeness" is usually a matter of both context and perspective. So an act can actually be both at once. With this in mind, I try to extend a little tolerance for those who don't share my views...but a little understanding that some of us dislike the reverse invites might be appropriate as well, rather than simply and repetitively insisting that everything we say is wrong.
And while not all analogies are appropriate, they can be an effective means of conveying meaning, and are not automatically invalid. When dealing with something as inherently nebulous as etiquette, drawing parallels is fairly necessary since our ideas of rudeness is drawn from our experience. It's at least more valid than saying "Yes it is!" "No it isn't!" at each other.
Oh, and just for the heck of it, to play Devil's advocate for a moment: a lot of behaviour that I find objectively rude (Sending me four tells as you spam the list multiple times, when I've already politely declined you, is a fairly clear-cut case of someone being inconsiderate.) is associated with reverse invites...so it's quite possible that the objectively rude acts have coloured my impression of a fairly -subjectively- inconsiderate one. That is, the people who are relatively considerate when they invite themselves onto a team are possibly being painted with the same brush as the people who are jerks about it.