Nearly Nightly CoPs




Hey everyone been talking this over with some friends and we are going to try to get this going. So far I have tentative SGs willing to host this any SG that is willing to open their doors would be welcome to do so.

I would ask everyone try to get Shivian and Nukes but its not mandatory. As of now we are keeping a tight core group to inform everyone how the trial is run. This means there are not a lot of spots we will take what best benefits the group but do know we will be doing this often and they will not always be wins so be patient. We will include everyone interested eventually. The goal is to get as many people the badge as we can.

The only other thing I must warn you about is if we encounter the Storm Aspect we will be scrapping the run for that night. The disparity between him and the other AV is huge and I don't wish to waste people time and effort in collecting temps on a vastly uphill challenge. Maybe in time we will see a way through the difficulty of it but for now the run will be called if we encounter him.

We will begin this Wednesday at 9pm EST (6 PST) We will try to do some switching between Hero side and villain. Wednesday night wil be a villain side run. We will switch the side we run on after each non scrapped run, if we win against the AV or not. That means if we get the Storm AV we will do that side again the next night. I think that should be the most fair allowing everyone to get a chance against the not Storm AV. A set that would be better to bring to begin with is Dark Miasma: Their AoE psi resist and def are helpful with the psi damage and they have long term -regen power.

I will write up a little Strategy post a little later tonight so people can be informed before they join

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



While I'd really, really like to get this badge on my Blaster, I'll probably bring a Dark Defender (when you're running Blueside) stuffed to the gills with buff/debuff, at least until I get the hang of the CoP.

Redside, not got so much.



I like this idea, but I'm normally not around until at least 10ish Eastern. I'll keep an eye on this thread, though.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I need the badge(s) for my red-side badge toon. She's a Psi/Fire dom (lvl 50) though, so I don't know if she'd fit the scheme required to complete the trial.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I ran this trial in it's first incarnation, on pinnacle, a lot, it was awesome fun. I primariliy play support characters, I would love to get in on this.

thermal, rad, kin..I've got it all



I can do this on my Scrapper or Thermal Villan Side and on a Rad, Kin, Emp or Sonic Hero Side. You know most of my alts and were to find me for more info. Kegan and Keggers have their shivens. Nukes I can get but need help for. Kegan is my badger but I am willing to play whatever is needed to get it done.



The storm AV might be able to be killed by 18 trappers or so? :P If you get that guy, I seriously want to bring a whole crew of trappers in to see if we can oneshot him.

I can't attend Wed, Thurs, nor Fridays. :< Night classes ftl. Tuesday is out of the question as well as that is Hami.

Edit: Trappers, and some d00ds with +Rech.



anyone needs help getting shivs or nukes hit me up @pure american



Glad to see there is some interest. We should be needing every AT type i was just recommending a Dark because of how helpful it is but if we get 24 darks it will be too tough to finish as well so dont worry if you dont have a support character we will also need brutes/Tanks and damage as well.

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



I have a 50 Fire/Dark corr (villain) who is completely Io'd out and can even tank the ITF and solo some AV's.

Let me know if you need me I am @iron on global and my character is Disciple of Burn.



depends how much stink you want to put on it. I am a huge kin fanatic, I love to pass out the SB and ID, spam FS, I don't even have time to attack. It'll be like old times.



You know me, BT. I'm always down for t3h Awesome!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



average completion time?

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



I'd be up for this blue and red side I have Kins and Corr plus a few Doms and thats just for support/dam. For damage I have mostly Scrappers and Blasters.

I know my SG has been talking about this on our forum also.
Prestige Award
My DA page

@Fire Chief



I would like to get it on my scrapper who is redside now. I would gladly volunteer any of my alts if needed though. I can also sub in heroside if you need bodies.
Red side
BS/SR scrapper
Elec/Stone Brute
Ice/Cold Corruptor
Fire/Kin Corruptor
Rad/Dark Corruptor
Thugs/Pain MM
Mercs/Traps MM
A couple doms and a couple more brutes

Blue side
Fire/kin Controller
Ill/Emp Controller
Ice/Cold Defender
Kin/Psi Defender
Sonic/Sonic Defender
Spines/Regen Scrapper
Ice/Ice Tank
Mace/Shield Tank
Elec/Shield Scrapper

Let me know what you need.



Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
average completion time?
You only get 1 hour and if you do it right about 15-20 mins

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



I'd be down for this as well. I have two characters I can offer up for it (Only two, you ask? Yeah, yeah.)

Blue: Girl Eternity (Dark Melee/Regeneration Scrapper - Not PvP) DPS
Red: Dana Frost (Energy Melee/Energy Aura Brute) DPS or Tank - Haven't done latter since i10

Small disclaimer: I'm going to be leaving on a trip on Thursday, but I may have access to the game once I arrive. Otherwise I'll be gone for 2-3 weeks.

@Psyrius, player of: Solborne, Seer Dezya, and Evanescent

Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.
-Orison Swett Marden



Originally Posted by BlazingTiger View Post
Hey everyone been talking this over with some friends and we are going to try to get this going.
Thanks for organizing this BT.

I've got several badge alts I'd like to get this done on but would be willing to help out after that as time and opportunity allow.
I should be there for the starting redside run tomorrow.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



BT: one sugestion/request...

If we DO get Mister Stormie (Lanaru the Mad is it?), can we still try to drop his shields once to get a Power Analyzer read-out? I think the info might prove useful in future runs.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I have already read both of them they have the same stats.

use ctrl+mouse wheel to get a better look.

Also Strategy guide will be posted here soon...

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox




Well then. *ahem*


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



The Angels have been kind enough to open their SG for our runs. Becausse of this they will recive the first spots on the trial. This will be the method of how we will run the CoP I hope to eventually include everyone interested but those who open their base for the raid will get the first spots before we pick up others...also slacking on writing up the strategy guide...ill get it done before i go to bed.

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



The Strategy for the CoP:
Part One: The three teams will be set up as evenly as we can and designate which island your team will handle. One of your team with Assemble will be picked to move clock wise to the next island (ill explain later) When we are all gathered on the island we have been sent to Attack will be called. Each team will kill all the spawns under the Cube. As soon as the spawns are down the barrier around the oblisk will shatter. At this time you will attack the Oblisk killing it. All three must be taken down within 30 seconds of each other. If all goes well they will. If one group is lagging behind the person who was sent to the other island will recall their team to help. It will be important that the person with Assemble knows the name of their Oblisk and the one their team is at so they wont teleport their team away to help when the team hasnt finished.

Part Two: The Portal will open in the center of the map. We will enter the crystal and a animation will play. If the AV is the Storm one that will be it for us. It it is not we will gather just at the bottom of the ramp. We will have 4 people drop nukes (which will be designated) at this point and then summon all pets we can Shivians, HAVS, ect. The Brutes and Tanks will move in and try to drag as much as they can to the middle. The rest of the gorup will move in to take everything out more survivable characters can move out to get any stragglers.. Once all the spawns are dead the AVs shield will drop. We will then drop 3 chem nukes (will designate who before hand) As well as any extra bio nukes and then if you have them damage nukes. If you have a -regen power use it as often as you can while still throwing out damage. If we are lucky he will go down first time. If not Tanks and brutes will pull the respawns in and we will rekill them it is important to kill them fast as the longer it takes the more chance for a second respawn and the loss of -regen on the AV. Once the shield is down all other chem nues will be dropped and we finish him off. It should not take more than two times of his shield dropping to win but if not rinse and repeat.

Sure this is a wall of text and spelling errors ill deal with it later and make a CoP strategy post but for now...BED!

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



I'm interested too. I'll bring my Fire/Rad hero troller. No nukes (yet) but she's pretty well slotted and has a full tank of Shivs.

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Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.