When does one report bad RPing/Rper?
If that was RP, it wasn't RP I would be interested in, I mean what the heck the guys a hero. Sometimes people get carried away. Not sure I would have reported it, but that's up to each person. Definitely not someone I would run with. I have two great static teams where the RP is great. Keep at it and have fun.
If you're feeling like it's a rules violation, report it, /ignore them and forget it. The powers that be will sort it out...or not, as they see fit. That's part of their job.
Or if you're feeling like giving them the benefit of the doubt, a tell such as, "((Sorry but your RP style is not suitable for our group. Best of luck.))" (And probably followed by an /ignore)
Or just /kick, /ignore and move on. I've found the less discussion, the better, and it never ends well. (I've violated that rule and regretted it.)
Okay....I'm a recent Freedom transfer to Virtue, but certainly am not new to the game. I know about RPing, have participated in "bad" rping in that I recognize I suck at, but am willing to try and learn. (I think my downfall is I just can't bring myself to stand around and rp and so try and do it while: leading a mission, recruiting for a sg, recruiting a PuG, killing badies, getting badges..etc etc).
My question is specifically when does RPing cross the line in terms of personal attack, offensive language etc? As a follow up I'm curious if all you experienced ones have a code as to when/if said line has been crossed. For the most part what RPing I have participated in since I've transfered to Virtue has been fun and instructive (if not rushed, but that's my fault). The one big glaring exception was a lv. 50 new recruit into a newly formed SG, I guess because he liked the name. He proceeded to offer me 400mil to make him a leader. Kind instruction to read the SG desc for how promotions work. He proclaims his everlasting love and offers me 1Bil to be a leader. At this point I treat him like a drug dealer and just say NO....(mouse is sliding to the "kick sg memeber" button) ...mass tells of how he's going to kill my family, children, dog, and grandma... in graphic terms no less... (here's where I believe the line is crossed) ...kicked from sg...but I invite him to a team...I ask him "wtf was that?" He says, "((I'm rping))" Blah...sounds to me like "RPing" in this case was just an excuse to wail into some random dude without the repercutions of having to follow the rules. Petitioned for personal harrassment. Help me understand what I did wrong or right here with this "mentally challenged" rper... |
I think you got it pretty much dead right in the way you handled it. The "I'm RPing" excuse can be abused pretty badly at times and that seems to be a prime example. Kick, petition, attach a Note on the character being a jerk, ignore+gignore and move on to more positive things.
Here's hoping your RP and Virtue experiences are more positive from here on in!
The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."
Reading the situation up and down, it just sounds like horrible RPing and it also sounds like a personal attack when taken at face value. I've run into situations where people claim they're RPing under the pretense of attacking you personally. There's always that line. And unless the character is established to be insane, loudmouthed, brash, and an insolent immature child, yeah no.... What I would have done is what you did right here. Though I would also /gignore them if you haven't already.
Though, I do like Spartan's idea. You should've taken the money and ran. But that's the greedy villain/mercenary/rogue inside of me talking.
RP or not, we all have to follow the Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct.
RP is not, shall not and never will be an excuse for harassment or abuse.
I can't speak for other people, but to me, there's a pretty solid line between IC arguing/verbal fighting/verbal insults versus OOC harassment/abuse.
Trust me, I know.
I got temp banned for having an IC RP'ed argument with a friend in Steel Canyon. Some passer by didn't like what we had to say to each other In Character and the next thing I know my account is disabled for a week.
When I explained the situation I was told that in no uncertain terms that RP or not, profanity filter or not, we have to follow the ToS and CoC at all times. Blue Side, Red Side, IC or OOC. No exceptions.
Individuals may have their own point of tolerance where they draw their own line, but if it comes to the attention of the mod team, regardless of the situation the ToS & CoC will be upheld.
I don't think, at any point, you should report someone for RPing an "aggressive" or socially immoral character. It's RP. By taking part in it, you're exposing yourself to all sorts of things.
Sure. You can dislike the character. You can avoid RPing with the person if that's all they do as RP. But reporting? No.
If I'm sitting in the D, and some random character walks up and starts wailing on my character, I'd respond back the same way my character would respond back: I wail back at them, or just shrug them off.
I'd also expect the same from other people I RP with. I used to play an extremely feminist character who walked around preaching that men are a disease to society. Doesn't mean I believed in it. But she did, and it was fun. Other characters got mad too, and they all responded accordingly, which made for really fun times, and sometimes very deep, philosophical discussions.
Meanwhile, when I was RPing on the said character, someone (the person wasn't involved in my RP at all; just a random by-stander) sent me a tell, informing me that they're reporting me OOCly for promoting sexism in a public area. Is that justified to you?
In the end, it all depends on you. Do what you like, and avoid what you don't like. If you find someone to be a bad RPer, just one-star them and move along, otherwise stay and RP it out. But personally, I think reporting is for players harassing players. Not characters harassing characters.

RP police, how may i help you?
I think, to be honest, the thing that motivates the petitioning in MY mind is the obvious dichotomy between IC reaction (the shouting at, and etc) and OOC motivation (I WANT THAT SHINY SG NAME GIMME GIMME GIMME)
The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."
In my opinion, instances like that are easy to tell whethe rthey're OOC or IC. If you feel you are being harassed OOC, then use your judgement, chances are you are right. Some people make 'themselves' in the game, though, and that makes things worse, as they can take things, personally, OOC if you say something IC, because there's little-to-no dividing line for them since they are, effectively, playing themselves. I don't like these people, initially, as it's weird for me. But, as I said, use your better judgement.
With Love,
Me! <3
My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)
because there's little-to-no dividing line for them since they are, effectively, playing themselves. I don't like these people, initially, as it's weird for me.
To me:
IC |______________Huge dividing line that you do not cross_______________| OOC
I generaly get a creepy vibe from them at first and the moment someone says "I just make myself in game and RP as that" I back away slowly and wait for the drama and stalking to start.
Still shoulda took the damn money.
RP or not, profanity filter or not, we have to follow the ToS and CoC at all times. Blue Side, Red Side, IC or OOC. No exceptions.
Individuals may have their own point of tolerance where they draw their own line, but if it comes to the attention of the mod team, regardless of the situation the ToS & CoC will be upheld. |
Okay....I'm a recent Freedom transfer to Virtue, but certainly am not new to the game. I know about RPing, have participated in "bad" rping in that I recognize I suck at, but am willing to try and learn. (I think my downfall is I just can't bring myself to stand around and rp and so try and do it while: leading a mission, recruiting for a sg, recruiting a PuG, killing badies, getting badges..etc etc).
My question is specifically when does RPing cross the line in terms of personal attack, offensive language etc? As a follow up I'm curious if all you experienced ones have a code as to when/if said line has been crossed. For the most part what RPing I have participated in since I've transfered to Virtue has been fun and instructive (if not rushed, but that's my fault). The one big glaring exception was a lv. 50 new recruit into a newly formed SG, I guess because he liked the name. He proceeded to offer me 400mil to make him a leader. Kind instruction to read the SG desc for how promotions work. He proclaims his everlasting love and offers me 1Bil to be a leader. At this point I treat him like a drug dealer and just say NO....(mouse is sliding to the "kick sg memeber" button) ...mass tells of how he's going to kill my family, children, dog, and grandma... in graphic terms no less... (here's where I believe the line is crossed) ...kicked from sg...but I invite him to a team...I ask him "wtf was that?" He says, "((I'm rping))" Blah...sounds to me like "RPing" in this case was just an excuse to wail into some random dude without the repercutions of having to follow the rules. Petitioned for personal harrassment. Help me understand what I did wrong or right here with this "mentally challenged" rper... |
Here's three questions:
Were you personally offended? (if no, stop here. Jerk or no, if s/he's not really bothering you, there's not a problem)
If so, did you ask him out-of-character to taper/play down the behavior that was offensive? (if no, stop here. If you didn't say something there's no way s/he knows they've crossed a border with you. Can't ask them to follow a rule you don't tell them.)
Did he actually stop/taper off the offensive behavior? (if yes, stop here. If s/he complies to your request, there's no problem.)
If you made it this far, then I'd say, you have a problem with the player. Is it harassment? Not really. Unless he's going out of his way to continue issues with you (such as continuing in tells after kicking him from the sg or team, trying to rejoin under other toons, etc) then it might be considered such. Your situation doesn't sound like it... it sounds just as you say, s/he's using rp as an excuse to be a jerk.
Good/Bad RP is really in the eye of the beholder... what you might think is fine another would snub, and it's not really a reportable offense.
The best thing for you, if you've gotten past the three questions I posed, is to remember the "ignore" function is your friend. No need to get flustered, angry or upset... one click and you never have to endure his "rp" again. Make a global note as well, so if you ever run across him again on a team and get the inevitable tell " Mister X wants to know why you have him on ignore..." you have the notes at your fingertips.
... Hit it ...

As many others have already tossed in their advice on what to do, etc., I'll simply say this;
Don't let this experience detract you from the Virtue Experience. IMHO, it's a wonderful server with wonderful people.
And next time, take the damn money. THEN KICK. Douchebags deserve no mercy.
Thanks for all the support and advice...
as per the money....been around long enough to have quite a stash, a billion is nothing to turn ur nose up to, but really....I have enough to spend and spread around without having to deal with this guy/gal any more than I have to. I'm not a flaunter, see no need to, but bottom line is I can go out and make another billion if I really want it. My conscience would bother me ripping someone off like that...even if they deserve it etc...
as per Virtue server, I'm highly thrilled to be here, despite the occasional fruits and nuts.
as per suggestions I appreciate the guidance on the "great divide" that should be between ic and ooc. For the most part I get it....I believe, however, immature minds (irregardless of age) really destroys the fun of RP.
All in all I just see this incident as isolated, perhaps even a joke of some kind from the perpetrator, but it by no means out weighs the fun I've had on Virtue thus far.
*walks in, points to the quote at the bottom of Spartan's post, then turns and walks away* Nuff Said!
Shoulda taken his money and then just said.. "ok, now your a leader." Without actually promoting him in the ranks of the SG/VG.
My question is specifically when does RPing cross the line in terms of personal attack, offensive language etc? As a follow up I'm curious if all you experienced ones have a code as to when/if said line has been crossed
There are several factors as to when I will report a person for an RP "rules" violation.
Take for example a certain SG that is still on the server on blue side yet they really should ship over to red. One of the new people to my own SG at the time got into an RP with them over in Atlas Park. They pretended to "capture" her and take her to their base. The idea was for my group to go in and rescue her after their team leader sent me a tell asking if this scenario was all right with me. (This was before AE) I was fine with it at first.
However what I proceeded to "hear" via broadcast chat within that base was enough for me to put a note into the GM's. They proceeded to graphically violate the new SG member's character. It angered me to the point of telling the opposing SG's team leader to either quit with what they were trying to RP or be reported. Instead he and his team decided making fun of "The old timer, stick in the mud" and other words not fit for print would be much more fun, along with graphically violating the violating the captured character.
Their "excuse" was they were RPing "exactly" what would happen in RL to a person if they were captured like that. My response was it is disgusting in RL and does not need to be done in a game ment for all ages. At that point I told the player that all of this was happening to to drop out of character and leave the base. Which she did and thanked me afterwords for helping her. Since the SG leader would not see reason I hit them with an ignore after they took things to a personal level via tells.
Which brings me to flaming tells. If a person wants to get into a fight via tells over something trivial, I warn them. I have a three strike policy. ON the third go round the ignore goes into place and you will have to communicate with me via one of the sites I am on.
Another thing is people who just do not understand, no matter how much I or team members try to teach them to RP they just do not "get it". I am always happy and willing to teach people to RP. I consider the 20-30days trial period on my teams to be a learning time and by the end of it you will have picked up the very basics of roleplaying. Yet, I have come across a few people in my time that just do not understand and get into fights then say its RP. This will guarantee you being kicked from supergroups and word of mouth travels fast.
The ones that really scare me though, are the ones who can not separate the fantasy from the reality. I have had to toss a few players for that because it became a stalking situation on team members. Having encountered the same situations in another game to the point of changing account names and erasing every character I had ever made I know what it is like to be stalked by someone who thinks your character is you. That is one situation where my claws come out. I notified the GM's as to what was happening. When player did something again he was reported and removed from the supergroup. His excuse "I was RPing" did not work.
Even if everyone only knows each other via looking at characters on a screen and being on a web board with them. It does not excuse behavior that would violate the ones own personal laws of ethics outside of the box. My advice to everyone is to think really hard on what actions you are doing and not just reacting to a situation.
I am sorry for being long winded but I just want everyone to be safe and have fun.
Okay....I'm a recent Freedom transfer to Virtue, but certainly am not new to the game. I know about RPing, have participated in "bad" rping in that I recognize I suck at, but am willing to try and learn. (I think my downfall is I just can't bring myself to stand around and rp and so try and do it while: leading a mission, recruiting for a sg, recruiting a PuG, killing badies, getting badges..etc etc).
My question is specifically when does RPing cross the line in terms of personal attack, offensive language etc? As a follow up I'm curious if all you experienced ones have a code as to when/if said line has been crossed.
For the most part what RPing I have participated in since I've transfered to Virtue has been fun and instructive (if not rushed, but that's my fault).
The one big glaring exception was a lv. 50 new recruit into a newly formed SG, I guess because he liked the name. He proceeded to offer me 400mil to make him a leader. Kind instruction to read the SG desc for how promotions work. He proclaims his everlasting love and offers me 1Bil to be a leader. At this point I treat him like a drug dealer and just say NO....(mouse is sliding to the "kick sg memeber" button)
...mass tells of how he's going to kill my family, children, dog, and grandma... in graphic terms no less... (here's where I believe the line is crossed)
...kicked from sg...but I invite him to a team...I ask him "wtf was that?"
He says, "((I'm rping))"
Blah...sounds to me like "RPing" in this case was just an excuse to wail into some random dude without the repercutions of having to follow the rules. Petitioned for personal harrassment.
Help me understand what I did wrong or right here with this "mentally challenged" rper...