Character Round Up
Sure, why not.
Current Virtue slots: All purchased, 29 toons representing 25 different characters (2 characters with 2 builds, 1 with 3), 1 name being held for a friend, 5 free slots.
Of the 25 characters, 9 are Female, 10 are Male, 6 are Huge.
Favorites to Play: The Androgyne, 50+1 Rad/Dark/Dark Corruptor (Musculature Radial) and The Great White Hype, 50 Elec/SR/Body Brute (Nerve somethingorother)
Favorite AT: To play, Brutes. To play with, Defenders. Though my favorite character is a Corruptor and I like the AT, it's probably not my favorite outside of Dark Miasma.
ATs & Levels
8 Scrappers: 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 39, 6, 2
3 Blasters: 50, 50, 27
3 Brutes: 50, 50, 46
3 Defenders: 35, 10, 1 (1 50 deleted)
3 Tankers: 45, 40, 8
2 Corruptors: 50, 38 (2nd 50 stored on Justice)
2 Dominators: 33, 23
1 Arachnos Soldier: 32
1 Arachnos Widow: 29
1 Controller: 10
1 Mastermind: 23
1 Stalker: 24
Powersets (Excluding those I only have 1 of):
4 Dark Miasma: 1 Corruptor, 2 Defenders, 1 Mastermind (Favorite by miles, the 50 Defender I deleted and the Corruptor I transfered were both Darks)
4 Dark Armor: 1 Brute, 2 Scrappers, 1 Tanker (Not remotely a favorite but conceptually versatile)
4 Super Reflexes: 2 Scrappers, 2 Brutes (addictively h4x, all are 50)
3 Dual Blades: 2 Scrappers, 1 Stalker
3 Dual Pistols: 2 Blasters, 1 Defender
2 Claws: 2 Scrappers
2 Electric Armor: 1 Scrapper, 1 Tanker
2 Mind Control: 1 Controller, 1 Dominator
2 Radiation Blast: 1 Blaster, 1 Corruptor
2 Regeneration: 2 Scrappers
2 Super Strength: 2 Brutes
8 Mutation (least favorite conceptually)
6 Magic
6 Natural
6 Technology
3 Science
I should have many more Vigilantes and Rogues, I just got bored of the Tip grind pretty fast after I moved the most important ones to where they belonged.
12 Heroes (1 formerly Resistance)
8 Villains
3 Vigilante
3 Rogue
2 Loyalist
1 Resistance
Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators
Let's see. I've got... 16 total characters. And then a plethora of really low-level alts that I'm not counting 'cause I haven't gotten significant levels in them yet. (If I did count them, I'd have 26 characters... which is all the slots I have...)
Favorite AT: Controllers/Dominators. The edge might go to Doms overall just 'cause seeing Domination! everywhere is so satisfying, although my absolute favorite to play is my Plant/Kin.
1 Blaster: 50
1 Controller: 40
1 Defender: 50
2 Scrappers: 50 and 22
1 Tanker: 50
1 Peacebringer: 50
1 Warshade: 20
1 Brute: 50
1 Stalker: 50
1 Mastermind: 50
1 Dominator: 33
2 Corruptors: 50 and 20
1 Arachnos Widow: 20
1 Arachnos Soldier: 50
And then most of the rest of my slots are filled with Controllers/Doms that I really want to try.
Favorite Powerset: OH MAN THIS IS HARD. It's a tie between Invulnerability, Plant Control, Super Strength, and Traps. Assault Rifle might be up there just 'cause of Full Auto, too. I'll just list the powerset combos I have instead of counting 'cause I don't ever play a powerset twice. :|
Invulnerability/Ice Melee Tanker
Necromancy/Poison Mastermind
Human Peacebringer
Crab Spider
Assault Rifle/Mental Manipulation Blaster
Dark Melee/Ninjitsu Stalker
Fiery Melee/Shield Defense Scrapper
Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Storm Summoning/Energy Blast Defender
Sonic Attacks/Traps Corruptor
Plant Control/Kinetics Controller
Electric Control/Earth Assault Dominator
Triform Warshade
Arachnos Widow (that I'll probably go Night Widow with)
Spines/Super Reflexes Scrapper
Dual Pistols/Pain Domination Corruptor
Potential Controllers: Earth/Rad, Grav/TA, Ill/Emp
Potential Dominators: Fire/Psi, Mind/Ice, Ice/Thorns... might switch it up and go Fire/Thorns and Ice/Psi instead though. Can't decide.
My favorite COMBOS are definitely the Inv/Ice Tanker, Fire/Shield Scrapper, AR/Mental Blaster, Plant/Kin Controller (which goes in the number 1 spot), and SS/WP Brute. The Elec/Earth Dom and Spines/SR Scrapper might make it to that list, but not until they're closer to 50.
Favorite Origin: I think I default to Mutant or Tech. I think my favorites are Magic and Science though.
3 Science
3 Magic
3 Mutant
4 Natural (thanks to my 3 Natural EATs)
3 Tech
Huh. Apparently I'm pretty balanced when it comes to origins.
Favorite alignment? Hero. I've got 9 heroes and 7 villains.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker
Because I love these threads and haven't seen one in a while.
Tell me about (brag about) your: # of alts? Favorite AT? Favorite Powersets? Favorite Origin? Favorite Alignment? |
Mind/Storm, 50
Ill/Storm, 50
Grav/FF, 50
Fire/Storm, 27
Fire/Rad, 33
Dark/Regen, 50
Katana/Will, 50
Spines/Fire, 35
Elec/Energy, 50 (My only having one does not reflect how much I like this character.)
Rad/Arrows, 50
Dark/Sonic, 50
Kin/Ice, 50
Sonic/Rad, 50
Empathy/Dark, 32
Stone/Energy, 50
Dark/Fire, 50
Inv/Dark, 36
Shield/Stone, 32
One level 8. Used to have a 41, but got deleted.
Ice/Psi, 50 (Another AT I only have one of, but love to bits.)
Dark/Energy (Ugh), 46
Mace/Will, 6
Claw/SR, 19
One, Level 47
Kinetic/Ninja, 22 (Played purely for RP reasons. Really dislike the Stalker AT)
One Level 5...uh...something/something. I don't know what it is about Corrs, I just can't seem to play one. Love the Defenders. Hate, hate, hate playing a Corr.
None. Used to have a 30-something Demon/Thermal, but deleted it. Hate this AT even more than Stalkers. Happy to have one along on a team, just don't ask me to play one.
Natural: 7
Science: 3 (Though 2 of these are my all-time favourite character stories.)
Magic: 10
Tech: 1
Mutant: 4
Hero (by story): 20
Villain (by story): 3
Vaguely aligned: 2
# of alts? 12
Favorite AT? Tanker
Favorite Powersets? Willpower
Favorite Origin? Magic/Mutation
Favorite Alignment? Hero
AT/Powersets -
Tanker: Will/Energy, Will/DB, Dark/Dark, and Shield/Mace
Scrapper: KM/Will and Katana/Will
Defender: Rad/Rad
Controller: Elec/Storm
Brute: Elec/Elec
Corruptor: DP/Storm
Mastermind: Thugs/Storm
Warshade: Tri-Form
Origin -
Magic: 4
Science: 2
Mutant: 4
Natural: 2
Alignment -
Hero: 8
Resistance: 1
Villain: 3

Nothing really to brag about, sadly.
Here we go:
Alts = On Virtue, all 36 slots have been bought... 35 of them are currently taken up
AT count =
- Arachnos Soldier - 2
- Arachnos Widow - 0
- Blaster - 6
- Brute - 1
- Controller - 0
- Defender - 7
- Dominator - 1
- Peacebringer - 0
- Scrapper - 8
- Stalker - 2
- Tanker - 3
- Warshade - 1
Powersets =
The following are sets I do not have a character of:
- Luminous Blast/Aura
- Spines
- Dark Armor
- Fiery Aura
- Traps
- Trick Arrow
- Assault Rifle
- Devices
- (all control powers except for Ice Control)
- (all dominator secondaries except for Electricity Assault)
- (any powers in Arachnos Widow)
- Battle Axe
- Ice Melee
- Pain Domination
Every other set, I have at least 1 character for. My favorite powersets are: fire (melee/blast/manip), energy (melee/blast/manip), electricity (melee/blast/manip/armor), willpower, ninjitsu, dual pistols (I absolutely love this), and the swords (katana ninja/dual blade/broadsword)
Origins =
- Magic - 8
- Mutation - 19
- Natural - 5
- Science - 3
- Technology - 0
Clearly, I love my mutants.
Alignments =
Praetorians crossed over will count towards what they originally were.
- Hero - 24
- Vigilante - 1
- Villain - 0
- Rogue - 6
- Resistance - 3
- Loyalists - 1
It's obvious I love me some heroes, but I love rogues, too.
Throughout all of this, I am the proud owner of 10 Level 50s. 4 of them are Alpha-slotted.
# of alts? 10 total, 7 of them level 50 (and a 8th almost there).
Favorite AT? I don't really have a favorite AT as much as a favorite type of AT. I enjoy all of the Ranged ATs but dislike the Melee ATs to be frustrating. Defenders are probably the closest I have to a favorite AT but even there it's more about the specific powersets.
Favorite Powersets? Assault Rifle and Traps
Favorite Origin? Tech (5 characters) with Magic coming in second (3 characters), the other two are EATs
Favorite Alignment? Hero! Actually story-wise several of my Heroes are probably closer to Vigilantes but the Alignment merits and Call to Justice are to tasty to give up .
I'll jump on board with this!
Number of Alts
♥ 15 Total (All on Virtue, too.)
♥ 9 Female
♥ 6 Male
AT Statistics
♥ 5 Defenders
♥ 2 Corruptors
♥ 1 Arachnos Widow
♥ 1 Blaster
♥ 1 Brute
♥ 1 Controller
♥ 1 Mastermind
♥ 1 Scrapper
♥ 1 Stalker
♥ 1 Tanker
(Gee. I wonder which one's my favourite. I have plans of making a Warshade, too. Eventually. And a Dominator. Maybe I should eventually just make one of everything...)
Powerset Statistics
♥ Battle Axe
♥ Dark Blast
♥ Dark Miasma
♥ Dual Blades
♥ Dual Pistols
♥ Fire Blast
♥ Force Field
♥ Ice Blast
♥ Shield Defense
♥ War Mace
♥ Willpower
♥ I also have the following, but the aforementioned are my favourites: archery, dark armour, demon summoning, electrical blast, empathy, fire control, ice manipulation, kinetics, ninja blade, pain domination, radiation emission, sonic attack, teamwork (widow teamwork), thermal radiation, and widow training (night widow training).
Origin Statistics
♥ 7 Magic
♥ 4 Natural
♥ 1 Mutation
♥ 1 Science
♥ 1 Technology
Alignment Statistics
♥ 8 Heroes (1 is a Hero by game mechanics, but an alt for someone redside; 1 is a Hero by game mechanics, but an unaffiliated Praetorian.)
♥ 4 Villains (1 is a Rogue by game mechanics, but a villain by story.)
♥ 1 Loyalist
♥ 1 Resistance
♥ 1 Rogue
♥ 0 Vigilantes
Home of the Following (And about eleven other alts.):
[Agenla Kedair] - 50 :: Magic / Corruptor
[Eli Fresca] - 50 :: Magic / Scrapper
[Marcasite] - 50 :: Technology / Defender
[Xan Trine] - 50 :: Natural / Tanker
# of alts? Not really sure... About 30 I think...
Favorite AT? VEAT (though Brute and Scrapper vie for second)
Favorite Powersets? Widow, Soldier of Arachnos, Dual Blades, Shield Defense
Favorite Origin? Natural, Magic
Favorite Alignment? Villain, even though my extra extra extra favorite is still my first 50, an Invul/Energy Tank
Had one Loyalist, mostly Resistance... All but one of my Praetorians have gone hero (and that was the lone Loyalist [Praetorian Pugilist - a SS/SR Brute])
I have 1 Rogue and 1 Vigilante. The Rogue is a 50 Crab and the Vigilante is a 38 PB... I just liked the irony.
# of alts? 102 ( I lost a few due to lack of play)
Favorite AT? SCRAPPER!!
Favorite Powersets? I've got a soft spot for claws, but fire works too
Favorite Origin? Natural
Favorite Alignment? Hero, although Preatoria is the pretty place to start
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
Characters: Aisha A., An'chai, Blazeknight, Dancing Phoenix, Empress Xhan, Entropy Dagger, Erica Strauss, Field Supervisor Orr, Freelance Rose, Hail Striker, Jessica Reid, Kaelinia, Kai-Lian, Kelenar, Liora Kate, Magatama, Naira al-Jamil, Qiao Huang, Quicksilver Shadow, Reisa Cobblestump, Rogue Arcanist, Scrap Dragon, Shardwave, Shatterware, Silverbuilt, Smashflower, Sorrow-Weave, Translator 0x04B
Defender 6
Scrapper 6
Corruptor 4
Dominator 3
Brute 3
Blaster 2
Mastermind 2
Stalker 2
Favorite AT is Defender, followed by Dominator and Brute in no particular order.
50: 13
40s: 4
30s: 3
20s: 4
Teens: 2
Single-digits: 2
Hero: 15
Villain: 8
Rogue: 4
Vigilante: 0
Resistance: 1
The numbers should be...
Hero: 12
Villain: 6
Rogue: 6
Vigilante: 3
Resistance: 1
I'm just too lazy to get a lot of characters to their proper alignment.
Magic: 12
Mutation: 5
Science: 5
Technology: 4
Natural: 2
About half of my Magic-origin characters could be Natural by the game's definition--it covers things like fire elementals with innate fire-shooting capabilities.
Electric Blast: 3
Traps: 3
Dark Armor: 2
Dark Melee: 2
Dual Blades: 2
Fire Armor: 2
Ice Blast: 2
Katana: 2
Radiation Emission: 2
Regeneration: 2
Stone Melee: 2
Storm Summoning: 2
Unrepeated powersets: 30
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
42 on virtue
Camping two names.
Too lazy to list them all...but...
15 Heroes
15 Villains
2 Loyalist
2 Resistance
2 Vigilante
2 Rogue
1 Peacebringer
1 Warshade
1 Widow
1 Soldier of Arachnos
"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.
Give me Ingition Witch, deli!
# of alts? on Virtue that I Play... 10 Characters in all, Alts, every character slot on every server...
Favorite AT?
I use to love my Main, I really enjoyed the Scrapper, Now I think I like my blaster best. although my controller is hella fun.
Favorite Powersets? use to be Kat/regen, now its a toose up with my fire/bubbles or my pistol devices.
Favorite Origin? can't say Main is magic, Pistol is tech, controller is sci
Favorite Alignment? praetorian rebel, Vigilante, and rogues, then hero. although i love the rogue islands.
list of Characters:
Mariel Martog: 50 : Magic Kat Regen Scrapper, forever hero, never Incarnate.
Tiburon Ordo Malleus: 50 : MM Mercs traps, Recently made Hero, will become Incarnate,.
Evil Irken: 45 : Veat, Spider range AOE with pets build. going hero just waiting for a little free money to do a name change. Dropping the Evil off of the name.
Irken: 42 : (forever 42) : Controller Fire bubbles, going to do a Name change, since E.Irken will replace Irken, and Irken will become a Hybrid human dragon female. (thinking her name should be a Marcy, and calling her a name I saw in a Anime recently)
those four are my Mains.
My Virtue Stats:
36 Characters
24 of them level 50
0 in the 40-49 range
3 in the 30-39 range
9 in the 20-29 range
At Level 50:
3 Scrappers -- Transhade (BS/DA), Maiden of Fury (BS/SD), Current Striker (EL/SD)
2 Defenders -- Nemanen, Jensen Maxwell
2 Controllers -- Elementus Draco, Chillbalm
2 Tankers -- Legion Golem, Axe Enforcer
2 Brutes -- Trashman Jim, Cave Bat
2 Dominators -- Clora Form, Earth Concious
2 Corrupters -- Banshee Maiden, Frost Draco
2 Stalkers -- Who, Titansaurus
3 Blasters -- Sgt. Trouble, Agent Swift, Old Man Gramps
1 Mastermind -- Dr. Richardson
1 Soldier of Arachnos -- Arbiter Jim
1 Widow -- Azure Blood
1 Peace Bringer -- Ann Arqe
Origin all Magic except those that can't be.
Alginment: 35 Hero 1 Villain
Favorite - BS/DA Scrapper
# of alts? 15
Favorite AT? Arachnos Widow
Favorite Powersets? Kinetic Melee
Favorite Origin? None
Favorite Alignment? Vigilante
Of all my characters, my Widow is my favorite. The Fortunata build is just too much fun. Tried Night Widow for a while, and it just seems like its lacking something.
As for characters:
Arsenic Widow: 50+1 Fortunata build (Villain) Natural
Shujissa: 50 Blaster - Archery/Mental Manipulation (currently switching back to hero) Tech
Darkojin: 37 Corruptor - Dark/Dark (Villain) Mutation
Ekoci: 24 Soldier of Arachnos (Villain) Natural
Nightmare Ascension: 23 Scrapper - Kinetic Melee/Regen (Villain) Mutation
Heretic Remnant: 20 Dark/Dark Brute (Villain) Mutation
Khrystal Sierval: 26 Ice/Ice Blaster (Hero) Natural
Tsarius: 27 Dual Blade/Willpower Tanker (Vigilante) Tech
Emberial: 16 Demon SUmmoning/Pain Mastermind (Villain) Natural
Fire Requiem: 7 Fire/Fire Corruptor (Villain) Magic
Akuto Xai'ka: 6 Broadsword/Shield Defender (Hero) Science
Icin Decin: 7 Warshade (Hero) Science
Shojin: 23 Broadsword/Willpower Stalker (Villain)
Virilae: 11 Dual Pistol/Devices Blaster (Hero) Natural
Yesterday's Obituary: 5 Necromancy/Dark Miasma (Resistance) Magic
All of the above are on Virtue, and I have a level 5 copy of Arsenic on Triumph.
Global: @Darkojin
Because I love these threads and haven't seen one in a while.
Tell me about (brag about) your:
# of alts?
Favorite AT?
Favorite Powersets?
Favorite Origin?
Favorite Alignment?
Alts - 60 alts, three transferred to a server other than Virtue. (57 female, 3 male)
AT -
Defenders - 15 (avg lvl 27, 4 50s)
Scrappers - 11 (avg lvl 24, 2 50s)
Controllers - 8 (avg lvl 27, 2 50s)
Blaster - 4 (avg lvl 23, 1 50)
Dominator - 4 (avg lvl 17)
Tank - 4 (avg lvl 27, 1 50)
Powersets -
Dark Miasma - 8
Ice Blast - 6
Regeneration - 6
Radiation Blast - 5
Storm Summoning - 5
Dual Pistols - 4
Electric Armor - 4
Origin -
Science - 21
Mutation - 14
Tech - 9
Magic - 9
Natural - 7
Alignment by starting point (sometimes story only) -
Heroes - 43
Praetorian - 13
Villains - 4
Alignment by GR loop
Hero - 45
Resistance - 7
Villain - 8
Heroic types (by story) - Siberian Spring, Siberian Autumn, Siberian Twilight, Siberian Noon, Siberian Solstice, Siberian Night, Siberian Evening, Siberian Winter, Siberian Sunset, SiberianDawn, Siberian Dusk, Siberian Morning, SiberianSummer, Siberian Sunrise, Siberian Equinox, Patriot Fury, Patriot Shadow, Alisa Paladin, A. Paladin, Mrs. Paladin, Patriot Sentry, Chernozem, Patriot Paladin, Fate's Champion, Champion of Fate, Wila, Krasivyy Mechtayu, Krasivyy Zvezda, Means of Production, Divinatrix, Chance of Showers, Cosmonaut Ninja Olga, Assault Kitten Nya, Soviet Sentry, Prototype Pravda, Keeper of Innocents, Nomadstar, Dr. Jaq Paladin, Western, Quanta Planck, Sister Moerae
Praetorian types (by story) - Comrade Siberian, Commander Siberian, Tovarisch Siberian, Polkovnik Siberian, Alisa Korsakova, Russian Fury, Russia's Daughter, Viila, Hatchet of War, The Protectrix, Spetsnaz Sorceress, Berserk Clockwork, Freedom's Fury
Villainous types (by story) - Cryovex, Exodus Hunter Vex, Mrs. Invincible, Exodus Hunter Mora
Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)