Virtue RP-Friendly Locations (V RP R)




Compiled by @Tipsycakes and members of the Virtue RP Revival global channel.

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Atlas Park

** Atlas Roof Garden Dome: Hexagonal building, SE corner of the zone.
** City Hall, interior and exterior.
** Park, east of AE building.
** Fort Trident, Heroes only.
** Apartment complex, south end of zone, west of Skyway entrance.

King's Row

** Interrogation Room at PPD. Kings Row: Police Station. Logout with your back against the window of the interrogation room inside, and you'll re-log inside the small room. Can TP others in.


** "Look Out"/picnic area in the South ("The one with the history plaque").
** The Radio Tower (highest peak, southeast of the middle of the zone).
** Forest, far southeast corner.
** Numerous apartment areas in the North end and Northeast areas.

Perez Park

** Eerie green mist wood/jungle (just go straight west from AP gate)
** Cabins and docks. South end of lake.
** Amphitheater


** Easter Egg room, hidden behind the crates at the base of Freight Elevator C.
** Ruined Arachnos base, north of the dam, and northwest corner of the south Faultline dam mini-zone.
** Hot tubs and pools, west of AE building, and east of Hospital.
** Italian Restaurant/Cafe- Near Mirror Spirit.

Steel Canyon

** University/Campus
** Midnighter's Club


** Spanky's Boardwalk, East side of main island.
** Beach, East and North side of main island.
** "Cave Island" (Circe Island) In between the four larger islands, island not shown on map. LOC: -2508 10 1142

Echo: Dark Astoria

** The Crypt.

Indepedence Port

** The Bridge
** Small nook on the piers, North end of zone. LOC: 27 -26 -9741
** Cargo Crates: The SW cornerhas a huge area of nothing but these. May be good for a hide/seek, cat/mouse thing. Very action movie-esque (see: A-Team movie climax)
** Cargo Crates- South of the Icon store.
** North of Terra Volta- small broken-down one-floor building.
** South of Terra Volta- Storehouse and piers.


** Jack of iron's throne. SE in the forest.
** The University.
** Mini-Stonehenge.
** Pond- Misty Woods area populated by Wisps, near Kelley Nemmers .


** The Zig. Sad there's no way to go inside, right?

Crey's Folly

** The Freakshow encampment.

Founders Falls

** The circle square (AKA where Infernal stands)
** The University.
** The canals under the buildings, found all over the zone.
** the waterfall in the SW of the zone.


** Demolished Crey Facility
** Lakeside waterfall, Unspoiled badge location near The Hive door.

Peregrine Island

** "The Matrix Room" -- the existence of this room is still something not much elaborated on by the staff/devs. Use of it may or may not be problematic for players.
** Portal Corp.


Port Oakes
** The sinking cargo ship, west and a bit south of the south zone entrance, Drilled badge location.

Cap Au Diable
** Arachnos base/Airport, eastern area of the zone, near the water. Bloody Bay entrance.
** University
** The Crucible- South of Virgil Tarikoss (Villains only)


** Monkey Bar. For those moments where you want to get away from Pocket D.
** The Villa (SE corner).
** Cemetery.


** "Cave Under Waterfall" in North island- Location of Soother badge.
** Agincourt Longbow base, interior.
** Crey's stockhouses (Monsters in cages).
** Wrecked Pirate Ship- Nerva Wreck badge location.
** Lost City- Near/around Primal Instinct badge.

St. Martial

** Golden Giza.
** Carnie Tent City, north area in the zone.
** Arachnos base.


** Recluse's tower, interior/exterior.
** Tunnel systems- these lead all over the zone from around the Tower north to the WEB.
** The Dev Dungeon- Hidden in the tunnels leading from Grandville and the FAB. While headed North, it will be behind the power unit of a south-facing wall just under the beach. Look at the corner behind the unit and walk behind it and down the hall to the Dungeon. (coordinates: 2410.0 -672.5 -1312.8)
** The Fab, North end of the zone.


** The Welcome Center- the Jurassic Park looking hub just Northeast of the zone entrance.



** Council base- Southwest corner of the zone, Basejumper bade. Head down behind the desk and down the stairs into a cavern area. Sometimes spawns Council enemies.
** Malta Tents- North of the Council base, Southeast of the Devouring Earth door, Homewrecker badge. Meshed canopies full of arms and munitions.
** Devouring Earth cave door- West side of the map, 1/3 North, Luscious badge. Giant grassy/rocky area with a large cave door, guarded by DE enemies.


** Hilltop home of the old woman- East of the piers, atop the large staircase.


*Disclaimer* Essentially all of Praetoria is amazing for RP. This list tries to make note of the lesser-known/utilized areas.

Nova Praetoria

** Magisterium.
** Train depots.

Imperial City

** Studio 55
** TPN Campus.
** People's Park.
** BAF Center- North end of zone. Use doors along the exterior walls to get in.
** Neighborhood near south of the zone.
** Hilly area south of the neighborhood. Gazebos and such are strewn about.


** Keyes Reactor.
** LAMBDA Sector munitions depot.
** Ghetto- Urban Renewal badge location and surrounding blocks.
** Airport south of the ghetto and just Northwest of the reactor.
** Junkyard, next to the ghetto.

First Ward

** Mother Mayhem's Asylum- Southwest corner of the zone.
** Playground- South of zone entrance. Dilapidated playground, half-run through by tanks.
** The Marshes- Southeast corner of the zone.
** Church/Cemetary- East side of the zone.
** Eltentown.
** Shadowed Paths- look for runes along the ground and walk over them to enter an eerie other-world.
** Epicenter- Numerous buildings in and around the center of the city are broken down and wrecked. Some of them do have interiors fit for walking around inside, as well as numerous empty rooms that run through entire floors of the building. Keep your eyes peeled for them.
** Hamidon Seed carcass- South of the city, North of the Asylum.

Please feel free to post more as you see fit. They will be added to the list as necessary.



This is a rather cool list you got going on, but I just thought I should point out that the red text is almost impossible for me to read on the default hero skin.



Nerva has several locations of 'Nick's Weiners'. Very nice environments. Father Gerard Henri's Home for Wayward Youth hangs out at a few of them during the week.



I am going to ERP like there's no tomorrow in each and every one of those places.



Thanks all!

Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
This is a rather cool list you got going on, but I just thought I should point out that the red text is almost impossible for me to read on the default hero skin.
I also have the default Hero skin. I found it hard to read but not impossible. All the same, I just changed it to a lighter red. Let me know if that works any better for you.

Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I am going to ERP like there's no tomorrow in each and every one of those places.
Already crossing off locations as I go! Race ya!



That does look a bit better. My eyes are probably just worse than yours, heh. Sorry, didn't want to derail your thread. I'll keep an eye out for cool places to add to this list.



This is fantastic. I am getting sick of Pocket D being the only place.



I really do miss seeing more rooftop RP but I often wish there was like an outside restaurant or patio in every neighborhood just to RP at. I just find it funny that everyone congregates like pigeons around the Atlas Statue. The Atrium in Atlas is a good example of a great environment to RP in or even a few of the rooftops that look much more realistic now. It's just too bad that Atlas lags quite a few people. I just wish there were more places like the Atrium in other neighborhoods.

However, there are a couple of places that were not mentioned that I thought would be nice to add.

Kings Row - Northeast from the Police Station is a rooftop with a smoke stack and water tower. Next to it on the roof is a couch and a refrigerator

Steel Canyon - University and Midnighter's Club. It's too bad there really isn't any other place there as it's such a great zone.



Man, I went to go find the water fall in Nerva, but ended up finding the hidden city in the valley and a pirate ship. Among many other awesome things.

This just makes the over-use of pocket D even sadder.



Originally Posted by Straenge View Post
I really do miss seeing more rooftop RP but I often wish there was like an outside restaurant or patio in every neighborhood just to RP at. I just find it funny that everyone congregates like pigeons around the Atlas Statue. The Atrium in Atlas is a good example of a great environment to RP in or even a few of the rooftops that look much more realistic now. It's just too bad that Atlas lags quite a few people. I just wish there were more places like the Atrium in other neighborhoods.

However, there are a couple of places that were not mentioned that I thought would be nice to add.

Kings Row - Northeast from the Police Station is a rooftop with a smoke stack and water tower. Next to it on the roof is a couch and a refrigerator

Steel Canyon - University and Midnighter's Club. It's too bad there really isn't any other place there as it's such a great zone.
The little shopping area by Mirror Spirit in Faultline has a pretty cool Italian restaurant that I like to use as a set piece from time to time. It's too bad the chairs on the patio are too small to actually sit on.



I'll need directions to get to the Amphitheater in Perez Park.

My favourite location in Paragon City is in Eden, directly East of 'The Hive' entrance. It's the Unspoiled badge location, the scenic waterfall and shallow lake above and below it. That location is absolutely stunning in Ultra Mode, and really shows the beauty of nature like no other place I can name. I love going there to RP. I wish I could find a place like that in the Rogue Isles!

Maybe there is one...?



Originally Posted by Zamhareer View Post
I'll need directions to get to the Amphitheater in Perez Park.

My favourite location in Paragon City is in Eden, directly East of 'The Hive' entrance. It's the Unspoiled badge location, the scenic waterfall and shallow lake above and below it. That location is absolutely stunning in Ultra Mode, and really shows the beauty of nature like no other place I can name. I love going there to RP. I wish I could find a place like that in the Rogue Isles!

Maybe there is one...?
In the Hami zone, favourite location in the game. Really pretty backdrop.

Oh, and for the original list, in The Hollows: The pool with all the Will-O-The-Wisps.



Originally Posted by Mrwrk View Post
In the Hami zone, favourite location in the game. Really pretty backdrop.

Oh, and for the original list, in The Hollows: The pool with all the Will-O-The-Wisps.
Thanks Mrwrk! I'll do some scouting.

Speaking of Wisps, the lake in Croatoa's Misty Wood (where Kelly Nemmers is located) is beautiful at night with the wisps spinning around it.



Originally Posted by Mrwrk View Post
In the Hami zone, favourite location in the game. Really pretty backdrop.

Oh, and for the original list, in The Hollows: The pool with all the Will-O-The-Wisps.
!! There's a pool with will-o-wisps in the Hollows? Where?

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
!! There's a pool with will-o-wisps in the Hollows? Where?
Crap...sorry...brain swapped around the names. Meant the Lake with Kelly Nemmers in Croatoa, not the Hollows. My brain had an elderly moment.



Originally Posted by Zamhareer View Post
Thanks Mrwrk! I'll do some scouting.

Speaking of Wisps, the lake in Croatoa's Misty Wood (where Kelly Nemmers is located) is beautiful at night with the wisps spinning around it.

Er...yes...that's the one I meant.



Originally Posted by Straenge View Post
Kings Row - Northeast from the Police Station is a rooftop with a smoke stack and water tower. Next to it on the roof is a couch and a refrigerator
There's one of these rooftops in Peregrine Island on a short building just opposite the Portal Corp complex.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Edenfire View Post

** "Cave Under Waterfall" in North island. (specific location/coordinates needed).
** Agincourt Longbow base, interior.
** Crey's stockhouses (Monsters in cages).
The cave is at 1211.1 81.2 1414.9 and is the location of the Soother badge (assuming we're thinking of the same cave). Another spot in Nerva is Granny Beldam's island, assuming you don't mind the crazy old lady.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




The little shopping area by Mirror Spirit in Faultline has a pretty cool Italian restaurant that I like to use as a set piece from time to time. It's too bad the chairs on the patio are too small to actually sit on.
You know, there are several places like that in various places. I even found a really nice dockside one in Nerva with umbrellas and chairs on the Southeastern most island. I think also they need to re-evaluate some of the sizing issues or maybe make chairs in those type of areas big enough for the "average" hero.. being the size of about 6'4" according to the costume sizing chart. If you see these chairs, even small characters would have a hard time sitting down in them due to the umbrellas.



There is a medium-sized greenhouse up in the monkey-infested islands north of Peregrine. The doors are locked, but there is a hole in the roof--and you can drop into the greenhouse safely. It's green, lush, and quiet.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Updated! Thanks everyone!



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
There is a medium-sized greenhouse up in the monkey-infested islands north of Peregrine. The doors are locked, but there is a hole in the roof--and you can drop into the greenhouse safely. It's green, lush, and quiet.
Thanks for the tipoff. I got some good screencaptures of examining the bones inside!

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



good work on putting this together might be wise to ask for it to be stickied but dont recall procedure to get something stickied

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I know this one is rather a niche thing, and I don't want to step on any toes, but a number of folks use one of the generic cafe storefronts in Founders as a coffee shop. Most of the time I stop by, there are a few people at tables or /em wall-leaning and chatting quietly.

I'm not very good at verbal directions in the game, but if you head due west from Penny Preston until you're just past the Savant plaque--I think that's the one.

Frankly, I usually just head for Penny and watch for the blue names to pop up on my screen.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.