Mercy Islands, what a dump.
I leaned against the brick wall of the alley, cigarette clutched between my fingers. I had been smoking since I was 14. People complained, but I didnt care. Sometimes I needed the soothing effects of nicotine running through my veins to stop me from going crazy. But Im not crazy I thought I think.
I took the small plastic bottle of pills out of my pocket. I needed to take them every day or I start getting a little wicked. I pop three and gulp them down with another drag. Things have been different since my illustrious career with Arachnos started, but calling my previous life normal is like saying an apple is a vegetable; its just incorrect. I slowly brushed my hair out of my face with one hand and finished my cigarette, inhaling the carcinogenic chemicals into my lungs. The nicotine was good. I dropped the burning butt and crushed it out under my boot. I began walking back to Fort Darwin, the shadows enveloping me, hiding me from my enemies. Battles raged all around me. I saw villains and police fighting on the starts, a bitter endless conflict. I sat back in the shadows for a few minutes watching the new would-be villains struggle to stay alive. Several fell. I cared not. This area wasnt called Darwins Landing for nothing. Sly Lord Recluse used it as his way of separating the chaff from the wheat. After the new scrubs started the gain the upper hand on the pigs, I went about my way. No use watching a pointless battle, I see police die every day. I continued walking towards the majestic fort. I watched as others flew and sped past me. I dont see why theyre so eager to save nighttime. I walk. As I approached the gates, I stepped from the shadows. The mobs were still out front, still in vigilant protest for some bullsh*t. I saw some snakes nearby. Cr*p I thought, Dont these things ever give up?
I slowly retreated back into the shadows, extending my assassin claws. I quietly crept behind their leader, a cobra. I crouched and got into position. I waited, calculating the exact spot and place to strike. Many wonder how us stalkers can land such perfect hits. The reason is actually quiet simple: if the enemy cant see us we have all the time in the world to land the perfect, lethal strike. I was ready. Silently, but deadly, I sprung forward, impaling the Cobra upon my claw, watching its blood flow from the wound. I withdrew my claw from its back and it fell without knowing what hit it. I was now alone, and exposed, against three mombas. The first lunged, but I was easily able to sidestep it, taking it down with a slash and strike. The next came. I focused my mind to only 15 feet behind me. As I mentally grasped the fabric of the universe and the space-time continuum, I found myself in the destination desired within a millisecond. I drew a throwing knife and hurled it at the next momba. The knife did little damage, but served its purpose. I was ready for a second slash, finishing my prey. The final one came at me. With natural grace I threw a handful of Caltrops on the ground. The snake slithered directly onto them, screaming in agony as the spikes pierced his soft underbelly. I walked up to him and slapped him once before finishing him off with a slash. I walked to the cobra and opened its mouth. I grabbed the long pointed fangs and broke them off with ease. Its been a habit of mine to take a trophy from any high-ranking enemy. I turned and proceeded into the fort. I scanned the area, noticing something that made my stomach crawl. Many of the other so-called villains were now wearing the mark of the most pathetic super group I had known: Unholy Requiem. It had been about two weeks ago when some loser from their group started beef with me. I had been talking to a man known as Duriel Xarander about being initiated into my people, the Children of the Lotus, when some fool approached us, asking Duriel to join his little piece of crap group. I told the maggot to buzz off, but he simple went about bragging how his group is in the so-called Top 100 for having an array of rookies helping them and how he had an item of power. I drew my claws and stared him right in the eye. If he hadnt been so much weaker and less experienced then me, I wouldve crushed his skull with my foot. The damage was done though, and the bitter conflict started. I walked up the long metallic ramps and crossed the catwalk to the base portal. I entered the portal and found myself inside the temple. It was still very small, but much of it had still not been excavated. I cared not. We would get around to it, but it was fine how it was now. I saw my good cousin, and honorable Lotus, Cyan Blood at the shelves, placing his trophies amongst the groups. I walked up to him and bowed.
En Taro, great Lotus.
Talisien, you are my cousin. Do not bow to me. We are equal.
Not according to the prophecy, you know. Im just a priest of our people, and you are the chosen one. I think I should bow to you, Cyan.
Dear cousin, a prophecy is just that; a prophecy. It is no direct foretelling of life. Prophecies can be broken. I may have the mark of the Lotus, but it does not make me more important than you, Talisien.
I shrugged and turned. I had work to do. Tonight was the first gathering. I changed into my customary robes and began to prepare. Tonight would be special
**To Be Continued**
Its ok. Im not going to include the ceremony because thatd be taboo to my characters group, but I like the char. Any feed back?