Is it normal, or was I really wrong?




Ok, I have been playing CoH/V for 8 months now and I mostly played on redside. Well, about a week ago, I went to blue-side to get full effects of the game. Very different, but I like it.
Last night however, I was bombarded with rudeness. Well, of course, I was rude first. So here's the story:

I logged into my hero blaster and Atlas was PACKED. Cool, I thought to myself, it was nice to see that much activity. The first thing that I saw on the broadcast was 'This game is nothing compared to WoW. In fact, I like WoW much better. This game sucks.'
I was horrorfied(<-?). Then I typed, 'If you don't like this game and you are going to put it down....then PISS OFF'
Then someone reported me for saying that. I saw that I got reported and responded, 'How old are we, 14?'
He answered yes. So, being that I am an adult, I apologized right away.
He then kept demanding I apologize. I said I did, and apologized once again. He kept demanding it, so being fed up, I said ' Can you not read? I have apologized twice already. Please stop this nonsense, I said sorry.'
Then he proceeded to say he was disabled and not only that I wouldn't apologize, I wouldn't do it because he was disabled and under-age.
>_> At this point, I got about 15 different tells telling me to ignore this person and these people defending him. They were being ignorant. I asked them what had I done? I mean, villian side peeps aren't that mean. So in the end, I was reported eight different times and I ignored those people.
So I must ask now, is that kind of thing normal? Or was I rightfully reported?



Last night was particularly bad, but it wasn't because of you. It was just the trolls in AP last night feeding off of the responses. I'd bet that you weren't even reported, it's just the people saying that to get a rise out of you. In all honesty, the best and really only thing you can do is put them on global ignore and petition them. These trolls are in the vast minority of the entire server so do not let them mold your opinion on Virtue.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



You should have never responded in the first place. There are a million 'arguing on the internet' analogies but the bottom line is this: Doing so is, in the majority of cases, utterly pointless.

I would wager that the person you were talking to was neither 14 nor disabled and was merely playing the victim in order to troll you.

If you were reported, support will decide if you've done anything wrong, however I severly doubt any action will be taken against you for telling a so-called 14 year old disabled WoW player to stop playing City of Heroes. Just about the only thing you could be penalised for there is the use of language which was hardly out of line.

Basically: Suck it up, don't worry about it and completely ignore such broadcast conversations in future.



Atlas Park! It's a smorgasbord of stupidity!

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Originally Posted by Mr_Mud View Post
I would wager that the person you were talking to was neither 14 nor disabled and was merely playing the victim in order to troll you.
I'd second that wager, and if it were me, I'd probably assume he was lying about it to get a rise, especially if it was typed in /b, and I'd probably get myself in trouble for whatever I said to him believing he was lying lol.

Come back to Redside, we love you here, the snakes love you, and the Atom staue in Cap stopped spinning when you went away T_T (wait, does it even spin?)



Sorry Shikraria, looks like you were caught out by a troll.

Sometimes they come into Atlas from the Skyway tram.

And of course, the fact that they said that CoX sucks is a dead give-away that they're not all that bright in the first place.

Consider it a learning experience.

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is 15 hours ahead of
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Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
Atlas Park! It's a smorgasbord of stupidity!



Yeah. You found a troll. Nobody reasonable demands an apology multiple times. though the I'm 14 and disabled and hate this game really... there's such a small chance that that person was actually like that is... astronomically low.

really, who can hate this game? Who?



I could have used my sass for good last night ;_;.

I'm logging in right now so I don't miss another chance!



*makes a note to link this thread the next time somebody brings up a server merge*

One of the basic problems with CoH's server system is that the more "popular" servers get more players because they are popular. New or recently joined players login, and see a server list that's largely green across the board. Then, on Friday or Saturday night, they might see Virtue or Freedom turn in a yellow or red signal.

Ergo, new or recently joined players head to Virtue and Freedom because they obviously have the highest population, and therefore will automatically bring about a better gaming experience.

The flipside to this is that trolls also understand that servers with higher usage ratings also draw a higher average number of players. Thus, the type of people who frequent... say... 4chan... somethingaweful... or ebaumsworld... well. They basically log into the most popular server(s) because they know they have the highest chance of successfully finding somebody to torque off.

Atlas Park is especially vulnerable as it's the first choice for new players out of training. For those who have been playing the game, it also offers a nice gathering point under Atlas, and has various services like the Auction House.

So, players out looking to make trouble are pretty much going to hit Freedom and Virtue AP's first.


Now, I'm not saying this doesn't happen on other servers. It does. Atlas Park broadcast tends to be filled with some of the most... I don't want to say stupid because it's insulting to stupid... and I can't say what I want to say since the people who think this kind of trolling is funny or worth doing are a lot like the current majority party in ... I can't finish that sentence either without causing Ocho to have to drop by...

Anyways. This sort of visual / verbal tripe pretty much happens all the time in Atlas Park, it's just more noticeable on Freedom and Virtue.

It's also more noticeable on the Blue Side because of CoV's... well, less than perfect map designs. CoV's lack of of a convenient gathering point has been discussed multiple times in multiple threads.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
*makes a note to link this thread the next time somebody brings up a server merge*

One of the basic problems with CoH's server system is that the more "popular" servers get more players because they are popular. New or recently joined players login, and see a server list that's largely green across the board. Then, on Friday or Saturday night, they might see Virtue or Freedom turn in a yellow or red signal.

Ergo, new or recently joined players head to Virtue and Freedom because they obviously have the highest population, and therefore will automatically bring about a better gaming experience.

The flipside to this is that trolls also understand that servers with higher usage ratings also draw a higher average number of players. Thus, the type of people who frequent... say... 4chan... somethingaweful... or ebaumsworld... well. They basically log into the most popular server(s) because they know they have the highest chance of successfully finding somebody to torque off.

Atlas Park is especially vulnerable as it's the first choice for new players out of training. For those who have been playing the game, it also offers a nice gathering point under Atlas, and has various services like the Auction House.

So, players out looking to make trouble are pretty much going to hit Freedom and Virtue AP's first.


Now, I'm not saying this doesn't happen on other servers. It does. Atlas Park broadcast tends to be filled with some of the most... I don't want to say stupid because it's insulting to stupid... and I can't say what I want to say since the people who think this kind of trolling is funny or worth doing are a lot like the current majority party in ... I can't finish that sentence either without causing Ocho to have to drop by...

Anyways. This sort of visual / verbal tripe pretty much happens all the time in Atlas Park, it's just more noticeable on Freedom and Virtue.

It's also more noticeable on the Blue Side because of CoV's... well, less than perfect map designs. CoV's lack of of a convenient gathering point has been discussed multiple times in multiple threads.

Sob stories in chat windows on the internet = ********. Plain and simple.

They're complete strangers and you don't owe them a damn thing.

Not even an apology.


"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Thank you al so very much ^.^ BTW, what are trollers? I have only seen them on the blueside. They even say they're trollers when they are looking for a team! But just so I know....what are trollers?



It is always a mistake to respond to the barking in the broadcast channel.




"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
((Exactly. You know, this is where the whole Gemini Park scene came from back in the day. People got tired of the crap in Atlas and went to Galaxy City to role-play and hang out. Quieter. Saner. For the most part.

I tend to ignore stuff like that and use my /ignore pretty quickly.

But most of the server is pretty nice. I ran with a pug today and had a great time with a bunch of strangers and everyone was polite and friendly, and no one even complained when my defender out-leveled her enhancements for two missions and was completely useless. Overall, Virtue -- blue side and red -- is a pretty nice place.))



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
Ok, I have been playing CoH/V for 8 months now and I mostly played on redside. Well, about a week ago, I went to blue-side to get full effects of the game. Very different, but I like it.
Last night however, I was bombarded with rudeness. Well, of course, I was rude first. So here's the story:

I logged into my hero blaster and Atlas was PACKED. Cool, I thought to myself, it was nice to see that much activity. The first thing that I saw on the broadcast was 'This game is nothing compared to WoW. In fact, I like WoW much better. This game sucks.'
I was horrorfied(<-?). Then I typed, 'If you don't like this game and you are going to put it down....then PISS OFF'
Then someone reported me for saying that. I saw that I got reported and responded, 'How old are we, 14?'
He answered yes. So, being that I am an adult, I apologized right away.
He then kept demanding I apologize. I said I did, and apologized once again. He kept demanding it, so being fed up, I said ' Can you not read? I have apologized twice already. Please stop this nonsense, I said sorry.'
Then he proceeded to say he was disabled and not only that I wouldn't apologize, I wouldn't do it because he was disabled and under-age.
>_> At this point, I got about 15 different tells telling me to ignore this person and these people defending him. They were being ignorant. I asked them what had I done? I mean, villian side peeps aren't that mean. So in the end, I was reported eight different times and I ignored those people.
So I must ask now, is that kind of thing normal? Or was I rightfully reported?
I was passing through AP when this happened. One thing to remember on reactivation weekend, is all the ********* that used to play this game, and hated it sometimes come back to start crap. Just remove broadcast from your bottom chat window, and go on. Nothing you can do about *********.



If you see someone who cheeses you off: Ignore them.
If you see someone who really bothers you: /ignore them.
No further discussion with them, just ignore (or /ignore) and move on.

I've had a much better time in-game since I implemented this rule.

As for Atlas: Well, free reactivation means people can just pop back to be jerks...and it's easier to be a jerk blueside. (since people hang out more in Atlas than anywhere Redside)



Yes, you were as wrong as a wrong person committing incredibly wrong things. The amount of wrong associated with your actions could sink an entire island, make an elephant frown at your actions, and kill many...many kittens. You should bow your head and think about how wrong you were and to forever change your wrong ways.



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
Thank you al so very much ^.^ BTW, what are trollers? I have only seen them on the blueside. They even say they're trollers when they are looking for a team! But just so I know....what are trollers?
Troller - One who Trolls

'Troller (note the apostrophe, indicating letters were removed) - Short for Controller, one of the blue side ATs, with Primary powers similar to Dominators and Secondary powers similar to Corruptors.

Squandering the planet's oxygen since 1976
Arc ID 3796 - The Other Side of the Screen
Arc ID 339466 - Rescue the Lorebreakers




You apologized multiple times. If they expected anything more than that, then too bad. You need not worry.



Originally Posted by Static_Dizzle View Post
Yes, you were as wrong as a wrong person committing incredibly wrong things. The amount of wrong associated with your actions could sink an entire island, make an elephant frown at your actions, and kill many...many kittens. You should bow your head and think about how wrong you were and to forever change your wrong ways.




To be honest, I set foot in Atlas for the first time in years last night, and reminded myself exactly why I never go there.

It was like going back to Barrens chat in WoW, only it was in local >_> Reactivation weekend ends soon, if it hasn't already, so hopefully things will calm a bit.

At least, that was the cycle of things when Turbine did reactivation weekends in LoTRO. Troll influx en masse, a few days of destroying any semblance of community, then all was right with Middle-Earth again.


Originally Posted by Mrwrk View Post
If you see someone who cheeses you off: Ignore them.
If you see someone who really bothers you: /ignore them.
No further discussion with them, just ignore (or /ignore) and move on.

I've had a much better time in-game since I implemented this rule.

As for Atlas: Well, free reactivation means people can just pop back to be jerks...and it's easier to be a jerk blueside. (since people hang out more in Atlas than anywhere Redside)
This sums it up for me. I should've read the entire thread first

Ironically I used to expect redside to have the worst of it due to problems in the past with people using "RP" to justify being a jackass, but so far I've only ever put one villain on ignore, ever.



Lol. Do you remember that villian's name? Yes, LoRTO ande WoW, that's exactly what that reminded me of. Another reason I stopped altogether playing WoW. LoRTO, good game and all, but I love CoH/V much better.



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
Don't fret, he was being sarcastic :P

As for someone saying they are a troller looking for team, not everyone will always put that apostrophe so do not single them out as trolls.

In future encounters such as this, used the tried and true method of escape: DO A BARREL ROLL!



Same here, i did once ignore one Villain in Justice which was an immature one and that was all. In Freedom i never have those problems in the Red Side and in the Blue Side that is very common on Freedom.

Originally Posted by Emerald_Phase View Post
To be honest, I set foot in Atlas for the first time in years last night, and reminded myself exactly why I never go there.

It was like going back to Barrens chat in WoW, only it was in local >_> Reactivation weekend ends soon, if it hasn't already, so hopefully things will calm a bit.

At least, that was the cycle of things when Turbine did reactivation weekends in LoTRO. Troll influx en masse, a few days of destroying any semblance of community, then all was right with Middle-Earth again.


This sums it up for me. I should've read the entire thread first

Ironically I used to expect redside to have the worst of it due to problems in the past with people using "RP" to justify being a jackass, but so far I've only ever put one villain on ignore, ever.