Right or wrong? Advise...please!
Well. If she'd proven she could be a good team player in the past, she may just have been going through a really crappy time in her life and just can't deal with it. I've known those situations to crop up before for one reason or another and... sometimes is a case of a person just having a rough go of it... other times its a person showing their true colors. I can't really say my opinion one way or the other as its a case by case basis... Time will tell.

if its like a one time thing, then i would say let it go, if its been going on for months then i would say give her the boot, i wouldnt put up with that in my group if its been a ongoing thing

Hey Shik, It's Mechallo. I think you did exactly what I would have done. I know that person has annoyed you to no end and I've often wondered why the two of you are in the same group since you don't seem to get along very well. Hopefully, she will take it to heart and you can both work through this. Honestly, I like teaming with both of you and I would hate to see either of you go. Hopefully it will all work out.
Kick her.
Had the same problem, same kind of person, done the same thing, almost destroyed my SG with drama and lies and backbiting. So, I gave her to boot and never looked back.
You do the same. There's no room for sympathy and benevolence when this person is a constant source of turmoil.
If you gave her a warning without a timeline, then you didn't do the job, and they are going to take advantage of you.
Giving people second chances are nice, and the past is always soemthing to consider, but being a leader, in a situation like this you have to ask yourself, is this going to destroy the group now. Is the group able to bring in the prestige without said person. Are we recruiting in well without said person.
If the person is now just causing drama and problems, and worse, the sem people they recruited are leaving, then to quote Spock, "The needs of the many outweight the needs of the few, or the one," and you need to kick them.
Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad
I have seen too many SGs torn apart because someone feels guilty telling someone else to grow up. Kick them, and make your SG a better place.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Can't you set permissions so that she can't spend prestige? I didn't know anyone in an SG could spend the SG's prestige on whatever they wanted.
I don't know what this person is like, but if she has the permissions and she's a resentful person, there's a chance she could clean out your base and/or spend all your prestige on dumb stuff now that you've scolded her.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
Now that you have read my ranting and raving, I ask...
did I do the right thing? What would you have done? |
Well, I certainly wouldn't have come onto the boards and embarrass the problem person in an open forum like you have just done. Nor would I have made a public threat and possibly exacerbate the problem.
Neither would I have gathered my SG for an intervention against the individual.
That's just me. But i'm no leader of a SG with a bunch of people and I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to make me one.
I don't know what this person is like, but if she has the permissions and she's a resentful person, there's a chance she could clean out your base and/or spend all your prestige on dumb stuff now that you've scolded her.
Edit: Basically - what Tokyo said.
Well I haven't mentioned her name and I held a group meeting because everyone had something to say. She needed to know why. NO I haven't given her a timline because there isn't one. Just one more screw up. I came on here because I needed advise from experienced people. I am not exactly embarassing her because EVERYBODY knows how I feel...hince Mechallo's reply. So, the general census is that I am doing the right thing. Everybody is giving her a second chance and she's going back the way she was in the begginning, so time will tell. Thank you all for all the advise, good...bad...or just plain old support, or non-support. Either way, thank you.
Well I haven't mentioned her name and I held a group meeting because everyone had something to say. She needed to know why. NO I haven't given her a timline because there isn't one. Just one more screw up. I came on here because I needed advise from experienced people. I am not exactly embarassing her because EVERYBODY knows how I feel...hince Mechallo's reply. So, the general census is that I am doing the right thing. Everybody is giving her a second chance and she's going back the way she was in the begginning, so time will tell. Thank you all for all the advise, good...bad...or just plain old support, or non-support. Either way, thank you.
If you need advice on how to run your SG, you probably shouldn't be running one.
You are embarrassing her, I guarantee it and you are not doing the right thing by posting here. You're just fueling unnecessary drama with you and the individual and you are pulling in outside voices into a private problem.
You want an opinion I gave you one, deal with it yourself. You alone know what is best for your SG.
She doesn't even get on these forums >_> only 2 people here have mentioned that you have a problem with me asking for advise, whether it be right or wrong, embarassing or dramatic. I asked fo radvise and got it. So please, for the sake of this stupid arguement, just don't post in any of my threads again.
I do know how to run a proper villian group. Even the most wonder leaders need advise. As I stated before, I am newer to the game, a 9 month player, and when I was comfortable with with the game, I created a villain group that is actually thriving. Maybe not a top 100 Villain Group, but a nice, cozy, THRIVING villain group.
Have a nice day.
Everyone needs some advice sometimes.
Rouge Typhoon lvl 50 INV/SS Tank
Tommy Typhoon lvl 50 MA/REGEN Scrapper
Western Wildfire lvl 50 Fire/Regen scrapper
Katze Heroisch lvl 50 Claws/WP Scrapper
Lance Thorn lvl 50 Plant/Thorn Dom
Operative Serpente lvl 50 SoA
Personally, if that person was in a previous SG with you and was wasting prestige, not RPing (If it was a RP group), being annoying etc and got kicked out because of it, and the leader even TOLD YOU what the person was doing, I would have done this:
Never even invited the person
But since that's not an option, heres what you should have known from what you've explained to us:
This person wastes prestige
This person doesn't RP
This person is annoying and nobody likes him/her.
One: Set up permissions so only certain ranks and above can edit the base/purchase stuff (solves the prestige issue)
Two: Make a non-RP group (solves the no RP issue)
Three: Nothing can really be done if no matter what that person does, nobody likes him/her.
But yes, the easiest solution would have been to take a hint from your previous group leader and not have invited the person in the first place. Sometimes being kind is a downfall.
Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender
I know, maybe it was because I saw a bit of myself in her. BUt she is doing better since we all sat down and talked to her and gave her a very serious heart to heart. So, all is solved for now. I did set up the ranks and she has to re-earn everything. She understands and is willing to do what it takes. we are.....frenemies. Love/hate relationship. But I do thank everybody for their advise. It has helped so much.
Be a dictator. Trust me.
If you're the leader, the buck stops with you.
Be right or be wrong, but one thing you should never be seen to be is unsure.
Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

First time she behaved that way in your VG, shame on her! All the other times she behaved that way in your VG, shame on you!
You are the leader and are responsible for providing a fun and harmonious VG for your group. If she continues to cause that much drama, which obviously interferes with your group, just KICK HER! You already warned her, so next time just let her go without even saying anything to her.
I hope she cleans up her act so you won't have to do the ultimate kick. G'luck, Shikraria.
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
I solved this potential problem by making my own VG and SG to avoid this unnecessary headache . I think you did the right thing though by discussing things and giving this person another chance , hopefully that will resolve any future conflicts. If not it's bye bye time ......................
Okay, every Villian Group has that one character that nobody likes and can't stand. Annoying, wastes prestige, does nothing, ot whatever the reason. I have a character, who doesn't roleplay for an fyi, and she is annoying to where noone likes, she spends all the prestige on dumb stuff, she doesn't really play the game, and people have quit or became active because of her, same with my coalition. I had met this toon in a previous Villian Group that I was only a member in and the leader told me all about her. So being that I have a big heart, I decided to 'help' this girl out.
Shortly after I made my Villian Group, she got kicked from the other group. I am now going through the very same thing that the one leader told me about. So, once again, given that I do have a big heart, I decided to give her one last chance. |
I held a group meeting with everybody, told her everything that was wrong and made her convince us to let her stay. I know that some people will frown upon. |

Let your group members tell you (or you officers) what their issues are
then talk to the offending player amongst you and your officers.
And before any of you ask why I let her stay for so long, well...she was there with me from the beginning, she recruitted a lot of people and at the time pulled in most of the prestige. I told her why I had let her stay for so long and asked her what happened. She vowed to change and I told her this was her very last chance. Next time, she and all her toons will be kicked. Now that you have read my ranting and raving, I ask... did I do the right thing? What would you have done? |
In the end your brought the issue, you and your VG mates were having, to her and she promised to change. As a leader, that is what you should have done and you did it.
However since you have laid down the law, make sure your officers escort her out the door if she does it again. Otherwise your word as leader becomes worthless.
Dont ever worry about asking for advice, once in a while everyone does!

We shall defend our game, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the forums, we shall fight on the news, we shall fight on Facebook and in twitter, we shall fight on the internet and at the corporate offices; we shall never surrender.
-Inspiration from Winston Chruchill
Life's too short to waste excessive time, patience and drama on 'tards IRL, much less in-game.
One thing though: When you call out, dress down, rip a new one, address issues, etc, with someone "under your command" then, as folks have said, do it "in your office", in private. Do it surrounded by his/her peers and you've made an instant enemy forever.
Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.
Hmm...I have no way of knowing if your side of the story is the true one, so I cant advise you on what sort gof treatment she deserved. I can tell you that a big public shaming was probably not the best way to resolve your issues with her and promote a healthy reconciliation with the group, and I certainly gaurantee that whining about it to the forums probably doesn't help either. If she's a problem kick her - no remorse. But if someone went out of their way to humiliate me like that? Id be sorely tempted to wait until the enxt time no one online was higher ranked than me and dismantle the guild out of sheer spite (destroy the base; empty the treasury; kick everyone lower-ranked). But then, Im just vindictive like that, I suppose.
All that to say, if you're going to remove her, then do it. Do it right now (preferably before she reads any posts by bitchy forumites and gets clever ideas about revenge ;D). Do it, and dont ever feel you have to justify it to her, or the forums, or anyone you dont want to. But, I beg you, for her sake and everyone else's, to simply do it and get it over with, rather than drawing it out as a humiliating public spectacle to assuage your insecurities.
Lady Valentyna Penderghast, Archmage
"Love her not, lovely though she be/
Watch warily: there lies/
A glint of ghoulish ancestry/
Deep in her green bright eyes..."
Remember nice guys finish last.
Okay, I did kick that character. I know many of you don't approve of me 'whining' on here, but now to let you understand what I go through, this character made another account and got back into the VG. I figured it out only minutes after she joined. Everything about this character didn't add up. She said she had only been playing the game for 2 days and knew nothing and needed a VG to show her the ropes of the game...Need examples? Well, I am insulted with my intelligence. So, still think I'm whining?
She sounds like a troll to me. Just make sure everyone knows her globals, and tell them she's not to be allowed near the VG ever again.
Okay, every Villian Group has that one character that nobody likes and can't stand. Annoying, wastes prestige, does nothing, ot whatever the reason. I have a character, who doesn't roleplay for an fyi, and she is annoying to where noone likes, she spends all the prestige on dumb stuff, she doesn't really play the game, and people have quit or became active because of her, same with my coalition. I had met this toon in a previous Villian Group that I was only a member in and the leader told me all about her. So being that I have a big heart, I decided to 'help' this girl out.
Shortly after I made my Villian Group, she got kicked from the other group.
I am now going through the very same thing that the one leader told me about. So, once again, given that I do have a big heart, I decided to give her one last chance. I held a group meeting with everybody, told her everything that was wrong and made her convince us to let her stay. I know that some people will frown upon.
And before any of you ask why I let her stay for so long, well...she was there with me from the beginning, she recruitted a lot of people and at the time pulled in most of the prestige.
I told her why I had let her stay for so long and asked her what happened. She vowed to change and I told her this was her very last chance. Next time, she and all her toons will be kicked.
Now that you have read my ranting and raving, I ask...
did I do the right thing?
What would you have done?