Discussion: Massively.com Interviews
Gotta say... no wonder it's been hush-hush.
Bumping the Architect back to Issue 14 instead of 13 as planned? Gutsy... but considering that you all are putting in more customization options and pushing for having player made NPCs to fight against/with... interesting.
This has taken a lot of the energy out of my sails for Issue 13, but I'm hoping that it means 14 will be better than ever.
EDIT: Reading more of the interview:
Day Jobs and Costumes: Sounds cool. Having more stuff in the Character Creator is always good. And now I really wanna see that Police Belt.
Leveling Pact: This... sounds pretty interesting. I'm really not sure if I'm excited or wary. Being able to "give" half the XP you earn to another character, be they on- or off-line? Whoa.
I wonder though: If I play a level 50, does my Level Pact partner get zero XP (since 50s don't earn any XP), does my partner get the level 49 XP rates or does my partner get XP according to his own level?
Alternate Builds: Now THIS... this could really, really revolutionize CoX PvP. Considering I just used a pair of Vetspecs last month to spec into (and out of) a PvP build on my TA/A... I'm somewhat kicking myself now. I am very interesting in hearing more though.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

I'm actually more excited about it now. I really respect the fact that they want to get it right and are setting such high standards instead of pushing something out that isn't as good as it could be just to satisfy the teeming masses.
It seems a lot of companies these days value "now" over quality. I'm happy to hear that quality comes first, even if it means I have to wait longer for something I've been looking forward to.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
I'm really looking forward to the Mission Architect, and while I'm slightly bummed we won't get it in I13, the ability to custom-create our own adversaries and allies within our mishes is worth the wait, IMO.
Anyway, between the Halloween and Winter events, "Winter '09" will be here before we realize it.
El Furioso - Inv/SS Tanker .:. Chlorostorm - Plant/Thorn Dominator {Virtue}
Proud member of the Repeat Offenders Network
City of Heroes Mission Review .:. MA arcs submitted and reviewed by the CoX community
Some cool bits from the interviews:
Matt Miller: Players will be getting merits for doing Ouroboros flashback stuff, as well as for story arcs any story arc in the game that they complete. As for the Hamidon, yes, they have a choice between getting a Hamidon enhancement or getting the Merit reward. I don't know how many Merits that is, but I will say that all the Merit reward values are based on the datamines we did on basically how quickly players typically did these things. So it really became a 'time versus reward' mechanism. So the really fast stuff gets a small amount of rewards, whereas the really long stuff gets a larger amount of rewards.
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Day jobs & costumes:
Matt Miller: So we've had Jay working on a lot of civilian clothing for this feature. He's done a myriad of different suits, from single-breasted, double-breasted, two, three and four-button, bolo ties, normal ties, bow ties, pinstripe you know, striped suits, like many different varieties of that... sweaters, sweater vests, and then the police uniforms. We've got a ton of different police uniforms. We're even including a really cool police belt, with all the accoutrements on that. I can see a lot of players just grabbing that and putting it on their tech characters and gadget characters, just because it looks so cool.
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Level Pact:
Matt Miller: ... So we had this idea for the Leveling Pact: essentially splitting each character's XP gain directly in half and just distributing it across two characters whether they're offline or online. And we said: 'You know what? There's a system here. This is a workable system. This is really innovative, and this is taking a new step in sidekicking, making sure that you and your friend are always able to play the game together, and will always be the same level.'
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Brian Clayton: Again, PvP is an area that we internally know that we want to improve and we want to further within City of Heroes. We have bigger and larger initiatives down the road for PvP, and this is our first big step in the right direction, to make PvP fun and viable again in CoH.
So I wouldn't say that our philosophy has changed, but with the additional bandwidth and growing the studio in the last months, we're able to tackle a few more things, whereas before we were having to be very careful about where we innovated, where we evolved our systems; and PvP has always been on the list of things we wanted to tackle. Now, we certainly have the resources to do something about it.
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The long run:
Brian Clayton: We certainly have huge plans, plans that go over the next five to ten years, for the City of Heroes franchise. So we certainly need to ramp up for that.
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Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Please note: Posi's explanation of Leveling pact states it is for [u]new[u] characters. That means you and a friend roll 2 shield characters and while one is offline, the other can level for the two of them.
I didn't read it all/don't have time now/however, the multiple builds is very nice! Now we CAN have 1 for PvE and 1 for PvP!
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Issue 14 is slated for Winter 2009?? I don't know if I can wait that long....or do they mean Jan-March of 2009?
I see the question has been raised already. When the Levelling Pact goes live, I do hope that existing level 50 characters can benefit alts by it.
It's just a further incentive to keep them active, even if they are being played for reasons other than XP. It just means that you won't be forced into a choice between developing an under-50 character versus running task forces for recipes on your 50.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
Issue 14 is slated for Winter 2009?? I don't know if I can wait that long....or do they mean Jan-March of 2009?
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Yes, they mean Jan-March of 2009.
Issue 14 is slated for Winter 2009?? I don't know if I can wait that long....or do they mean Jan-March of 2009?
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1st quarter of 2009.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Issue 14 is slated for Winter 2009?? I don't know if I can wait that long....or do they mean Jan-March of 2009?
[/ QUOTE ]
They mean Jan-March 2009.
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
As for the merits...I hope the chance of failure is also included in their calculations. For example, STF and LRSF, some teams do get to the end and just can't finish it off. And for hami raids, you've got more time than the period from the first assault on mitos to boom, even the start of the monster hunt. There's gathering time, there may be eoe farming time, planning time, etc. Merits have a chance to really spark interest in Hami, so long as they don't say "OK, Hami raids take two hours if all goes well, Manticore TF takes two hours if all goes well...they both get the same number of merits."
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
The only question I have about multibuilds is whether my Fortunata can have an alternate Night Widow build or vice versa.
That'd be pretty nice.
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
Issue 14 is slated for Winter 2009?? I don't know if I can wait that long....or do they mean Jan-March of 2009?
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1st quarter of 2009.
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lol i got worried myself, i first thought wow that sucks..... but now that it has been stated Q1 of 2009 i was relieved and happy.

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya
In the interview it says base salvage is going away, but that it can be converted to Invention Salvage. That brings up a few questions:
How exactly does the conversion work? What are some examples of how a particular piece of base salvage will be converted?
Will the drop rates of invention salvage be increased to reflect this change? I.e., if there's a x% chance of a base salvage drop and and y% chance of invention salvage on the defeat of a mob, does that mean there will now be an (x+y)% chance of invention salvage drop?
Will invention salvage be storeable in the salvage racks in bases?
Depending on the details, this could have a huge effect on the prices in the market. If we can convert all that base salvage that's been collecting dust for years into rare invention salvage, that could be very helpful for some players.
This, plus the ability to get merits from regular story arcs will put a lot of those rare items into the reach of players who don't have the time or inclination to endlessly farm those same old missions.
OOOOOOOOOOOH, costume-y goodness from Jay!!
Matt Miller: So we've had Jay working on a lot of civilian clothing for this feature. He's done a myriad of different suits, from single-breasted, double-breasted, two, three and four-button, bolo ties, normal ties, bow ties, pinstripe you know, striped suits, like many different varieties of that... sweaters, sweater vests, and then the police uniforms. We've got a ton of different police uniforms. We're even including a really cool police belt, with all the accoutrements on that. I can see a lot of players just grabbing that and putting it on their tech characters and gadget characters, just because it looks so cool.
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I think you can convert it in your SG base with the Empowerment Stations... can't remember for sure though.
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

EDIT: Scooped by Rodion, but I still want answers!!!
Matt Miller: <snip>And in addition, one of the things we're doing is we're getting rid of the Base Salvage out of the game, because a lot of the players were getting confused with the Invention Salvage, since they both get the same kind of message. Players get excited when they get Invention Salvage, and then they get disappointed when they find out it was only Base Salvage, especially if they don't have a supergroup or their supergroup doesn't really need the Base Salvage any more. So what we're going to do is we're going to get rid of the Base Salvage, and just make everything that's currently craftable in the bases from salvage, craftable through that Invention Salvage as well.
Massively: So is that going to make turrets and other raid items for bases easier to get?
Matt Miller: Oh yeah. Absolutely.
[/ QUOTE ]
If this means we'll now be able to craft base items with Invention Salvage, the Market is going to go nuts.
Plus, does this mean we finally get SG invention salvage storage??? Or are the base storage items we currently have just going to evaporate?
And are the hundreds of pieces and components we have saved up in our bins going to evaporate?
I saw nothing about "converting", unless you're talking about the ridiculous conversion rates at the workbenches.
EDIT: Scooped by Rodion, but I still want answers!!!
Matt Miller: <snip>And in addition, one of the things we're doing is we're getting rid of the Base Salvage out of the game, because a lot of the players were getting confused with the Invention Salvage, since they both get the same kind of message. Players get excited when they get Invention Salvage, and then they get disappointed when they find out it was only Base Salvage, especially if they don't have a supergroup or their supergroup doesn't really need the Base Salvage any more. So what we're going to do is we're going to get rid of the Base Salvage, and just make everything that's currently craftable in the bases from salvage, craftable through that Invention Salvage as well.
Massively: So is that going to make turrets and other raid items for bases easier to get?
Matt Miller: Oh yeah. Absolutely.
[/ QUOTE ]
If this means we'll now be able to craft base items with Invention Salvage, the Market is going to go nuts.
Plus, does this mean we finally get SG invention salvage storage??? Or are the base storage items we currently have just going to evaporate?
And are the hundreds of pieces and components we have saved up in our bins going to evaporate?
I saw nothing about "converting", unless you're talking about the ridiculous conversion rates at the workbenches.
[/ QUOTE ]
I want more detail on this as well, because at the offset this whole idea is unsettling and very discomforting. Right now base items made from salvage are fairly easy and cheap. This is because inf isn't involved with base building and there is always plenty of base salvage available, even if you need to buy it, those items are dirt cheap on the market. I fear however that the moment base salvage is replaced with invention salvage (priced by the whim of the market and already in high demand due to the popularity of invention salvage), base building is going to suddenly become expensive and a hassle.
This is also going to have an impact on empowerment buffs, something previously we could offer a freebie to people, now its going to use potentially expensive invention salvage for what really isn't that impressive of a buff. Personally I really liked having base salvage separate from invention salvage, it made it easier running a SG to not worry about people stealing base salvage and it made people more willing to unload into the group bin.
This also brings up the fact that super groups have no way to collectively pool influence. This means that costs are not going to be shouldered directly onto the shoulders of the person running the group potentially. Which is unfair to say the least.
But enough rambling, to put this in a quicker format:
Questions -
<ul type="square">[*]If invention salvage is going away will we see an increase in the invention salvage drops?[*]What type of invention salvage will base items and empowerments require? Common, uncommon or rare? Will it also require inf like invention crafting?[*]What will happen with existing base salvage stores? Will we be able to convert these items? Will the conversion be 1 to 1? If the conversion is 1 to 1 how will you address the issue of the market being swamped and the potential for abuse?[*]Are some common base items going to no longer require crafting? Things like teleporter pads, higher end control and power items?[*]Will SGs be getting a way to pool invention salvage and influence? Is there going to be a re-evaluation of the inf to prestige conversion rate?[*]In regards to the repricing, will SGs be refunded to difference in prestige cost for previously placed items?[/list]
Thanks! I hope we can get an answer to some of these questions because I know I'm not the only one thinking them now.
Edit: Fixed formatting.
" Issue 14: Architect to be released Winter of 2009. "
Did I read that that right, "Winter" and "09"?
My wife and I met via the game so we're unlikely to go anywhere (she's addicted), but one update for all of next year.
I know it's [u]not[u] what you want to have to tell your sub's, but you guys.. you don't know what your competitions' going to be like . It's not going to be pretty. *shrugs*

Did I read that that right, "Winter" and "09"?
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No. It means Q1 of 2009. January-March.
Will invention salvage be storeable in the salvage racks in bases?
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This is what I'd like to know. With the current system, people in my SG who have no interest in crafting can drop their Base salvage in storage, and once enough of it piles up, I get my precious credit towards the Fabricator badge by refining the salvage.

Character index
im [censored] scared when it comes to those pvp changes.
just don't slow it down plz.
Before TonyV get's here... I just wanna say, I love the idea of the Booster Packs. I plan to purchase each and every one of them just to support my favorite game, hoping the funds will continue to make this the best MMO of all time (as it already is)!
I've been itching for more costumes, which is why I bought the Cyborg pack. I'm excited to see what they have to offer and yes, I will be using the "Police Belt"!
If its broke, don't fix it... I like the chaos!
Please use this thread to discuss the below Interviews.
In the wake of the latest latest news about Issue 13 and Issue 14 MMO gaming website Massively.com release three different interviews covering recent developments with City of Heroes. Here are the links:
Interview: Brian Clayton and Matt Miller on Power and Responsibility in City of Heroes
Interview: A new era for PvP in City of Heroes
Super Boosters and beyond in City of Heroes
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