Really long hair
Post costume related ideas here.
But I would love it.
..It would be a development nightmare.
Let's do it! Flowing hair!
*Watches the devs have heart attacks*
Uh huh. Definately.
Maybe a possible solution to the problem would be to make a long cape that looks like long hair. It would be another cape, but with a hair texture instead of the various cape textures/patterns you can choose from. Give it the standard cape animation. The tricky part would be designing the head piece in such a way that it looks like it's attached to the "cape" part. Would probably also have to make that piece in particular attach to the character at a higher point, so that it looks like the hair is flowing from the head and not the shoulders.
Tricky, but theoretically possible. It would look damn cool though. It's one of those Anime inspired things that I'd love to use on my character.
But Ghost Widow likes to see everyone's jealousy when she enters the room with her flowing hair. We can't spoil her fun.
It probably* isn't that hard to make a new "cape" texture that is flat but looks like hair, then making the point it attatches at on the head instead of the back.
Post costume related ideas here.
But I would love it.
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LMAO! You know for as long as i have been posting on these forums and have posted in the costume sugestion thread I know I should have posted it there.
I told a moderator and hopefull they can sticky this idea to that thread.
Thanx for all the replies. I was thinking along the lines of a cape like animation but make it more 3d'ish.
"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.
Yeah that would work. I know this because when I picked the usual long hair available to male characters along with one of the half-width capes available as a veteran reward, it really looked like his hair was down to his knees and flowing. From the front the illusion was almost perfect, and from the back it was only a little off. If the half-cape could have been centered on the character's back it would have been perfect. A different hairstyle could also be created to better cover the gap between the hair and the cape. And of course a new cape pattern which looked even more like hair could be created, in different lengths. Braids and tails would also be a possibility. I will have to make some screen shots of this later.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
I have always wanted longer hair in game. In RL mt hair is down to my butt! I want my toons to have the same
Hmm Does the fact that this was moved to the developers corner mean it's being worked on or at least seriously considered?
*drools* Perhaps. That kind of yummy costume goodness can't be ignored.
Nah, the OP asked the mods to move it here.
Nah, the OP asked the mods to move it here.
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He said he asked the mods to sticky it to the other thread (he probably meant he wanted them to 'merge it'). Why they would move it here instead is kinda weird.
Nah, the OP asked the mods to move it here.
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He said he asked the mods to sticky it to the other thread (he probably meant he wanted them to 'merge it'). Why they would move it here instead is kinda weird.
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I don't think they can merge two threads.....that or we have lazy mods- LOL.
Anyways, really long hair would be nice to have in game and hopefully we will.
Thanx for all the positive replies.
"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.
Sounds like it could be done, but I also suspect it will look nasty. Capes move like fabric. Really long hair just doesn't. I think what you're going to get is hair that looks like it's painted on a long scarf.
Hmmm.... but maybe a really long poney tail?
Sounds like it could be done, but I also suspect it will look nasty. Capes move like fabric. Really long hair just doesn't. I think what you're going to get is hair that looks like it's painted on a long scarf.
Hmmm.... but maybe a really long poney tail?
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Actually, a really long pony tail would be even simpler (in theory) since depending on how it's tied could explain why the hair only starts moving at/below the shoulders.
If the hair was loose and goes down the the shoulders and them from the shoulders down starts moving in the wind, it would look really strange.
However, If the hair was tied in a type of "sleeve" made of ribbon (you see it a lot in anime), then that ~3 inches of tied hair wouldn't move. From the shoulders down the hair would be loose and free to move around.
Different options could be used for "poofyness" of the loose part as well as type and color of "sleeve".
hmm I once had incredibly long hair, I would braid it all the way down my back and past my legs. Occasionally I would flirt with men by actually bringing it down and letting it flow free. This was in the college days though, haven't had long hair in years now. It's got a high upkeep cost in time and trouble.
I also sometimes took the center piece of my hair, letting the rest of it hang down, and turned it into a braided top knot. Again a long time ago.
They can't put hair under a witch hat, unless it's Katie Hannon. What makes you think they can do this?
Come on devs, art guys, where is my Maid costume for my characters! 5 years now, its a simple request.

They can't put hair under a witch hat, unless it's Katie Hannon. What makes you think they can do this?
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Cause Jay is Sexy!!! And the long hair won't be limited to just to those who complete a TF.
Just those above lvl 20.....which doesn't take that long......usually......
"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.
Jay lost his sexy status around issue 9. He will not attain this again till there are maid and nurse uniforms, and witch hats with hair.
Come on devs, art guys, where is my Maid costume for my characters! 5 years now, its a simple request.

Sounds like it could be done, but I also suspect it will look nasty. Capes move like fabric. Really long hair just doesn't. I think what you're going to get is hair that looks like it's painted on a long scarf.
Hmmm.... but maybe a really long poney tail?
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Ghost Widow's hair is actually a series of transparent "capes" with hair patterned onto them (I noticed this after rotating my camera around and zooming up quite close to her hair). I believe there may have been a standard polygonal hair shape beneath, but it was either at the 2006 white knights christmas gala or at Sincere Agape's in game wedding, both of which were quite long ago in the ski chalet.
Jay, having said that we are only allowed to have one cape, has ruled out us having things like loincloths, tabards, Mu capes, and flowing hair.
witch hats with hair.
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Would LOVE to see this!
Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox
witch hats with hair.
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Would LOVE to see this!
[/ QUOTE ]And I would LOVE to see Monkey dressed as a witch.
Come on devs, art guys, where is my Maid costume for my characters! 5 years now, its a simple request.

Really long long hair, like down to the ankles- Hair longer than we currently have- make it an acutal back option unlockable at lvl 20- or 10- or whatever. Instead of capes players could have the option for really long hair. With a little bit of animation kinda like capes.
Just throwing it out there......
Thanx for reading.
"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.