42 -
Quote:To be fair, that was my first post that strayed completely away from the topic. My previous posts included the argument that ostracizing parts of the community is not good for the community. They also included the assertion that outright disrespect and rudeness are not good for the community. People who don't know the history between this apparently infamous KillerKitty and some subset of players and who don't care about that history -- like myself -- may easily wander into this thread hoping to find that beacon of hope... and stumble over a horrid attack steeped in blind rage that discourages them and turns them away.*YAWN* Bored now. Not relevant to saving City of Heroes. Nobody's going to budge either way. Drop it and move along.
Techbot Alpha tried to make the claim that I was somehow supporting this person by insisting that his personal attack on her was unnecessary and inappropriate. Protesting an action against a person does not mean supporting that person or all their actions. Did I need to raise my defense on the forums? No, but based on conversations I've seen with people that hate this KK, I can't trust that initiating a discussion by PM would not be met with accusations of harassment. So, I invite him to continue by PM if he is so inclined.
Anyway, you're right, and I'm done. And so very, very disgusted with the whole lot (unfairly, by association, and the apathy shown by this caring community toward such an attack). -
Quote:Explain how my argument against vitriol turned into support for the person at whom the vitriol was directed. Cite specific text references. Make no inferences and do not read between the lines; interpret only the words exactly as typed.So why are you supporting someone who used the closure of the game we know and love to take a jab at a bunch of people who he/she/it hates and has trolled for ages (Union RPers)? Because that is EXACTLY what you are doing. The posts were 'polite' until they very blatantly weren't. Go figure.
I'll save you the trouble. The two are unrelated.
A = Argument against unnecessary vitriol and disrespect.
B = Support for the aggressor in any single incident of disrespect in a conversation.
C = Support for the victim in any single incident of disrespect in a conversation.
B and C are interchangeable at any point in any conversation except when one conversant is entirely above such petty exchanges. Support of either B or C would then invalidate A. I make it a habit not to be invalidated. Use logic and reason instead of anger and emotion.
Second hurdle. Explain how support of one person's point or argument turns into support for that person. Same rules apply as the first test. Same end result. The two are unrelated. I already stated I don't care if KK is or is not a troll. The same applies to you. I don't care if you are or are not a troll.
Read my reply to Arctic Princess again. The whole thing, not just the one single line that you can form a flawed argument against. If you still think there is a reason to debate whether a personal attack can ever -- ever -- be justified, feel free to PM me. We can even get into a discussion about exclusivity, its pros and cons. Be respectful. Be civil. Don't insult. Don't be offended if I don't respond immediately. I hardly check the CoH boards since this thread fell so far from its topic and its message of hope.
(Side note: I really think there was a misunderstanding between you and KK. She used the phrase "lying scumbags" after quoting a conversation with EU Roleplayers. You interpreted that as her calling EU Roleplayers lying scumbags. I interpreted it as her calling NCSoft, the subject in the quoted conversation, lying scumbags. My interpretation assumes less malicious intent and causes less strife. Your interpretation (if I'm correct) requires you to insert words (namely, identifying information) into her post that she didn't type, then get offended at those words you inserted and blame her because you inserted words into her post. In short, you fabricated an insult against yourself and took offense to your own insult. Strife loves this kind of thing.) -
I originally started writing this in a PM, as it's become rather irrelevant to this discussion thread. I considered the risk of that being taken as harassment by PM one that I didn't want to take.
Quote:There was no argument. There was discussion -- she worried about cliques, asserted that NCSoft would never sell and that the "[NCSoft] Scumbags would sooner see the game die than admit they are wrong" and later linked an article supporting her opinion -- and then there was anger and insults. I reacted to the anger and insults because it was harshing my feel for this thread.Laughing Wolf - have you ever heard of the Unholy Triangle? It's a situation where two people are having an argument and a third person intervenes...
The attack also proves nothing and does nothing to help the situation. It only escalates from civil discussion (even if biased to disagree with most of the people in this thread) to reciprocated toxicity.
Quote:Also, you're totally wrong about the little troll, Kitty. He/She/It is a troll, fair and simple.
What I have said is that her posts in this thread have been civil. Those are the only posts of hers I've read and this is the only thread in which I've been able to form an impression of the involved parties.
Quote:They deserve nothing but contempt because they are one of life's leeches - devoid of their own ideas and personality and existing only in direct opposition to others.
This would have been a far better solution. I /ignore trolls and disrespectful/rude people regularly. More often the latter. And no, they are not synonymous.
Vitriol should not be supported.
It will matter little, but I'm disappointed. It's even more disappointing that not a single response to me has actually discussed the message (keep things civil and positive; don't let cliques form) and have only focused on defaming KillerKitty and/or blindly grandstanding about how much experience one has had with trolls, with some rather uninformed assumptions that I could never have faced the same issues.
Mister_Bison is right, except he missed one group of people: those that are not doing anything at all, forum or otherwise. I was in the third group he described. I'm now in the fourth.
I wish this project well for my friends who want it to succeed. -
Quote:You assume I haven't. There's no reason to "get back to" you, as there's nothing to discuss. You've just tried to assert that lowering yourself to petty insults is justified by history with this individual. It isn't. The personal attack was unnecessary. Full stop.What this thread and those comments fail to take into account is the sheer length of in-game time that people tried to be civil, tried to be polite and patient, and were basically told they were wrong, their opinion was wrong and they should feel horrible for daring to disagree with a certain person.
Once you've been through that farce more than once, tolerance levels can and will find all new low levels to reach, even if they have to burrow through bedrock to do it. When you, your friends and the community you have built over years has been point blank insulted one time too many, by a complete and utter strange who has NO other purpose there other to spread their own self-righteous agenda, THEN get back to me and we can discuss this on equal terms.
As I said, I support Titan's efforts. If I see people being excluded just because you all have a history with them, despite their posts being worded with reasonable civility, that support withdraws very quickly. I've been on the outside of cliques, looking in, and I've seen other people stand outside of them. It's not fun.
I just read through recent comments she made to see if there was something I missed and the closest I can find to an unprovoked attack is where she said "lying scumbags" -- and that, I had interpreted as being directed toward NCSoft. Even if you interpret it differently, that's just your assumption. It isn't specified.
Drop the executioner's axe and keep the thread positive and informative. -
Quote:No. It was not. It was rude, antagonistic, the worst personal attack I'd seen between either of those two and, most of all, completely unnecessary.As take-downs go, that was a thing of most awesome and sublime beauty, and not a curse word to be found in it!
Well played, sirrah! Well played and a graceful follow-through!
That kind of attitude is only harmful right now. TonyV handled the conversation perfectly well, there was no need for anyone else to jump on the dogpile. The person in question may have been persistent in manner and a little too eager to present unfounded opinion as fact, but at all points I saw, that person was civil. Unlike those who attacked him/her.
And I completely and fully agree with this person's question: "How can anyone think attacking someone on a public channel then silencing whem when they fight back is ok?" The answer to this question is "It isn't. Ever."
Because I don't think it was read as fully as it should have been,
Quote:Also to everyone in this thread: I'd like to remind you that educating someone has a much higher value than pushing them away, especially right now. We have one common enemy; stay together and stay focused.
TonyV and Titan: I'm skeptical of the efforts Titan is putting together, but I'm also hopeful. I've been following this thread from the day it was linked to me and finally dug up my password after almost two years of inactivity to log in and offer my support (the amount and manner of which will depend on the direction taken by Titan).
I put a lot of years into this game before I just lost interest in the gameplay mechanics and the power creep, and have a LOT of fond and happy memories that were formed in this game. My personal preference is a revamp, but only because I'd want new combat mechanics, and I understand that's not popular. Failing that, my biggest request to you and everyone involved is the same as KillerKitty's: Please, please do everything in your power to prevent cliques and elite groups. I experienced them myself while I was playing the game and even saw them forming in the guild I was running (and squashed them, with varied methods and results, whenever they were pointed out to me).
Nostalgia and hope are worth a lot to me.
All that said, I'll keep on watching this thread for new developments. If nothing else, I'm learning things about law and business that I'll never use. -
remember, underpowered team without IOs, VEATs or Brutes, so they may actually have to fight each spawn instead of just rolling through them), so the Grav Dom plants them all in place with Dimension Shift - he's probably already used his AE hold on the current spawn and AE immobilize would see him dead right quick.
[/ QUOTE ]
Teams made of masterminds, corruptors, and dominators with only SOs find good uses for Dimension Shift?
[/ QUOTE ]
Under the circumstances and context originally presented, it is a possibility. Masterminds can still be overrun and Corruptors are still squishy without 20-30% defense added through IO sets and/or VEATs.
It's not an "every spawn" power, by any stretch; it's situational. More power to any player/team that's good enough to have never, ever, no really, EVER team-wiped. I'm not that awesome of a player. -
[u]3-Step Plan for Appreciating Dimension Shift[u] according to LW
1) Find smarter teammates.
2) Stop reinterpreting what people say; it makes you look like a politician, which undoubtedly makes you a candidate for removal from the team during step 1.
3) Group in a team with no IOs (at all) and no VEATs.
optional step 4) Wait until the Devs make whatever adjustments are necessary to AI behavior and visuals.
I've always tried to give 110%, so I'll consider myself among the 10% of people who don't fall into the 100% (as I understand that figure, 90% hate the power and 10% are lying to themselves about liking the power). I'm one of the 10% above the 100% who actually like the power. As another poster stated, it is situational. And I will freely admit I have not used it since IOs were introduced - but that's probably due to the fact that I have not played my Dominator since IOs were introduced.
The power used to be much more useful than it was. Step 3 involves playing what would now be regarded as an underpowered team. Before IOs and VEATs, this was a standard team. One might make a case for excluding Brutes from this team as well. They don't like Dominators, anyway, because the Doms impair their Fury-generators. In this underpowered team (which would have been a more standard team before CoH Rifted), Dimension Shift could easily prevent a team wipe in exactly the situations that another poster presented before he was reinterpreted. You can't always control what the Blaster or Corrupter hits with his attack and, if you ask them, it's always an accident. So it's not as easy as saying, "Don't pull two groups". The second group gets pulled while the team is still managing the first group (remember, underpowered team without IOs, VEATs or Brutes, so they may actually have to fight each spawn instead of just rolling through them), so the Grav Dom plants them all in place with Dimension Shift - he's probably already used his AE hold on the current spawn and AE immobilize would see him dead right quick.
You may be questioning how an AE immobilize would get the Dom killed or why his AE hold hasn't already recharged, but remember, this Dom has no IOs. CoH/CoV has suffered disappointing power creep, or "Rifted" (named lovingly after the game of the same name that just kept producing more and more ridiculously powerful things), and this Rifting has not included the enemies we face with the exception of a rare few powerful encounters. I will concede that, in this Rifted CoH, Dimension Shift is less useful and could do with an improvement, or further Rifting, like everything else.
Putting the Immobilize strength back up to 100 (I'd swear it was, at one point) and allowing creatures who can phase through their own power to ignore this immobilize would go a long way to making this power once again seem more useful. Fixing the AI code so critters don't go through their attack animations would help. And a more distinct visual effect certainly would. They still have the VmmWhmmVmmWhmm! sound effect, if I remember, which should be a cue to any player paying attention...
[u]tl;dr version[u]
Dimension Shift has uses, the world will implode because the variable <People> exceeds 100%, Dimension Shift would fix that problem, but it needs an AI fix and graphic upgrades and a reversion to more difficult and challenging gameplay first. -
I'm just hoping that this is the end of the cool kids beta testing for all issues.
[/ QUOTE ]
What cool kids? Please don't call me one of the cool kids. I don't like a lot of them. o.o
And I like horizonal for soon's replacement, as a shorter version of... that really long dashed word.
"When is I15?"
"Horizonal." *puts shades on and crosses arms, leans back smoothly*
Or I could just be waking up, giddy, and finding too much humor in little things. -
Positron, I am a little concerned about the possible rate griefing involved with being able to rate an arc that hasn't been played. Especially when there are badges involved in rating unrated arcs or ones that don't have many ratings. A lot of people will probably get their badges simply by going down the line of unrated arcs, slapping a 1 star rating on them, and getting their badge in the process. I've seen rating systems on web-published content experience things like that, and that's WITHOUT the enticing badge. Please reconsider allowing someone to rate an unfinished arc.
*EDIT* Been here since CoH beta, and this is the first time I've posted after a redname.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm willing to listen to ideas on how truly horrible content can get rated without having to endure all of it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Perhaps a seperate "Petition Rating" button that would allow someone to petition for a one-star rating at the same time as call GM/Dev attention to it. The rating wouldn't be applied toward the arc or count toward badges until reviewed. And then require an arc to be completed for any normal 1-5 rating applied immediately.
This would serve secondary purposes of identifying both abusive raters and abusive arcs, while allowing someone to exit that arc without having to suffer through the sludge of unfun. -
Can failed / successful mission arc in two different directions?
[/ QUOTE ]
Not at release.
Has a choice been made if temp powers will be allowed to be issued, even if it last just as long as the mission does?
[/ QUOTE ]
Also, Not at release.
[/ QUOTE ]
Holy pohstorm, that's a lot of red! It's like a pohsycane... or a pohrnado! -
does the self destruct option get interupted if hit like the pocket D TP?
[/ QUOTE ]
I would highly, HIGHLY reccomend you do NOT zone while the self-destruct power is counting down. There is currently a bit of an issue with the FX script that can cause the camera shake to not stop and increase over time...indefinitely. If this happens, the only fix is to completely shut down the game and restart it.
[/ QUOTE ]
I imagine a lot of people are now going to do exactly this just to see what happens. I know I probably will. -
Just realized, misspelled godmode as "godemode." *facepalm* That's going in as a fix in my copy...
A further note on Sweep: After you attain 1k Cuts, anytime enemies are grouped close enough to be affected by Sweep, they can be fairly easily fit into 1k Cuts' cone, which will do severe damage to all of them, possibly killing some with crits, and then knock them all down anyways. Another reason to drop Sweep.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just to play devil's advocate... why not keep sweep? BU -> AS -> Ablating Strike (which actually does more damage than Power Slice), activates Sweep on the crowd around you, then take a couple steps away, Placate someone, then 1k Cuts.
It loses the benefit of BU (after that much time) but has the added benefit of you having knocked them all down and potentially given yourself a very brief reprieve for Placate. -
Good information to have for Stalkers. It's frustrating that two of the combos rely on such situational or slow-recharging powers because that's such a cool aspect of Dual Blades. It's a shame those combos can't be used more often.
[u]Name[u]: Sin Enterprises
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Always accepting new members since 3 months after CoV's launch.
[u]RP Level[u]: 100% IC; emphasis on character interplay and development; OOC must be clearly identifed.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: Sin Enterprises is a technology research and development firm that began hiring "Destined Ones" after feeling the crush of the Isles. It has steadily grown into a power of its own and continues to employ these "Destined Ones" for Powered Security forces and, with promotions, "field work". (See also, Other Details, below)
[u]Activity[u]: Upwards of 40-50 unique members filled out the roster at 75 prior to the increase. Alts have become a non-issue since then. Weekdays see anywhere from 4-12 people online and weekends see the same activity throughout the day, with an even number of members on the East Coast, Central and West Coast.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: The character must be interviewed by an authorized member of the security team. [Recruiting info & suggestions on how to seek an interview, both ICly and OOCly.] Demons and possessed entities or characters that answer to a "higher power" may find this interview difficult (with IC reasons). Characters whose goals involve destroying the world and/or commiting rampant villainy will almost certainly be rejected. Site membership and activity is strongly encouraged, as Sin Enterprises' ongoing story and all events are posted there, as well as a fair gang of competent writers.
[u]Leadership[u]: Angela Sin, Kira Sin, Death Rush
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: Global @Laughing Wolf (primary contact; others are listed on the Recruiting page.
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: The best method, if you already have a GuildPortal ID, is to PM Laughing Wolf through GuildPortal. I will also answer PMs on these forums, though.
[u]URL[u]: Sin Enterprises
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: Coalitions are very particular. The interested VG must be full RP, not a sex-themed RP guild, can not be themed such that IC knowledge of a working relationship would ruin Sin Enterprises' public image and must provide measurable benefit to Sin Enterprises.
[u]Other Details[u]: [*] Base set-up is purely RP. Sin Enterprises does not participate in PvP as an organization and the "base" is considered highly secured such that no espionage, destruction, sabotage, etc, occurs without clearance from a Guild Officer or it being a group plot point.[*]Prestige generation is required up to a minimum amount and then is encouraged as an IC incentive for promotions. [*] The theme and activities of Sin Enterprises draw in non-vile characters. Normal people who find themselves with incredible power, the downtrodden hero and the sinister villain are all expected to get along, to an extent. And the less "morally ambiguous" are also expected to be capable of killing someone when told to. -
[u]Name[u]: Sin Enterprises
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Always accepting new members since 3 months after CoV's launch.
[u]RP Level[u]: 100% IC; emphasis on character interplay and development; OOC must be clearly identifed.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: Sin Enterprises is a technology research and development firm that began hiring "Destined Ones" after feeling the crush of the Isles. It has steadily grown into a power of its own and continues to employ these "Destined Ones" for Powered Security forces and, with promotions, "field work". (See also, Other Details, below)
[u]Activity[u]: Upwards of 40-50 unique members filled out the roster at 75 prior to the increase. Alts have become a non-issue since then. Weekdays see anywhere from 4-12 people online and weekends see the same activity throughout the day, with an even number of members on the East Coast, Central and West Coast.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: The character must be interviewed by an authorized member of the security team. [Recruiting info & suggestions on how to seek an interview, both ICly and OOCly.] Demons and possessed entities or characters that answer to a "higher power" may find this interview difficult (with IC reasons). Characters whose goals involve destroying the world and/or commiting rampant villainy will almost certainly be rejected. Site membership and activity is strongly encouraged, as Sin Enterprises' ongoing story and all events are posted there, as well as a fair gang of competent writers.
[u]Leadership[u]: Angela Sin, Kira Sin, Death Rush
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: Global @Laughing Wolf (primary contact; others are listed on the Recruiting page.
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: The best method, if you already have a GuildPortal ID, is to PM Laughing Wolf through GuildPortal. I will also answer PMs on these forums, though.
[u]URL[u]: Sin Enterprises
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: Coalitions are very particular. The interested VG must be full RP, not a sex-themed RP guild, can not be themed such that IC knowledge of a working relationship would ruin Sin Enterprises' public image and must provide measurable benefit to Sin Enterprises.
[u]Other Details[u]: [*] Base set-up is purely RP. Sin Enterprises does not participate in PvP as an organization and the "base" is considered highly secured such that no espionage, destruction, sabotage, etc, occurs without clearance from a Guild Officer or it being a group plot point.[*]Prestige generation is required up to a minimum amount and then is encouraged as an IC incentive for promotions. [*] The theme and activities of Sin Enterprises draw in non-vile characters. Normal people who find themselves with incredible power, the downtrodden hero and the sinister villain are all expected to get along, to an extent. And the less "morally ambiguous" are also expected to be capable of killing someone when told to. -
Beautifully written post. And it serves a dual-purpose. Not only to voice your gratitude, but to pass the same revelations you've had onto other players. I don't think I've ever disliked any aspects of this game enough to think poorly of it. I have my complaints (mostly defense, Stalkers and Brutes), but it's still refreshing to have someone point out other goods that I may have been taking for granted.
I agree with the basic consensus on 1, 2, and 3 that I have read so far, being...
1. Base accuracy, zero defense = 50 - 66 % chance to hit.
2. Max accuracy, zero defense = 90 - 95% chance to hit.
3. Base accuracy, max defense = 5 - 10% chance to hit.
But I disagree very strongly with the general consensus that the values on #4 that this situation should balance it back to 50 - 66%.
We all play in a game where we know there are powersets that rely exclusively on Defense to survive. That being the case, the maximum accuracy versus maximum defense still needs to give the defensive powerset more of a chance to survive. I would give the advantage in the #4 scenario to the defense-based set by giving them an unresistable defense of some sort. So...
4. Max accuracy, max defense = 33 - 50% chance to hit.
[/ QUOTE ]
Similar to my numbers. I'm honestly very surprised so few people are basing how effective they feel defense should be on how effective resistance is. Totally off-topic, but last night, playing as my Dominator... HeroStats logged some 110 defense debuffs over the course of three hours. There were a total of about 15 of any other debuffs.
Anyways, this discussion is regarding base to hit & defense (not hitting a brick wall, but a moving target with no extra skill in defending himself) and maximum to hit & defense (not what is currently theoretically possible or achievable).
As a defense-based defender, I'd expect my power choices, if they maxed out my defense, to provide almost as much mitigation as a resist-based defender even if my opponent has maxed out his to hit. In a world of super powers it really isn't harder to dodge a bullet than it is to fire it accurately. -
First off, this post is *NOT* a precursor of any particular impending change. The topic is strictly informative and for discussion.
I'd like to know about breakpoints for To Hit and Defense and how you, the players, think it should work. I'm not talking about mechanics -- I'm talking about the expectations you have in a fight.
1) You have the default To Hit value (ie no buffs), your target has no Defense value. How often do you WANT to hit him? Conversely, as the defender, how often do you expect to be missed?
2) You have the maximum possible To Hit value, and your target has no defense value. How often do you WANT to hit him? Conversely, as the defender, how often do you expect to be missed?
3) You have the default To Hit value, and your target has the maximum possible defense value. How often do you WANT to hit him? Conversely, as the defender, how often do you expect to be missed?
4) You have the maximum possible To Hit value, and your target has the maximum possible defense value. How often do you WANT to hit him? Conversely, as the defender, how often do you expect to be missed?
[/ QUOTE ]
I really honestly hope this is an indication that defense is being looked at for future balancing. My personal preference is that max defense equate to max resistance. However, since max resist and zero defense results in other undesirables, such as resist debuffs, potential hold stacking, etc, which max defense wouldn't suffer as easily, I feel that defense should take 50% more damage than resistance.
1) Base to hit 50%, zero added defense, zero added to-hit.
The defender should be hit 50%.
2) Base 50%, max to hit, zero defense.
The defender should be hit 95%.
3) Base 50%, zero to hit, max defense.
The defender should be hit 5%.
Max resist [non-tankers] would take slightly more damage than this.
Also, although this is a very low number, the odds of this scenario are slim. Most people put at least one accuracy in each power.
4) Base 50%, max to hit, max defense.
The defender should be hit 37.5%.
Unless the defender is a defense-based tanker, then it should be 22.5% (85% max resist; 15% incoming damage; +50% to balance that the defender may avoid debuffs).
I feel contested to hit/defense should give as much edge to defense as contested to hit/resist would give to resistance. If a non-tanker has 75% resistance and is hit 100% of the time, he's still only taking 25% of the potential damage. But he may also be getting hit by debuffs to his resistance. So, I wouldn't think it fair that defense have that same level of pure damage mitigation as well as possibly avoiding defense debuffs. As I said above, +50% damage to the maxed defense. -
Frozen Aura consolidated discussion
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No need. That's power's suckiness is self-evident. And this is an important point to make about MoG. MoG certainly FEELS impressive. You get that nice full heal, capped defense, technically you get the resistance although it means jack poop. But over time many Regens have come to learn the truth.
MoG is a power so situational as to be useless.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's an opinion.
And... is this a discussion thread? Or a "MoG sucks" support group thread? Because I seem to have missed the lesson that taught us little Regens that MoG is just pretty lights and debt. I've seen plenty of opinion on the matter, but nothing particularly convincing.
I may have missed some posts before I jumped in. And if an intelligent argument of facts was presented that I didn't see, then I apologize. But, since I've been reading this thread, it would seem that any posts not agreeing that MoG sucks simply get glossed over.
I think I might be starting to understand forums...
[/ QUOTE ]
You haven't been reading then. Arcanaville has made some pointed comments about MoG's usefulness and I even admit in the first post it has some uses.
You don't really say anything in your post, you just lob a troll. I'm happy to discuss the issue with you. I've discussed why I think MoG lacks in the very first post. I invite you to counter.
Likely you're going to resort to the same boring things everyone does. But I'm happy to go over it again.
[/ QUOTE ]
*looks up* That's a troll? *blinks* Well... I apologize. I suppose then, that the only relevant point in my last post was pointing out that the quoted post was an opinion and not fact. Everything else I typed was unnecessary. So for that, I do apologize.
Since I'm going to resort to the same boring arguments everyone else does, I'll consider them to have been made and rejected. There is a certain opinion that MoG sucks and is so situational as to be useless and this thread manages to repeatedly dismiss any differing opinion. *shrug* Threads do that, I guess. Hence, I'm beginning to understand the forums.
<edit: Snipped an unnecessary barb.> -
Frozen Aura consolidated discussion
[/ QUOTE ]
No need. That's power's suckiness is self-evident. And this is an important point to make about MoG. MoG certainly FEELS impressive. You get that nice full heal, capped defense, technically you get the resistance although it means jack poop. But over time many Regens have come to learn the truth.
MoG is a power so situational as to be useless.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's an opinion.
And... is this a discussion thread? Or a "MoG sucks" support group thread? Because I seem to have missed the lesson that taught us little Regens that MoG is just pretty lights and debt. I've seen plenty of opinion on the matter, but nothing particularly convincing.
I may have missed some posts before I jumped in. And if an intelligent argument of facts was presented that I didn't see, then I apologize. But, since I've been reading this thread, it would seem that any posts not agreeing that MoG sucks simply get glossed over.
I think I might be starting to understand forums... -
When do you use MoG? I've tried using it when people say use it and it fails. I'm not making this up. This power has no reasonable use I am able to ascertain.
[/ QUOTE ]
Argh. I typed out a response to this last night. I just... didn't... post my response.
I'll summarize my lengthy post, this time without flair. Don't laugh, but when I had and used MoG, IH was still a toggle and ED hadn't even come around. So, bear that in mind. Also bear in mind that my claws/regen wasn't optimized. I didn't have those nifty pool powers that supposedly made regens "uber". I didn't have DP and Reconstruction six-slotted. I'd say my regen was spec'd a lot more offensively. As such, I died more than I saw other regens. So, since I had more opportunities for a second chance to steal the show, I used MoG more often. Sometimes I died in MoG. But, every time I used it, I lived just a little bit longer than I would have otherwise.
My most memorable ever "Moment of Glory" actually involved Rularuu. If I'd known they ate right through MoG back then, I probably wouldn't have hit it, but... it was one of the first times I ever fought them. So, anyways, the tank dies and the blaster and defender follow, then the rest of our eight-man team, with me having the least agro because of stealth. At half health, I hit MoG. I already know I don't like the -recharge of the eyes, so I luckily take them out first. I managed to survive the rest of that encounter (and we wiped really early into it... overconfident fire tank). Felt pretty glorious to me.
On a completely unrelated note... thank you for reminding me that Snappy and his cronies are all archery. I will gracefully skip fighting him at an even level if he blew through your MoG, which has almost twice the defense of my Retsu that easily.
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My most "Memorable" MoG moment was in early I3. Here I was, Level 49 (well, I was 50, I just did not level for some weeks because of a misunderstanding about the new Kheldians but that is another story) and teamed with 50s fighting Malta and everything was purple to me. Well, the first faceplant was running double dull pain, with Accolades that afforded me 15% more health, IH going full time... over 2500 Hit Points, and a Gunfighter 3 shots me. I can still hear the BAM BAM BAM. Don't begin to tell me we were over powered. Most folks just were suffering from a Biblical ailment called Envy and they wanted to be able to snuff out Regens in the Arena.
So, I cut into MoG. Lot of good that did. Malta robots are still hitting me despite having it slotted with 3 Defense SOs. Faceplant. I fire it up again and bingo... 3 shots from a Gunfighter faceplants me.
After that I did a respec, I determined I might just want to try the formula that allows full time MoG. I did not think this out very well. Late game missions are not all Malta Sappers you know. After some encounters with Carnies... well... MoG fell into disuse.
Personally? I think the game made a mistake taking some of the extreme stuff away like Perma MoG... you found out very quickly it was not such an uber power, well maybe in PvP, but I never really used it there.
It took me a long time, and I mean long, before I got the guts up to drop this dusty power. I so often forgot it was there and often remembered it as I was tumbling toward some carpet, well, I decided to drop it in I7. I guess my big fear was hitting it only to find out the enemy has a power that simply made the power a mockery.
MoG is lame. It drives teammates nutz by making them think you are in trouble. It drives you nutz because so many things eat at your low health. It made you run for the hills from I4 to I8 as it wore off and could not do anything about your health for 15 seconds - unless you hit a green pill (if you had any left). I remember when I slotted for Perma MoG and a friend told me "you did what? That is just plain sick!"
Then there was the issue of MoG actually not wearing off. I remember hitting it, out of boordom, watching it wear off, healing one or two ticks... I tested this several times and reported it here. I noted the Red Names made a comment about it. I wonder how many Regens faceplanted due to that issue?
Well, neither of my 50 Regens have MoG, and to be honest, I have not missed it one bit.
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I apologize. I just don't see the point you're making. The fight you remember the most is one which you would have died without MoG, anyways. It's a fight that any defense-based tier 9 would have died in. Hit Elude and pop greens? Not if the damage is coming in that fast and already exceeding MoG's much higher defense. Sturdies? If you have them. But, if you have enough sturdies that you think will keep you alive, why wouldn't you just pop them instead of hit your panic power and saving said panic power for when those sturdies wear off, if you still need it.
It just sounds to me like these examples are pitting MoG against a situation that none of the other tier 9's could survive and then berating it when it does fail. I'll keep my fond memories of hitting MoG when I was about to die and surviving for it. I was lucky when those Rularuu eyes missed me - that had nothing to do with MoG - but, it was certainly the massive defense that MoG offers which kept me from getting hit by the non-psychic mobs in my most memorable MoG.
Anyways, I was cruising, saw the thread, and thought I saw an appeal for justification how MoG fits concept with Regen. I offered my own characterization and, hopefully, a smidgeon of humor. Carry on with the MoG hate and I'll fall in line behind Arcana (and, undoubtedly, hundreds others) with the defense (or rather, for myself, tohit buff) hate. -
When do you use MoG? I've tried using it when people say use it and it fails. I'm not making this up. This power has no reasonable use I am able to ascertain.
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Argh. I typed out a response to this last night. I just... didn't... post my response.
I'll summarize my lengthy post, this time without flair. Don't laugh, but when I had and used MoG, IH was still a toggle and ED hadn't even come around. So, bear that in mind. Also bear in mind that my claws/regen wasn't optimized. I didn't have those nifty pool powers that supposedly made regens "uber". I didn't have DP and Reconstruction six-slotted. I'd say my regen was spec'd a lot more offensively. As such, I died more than I saw other regens. So, since I had more opportunities for a second chance to steal the show, I used MoG more often. Sometimes I died in MoG. But, every time I used it, I lived just a little bit longer than I would have otherwise.
My most memorable ever "Moment of Glory" actually involved Rularuu. If I'd known they ate right through MoG back then, I probably wouldn't have hit it, but... it was one of the first times I ever fought them. So, anyways, the tank dies and the blaster and defender follow, then the rest of our eight-man team, with me having the least agro because of stealth. At half health, I hit MoG. I already know I don't like the -recharge of the eyes, so I luckily take them out first. I managed to survive the rest of that encounter (and we wiped really early into it... overconfident fire tank). Felt pretty glorious to me.
On a completely unrelated note... thank you for reminding me that Snappy and his cronies are all archery. I will gracefully skip fighting him at an even level if he blew through your MoG, which has almost twice the defense of my Retsu that easily. -
Testing update.
Heroic spawn of Snaptooth AV and minions - Died in MoG in 50 sec.
Invincible spawn of Snaptooth AV and minions - Died in 13 sec.
That's all damage MoG is supposed to protect you from, folks. Same spawns with inspirations and or IH/DP led to victory.
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This will probably be taken poorly, but from what minimal details I see in these results, I'm not surprised at the conclusion.
Let's throw some more details in there. While fighting this same AV spawn, IH and DP are trucking along just fine while you have inspirations to complement them. But you don't always have optimal inspirations and situations come up when nothing in your tray will help. The chips fail and your IH + DP are not keeping you out of the red; activating MoG just gave you 50 more seconds to try and finish off that AV.
Hitting MoG before a fight is silly. That's what the other tier 9's do. Regen gets the benefit of fighting the big battles to the brink of death and then using their tier 9's.
Also, I know this isn't a comparison thread, but... you said this was all damage that is defended against by MoG? No other tier 9 (in my experience) would have handled that any better. They all have a lower defense buff as well as a lower resistance buff, if any. Granted, they can still heal themselves if they have inspirations or healing powers within the set, but if they don't... they don't have another emergency button.
MoG is a true panic button. Not a "Oh, this fight looks like it will be tough" button, like the other tier 9's end up being. MoG can extend the fight - by 13 seconds, 50 seconds or by its full duration.
Also, I love the suggestion that MoG give a +recharge, also. -
Superior invisibilty has a -100% Threatlevel to self built in. The only way you will get aggro is by using something to generate it and even then it will drop pretty fast.
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Ahh. That makes sense for that. But now, how are people PLing this weekend? It would seem that being near the mobs that are attacked by the big nasty brute would then spread the agro around, unless the brute manages to taunt every mob.
Also, I find the stalker tests disturbing. I've never had that happen to me on my stalker except with ambush groups and they're the exception to every rational rule there is. -
Since this is a debate, I'll jump in here with my rather unscientific opinion. I had a regen scrapper pre-ED (thus, also pre- defense scaling) and, despite what everyone said, I took MoG and slotted it out. I loved it. It wasn't that power that I'd hit in preparation of the huge mass of reds and purples I was about to jump into. It was that power that allowed me to survive that huge mass of reds and purples -after- I jumped into them and realized I was in over my head. It's the only super-defense power that is truely useful at less than 10% of your hp. It's the only power I've seen that lets you keep fighting -after- you've already fought yourself to your last breath.
It really does fit the name. You're a regen. You jump into a group and start tearing them apart. Unfortunately, they're tearing you apart just as much and your team is falling left and right. You're in the red. Hit MoG. You're still in the red, but you'll probably have more hp than before you hit it. If you were invuln and hit Unstoppable at 10% hp, you're probably still going down. If you were SR and hit Elude at 10%, you're banking on that one lucky shot never landing. No, as a regen, you've already fought and are gasping at your last breath... that last breath invokes MoG and you're back at (functional, except vs. psi & toxic) full glory.
It provides a higher defense than any other tier 9 and, with just one resist enhancement (barring any large resist debuffs), you are taking only one quarter the damage you would have taken, but it's hitting one quarter the hp you normally have. That's a wash.
It's also the only tier 9 I've seen that doesn't crash your endurance - or worse, crash your endurance and your hp at the end. If you've survived the full duration (and you were going to die if you didn't hit it, anyways), then you hit Dull Pain and Reconstruction and, voila, you're once again at full efficiency.
As a disclaimer to my own experiences with MoG, I will note that I did not have an optimized build. MoG saved my rear end and, pulling agro with shockwave, allowed my team to retreat and regroup on more than a couple occasions.
I guess the main point I would make in this rambling, scattered post is that, to me, MoG does make thematic sense. The regen already has all the tools it needs to survive his everyday fight well before MoG. This Moment of Glory is truely a "I'm dead" moment that gloriously becomes a very resilient second wind.
It's like Wolverine pushing back against Jean Grey/Phoenix in the third movie... he's dieing, his flesh is peeling back and he's losing his footing. He calls upon a Moment of Glory right there. (Please note, my knowledge of Wolverine and the comics is limited almost entirely to this set of movies, so I use this scene as only an analogy of what MoG is like to me - not as any comment or comparison of what Wolverine should or shouldn't be able to do.)
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Just one thing: MoG is not a good comparison to make to Wolverine. In that scene basically Wolverine's health was always regening. Think of it of maximum IH all the time. There never is a need for wolverine to MoG. Regen scrappers ain't got nothing on Wolverine.
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I went ahead and highlighted what I thought was an important bit of disclaimer in my original opinion. For clarity (and, hopefully, some teasing humor), I'll simply rewrite that entire paragraph.
It's like Noodle pushing back against Lobster/Roborock in some random movie... he's dieing, his flesh is peeling back and he's losing his footing. He calls upon a Moment of Glory right there.
In this particular scene, which has nothing to do with Wolverine or his unimaginable regenerative properties, Noodle's flesh is being stripped away by the combined powers of Lobster and Roborock. Man, that's some boiling, flesh-flaying gritty pain, right there. Noodle is dieing and he knows he's going to go down. But, Noodle has one extra packet of sauce left. He tears open his sauce packet and basks in his Moment of Glory, restoring him from near death to once again slapping his enemies like a wet noodle. For sheer entertainment purposes, I always imagine this scene looking exactly like that one scene in that comics movie, where that regenerating guy's flesh is being eaten up by some psychic schizo's assault.