Discussion: It's All Access for CoH and CoV




Please use this thread to discuss the following announcement

It’s All Access for City of Heroes and City of Villains
NCsoft readies the number 1 super-powered MMO for more.

There is a reason for the rejoicing in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. It is official – NCsoft has completely merged the two games into one game universe. All current subscribers who only had one of the games (City of Heroes or City of Villains) now have access to the features of both games. Additionally, all City of Heroes and City of Villains games for sale at retail or online will grant access to both games.

This is the final step needed in preparing the IP for future projects, to be announced later this year. Paragon City and the Rogue Isles have always been a part of the same game universe. When City of Villains launched in 2005 as a stand-alone game, it did not launch with an extra subscription fee, so there has always been this feeling that they are closely related. What’s different here is that NCsoft has taken down the barrier where players had to have a City of Villains serial code to make a villain, and vice versa. Now, it doesn’t matter if you bought Heroes or Villains, you can make characters from either faction and experience their unique game content. Additionally, Heroes now have access to base building, which was previously only available if you had purchased City of Villains.

“In setting the stage for our upcoming plans for the IP, we felt the time was right to truly consolidate the City of Heroes and City of Villains universe,” said Brian Clayton, General Manager and Executive Producer. “We have removed all restrictions that were created when City of Villains launched in order to make way for some really cool content and features we have in the pipeline. This is an evolution of the IP that lays the foundation for what’s to come.”

The most recent game update, Issue 12: Midnight Hour, launched in May and included a wealth of features, including a new Greek and Roman inspired zone, Villain Epic Archetypes, Powerset Proliferation, as well as more character slots so that players can try out the new character powers and Archetypes.

“We know that character variety is one of our greatest strengths and that’s why our players love to create new characters” said Matt Miller, Lead Designer. “Even former players who reactivate will be pleasantly surprised to see new open character slots waiting for them.”

Uniting the City of Heroes universe enables the development team to focus on other features slated to come in future installments. Improvements to Supergroup Bases and raids, an offline character reward system, and the previously revealed Mission Maker are just some of the systems that will see the benefits of a unified City of Heroes game.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Sound Great! Looking forward to this.



So this applies again like what we had last year or is it only just restating what happened last year? For example, if I some how find CoH or CoV by itself will it still be a standalone game?

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!




This is the final step needed in preparing the IP for future projects, to be announced later this year.

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Hmmmm....wonder what these future projects could be???



Nope, if you buy CoH, you get access to CoV and vice versa




This is the final step needed in preparing the IP for future projects, to be announced later this year.

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Hmmmm....wonder what these future projects could be???

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I foresee a time coming soon in which all zones will be accessible to all toons. For example, the Rouge Isles will be accessible by heroes, and Paragon City will be accessible by Villains. I don't know if that will ever happen, but that's just my theory.



So this applies again like what we had last year or is it only just restating what happened last year? For example, if I some how find CoH or CoV by itself will it still be a standalone game?

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Doesn't sound that way. I think that any old CoH or CoV code entered from now on will give you access to both. It's a permanent end to the notion of CoH and CoV being two separate games. Maybe they are planning some new stand-alone expansion type thing? Or maybe they just want everyone to have access to bases, because of some cool new base stuff coming in I13? Maybe because the custom mission generator is built on top of base technology?

Whatever it is, it sounds good to me.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



So this applies again like what we had last year or is it only just restating what happened last year? For example, if I some how find CoH or CoV by itself will it still be a standalone game?

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What happened last year (as announced here) was giving all existing and former players who only had one side (CoH for example, but not CoV) was the other side. However, this didn't apply to any boxes sitting on store shelves. Now, if you find a CoH box and buy it, you get the other side. No, you don't get the Good vs. Evil Item Pack but you can do all the stuff with the other side.

Pretty good time to pick up a retail box, or get your friend who's been thinking of playing with you to pick up a retail box - and get the other side for free!

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Last year was indicated to be a celebratory grant to all existing CoH only or CoV only players to have access to both games. But it was clearly stated that anyone who purchased just one or the other thereafter would only have access to that one side.

This now merges both sides, allowing anyone who finds an old CoH only or CoV only box to get both sides, plus the other benefits of both sides.

This only makes sense, since both sides are just different sides of the same coin. My guess is that this means that some of the future plans may involve bases, and this way, any CoH only subscribers will have access to those bases.

(I'm sure some folks who paid for both sides will start to complain, but that's just plain silly.)

Edit: Darn, Lighthouse beat me to it.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Good news. Having the grant be one time only was kind of silly, making it permanent is a good move, and we can finally at least have recourse to an official "this is all one game" response to some of the complaints about X or Y side being neglected.

I'm guessing Future projects = Expansion Box.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



So this applies again like what we had last year or is it only just restating what happened last year? For example, if I some how find CoH or CoV by itself will it still be a standalone game?

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What happened last year (as announced here) was giving all existing and former players who only had one side (CoH for example, but not CoV) was the other side. However, this didn't apply to any boxes sitting on store shelves. Now, if you find a CoH box and buy it, you get the other side. No, you don't get the Good vs. Evil Item Pack but you can do all the stuff with the other side.

Pretty good time to pick up a retail box, or get your friend who's been thinking of playing with you to pick up a retail box - and get the other side for free!

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Dude! So like, all those people snagging up the old DVD special edition of CoH will be getting CoV now too... uhm, that is, if they made a new account with it as opposed to upgrading an old one, haha!

That rocks!



This is great news. Saw a few boxes of both last time i was at a store. Hope the new stuff is goin to be sweet too.



Uniting the City of Heroes universe enables the development team to focus on other features slated to come in future installments. Improvements to Supergroup Bases and raids, an offline character reward system, and the previously revealed Mission Maker are just some of the systems that will see the benefits of a unified City of Heroes game.

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As i said in the other thread about this, i think the bolded part is new. We were told that I13 would contain improvements for bases and also about the PGC stuff, but I don't think I have heard any mention of an offline reward system.

Could we get some official clarification/hints/haikus, please?


Always remember, we were Heroes.



Who cares....what are these future IP plans? How do these changes affect the IP, and how does the IP affect the combining of the games? What does this all mean? Any ideas?



Do I smell an expansion coming?



...an offline character reward system...

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Sonnet, please.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Who cares....what are these future IP plans? How do these changes affect the IP, and how does the IP affect the combining of the games? What does this all mean? Any ideas?

[/ QUOTE ]We are getting CoX vs Marvel.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Who cares....what are these future IP plans? How do these changes affect the IP, and how does the IP affect the combining of the games? What does this all mean? Any ideas?

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We care I'm sure the details will be revealed soon™



Now make it so that people who signed up for Red or Blue Forums can post on either!

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Now make it so that people who signed up for Red or Blue Forums can post on either![ QUOTE ]

Amen to that and make them a neutral color, like purple

Proud member of the Hard Liquor party

Unofficial leader of PAAS (Paragon Association for the Advancement of Stoners)



Uniting the City of Heroes universe enables the development team to focus on other features slated to come in future installments. Improvements to Supergroup Bases and raids, an offline character reward system, and the previously revealed Mission Maker are just some of the systems that will see the benefits of a unified City of Heroes game.

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As i said in the other thread about this, i think the bolded part is new. We were told that I13 would contain improvements for bases and also about the PGC stuff, but I don't think I have heard any mention of an offline reward system.

Could we get some official clarification/hints/haikus, please?


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It could just be the City Vault...or there could be other things, we'll have to find out when it's ready.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
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Does this also mean that all accounts will have a base 12 character slots available? So, Mr Joe Snuffy buys CoH at the store for $10, he gets CoH and CoV with 12 slots, or just the base 8 for heroe box set only? I assume the base is going up to 12...just want to clarify...



Do any other games have an "Offline reward system"? What is that anyways?




This is the final step needed in preparing the IP for future projects, to be announced later this year.

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Hmmmm....wonder what these future projects could be???

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I wonder if by consolidating, they are going to ramp up their universe to an MMO?

WAIT! Its already a ..... virtual reality loop! Warning *Brain snap*


/got nothin' ... Console maybe?

Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



He did say: (focuses on the important stuff!)

....and the previously revealed Mission Maker....

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did he not?!!?!?!?

Please... please where was that revealed, where can I read more about it?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati