Discussion: It's All Access for CoH and CoV




Who cares....what are these future IP plans? How do these changes affect the IP, and how does the IP affect the combining of the games? What does this all mean? Any ideas?

[/ QUOTE ]We are getting CoX vs Marvel.

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Damn you, EvilRyu! I was thinking exactly the same thing, but fear of the flamefest eruption let you beat me to it! Curses, foiled again! [/em shakefist]

Yeah, I thought it because of the apparent emphasis on "the IP"...

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque




This is the final step needed in preparing the IP for future projects, to be announced later this year.

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Hmmmm....wonder what these future projects could be???

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Perhaps we will fianlly get "fallen heroes" and "redeemed villains"



Now make it so that people who signed up for Red or Blue Forums can post on either!

It appears that your game account is currently not active. You must have an active game account to log in, post, edit posts, or send private messages.

Please use your back button to return to the previous page.

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That's most likely just an issue of cookies on your local machine. If you can't actually log in to one of the skins, it's a bug, and you should probably PM Ex Libris or Lighthouse to get it fixed.

...I forgot what experience means.



Now make it so that people who signed up for Red or Blue Forums can post on either!

It appears that your game account is currently not active. You must have an active game account to log in, post, edit posts, or send private messages.

Please use your back button to return to the previous page.

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That's most likely just an issue of cookies on your local machine. If you can't actually log in to one of the skins, it's a bug, and you should probably PM Ex Libris or Lighthouse to get it fixed.

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It happens with all the computers I log into. And my boyfriend has the same problem.



Who cares....what are these future IP plans? How do these changes affect the IP, and how does the IP affect the combining of the games? What does this all mean? Any ideas?

[/ QUOTE ]We are getting CoX vs Marvel.

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Nah, with DC vs Mortal Kombat, I'm figuring on CoX vs Soul Calibur. I sure hope Sister Solaris is an unlockable!

Offline rewards... ummm... that sounds like a system where you get xp even if you never use a character. Some other MMO's have used a system like that. I'm kinda hoping that isn't what this is.



Good news. Having the grant be one time only was kind of silly, making it permanent is a good move, and we can finally at least have recourse to an official "this is all one game" response to some of the complaints about X or Y side being neglected.

I'm guessing Future projects = Expansion Box.

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Heheh, I said this in another thread. This is good stuff.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



He did say: (focuses on the important stuff!)

....and the previously revealed Mission Maker....

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did he not?!!?!?!?

Please... please where was that revealed, where can I read more about it?

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That refers to the big player generated content announcement. it was part of the 4th Anniversary adddress

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Do any other games have an "Offline reward system"? What is that anyways?

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I don't know what they mean. The first thing that springs to mind is the "rested xp" stuff that some games have. I think Lord of the Rings does that? It's something like if you haven't played a character for a few days, then you earn xp at a higher rate for the first hour after you finally log in. It seems like an odd addition for a game where almost everyone has massive altitis.

I wouldn't be surprised if the mission creator were an offline application, and the final results could be uploaded. But that's not really a reward system, even if there are rewards for doing it.

Earning interest on accrued influence? That would make me giggle, but I can't see it as a really good thing.

Awarding badges for least amount of time logged in? A new recipe drop pool: every day you aren't logged in, you get a 10% chance of receiving a rare recipe? They start mailing out free comic books again? Bubble gum? I have no idea.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Do any other games have an "Offline reward system"? What is that anyways?

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From what I've heard, some other games have something called "Rested XP," where characters either gain xp just by existing on the server or gain xp when other characters on the account gain it. Naturally, the xp gained isn't as much as it would be if the character were earning it himself. In the General Discussion thread on this topic, someone proposed Rested Inf, which would, I guess, work the same way. Neither of those ideas sound great for CoX to me- they either push characters toward a non-existent endgame (the leveling up IS the game) or could cause widespread inflation. But I'm just some guy posting on the fora, so, really, what do I know? Besides, I suppose the devs could come up with something else, too.

Universal access would strongly suggest base upgrades to me, even if they weren't specifically mentioned in the announcement. Side-switching also becomes slightly less of a pipe dream.

Finally, some thoughts about "the IP." I wouldn't read any potential CoX/something else crossovers into that. "The IP" just seems to be NC Soft shorthand for "all products related to CoX." To me, it suggests new or additional ways to promote the game through other products. I wouldn't be surprised to see a "Freedom Phalanx vs. Arachnos" console game or a boxed expansion or other restricted-access content coming sometime within the next fifteen months, but, again, what do I know?

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Merging the markets? nah..........



Now make it so that people who signed up for Red or Blue Forums can post on either!

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That's most likely just an issue of cookies on your local machine. If you can't actually log in to one of the skins, it's a bug, and you should probably PM Ex Libris or Lighthouse to get it fixed.

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It happens with all the computers I log into. And my boyfriend has the same problem.

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That's just weird. There is no Red or Blue forum. There is just the forum. The color is just a skin. You can use whichever one you want. I don't know why either wouldn't work for you. It's certainly not a universal problem.

Improving the forum software is something they have mentioned as a hope for the future. I know the mods aren't crazy about the tools they get with our current forums.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Do I smell an expansion coming?

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City of Incarnates



Who cares....what are these future IP plans? How do these changes affect the IP, and how does the IP affect the combining of the games? What does this all mean? Any ideas?

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An official announcement of the City of Heroes movie?
With the new Heroes season being titled " Villains ", and some kind of inferring of Hero/Villain switching, maybe some kind of collaboration with the show?

~Dreaming MM



I'm curious, since it's not mentioned...previously, to have both CoH and CoV as well as twelve character slots per server (instead of 8 I believe), one has either had to have both games or the GVE pack. Will the merged worlds (so to speak) include the four extra character slots? I would hope so, but since it's not specified...I'm asking!



Who cares....what are these future IP plans? How do these changes affect the IP, and how does the IP affect the combining of the games? What does this all mean? Any ideas?

[/ QUOTE ]We are getting CoX vs Marvel.

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We already had that the only people that won anything were the Attorneys.

If the new projects they are alludeing to is a boxed expansion I will be happy.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)





That's just weird. There is no Red or Blue forum. There is just the forum. The color is just a skin. You can use whichever one you want. I don't know why either wouldn't work for you. It's certainly not a universal problem.

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Unless it has something to do with the two different website addresses. For ex., at my work, boards.cityofvillains.com is blocked while boards.cityofheroes.com is not.




I wouldn't be surprised to see a "Freedom Phalanx vs. Arachnos" console game or a boxed expansion or other restricted-access content coming sometime within the next fifteen months

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Freedom Phalanx VS. Arachnos = old 'n busted
Freedom Phalanx VS. Praetorians = new hawtness

-=Better Yet=-

Praetorians + Arachnos VS. Freedom Phalanx + (good Arachnos from alternate universe) + "good" Carnies



When's the City Vault come out?



Despite the combination, do I still gotta have a level 50 villain to have the villain epic archtype or is that still the same too? :P That'd be cool to have ANY level 50 to unlock the epic archtypes but that's my laziness talking!

Luficia's Virtueverse Page



Despite the combination, do I still gotta have a level 50 villain to have the villain epic archtype or is that still the same too? :P That'd be cool to have ANY level 50 to unlock the epic archtypes but that's my laziness talking!

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I highly doubt that they'll make it so that either side 50 opens up either side EAT.

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



Despite the combination, do I still gotta have a level 50 villain to have the villain epic archtype or is that still the same too? :P That'd be cool to have ANY level 50 to unlock the epic archtypes but that's my laziness talking!

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I highly doubt that they'll make it so that either side 50 opens up either side EAT.

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I blame Bohmfalk for my anxiousness to see what these future projects are!

Go back to Justice Bohm! :P

@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




Do any other games have an "Offline reward system"? What is that anyways?

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I don't know what they mean. The first thing that springs to mind is the "rested xp" stuff that some games have. I think Lord of the Rings does that? It's something like if you haven't played a character for a few days, then you earn xp at a higher rate for the first hour after you finally log in. It seems like an odd addition for a game where almost everyone has massive altitis.

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Actually, if you think about it, this could make perfect sense for a game where so many people have such massive altitis. You play one toon for a couple days, get bored, switch to another toon, and it's like you're on a xp rush. This could actually feed into altitis very well.

Edit: rofl @Rad

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



About time



Side-Switching, I'm thinking.