28 -
Merging the markets? nah..........
Posi and Devs and NCNC Execs,
I bow down with great thanks. There might be some doom cryers as there always is, but this is the best way to implement this feature. Some free slots, some vet slots and some to buy. Woohoo!!!!!!!!! -
edit: I was mistaken and apologize to Snow_Globe-thought his response was to me.
I apologize if this has been asked before...and I'm probably going to get laughed at...
Are the AT's gender specific or will we be able to play male Blood Widows and female wolf spiders?
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe I read that you can have male or female. At least looking at the costume models shows it to be that way. -
agreed on that.
I have a couple of MM's (play blueside mainly) and I don't play trollers or defenders much either, but I wouldn't mind an /emp secondary. -
I don't have the words to say how silly WhiteLady's comment was...but I think _Pax covered it well, good job sir. Though I think I'll give it a go anyways
Henchmen/Lackeys are to Villains as Sidekicks are to Heroes, they are the same thing or the perverbial 'second banana'
Add in all the stupid special circumstances you want WhiteLady, you can't change a fact.
[/ QUOTE ]Nick Fury isn't a mastermind, and masterminds do not belong on hero side.
[/ QUOTE ]
First after a red name!
Errr.... wait, its just Silverspar. Heheh.
Silverspar's absolutely right though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Masterminds do not belong on blueside. I've said it many times in another thread down in the Sugg & ideas forum. However, I do not see a problem with a MM set/s porting over to a troller or def. Like many have said-robots work. Also, yes Fury (not SHIELD Fury though) is a MM type troller/scrapper. He leads a small group of fighting men into combat. It does fit blue-side. And it's easy to RP it as long as your willing to get into the fight or close to it. -
Does she actually know the questions?
[/ QUOTE ]
no but I get to explain it to her in the back DOOR...
[/ QUOTE ]
fixed for ya....... -
We're not letting Miss Teen SC in for the Q&A are we?
Forum girl vote? yes
Korith taking a shower? Hell yes, he's disgusting to even stand near. -
All I can say is wow. What a great story and thanks for sharing. My daughter (she's 8) and I play together once in a while. She's like me though and likes to solo. I do find it very fun to sit next to her and play though.
I have an M.D. from Harvard, I am board certified in cardio-thoracic medicine and trauma surgery, I have been awarded citations from seven different medical boards in New England, and I am never, ever sick at sea. So I ask you; when someone goes into that chapel and they fall on their knees and they pray to God that their wife doesn't miscarry or that their daughter doesn't bleed to death or that their mother doesn't suffer acute neural trama from postoperative shock, who do you think they're praying to? Now, go ahead and read your Bible, _Dennis_, and you go to your church, and, with any luck, you might win the annual raffle, but if you're looking for God, he was in operating room number two on November 17, and he doesn't like to be second guessed. You ask me if I have a God complex. Let me tell you something:
I am God.
[/ QUOTE ]
This was actually one Baldwin (part) movie I liked. -
Who am I?
[/ QUOTE ]
*Chases after Prisioner Jean ValJean*
[/ QUOTE ]
*Loses all respect for self and jumps while singing one of the greatest self-absorbed tunes of all time. (My fave of course, I'm so self-centered). -
My name is John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt. I thought it was a rather unique name, but as it turns out, it seems like that name is everyone else's name, too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait!! Your name is mine name too? -
How do you build the teleporters without a crafting table? Sorry if its a dumb question. I'm new to base building.
[/ QUOTE ]
The only stupid or dumb question is the unasked one.
Onto your question: You can't. Some people buy the table, craft the porters and then get rid of the table. -
No prob. I might go remake it with the small desks instead of the lights.
OK, here's my attempt at the mighty fireplace. Not great, but I got a good mantle, lol. My fireplace
Thank you. It was kind of tough. The Pantheon is a group of ancestral gods of different mythology, Norse, Greek and Roman so far so I needed something regal so I used the goldish outlining but stuck to basic arcane/ancient looking walls and blocks since they used stone more than metal for their ancient rooms.
Thanks, that was the room I wanted to stand out.
Wow, that AES is smooth.
Here's some more of mine:
Personal Room Overview
Personal Room/Bar area
Personal Room/Fireplace
Workshop #2
Control room w/floating Pillar
Energy Room w/floating Insp. Storage
Workshop#1 View 1
Workshop #1 view 2
Med Bay
TP Room view 1
TP Room view 2
TP Room view 3
TP Room view 4 -
Finally, here are the first few pics of my base:
The Pantheon of Ancients base overview
Entrance pic1
Entrance pic2
I'll be adding more when I get home.
[/ QUOTE ]
*peeks around the corner of the thread*
Well...I could see the rotten Easter egg storage bins, but I can't tell where you're storing the stale green St. Paddy's Day beer...
*runs out of thread before Flashblast catches her*
[/ QUOTE ]
walks into thread whistling, oops, always missing Rox. Oh well, was going to invite for some green beer and stale pretzel sticks, lol. And if you look in the middle of the base, you'll see the small TP room with the bridge, the liquid on the bottom of the room is green, lol.