Discussion: It's All Access for CoH and CoV




So what are the people that paid more for getting both coh/cov going to get for ponying up the extra money.....

Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

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You gotta be kidding me. Here is my list.. and I don't want anything back.

CoH - Retail (x3)
CoH - Collectors
CoV-Pre-order (x2)
Cov - Collectors
Good VS Evil pack
Wedding Pack

And, more months for other players than I can count. I, personally, have PRIDE in knowing that I have helped fund this game and get other people into it.

To Jacobi, I'm pretty sure they are the same engine, just different tilesets.

Global: @Pandemonia

We're sorry. Due to the lack of adequate marketing, user patience has died 90+ days ago. Please try again sans "Soon."



So what are the people that paid more for getting both coh/cov going to get for ponying up the extra money.....

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Exactly what you paid for - access to that content for all the months you had it, before they cruelly took it away from you.

oh wait, they didn't.

Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

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Have you ever actually been slapped in the face?



So what are the people that paid more for getting both coh/cov going to get for ponying up the extra money.....

Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

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Why are there so many people like this in the world? I paid the xtra $$ too dude...so what? You think that $$ would have some how changed your life? It's just like anything else, you buy it when it's new you pay more...you wait awhile and you get it cheap. Ala cars, phones, houses, clothes, ect. Quite crying.

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This same argument can be applied to any piece of technology ever purchased. Lets say you bought an original iPhone. Are you now going to whine and complain that, since a "new and improved" iPhone is out that you are entitled to it cause you bought the original iPhone....the market thusly laughs.

Yeah, it's a sad thing, but that's just how marketing goes.



Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

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Have you ever actually been slapped in the face?

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Point: Sadako.



how about getting these supposed 3 issues a year out for once. we've had 1 in a years time and its getting quite boring.

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Issue 10 (7/24/07) + Issue 11 (11/28/07) + Issue 12 (5/20/08) = 1 issue, I guess you're right...

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Thank you Hellguard. I was a little baffled by this statement. I don't see how 3 issues in 10 months equals 1 issue in a year. Perhaps someone was just afk too long.



Doesn't CoH use a different engine than CoV? Could these future plans possibly include updating both CoH/CoV to one new and inproved engine so we can can have things like power customization and a seemless world with no load screens?

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An engine upgrade is a MUST if CoX is going to stand the test of time.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



So issie 13 should be 2-4 months away...*holding breath.



and this is pretty much the same ol promises that we've been hearing. how about doing something to prove them, how about getting these supposed 3 issues a year out for once. we've had 1 in a years time and its getting quite boring.

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Actually, there's only been one year that there weren't three issues released:

April - Issue 0
June - Issue 1
September - Issue 2

January - Issue 3
May - Issue 4
August - Issue 5
October - Issue 6

June - Issue 7
(September - GvE Edition, if you want to count it)
November - Issue 8

May - Issue 9
July - Issue 10
November - Issue 11

May - Issue 12

IIRC, the promise wasn't that there would always be three issues released within any given twelve month period, but three issues within each calendar year. It's very possible that we'll still get two more issues this year -- maybe (purely speculatively) in September and November/December? So just calm down and hang in there.

And you heard it here first: A major expansion for Independence Port (the IP) is coming in City of Squid: Lusca's Revenge!

Blondeshell (1381 badges) - My other badge hunters
VidiotMaps Master Cartographer
MArc #87989 - Enter, The Conglomerate
Invention Salvage Distribution Charts



can i have my money back that i paid for cov then?? cause this is kinda a slap in the face for those of us that bought cov.

and this is pretty much the same ol promises that we've been hearing. how about doing something to prove them, how about getting these supposed 3 issues a year out for once. we've had 1 in a years time and its getting quite boring.

sorry if i seem doubtful that this announcement means anything, but so far its the same announcement that was made before. talk is cheap in this world .

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Sure. Just figure out a way suck out of your memory all the experiences and fun you may have had playing CoV since it launched. You'll probably also need to delete all your villains. Oh, and delete anything you have in base storage too.

Good luck with that.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad




Nah, with DC vs Mortal Kombat, I'm figuring on CoX vs Soul Calibur.

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I've had the main heroes in my SG as custom characters in SC3 since it came out. And as soon as we get a beret with a feather in it, I'll be making my main SC3 character in CoX.



Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

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Have you ever actually been slapped in the face?

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Yes. I was the villain in a skit and the woman my character had kidnapped was supposed to slap me after I made some evil remark. She forgot to act for a split second and actually slapped me right across the face.

This announcement had nowhere near the same effect.

...I forgot what experience means.



I foresee a time coming soon in which all zones will be accessible to all toons. For example, the Rouge Isles will be accessible by heroes, and Paragon City will be accessible by Villains. I don't know if that will ever happen, but that's just my theory.

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They might as well at this point seeing as the only "good guys" us villains ever get to fight after 30 are Longbow... and every update since issue-7 has just been content made for Heroes that our villains get to tag along on...

Was there actually any details on what we might actually have to look forward to?
Whole thing was TL;DR. You'd think the details would be right up front in a bullet list... that's usually where you put teasers if you're running a business model and want to retain customers



Doesn't CoH use a different engine than CoV? Could these future plans possibly include updating both CoH/CoV to one new and inproved engine so we can can have things like power customization and a seemless world with no load screens?

[/ QUOTE ]It has the same game engine for both games it is just CoH zones use less polygons than CoV zones. That is why you get less lag in CoH.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



So what are the people that paid more for getting both coh/cov going to get for ponying up the extra money.....

Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

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SHADDUP! For real! Are we supposed to keep the game seperate because of one whiner. Stop progress for you? If I could only express myself without consequence here, you'd know exactly how I felt about your gripe.

Back to reality. I can only pray that heroes and vills can interact in each other's zones. That is my #1 request. Second is going to one mega-server but that might be a ways off (DEVS did post cautions about this when discussing server transfers).

The mission creator could be good but I don't think it will be as good as we think. The DEVS are letting our imaginations run wild with what they could do on that mish creator and I don't think the current engine has the ability to do half of what we'd like it to do when creating missions.

Oh, and I would love to see better costume additions. I'd also like to see costume packs - I bought the wedding pack so I guess I'll buy anything!



Doesn't CoH use a different engine than CoV? Could these future plans possibly include updating both CoH/CoV to one new and inproved engine so we can can have things like power customization and a seemless world with no load screens?

[/ QUOTE ]It has the same game engine for both games it is just CoH zones use less polygons than CoV zones. That is why you get less lag in CoH.

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Yeah if you look at the min. comp. requirements for CoH and CoV you'll see CoV requires a bit more.



If the mission creator can create missions that spawn huge mobs of +5 Freakshow....I'm all in.



Hmmmm maybe one boxed expansion a year along with the issues? They could call it the Trade Paperback Edition Vol. 1......

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force



can i have my money back that i paid for cov then?? cause this is kinda a slap in the face for those of us that bought cov.

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As someone who bought the COV collector's edition at original prices, and has seperate editions for both games (twice,) let me just say:

/em slap




[baseless speculation ON]
I think it may be more along the lines of 'rewards for game-related activities outside the actual game,' perhaps related to the vault, perhaps related to the new ingame ads (player created), perhaps a whole new thing.
[baseless speculation OFF. Resuming random spewings.]

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I've seen some fluff recently for an upcoming MMO-ish thing called "Twin Skies". One of the tidbits they've been talking about is triggering in-game effects with accomplishments on the game's website. The specific example they've given is based on a Flash snake game called "Junkworm". If you manage a high score, a junkworm will spawn in the game and attack other players. If it kills one, it will take a screenshot of the event for you. Other in-game effects they've mentioned include changing the weather in a zone and unlocking a chest.

I doubt we'll be playing Flash games for badges or costume parts, but something along those lines isn't inconceivable--especially since they've been working on linking the game to the Vault, anyway.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



can i have my money back that i paid for cov then?? cause this is kinda a slap in the face for those of us that bought cov.

and this is pretty much the same ol promises that we've been hearing. how about doing something to prove them, how about getting these supposed 3 issues a year out for once. we've had 1 in a years time and its getting quite boring.

sorry if i seem doubtful that this announcement means anything, but so far its the same announcement that was made before. talk is cheap in this world .

[/ QUOTE ]
Talk is cheap, much like this post and the one to which I'm replying Look, typing!

Anywho, you want a rebate for getting to play CoV for almost three years before this new change? In my opinion, I think you're beyond most return policies I mean, they might give you one, but I suspect they'd take away your lvl 50 brute and all your other progress in CoV up to today

Also, I'm still waiting for you to show me where a red name said that they would have three issues this year. I mean, are they even trying anymore? I would get bored too if I got PLd all the time too.

When you find that quote, kindly reply to this post to educate me. Thanks in advance!



CoH - Retail x2
CoH - Collectors x2
CoV x2
Pocket D TP/Jump Jet Pack x2
Wedding Pack x2

I don't feel I wasted my money and have no animosity at all about expanding the full game to everyone.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Mission Maker Now THIS really excites me and I hope it is coming in the next issue.

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Actually, if you read Lighthouse's forward in Fanzine #1, it looks very much like this will be an I13 feature.



CoH - Retail x2
CoH - Collectors x2
CoV x2
Pocket D TP/Jump Jet Pack x2
Wedding Pack x2

I don't feel I wasted my money and have no animosity at all about expanding the full game to everyone.

[/ QUOTE ]

This. So much, THIS.

If anything.. new folks should be praising US VETS!

/sarcasm off

Global: @Pandemonia

We're sorry. Due to the lack of adequate marketing, user patience has died 90+ days ago. Please try again sans "Soon."



I have paid for CoV, CoH, GvE item pack, and the wedding pack, i am well pleased and have no issue new players getting both sides for the cost of one, its about time it happened.

PS and off topic, i still chuckle every time i watch the TV show Chuck and see CoV on the Buy More shelves.

Unit 609-1231 mk VII lvl 50 Stalker claws/EA
BlazingWing lvl 50 Blaster Fire/Fire/Fire