Discussion: It's All Access for CoH and CoV





The problem is something Posi mentioned. Heroside has too many zones that sit being unused. Why would the devs add more zones to match CoH when they can't keep the current zones in CoH fairly actively played? You could easily trim two zones(Boom, Crey's) from CoH right now with little recourse.

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Perhaps Boom could become a new co-op zone or yet another PVP area. The lowbies could use a PVP zone below lvl 15....hmmm.

Indig , leader of the City of Gaymers

City of Gaymers on Guildportal.com




Secondly, it opens the doors for side switching. This suddenly extends the life of any lvl 50 character - they flip sides, experience the game from a different angle - and would bring a huge boost to CoV as all the lvl 50 heroes suddenly go bad. Ouroboros will get absolutely pounded during this period too.

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My thoughts EXACTLY.... I know so many people RACING to get their (multiple) characters to 50... but then what?

I got my first hero to 50 and, as expected said...ok now what?

I am glad I took almost 3 and a half years to bother getting her there. Yes.... stop laughing... I did say 3 and a half years. She has been drydocked for months now. Like I implied, I was in NO hurry. For me the game is all about the ride and not the destination.

Indig , leader of the City of Gaymers

City of Gaymers on Guildportal.com



Uniting the City of Heroes universe enables the development team to focus on other features slated to come in future installments. Improvements to Supergroup Bases and raids, an offline character reward system, and the previously revealed Mission Maker are just some of the systems that will see the benefits of a unified City of Heroes game.

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As i said in the other thread about this, i think the bolded part is new. We were told that I13 would contain improvements for bases and also about the PGC stuff, but I don't think I have heard any mention of an offline reward system.

Could we get some official clarification/hints/haikus, please?


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I'm not asking for hints, but that one jumped out at me also.

Very interesting.



To all the people asking for retroactive reward because you bought the other game... what are you smoking?

Do you go to McDonalds and demand a free happy meal when they start a promotion a month after you bought one? Do you go to your local Ford dealership and demand money back when they put your new year-model car on sale in November? Do you demand that AT&T give you back the $100 extra you payed for the newest phone when it came when they give it away with calling plans two years later?

What you're asking for / being angry about makes no bloody sense at all.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA




Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

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Have you ever actually been slapped in the face?

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Ok, that is sig worthy! *goes off to change my sig*

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



There is a reason for the rejoicing in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. It is official – NCsoft has completely merged the two games into one game universe.
Paragon City and the Rogue Isles have always been a part of the same game universe.
the benefits of a unified City of Heroes game.

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Hopefully this announcement will finally make it clear that developers do not favor one side or the other. (I know, slim chance at that).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Will those of us who purchased City of Villains and the additional content actually receive some sort of "game" compensation for what have essentially become redundant purchases?

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I'm shocked people are even considering such things.

Comparison: You buy a new game - game #1. Three years down the line, the game company starts to give away game #1 as a free bonus to those who order game #2. Would you, as a customer who ordered game #1 demand compensation?

Or this - Command and Conquer, Marathon, Wolfenstein, Tribes and Sim City are all freeware now. Try going to one of the companies who own those and demand a refund for the game you bought a decade ago.

Hint: If you did, they would laugh at you. You bought a product and got several years use out of it. Just because an older product is discounted/used as a free promotion/made freeware does NOT entitle you to compensation. No business model works that way. It would be insane for them to do so.

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That's quite a near perfect example.

Years ago, I bought Grand Theft Auto for the PC, and then Grand Theft Auto 2 once that came out.

Now, they're both available for free from Rockstar itself.

Do those wanting a refund from NCSoft for making CoH/CoV available to everyone think that I can get a refund of GTA and GTA2 from Rockstar?

. . . . Anyone?

. . . . Bueller?

. . . . Bueller?

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



<dumbguymode>So, like now that they have merged red/blue can I merge my 2 accounts and just pay one monthly fee?</dumbguymode>

makes as much sense as refunds on the old games. (i.e. none)



A combined game + branching missions + create-a-mission = there are no "villains" or "heroes", there are just characters and the choices they make.

It sounds to me like CoX could evolve into something similar to Bioware RPGs, where we can slide between light and dark based on the choices we make.

Sounds good to me!

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!




If the new projects they are alludeing to is a boxed expansion I will be happy.

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IIRC after the buyout by NCSoft, it was re-stated that boxed expansions would not happen, but smaller content items (like the wedding pack) would be for sale. I'm pretty sure Positron said that they would continue releasing content via free "issues".

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."




If the new projects they are alludeing to is a boxed expansion I will be happy.

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IIRC after the buyout by NCSoft, it was re-stated that boxed expansions would not happen, but smaller content items (like the wedding pack) would be for sale. I'm pretty sure Positron said that they would continue releasing content via free "issues".

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I think you're confusing two things. Free issues will certainly continue, but they've never said they won't do a boxed expansion in addition to the updates.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



So what are the people that paid more for getting both coh/cov going to get for ponying up the extra money.....

Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

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Why are there so many people like this in the world? I paid the xtra $$ too dude...so what? You think that $$ would have some how changed your life? It's just like anything else, you buy it when it's new you pay more...you wait awhile and you get it cheap. Ala cars, phones, houses, clothes, ect. Quite crying.

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Just to nitpick but houses in general appreciate in value over time...

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."




Issue 10 (7/24/07) + Issue 11 (11/28/07) + Issue 12 (5/20/08) = 1 issue, I guess you're right...

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check your math 2007 does not equal 2008, so it was two issues in 2007 one issue in 2008.




Issue 10 (7/24/07) + Issue 11 (11/28/07) + Issue 12 (5/20/08) = 1 issue, I guess you're right...

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check your math 2007 does not equal 2008, so it was two issues in 2007 one issue in 2008.

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We've had one issue so far this calendar year (Issue 12).
We've had three issues in the past 12 months (Issues 10, 11, 12).
We had three issues in 2007 (Issue 9 was 5/1/2007, plus Issues 10 and 11).

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



This thread gave me my mornin' serving of the kee's.



Now make it so that people who signed up for Red or Blue Forums can post on either!

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That's most likely just an issue of cookies on your local machine. If you can't actually log in to one of the skins, it's a bug, and you should probably PM Ex Libris or Lighthouse to get it fixed.

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It happens with all the computers I log into. And my boyfriend has the same problem.

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That's just weird. There is no Red or Blue forum. There is just the forum. The color is just a skin. You can use whichever one you want. I don't know why either wouldn't work for you. It's certainly not a universal problem.

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Not quite. When I'm logged into the City of Villains red-side forum, and follow a link that has cityofheroes in the url, I'm blue side and no longer logged in.

If you post a link without the boards.cityofheroes.com part, the system will default to your colour, but nobody seems to do/know that.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




can i have my money back that i paid for cov then?? cause this is kinda a slap in the face for those of us that bought cov.

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Sure, as soon as you give us back all the time you've spent on CoV before this goes live, as well as any enjoyment you may have had from it.

We're waitin'...

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




There is a reason for the rejoicing in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. It is official – NCsoft has completely merged the two games into one game universe.
Paragon City and the Rogue Isles have always been a part of the same game universe.
the benefits of a unified City of Heroes game.

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Hopefully this announcement will finally make it clear that developers do not favor one side or the other. (I know, slim chance at that).

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The devs hate villains so much, they finally decided they couldn't allow them to have a stand alone game anymore.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



So now that CoH and CoV are the same game, would it be possible to get some balance for content?

The villians have so many fewer zones, so many fewer Task forces and less of everything except class.

What have the villains got for new zones or zone revamps that are NOT shared zones?

As far as I know... errr.. anyone? anyone?

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Many zones or many zone updates are not marks of quality in themselves. Zone updates would suggest that the zone used to suck, and many zones just means more zoning. It's a point in CoV's favour that it doesn't have a stupid amount of zones and doesn't need its zones updated.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




There is a reason for the rejoicing in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. It is official – NCsoft has completely merged the two games into one game universe.
Paragon City and the Rogue Isles have always been a part of the same game universe.
the benefits of a unified City of Heroes game.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hopefully this announcement will finally make it clear that developers do not favor one side or the other. (I know, slim chance at that).

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The devs hate villains so much, they finally decided they couldn't allow them to have a stand alone game anymore.

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Can't we all just... get along?



Personally, I'm hoping to see a merging of the EU and US servers.

But that's been a pet peeve of mine for years.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

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Have you ever actually been slapped in the face?

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Yes. I was the villain in a skit and the woman my character had kidnapped was supposed to slap me after I made some evil remark. She forgot to act for a split second and actually slapped me right across the face.

This announcement had nowhere near the same effect.

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Too bad it wasn't a love scene.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level



Awesome! Sounds like you're getting things lined up for some major announcements 'soon' (tm).

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



All this talk of refunds, rebates, etc., gave this wuff an idea: why not adopt the automotive standard and give “Trade In” options?

Just think of it! Someone gets griefed over a new release, they can run (fly, jump, teleport) on over to the NCSoft dealership (set the outlets up next to Wentworths or the Black Market) and demand the latest and greatest edition at a discount if they trade in the last “model” they’re griefing over!

That’s right! Just hand over the “keys” to your old base, all your base items, archived salvage, recipes, etc. And don’t forget to trade in those “used” heros and villains too! Then NCSoft can give you discount on a brand new, shiny update to this year’s model, with air conditioning and cruise control (You’re going to want that last one as you start re-leveling all your toons up from scratch, “cruising” your way through all those missions you’ve done so many times before to get your shiny new toon back to what you traded in.). Discount to vary by the “mileage” and condition of your trade in, of course. After all, you can’t expect to get as much for a petless MM or a beginning plot base as for a full, RAID ready lair or a VEAT level 50 all “tricked out” with purple IOs.

And what a resource for the rest of us! All those “previously owned” heroes and villains out on the market: “Archery/En blaster! Custom tinted weapons! Rare drops! Cheery! Low debt (teamed only, never solo’d). Previously owned by a little old lady who only took him out during double XP weekends.”

Can you imagine all the possible uses for such a resource? Replace the target drones on the Outbreak tutorial mission with old, broken-down villains! Heroes as baseball stand-ins for mace Brute (Louisville slugger model only) batting practice! Buy a second hand TP defender as your personal buffing and transportation pet and you’ll never have to enroll in your own travel power (good for freeing up those tight builds)! The possibilities are endless!

Vargr says, Go For It!

*Note: Anyone that thinks this was a serious proposal needs to pop a few humor Insp's*

We are not old, so long as we continue to chase our dreams.



I have not read the entire thread yet, just the announcement. Has this already happened, or have they announced that they're going to do it?

They already merged accounts once before. So only accounts activated after that date would have had limited access. So that alone isn't a huge step. However, NC Soft's web site is STILL selling the games individually.

Now, what exactly does this announcement mean? Is it JUST another account merging, "if you had only one side, now you have both"? Or are they giving all characters full access to either side of the game?

Either way, this is the death knell for the game I enjoyed. City of Villains, already all but abandoned in the last two years, will now never see exclusive content again. It's time to finally accept the facts, and cancel my account. *MY* game is dead.