Discussion: It's All Access for CoH and CoV




Interesting news.

My guess, for one of the things they're preparing for... I'm thinking perhaps side-switching (one of the more suggested features). Uniting both games and fully seeing them as one universe with two sides may help usher in a side-switching feature. Where a hero could fall and move to the Rogue Isles and become a villain, or a villain could become a hero and move to Paragon City. Again, that's just my guess.

As for the offline reward system... I'm thinking it may just be refering to the City Vault, or a new system connected to it, or I could be wrong and it ends up being a totally new thing, like "rested xp" and such.

Still a pretty interesting bit of news. Makes me wonder what the devs have in store for us.



Despite the combination, do I still gotta have a level 50 villain to have the villain epic archtype or is that still the same too? :P That'd be cool to have ANY level 50 to unlock the epic archtypes but that's my laziness talking!

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I highly doubt that they'll make it so that either side 50 opens up either side EAT.

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I blame Bohmfalk for my anxiousness to see what these future projects are!

Go back to Justice Bohm! :P

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Hey, this is not the blaming thread! Justice ---------->



Whatever they're preparing, it's probably something BIG to save this slowly ebbing game.

And it will do just that.


Dawnslayer on Virtue.



...an offline character reward system...

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O Rl'yeh?. I think some prognostication and exposition is in order.

Where's Posi with something in iambic pentameter?



When's the City Vault come out?

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Hey, that's my line!

Seriously... this is really interesting... it opens up a lot of possibilities that have already been mentioned on this thread, besides the benefit of being able to access both games from one code: hero / villain crossovers, covert missions into "enemy territory", side-switching, etc.

Many players have been asking the devs to remove the all-but-dissolved barrier between these two games, and this is another big step in that direction. I think, as players, we'll see streamlined development, better content (using the newly-developed decision-based mission context), and more interaction between Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.

More heroes trolling around the Isles and more Villains causing mayhem in the city will certainly spice things up. That's not to say PvP-wise, but just in general.

Considering that (AFAIK) the upcoming competition intends to use the same "world zones" for both heroes and villains, it sounds like the prudent thing to do to compete as well. How it will work, I don't have any clue, but it should be worth considering as a possibility with this announcement.



I don't recall when, but I think the Rested XP idea is not seen in a positive light by the devs, and I agree.

[baseless speculation ON]
I think it may be more along the lines of 'rewards for game-related activities outside the actual game,' perhaps related to the vault, perhaps related to the new ingame ads (player created), perhaps a whole new thing.
[baseless speculation OFF. Resuming random spewings.]


Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



With proliferation sharing all the power sets....I don't think side switching is really worth the effort anymore.



Good news. City of Legends on the way then? Are we going to all get a chance to do our own versions of the Labours of Hercules?



can i have my money back that i paid for cov then?? cause this is kinda a slap in the face for those of us that bought cov.

and this is pretty much the same ol promises that we've been hearing. how about doing something to prove them, how about getting these supposed 3 issues a year out for once. we've had 1 in a years time and its getting quite boring.

sorry if i seem doubtful that this announcement means anything, but so far its the same announcement that was made before. talk is cheap in this world .

40 50s so far.
if you dont like me....i dont really care.
respect is earned , never given



can i have my money back that i paid for cov then?? cause this is kinda a slap in the face for those of us that bought cov.

and this is pretty much the same ol promises that we've been hearing. how about doing something to prove them, how about getting these supposed 3 issues a year out for once. we've had 1 in a years time and its getting quite boring.

sorry if i seem doubtful that this announcement means anything, but so far its the same announcement that was made before. talk is cheap in this world .

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Wow, that took 4 pages. The trolls are slow today

Edit: Also, this is not the same announcement. The former one was a one time only, hey if you've got one, here have the other deal. This is for everyone who buys any version of the game, forever and ever. Much more gooder.



can i have my money back that i paid for cov then?? cause this is kinda a slap in the face for those of us that bought cov.

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Don't be ridiculous.

@JohnP - Victory



can i have my money back that i paid for cov then?? cause this is kinda a slap in the face for those of us that bought cov.

and this is pretty much the same ol promises that we've been hearing. how about doing something to prove them, how about getting these supposed 3 issues a year out for once. we've had 1 in a years time and its getting quite boring.

sorry if i seem doubtful that this announcement means anything, but so far its the same announcement that was made before. talk is cheap in this world .

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Someone HAD to [censored].

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



can i have my money back that i paid for cov then?? cause this is kinda a slap in the face for those of us that bought cov.

and this is pretty much the same ol promises that we've been hearing. how about doing something to prove them, how about getting these supposed 3 issues a year out for once. we've had 1 in a years time and its getting quite boring.

sorry if i seem doubtful that this announcement means anything, but so far its the same announcement that was made before. talk is cheap in this world .

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I understand where you're coming from. I too bought CoV, specifically, the collector's edition, but I'm not demanding my money back for that. Marketing strategies and plans change for any company. NCSoft is, more and more, ramping up development of the game and announcements like this make me hopeful of the bright future that is in store for the game. It's all about patience



This is the part of the announcement that caught my eye:

Uniting the City of Heroes universe enables the development team to focus on other features slated to come in future installments. Improvements to Supergroup Bases and raids, an offline character reward system, and the previously revealed Mission Maker are just some of the systems that will see the benefits of a unified City of Heroes game.

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Improvements to Supergroup Bases It's about time! So glad to see this, and I'm surprised noone has been speculating on THIS in the thread yet.

And Raids There is a whole segment of the game community that has been clamoring for this since COV came out. This was one of the key features of COV and it is very important that this promise is going to be kept.

Offline Character Reward System No guesses

Mission Maker Now THIS really excites me and I hope it is coming in the next issue.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



I'm guessing there were also some maintenance issues in the background that are neatly solved by not having to worry about the game essentially having three different versions. I imagine Sexy Jay will be happy to no longer have to provide support for the hero-only costume creator!

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



can i have my money back that i paid for cov then?? cause this is kinda a slap in the face for those of us that bought cov.

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No it's not.

how about getting these supposed 3 issues a year out for once. we've had 1 in a years time and its getting quite boring.

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Issue 10 (7/24/07) + Issue 11 (11/28/07) + Issue 12 (5/20/08) = 1 issue, I guess you're right...




Improvements to Supergroup Bases It's about time! So glad to see this, and I'm surprised noone has been speculating on THIS in the thread yet.

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Thats because its been known for a while. I13 has the unoffical title 'All your base belong to us' according to Positron.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



can i have my money back that i paid for cov then?? cause this is kinda a slap in the face for those of us that bought cov.

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I'm gonna assume based on your reg date you bought CoV roughly when it came out. So there you go, you paid that money to play redside a couple years earlier than those that only bought CoH.

Victory: @Brimstone Bruce
Brimstone Bruce (lvl50 Stone/Fire Tanker) Broadside Bruce (lvl50 Shield/WM Tanker)
Ultionis (lvl50 Dark/Dark Defender) Cortex Crusher (lvl50 Mind/Kin Controller)
Patronox (lvl50 Kat/Dark Scrapper) Harbinger Mk.7 (lvl50 Bots/FF MM)
NightShift for Life.



So what are the people that paid more for getting both coh/cov going to get for ponying up the extra money.....

Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......



Doesn't CoH use a different engine than CoV? Could these future plans possibly include updating both CoH/CoV to one new and inproved engine so we can can have things like power customization and a seemless world with no load screens?



So what are the people that paid more for getting both coh/cov going to get for ponying up the extra money.....

Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

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You got your extra free month of play, and an extra friend invite code.


Also, Base stuff and mission creator = happy Steele


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



So what are the people that paid more for getting both coh/cov going to get for ponying up the extra money.....

Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

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Really don't understand this logic. You got how many Issues and how many years of play out of it? That whole $40 or whatever, spread out over hundreds of hours of play and possibly years of gaming? That's a slap in the face?

Can I have your stuff?




This is the final step needed in preparing the IP for future projects, to be announced later this year.

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Hmmmm....wonder what these future projects could be???

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Perhaps we will fianlly get "fallen heroes" and "redeemed villains"

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I've long hoped for just this thing. This would be an excellent addition.



So what are the people that paid more for getting both coh/cov going to get for ponying up the extra money.....

Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

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Why are there so many people like this in the world? I paid the xtra $$ too dude...so what? You think that $$ would have some how changed your life? It's just like anything else, you buy it when it's new you pay more...you wait awhile and you get it cheap. Ala cars, phones, houses, clothes, ect. Quite crying.