Super Group (Hero) Directory Feb. '08 - June '08
[u]Name[u]: The Zenvious Foundation
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: The Foundation is always looking for interesting new members.
[u]RP Level[u]: We are a Roleplay-Intensive Supergroup, with dives into Non-RP mission runs.
[u]PvP Level[u]: Honestly? Most of us don't PvP except for occasional drops into the Arena.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: The Foundation is a group of heroes bound by one common thread: That we must use the tools we have available today to build a better tomorrow. There have been some common themes in the group's story, the most notable of which is dimensional and time travel.
[u]Activity[u]: We have about 35 unique members, about 20 of which log on any given day. With the recent changes in Issue 11, we have plenty of room for growth. Most of us are on at some point between 6PM and 12AM Central, with some spanning before that time frame and others after. We rarely have more than 10-15 members on at any given time.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: Other than the desire to roleplay a character that is in line with our stated goal, the only requirement we have is that each person sign up on our messageboard and post their application. Our boards can be found here.
[u]Leadership[u]: Zenvious or Kaijitsu
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: @Zenvious or @Foundation
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: You can PM me here as Zenvious or at our website as Z.
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: We are currently coalitioned with Hyperion Force, The Echelon, The Neverenders, and The Tomorrow Project.
Name: Mouseion at Alexandria
Currently Recruiting: Yes.
RP Level: RP-lite. Prefer folks to play and interact in character whenever possible, but not necessarily 100% of the time.
Theme/Concept: Hypatia, daughter of Theon and last librarian of Alexandria; upon hearing of the order to destroy all pagan temples in Alexandria, utilizing knowledge acquired from the Library, managed to transport the Mouseion's scrolls to an alternate plane. She always had the intention of bringing them back once a new, safe location was found. Unfortunately, she was murdered before such a place was available.
Her daughter, Iokaste, knew the scrolls were safely in another dimension, but not which one, or how to retrieve them. She called on Cleio, muse of history; and Hecate, goddess of witchcraft and crossroads, for aid. Her aid arrived in the form of a Lampade, a nymph serving Hecate. The Lampade was made mortal with the knowledge that each generation would be bound in service and friendship with the eldest of Iokaste's line. It's powers over darkness remained, however; and with each generation bound at birth, the darkness of Hecate was shared between the infants.
The eldest of Iokaste's line, Ms. Hypatia, and her lampade friend, Cleio Ananke; continue to search for the scrolls here in Paragon City, with the aid of the Portal Corporation. But while they search they have opened a new Mouseion. It too contains copies of most of the works written since the destruction of the original scrolls, and it too is a center for learning and study.
Activity: Current unique players consist of <10 people. We tend to play in the evenings (Pacific) and weekends and plan to have a weekly SG mission group, on Saturday or Sunday late morning in time.
Requirements for Membership: No level requirement for entry. Must be at least level 10 and a member for 30 days before promotion and access to base storage. Must be active: i.e. earn at least 100 prestige per month.
Leadership: Ms. Hypatia, Cleio Ananke
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Baisleac / @ Salagadoola
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Forum name Baisleac, email baisleac(at)gmail(dot)com.
URL: Mouseion at Alexandria
Coalition(s): Looking for IC SGs for coalitioning.
Other Details: The base currently has 6 teleporters to 12 zones, rez ring, multiple storage types, and utility items. Additional utility and function is being added as funds allow.
Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)

THE PARAGONIAN KNIGHTS [u]est. January 2005[u]
The Paragonian Knights are now looking for brave heroes of all levels and archetypes. We currently have 7 super groups on the Virtue server. We are very active in all aspects of the game and have been nominated by the players of City of Heroes across all servers as one of the [u]Favorite Supergroups of 2006[u]!
[u]What we have to offer
<ul type="square">Teaming at all hours: The Knights are lucky to have a extremely large player base of about 150-175 players. Within those numbers are players from around the world and many different time zones. This opens up the opportunity for players to find teams at odd times. Not just any team, but highly effective and fun Knight Teams!
Weekly Task/Strike Forces and Trials: The Knights have a great staff of leadership that is constantly checking with the membership to see what special task forces need to be posted on the calendar. It is not unusual on a weekend to see a half dozen or more TFs run in a day. If you need a specific task force it is highly likely it will done. Many of the Knights have done these so many times they can be completed in record time and efficiency.
Role-Playing: The Knights boast some of the finest RP found on this server. Monthly in-game role-playing events help players create custom story lines that they can play out both in-game and on the forums. The Capes and Cocktails RP forum thread is on its way to its third year of RP and has spawned many player run story arcs. Mission based RP is available for those interested and those that do not RP are respectful of those that do.
Rewards!: The Knights hold many contests and programs for the membership to reward them for going above and beyond what is asked of them. The Oh, What a Knight or OWAK program has been well received. This titled is given to a Knight who has embodied the virtues of the group and has been both helpful and friendly to others. The recipient of this title is given a one month time card and a PK Collectible Coin. We also reward all characters who hit the one million prestige mark with a one of a kind art commission. You can visit our site and see several of the winners. As you can see, our members are very important to us.
Beyond the Game: The Knights are much more than your average super group, they are a network of people from all walks of life
they are a community. To be a Knight is to be a member of a fellowship of 240+ people who carry on a virtual friendship that often times extends beyond the confines of the internet. The Knights have banded together to purchase commissioned artwork and produce in-game movies among other things. A real life meet and greet occurred at this past Dragon Con in Atlanta and another is being planned soon. Many friendships have been built that will only increase well beyond City of Heroes.[/list]
[u]How to Apply
To apply to be a Knight you need to first visit Take the time to check out what all the site has to offer. Many of your questions about the Knights can be answered there. After you have decided that you indeed do want to be part of the Knights, click Join Paragonian Knights at the top of the screen and answer the couple short questions. This will set you up with a Guild Portal account. Finally, post a application on the forums using the format provided. Be as in-depth as you desire. After that is done one of the officers will post and provide you with contact info. You may also look up one of the in-game contacts provided below after posting an application.
[u]The Knight Groups
<ul type="square">PARAGONIAN KNIGHTS
The Paragonian Knights is a light role playing super group. The Knights are mostly comprises of mature adult players but we invite all ages to apply. We were formed around the ideal of having fun and forging lasting friendships. Play times for Knights cover many different time zones so it is not unusual to find a Knight on all times of the day. You may only have one character within the main group. You must also remain somewhat active with that character that is on the main group as we require you to be active within 30 days.
The Paragonian Knights 2nd Battalion is a fully functional second group for the PK. It is not to be mistaken to be a alt group for the Knights. Many members call this group their primary home and it is within the Top 100 groups for prestige on Virtue. Each member is only allowed one character within this faction. The activity requirement for this SG is 45 days.
To be a member of the Sisterhood of Paragonian Knights, one needs only be a female character and have a willingness to have a good time. The Sisterhood is based around fun and friendship above all else. At the time of this writing, you can have as many characters in this faction as you like. All players are welcome to apply for membership if they meet those criteria. The activity requirement for the Sisterhood is 60 days.
The Honor Battalion is our one true alt super group. All of the members of this group have characters in the other Knight super groups as well. If you are not a Knight already please fill out an application here and post it for review. The HB is currently undergoing some restructuring and a role playing element has been added to the group. The actvity requirement for this group is 60 days.
The Paragonian Knights - The Grae Academy or The Academy for short is our newest Supergroup and is for heavy Role-players only. All communication, unless indicated, is in-character. This group utilizes the supergroup channel to communicate across zone. There is no activity requirements for this group, however, all members must be RPed into the group with one of the Teachers or the Student Body President. The Academy has a lot of rich and in-depth RP occurring both on the forums and in-game. For more information of the background on this fun and innovative group check out the website or contact one of the in-game contacts.
The Paragonian Knight Legends are only for knights that have achieved security level 50 status in the City of Heroes. This faction is for the level 50 character that is retired and rarely played. There will be no base or activity requirement for this faction.
The Paragonian Knight Elites are only for knights that have achieved security level 50 status in the City of Heroes. This is the more active level 50 group. The Elites have a raid capable base and participate in end-game content such as PvP and Raids.[/list]
The Paragonian Knights have an excellent and extremely active website and forums. We are currently the largest City of Heroes/City of Villains web site on Guild Portal with over 800 members and growing. We are presently the third largest Guild Portal website based upon membership alone. We also are happy to have in-game coalitions with some of Virtues most active supergroups opening up many teaming and in-game event options. If any of these groups interest you please visit our site at or send me a private message here or at and I can fill you in more.
The Knights are all about fun and getting to know each other better. Alot of the Knights have been together since their early days with CoH and have built long lasting friendships.
Paragonian Knights in action!
The Rogue Knights preparing for battle
For Honor! A Tribute Movie by Cruse(Kichi)
An Interview with Grae Knight by
Ingame Contacts:
<ul type="square">
@Grae Knight
@Lady Polgara
@Ledgerdemain (RP Officer)
@Mitch Koval
@Lady Grae (RP Officer)
@Fire Chief
@Shad0hawk (PvP Officer)[/list]
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
Name: New Age Outsiders
Currently Recruiting: We are currently recruiting any active Role players.
RP Level: Medium-Heavy Roleplay
PvP Level: PvP at your own discretion.
Theme/Concept: A Super Group designed for characters who are abnormal in nature, have an odd combination of power sets, have powers that the character thinks are more of a curse, characters who just don't seem to fit in, or even those who have no powers at all.
Activity: We are a new group, currently building up our membership.
Requirements for Membership: Must be active, and have a fun and cooperative attitude.
Leadership: Wivern, Lumena
In-Game Contacts:
Out-of-Game Contact: Just send a PM to me on the forums.
URL: New Age Outsiders
Coalition(s): Amazons of Themyscira, The Washouts
Other Details: We are just starting up, and looking forward to begin base building and role playing events. We look forward to interacting with the Virtue role playing community.
Supergroup Name: The Defenders of Paragon
Leaders and/or Recruiting Officers:
Red Switchblade
Preferred Method of contact:
Registering at our website and posting on our forums. Although meeting up with us in game is just as desirable.
"These guys have been around since the beginning and i'm sure they'll be here 'till the end!"
-Paragon city mayor on the subject of the Defenders.
Paragon City is full of crime and villians. The city cries out desperatly for a hope, an answer, a defense from the evils that fill it. The Defenders of Paragon serve that hope and protect Paragon City. We shall use the powers gifted to us to there fullest extent to defeat evil wherever it exists. We stand for truth, justice, freedom, and righteousness. We are the ray of hope in Paragon City's darkest hour. We are The Defenders.
It is accurate to say the Defenders are like the JSA of Paragon City. We are comprised of the best of the old and boldest of the new. We pay homage to the excellance that is the comic book industry through the characters we play. It is because of this that we have such a wide variety of members and such a brilliant mix of superheroes on the team. We have members at all level ranges, and look to promote a roleplay-friendly family spirit in our supergroup.
We're not a "clan" or "guild." We are Superheroes.
The Defenders of Paragon are comprised of several in-game supergroups. All of The Defenders of Paragon groups function as a branches of a single supergroup for most game purposes.
Crey Threat Assessment: Bayne
Virtueverse: Bayne
The Defenders of Paragon
Name: The Hero Nation
Currently Recruiting: Yes, but only if you rock.
RP Level: RP-friendly,
PvP Level:
Theme/Concept: Just a bunch of players having fun. Helping each other level up and run missions.
Activity: 6 very active players with alts, and about 10 more players who join us from time to time.
Requirements for Membership: Be fun loving, and a good teammate. Log in once a month.
Leadership: @Gator King
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Gator King
Out-of-Game Contact(s):
Coalition(s): RIFT, Dark Remnants, Acdemy of Heroes
Other Details: About to hit 1 million Prestige. Growing rapidly. No pressure, no B.S. Just join and play in SG mode till Lvl 25.
[u]Name[u]: The Artful Dodgers
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]:
<ul type="square">
[1]accepting new members
[2]looking for other players/SGs interested in RP
[3]wanting to let others know you exist, etc.[/list]
[u]RP Level[u]: [i]Generally, we are Story Driven Role-players. We accept all levels of role-play, from beginner to advanced.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: Go ahead, ask yourself...
<ul type="square">
[*]Are you a teenager who's one step away from joining a gang or villain group just to get by?
[*]Do you wish there was a place that understood your Special needs?
[*]Perhaps you want to become apart of something bigger?
[*]Or do you just need a warm place to stay and some company along your way.
[/list]When teens develop meta-powers, they face many risks. Oftentimes these dangers leave them in need of rescuing from their own lives.
Does this sound familiar to you?
We're not just another group-home or community out-reach center offering an empty plate full of good intentions, because we know what it really means to be at risk.
We're your peers.
Come Join Us!
The Artful Dodgers
Home for Wayward Meta-Teens
Celebrating our first year as a super-group on VIRTUE!
Become a hero! The first life you save maybe your own!
[u]Activity[u]: We have a rotating cast of over 25 members, each with fun unique characters. We have players from across the USA and members can be found playing almost any hour, however, we "Peak" during Prime-Time Pacific. We also attempt to have at least one Role-play night. Usually Thursday Nights.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: Code of Conduct
The Artful Dodgers were established as a role-play super-group of friendly, helpful players who are expected to aid their teammates and remain active. With those goals in mind, the following bylaws have been established.
<ul type="square">[*] Attendance - Members will be eligible for removal from the group if they are inactive for more than One Month without notification of extended leave. To be considered active, you must log into The Artful Dodgers website at least once a month, and/or you must play an Artful Dodger character in game at least once every two weeks. If you will be unable to log into the website or play in game for more than one month, please notify a Big-Brother/Big-Sister or Counselor. A leave request should include a basic reason for being gone and an expected date of return. If you are absent for more than One month without giving notice we will assume you have quit the group and will then be free to dismiss you from the SG as needed.
[*] Conduct - Be courteous to all players, both in and out of the SG. There is no reason to verbally abuse anybody. Racism, sexism, religious slurs and any other verbal abuse will not be tolerated. Do not grief, kill steal or otherwise cause problems or interfere with other players' enjoyment of the game. On a first offense you may get a warning but there is nothing stopping the officers from immediately dismissing you from the group. As a member of this SG you represent the group in the public eye. Please do not give us a bad image. Always respect other players and be civil.
[*] Power Leveling - Please do not ask anyone to power level you. This is considered poor conduct. We certainly wish to group and have fun, and leveling is part of this. If you require assistance please feel free to ask. However, if somebody offers to power level you (within the group or outside of it), it is okay to accept.
[*] Social Interaction - We are a community and as such encourage social interaction. Teaming up as often as possible is highly recommended. Chatting in the SG chat channel and posting on the forums is also highly recommended. This group is about friendship, fun, and role play. You can't have any of those if no one talks to each other. Role-Play is highly encouraged, but not mandatory. Please be sure to let your team-mates know if you are role-playing in order to prevent confusion.
[*] Level Requirements - We are looking for heroes of any level ranging, from 1 to 50 and back again! We are willing to SK or EX any player for a team.
[*] Archetypes, concepts - We welcome heroes of all types to our SG. However, we are a theme role-play group based on at-risk teens so playing one preferred. Also we accept players who wish to role-play guardians, concilors, or mentors to our group.
[*] Roster - All characters in The Artful Dodgers must be on the Roster on the The Artful Dodgers web site. Minimum required information is character name, origin, archetype, and global handle (complete with @ symbol). [/list]
[u]Leadership[u]:[i]We are not "about" leadership, we are about story. We role-play, improve, and have fun. YOu choose your own level of involvement.
We have four members, listed below, who are considered "Leaders" only to resolve any rare and unavoidable conflicts that might arise before, during, or after game-play.
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]:
@Quiet American:Founder Main Character: Juvie
@JusticeZer0:Councilor Main Character: Starlight Girl
@WilyKat: Councilor Main Character: Princess Powerfull
@Merg: Councilor Main Character: Casval Regilis
@Jack Travers: Councilor Main Character: Jack Travers
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: See our website
Thank you.
Name: Wyldfire
Currently Recruiting: We are accepting new members.
RP Level: RP-intensive, mock-gritty setting, one OOC forum available and occasional OOC chat permitted anywhere but /local and /supergroup channels
PvP Level: Not really our thing, but we're not stopping you, either.
Theme/Concept: A subsidiary of Phoenix Industries, Wyldfire is a privately-owned superhero team sponsored by (and answering to) Dr. Jean-Claude Gironde. Their primary focus is anti-terrorist activity, at least officially, but their association with the Gironde family's industrial holdings has led to a lot of corporate conflict against other organizations like Crey Industries and Infinity Incorporated. Counterespionage experts with experience in the slightly skewed field of corporate espionage, specifically, are a definite plus.
(Magic origins permitted -- and present! -- but preference given to mutant, science, and tech origins where reasonable; we're a lot more like the old Batman: the Animated Series than we are like Lois and Clark: the New Adventures of Superman. Tone down the Wahoo! factor a bit, avoid soap opera angst, and remember that Children of Destiny should be shot on sight, and we're kind of like a superpowered version of S.H.I.E.L.D. Only with a tiny budget.)
For (lots!) more details, see our UHotVU entry or our official website.
Activity: We'd probably qualify as a "light activity" group: we currently have six members, most post-college with time-intensive "day jobs". The founding members try to meet every Sunday and Wednesday night (Central Time Zone), with higher-level officers generally exemplaring to help out lower-level members with missions. Special case holds for scheduling Ouroboros Missions! We're rearranging our offline lives to try to put as many of us online at once as we can manage.
Requirements for Membership: Membership on website required at Wyldfire's official website, on Guildportal, limit two characters per player, and we'd like to resume an additional requirement for continued membership: "please write one Mission Report per month even if you don't log into the game." More details available here.
Leadership: Jarissa is Team Leader, Iradium and Silver Valor are the current Field Leaders, but we all answer to our sponsor, Dr. Jean-Claude Gironde ((an NPC)).
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Jarissa or @Skyburner for in-game contact
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Fastest contact is through our website,, where we have some open forums publicly accessible to anyone with a free Guildportal account; or contact Jarissa (me!) via PM here on the official boards
Coalition(s): Right now we're in a roleplay coalition with Sapphire Dawn, and we used to be in coalition with the now-defunct Tomorrow Foundation; we'd love to join a larger RP coalition, but haven't found one with room for us.
(By the by, if anybody knows the former members of the Tomorrow Foundation's Guildportal site: it still exists, but has absolutely no members. Should someone see if Guildportal will take it down? I have no idea how to get in touch with JackShade these days.)
Other Details: Wyldfire has been on Virtue since October of 2004, and we'll be around for a long time to come. Our members live everywhere from UTC-4:30 to UTC-9 (Alaska Standard), and some of us work swing or night shifts anyway, so it's not astonishing for a couple months to go by where we only run into each other by website posts and in-game mail. That's the main reason why I try to put anything interesting up on our OOC forum for scheduling discussion, with plenty of advance notice so anyone who's interested will have input.
We operate on the assumption that every member is a competent adult; you'll have the ability to add and edit events on the calendar yourself, to make contributions for our Random Quote feature on the front page, to grab a pre-existing plotline and send it in a new direction, to add your own decorating touches to the Generator And Containment Room or the Server Room or any new rooms we have built in the future, to be weirded out by Bucky's magic workshop, and to play your Alternate Universe self from a much more militant reality. We use TeamSpeak for our entirely optional Voice Chat capability, which does make it easier to communicate "Look out!" without having to hit the enter key fast enough.
And, hey! We have a medic on the team! His bedside manner's about what you'd expect from an ex-ParaJumper, but it's fast service, anyway....
Scrapper roleplayer, Member of Wyldfire
"Working Together To Build A Better Life For All Metahumans!"
Currently Recruiting: We are currently activily recruiting rper's interested in good RP in a relaxed enviroment
RP Level: RP-intensive, we are IC in SG and all chat modes for the most part, though obiously ooc conversation is allowed in (( )) and we have an OOC channel for you to meet and get to know us OOC as well. Plus to find us when we are scattered to the 'alt' winds
PvP Level: Casual to light. PvP is hardly frowned on its just not our main focus..
Theme/Concept: <IC> The Templars are the remenants of the Students and Facualty who remained in Paragon to fight the good fight after the Closure of the NEW PORTER INSTITUTE. Banded together through the years by common goals and mutual friendship and loyalty to each other these heroes banded together to form their own Supergroup.
Centered around a popular King's Row Nightspot, a Metahumans only Posh Private club called the Abbey, owned and operated by the former NPI Headmaster Galen Mentalis, The group called dubbed themselves 'The Templars' . Both Protectors of the city and the club they now rallied around as a meeting place!
Where once N.P.I. stood to gain equal ground and secure a future for just Mutants, the Templars now seek to maintain that same goal for all Metahumans everywhere , while maintining law and order protecting the City and society that has become their home!
<ooc> Hi! The Templars are a long established SG, with a richly established RP History. Most of our core group members have been on the server and with the group since Beta . Having played out our School theme (from 2004 to late 2005) to its fullest the Group has evolved into something more as our history and storylines continue to grow and evolve(2005 to present!), and now we're looking for heroes of any AT and origin to join us and add to that!
Much like NPI before it was created with the goal of creating a brighter future for Paragon. As well as heroism and world saving (we can't help it :P ), the Templars seem to range from the Dark Broody types to the full on Golden/Silver Age type Heroes that uphold the law and every type in between!
The Abbey is up and running...and functions as a meeting place and perfect for generic rp!. [/i]
Activity: Although we have have a small regular member base, Our numbers actually can vary over the years. We'd like you to be apart of it if you are looking for good consistant RP and to add to our SG's ever changing Storylines and rich established history!
Requirements for Membership: Our only requirement is that you read our charter and the character must be level 10 at least. Our Recruitment policy and official application procedure,are stickied on our application section of our boards! so it's a good idea for prospective members to take a look at that thread. It may appear daunting but it really isnt..what is key for us is mutual respect for each other and to have fun!
Bascially fill out an application and set up an interview!!
Leadership: Diamond and Lucianna are the informal IC leaders of the Super Group though there are other officers
In-Game Contact(s): @Lucianna and
Coalition(s): our Coalition to the fantastic and fun rper's of CAPES, The League of Justice,The Galacto Guard, and the newest addition The Paragon Youth Corps the rp fun potentional has grown!

Find us here at Templars of the Abbey Webpage
Arc # 57740 - 'A Star is Rising Part One'
Arc # 90575 - 'A Lesson Taught'
Arc # 139943 - 'And The Game Goes Tilt'
Name: Washouts
Currently Recruiting: Recruiting
RP Level: The immersion, and RP level in and of itself is intense to moderate. Brackets are required for SG spatial, and promoted that all OOC interaction be held outside of local spatial, but either way I am personally lax about it and wont care, aslong as it doesn't become a problem for others.
PvP Level: Casual
Theme/Concept: The Washouts is a fictional City of Heroes superhero team. Created by Art and Keepsake, they debuted in City of Heroes #11, of January 2008. The Washouts features a group of heroes who fall under either untrusted, second-rate, or comical superheroes sponsored by a hoax celebrity socialite that is using his "fake" blindness to live the star life.
A mix between such comic book series such as Heroes for Hire, Nextwave, GLA, Defenders and even the Illuminati. Fronted as a private business in Paragon City for "Under-developed Heroes" to be hired for private, and public (federal) work, they bare far more under the surface than known to the public. To the reporters and world wide they are perceived as nothing more than a Hero mercenary group, saling their "goods" for "good" pay.
The Washouts also have a forum made by High Jinks.
Activity: Time zone is not generally a problem, and presently the amounts are at a 5 range each day. We are not aiming for a large group, but more of a "team", close-knit squad. A lot of the members have experienced both sides of the spectrum in terms of mass - so we much rather have a really active, small grouping.
Requirements for Membership: Looking for similarly unconventional and minor superheroes. Extreme vigilantes need not apply, but anti-heroes are certainly welcome. We're a heavy roleplaying supergroup looking for experienced roleplayers. A sense of humor is also necessary.
Leadership: Zema Alston and High Jinks
In-Game Contact(s): Zema Alston (Global: @Art2) and High Jinks (@Keepsake)
Out-of-Game Contact(s):
Check us out at the extremely newboards and Virtue site below.
URL: The Washouts' Virtue
<ul type="square"> [*]New Age Outsider [*]Heroes Fringe [/list]
Name: Sentinels of Liberty and Right (SOLAR)
Currently Recruiting: Yes!
RP Level: RP encouraged
PvP Level: Interested, small handful of enthusiasts
Theme/Concept: Classic justice-and-liberty focused group, with unique personalities.
Activity: 10-20 unique members, light activity most evenings and moderate on weekends. Currently in a lull. Very active coalition, people on more or less all the time.
Requirements for Membership: Be mature, courteous, and fun.
Leadership: Daewen, Shadow Force
Contacts: @Plasma @msk @Adair @Mr. Lyonar @WickedWitch
OOG Contact: PM me or visit...
Coalition: Coalitioned with 4 RP top-100 SGs.
Other: We have a wednesday night superteam currently; we run other scheduled events occasionally such as TFs, badge runs, etc. Prestige earning is not required (nearly 10M banked we don't yet know what to do with - at least until CoP trial is back), but prestige earning is generally paid out with influence (inflrestige generally 100:1), so it can be profitable to play in SG mode early on. One rule is the golden rule. About #78 on Virtue.
Name: The Pack
Currently Recruting: Yes we love new people whether they are long time veterans of the game or just a few weeks into it. We always have room for new people
Role Play level: Honestly we don't do a whole lot of role play in the Pack. We just like to goof off on Team speak and have fun with Task Forces and missions
Theme/Concept: There is no Orgin or level requirements to join the Pack. Our goal in this SG is to have fun in an excilent game and to make friends that last a life time. Most of our Super Group members are on a first name basis and we are a very close knit group. We love fun and out going people. Every year the Pack has had annual "Meet and Greets" where we truely do "meet the player behind the mask" Last year we hosted the Pack meet and greet at my house so we could provide free room and board for our out of town members. This year we plan on going down to Kansas City Missouri to hit a theme park and water park and hang out together. All people who join the Pack are welcome to participate. We have a lot of fun and no one has ever gone missing.... yet
Activity: The Pack is an very active SG with weekly events and Task Forces. We are strongly hero based and run through a great deal of Task forces every month. I keep our calander on our website up to date (when real life doesn't knock at my door) as much as possible. Always check the chan motd to make sure too that the event is still going on and the calander because all events are subject to change if the need does arise.
Requirements for Membership: The Pack is very easy going about it's membership. We do however ask that all people who are interested in joining us please look at the rules on our website. Make sure this is an SG that is for you. Also all members that have been with us through our 30 probation period and have earned up to 300k prestige ( that is a count between all your toons in the pack) will be assigned a room of their very own in the pack base to decorate however they please.
Leaders: Leaders of the Pack are @shadow rouge and @offline which can be reached on most evenings and some mornings.
Out of game contacts: If you are wanting to reach us out of game you can always send me a PM or an email to There is also a "contact us" section on the pack website that you can use to send an email to an SG leader. Be sure to put down your @global handle and email address to get the quickest response back
On a final note, the pack SG is the 8th ranking SG on the top 100 on the Virtue Server. We are an amazing SG because of the members that we have. I am very thankful to have met so many fantastic people in this game through the pack. (In fact I met my husband at our first pack meet and greet) So if your looking for a fun and out going group of people, look no further. Feel free to contact us or check out our website for more information and to just check out our real life pictures and SG events in RL.
Globle handle: @shadow rouge
For information about "The Pack" SG please email us at
Name: The Wonders!
Currently Recruiting: Yes, doors are open to roleplayers and story writers.
RP Level: RP-intensive. The main SG channel is IC only, but an OOC channel has been created for friendly chatter.
PvP Level: PvP will be mainly for storylines at first (ie, meeting Wonder-controlled villains in PvP zones for RP purposes). Eventually, a Training Night will be organized, the schedule based on the members' availability.
Theme/Concept: Golden/Silver Age-themed group. We'd like to try to stay away from darker themes, although they can be worked into the plot as long as the base 'classic comic' image is maintained.
Charater names and costumes must fit the bill. (I'm always willing to help anyone who'd like some help creating a suitable and groovy character concept.)
Activity: The SG is very small, hoping to grow slowly over time. Our prime activity time currently is around 5-6pm EST.
Requirements for Membership: A lot of the SG's activity will happen in the Wonder Forums, hopefully, so any recruited members should be willing to write creatively outside of the game.
Applicants will be asked to post their character's 'origin' in the applicable thread in the Wonder Forums, plus write one short story detailing their first encounter with the SG. (An attempt to ensure originality of writing.)
Leadership: Atomic Beetle
In-Game Contact(s): @MightyAdam, Atomic Beetle, feel free to contact me in-game or on the main site.
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
Other Details: I'm currently looking for a sort of second-in-command, so if anyone's interested, let me know. The SG is very new and is just getting off the ground, but in time I hope to create something really fun. Thanks.
[u]Name[u]: Hero Dawn
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: We are accepting new members and looking to expand our coalition super-groups. We have two active super-groups under our banner: (1) Hero Dawn and (2) Hero Dawn Reserves. Both are actively seeking friendly, active players.
[u]RP Level[u]: [RP-friendly] - We are not an established role playing group but we have several members who do participate in role playing and encourage others to join in for the fun! (One of our coalitions is a 100% role-playing group to help accommodate the needs of our role-playing folks.)
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: [General] - Friendly, all-ages community / Family-oriented language / Easy going / Favoring SG mates who HELP SG mates.
[u]Activity[u]: We have 135 unique members under our banner and they play from dawn to dusk, most days of the week. Weekends are a prime time for being the most active for heavy teaming and task force gaming.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]:
1. Must remain active. Members who are not logging in (at least every 15 days) are removed from the SG and replaced with active players.
General Guidelines & SG Information:
2. Real life comes first; however, if a member needs to be absent 15 days or longer, a note to any SG Captain can reserve your spot in the SG.
3. Must be friendly and willing to help other SG mates.
4. Accesses to base items are given as a result of earning promotions, which are based upon prestige earned. We ask for your commitment to run in SG mode, earning prestige, and participating in a collective effort to help the Hero Dawn base expand in a functionally growing direction.
5. All well-mannered folks are welcome to join us. Any ages and any AT level.
Chat Conduct:
6. Our rules and guidelines are posted on the HD web site. Creating a user account on our forums is OPTIONAL. However, we are pleased when members make it a point to read the forum announcements on a weekly basis. Your commitment to stay informed, about your SG, is appreciated.
Forum Announcements:
[u]Leadership[u]: Agent Goat, Doom Therapy, and EmpressOfANewWorld
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]:
@Goat's, [Main Character - Agent Goat]
@Tolara, [Main Character - Doom Therapy] - OR -
@Doom Diva, [Main Character - Goat's Doom]
@Fire Lance, [Main Character - EmpressOfANewWorld]
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: When we're not in game, we're on our forums. Best way to get in touch with us is to send us a PM to a Captain at: http://www.HeroesLounge.Net/forum/
[u]URL[u]: http://www.HeroesLounge.Net
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: We have six coalitions in place, sharing easy access into Hero Dawn's 21-zone transportation system. We're actively looking to form additional alliances with other mature, active super-groups for teaming, coalition events and costume contests, as well as family-oriented chatter!
[u]Other Details[u]: The Hero Dawn Super-Group is about fun, teaming, and building a great environment based around an "Internet family" of friends and teammates. As of this writing, Hero Dawn is #15 on the Top 100 Super-Group list and aims to climb into one of the top 5 positions with the help of active, friendly, family-oriented players. Aside from our Top 100 goals, our members like to team with SG mates, run Task Forces, chat on our Ventrilo server, and utilize our forums to discuss game play. We invite you to join us. Thank you for considering the Hero Dawn Super-Group.
Hero Dawn Base Map Details:
Collect Your Bounty Program:
Other Information:
# SG Established in 2004.
# Current Plot Size: 20x24
# Raid Ready Base
# Room Total: 24
# Private In-Game Member-Only Chat Channel.
# Private Member-Only Ventrilo Chat Server.
# Position #11 in TOP 100 List.
# Active Members in Hero Dawn SG: 140.
# Regular Costume Contests / Winners Posted to Website.
# V.I.P. Members Showcased on Website.
[u]How to Join Hero Dawn[u]:
Name: SG Name: The Kragon Crew
Currently Recruiting: Yes
RP Level: mainly rp, but ooc is fine as long as its in brackets or if I say its okay.
Theme/Concept: Yar Matey's, The Kragon Crew is a band of Pirates dedicated to justice, and they do whatever is necessary to make sure Justice is served. The leader has her reasons which might come up in rp.
Activity: Usually between 12 am cst and 4:30 am cst on sunday - thursday, and usually around the afternoon on fridays and saturdays. (what can I say, I work late and I sleep late =p)
Requirements for Membership: Just send an in-game email or tell to Shandra Corsaire, the only requirement other than that is to be willing to help out with anything that needs to be done. Also, I'd like the members to be at least 18 years old, but I think most of us are.
Leadership: Shandra Corsaire
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Tavian the Dragon, or just send me an in-game email or tell to Shandra Corsaire.
Out-of-Game Contact(s): pm me on the boards: DragonFistTavian
Other Details: All I ask is two things, play in sg mode so the base can be assembled, and this next one is actually optional, but something I'd like to see on members of the sg, a scarf as either a shoulder cape or a full cape on at least one costume, but once again, its purely optional. Other than that, just be kind and courteous to others, and help out others when you can.
Dragon Fist Tavian
Knight's Desire
In Game MySpace Profile.

I just started working on a Guild Portal for my above listed SG, here it is: The Kragon Crew
Dragon Fist Tavian
Knight's Desire
In Game MySpace Profile.

We have grown so much I decided to repost our info:
Name: The Hero Nation
Currently Recruiting: Yes always looking for more great players
RP Level: We are a Medium level RP group now. Very RP friendly
PvP Level: None at the moment
Theme/Concept: No set theme. The only things we dont allow are offensively named characters or evil themed characters.
Activity: Near 100 members. Activity at all times of day.
Requirements for Membership: Just have fun, stay in SG mode till level 25
Leadership: character name(s) Gator King, Freedom Man, Victory Arrow
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Gator King
Out-of-Game Contact(s):
URL: search for The Hero Nation
Coalition(s): Hero Dawn, Hero Dawn Reserve, Justice Corps, Academy Of Heroes
Other Details: We have a great group of players, a great base, and top Coalitions. Come and join a great SG
[u]Name:[u] The Justice Guard (25-50) / The Justice Guard Academy (Level 1-25)
[u]Currently Recruiting:[u] Always looking for new members / Always looking for new RP groups, active RP friend;y groups for coalition.
[u]RP Level:[u] Medium-Rp, Casual Global Channel, IC SG and Coalition channels with OOC labeling rules, IE "(( I'm here!)) "
[u]PvP Level:[u]Low / Casual Currently.
[u]Theme/Concept:[u] Justice League inspired, too many darn cartoons. Magic and Techs all meeting together to form a line of defense, or "Guard" when needed. Someone's gotta protect Paragon and the world from the OTHER stuff when Statesman's out of town
[u]Activity:[u] Currently around 80 combined, number changes on a weekly basis. Member activity changes from Primetime US (5-12 PM Central)being our busiest to Early Morning hours being Light (12-8 AM Central) with Day Shift being our lightest. (8-5PM Central). Weekends are popular with high numbers.
[u]Requirements for Membership:[u] Full Code of Conduct All Levels accepted. Website is Alts accepted but will eventually be limited should the overflow be too great even with current roster updates. We welcome all villains and heroes as we have a sister VG as well. Inactivity clause of 45 days may result in a temporary boot from SG if space demands, unless an OOC note is of course dropped in our forums section for just such a long leave of absence.
[u]Leadership:[u]Cap'tain Amazing, Archstrike, Liberty Guard (Main Founders), Opposing Force, Sixty Second Man, Genine Exmu (Senior Officers), May-day, Kairi Kirebirg, Simika, SPU, Glacial Seraph, Epsilon Nine, Welf, American Revolution, Hippocratic Bot, Dark Lancer (Officers/Recruiters)
[u]In-Game Contact(s):[u](respectivily to the above) @cap'tain Amazing, @archstrike, @liberty guard, @opposingForce, @Moon Elk, @Hagia Sophia, @Mayday, @Orsino, @Crazy Leo, @KusanagiHayate, @Zensoltice, @welf, @Ragna Blade, @Phantom Biker, @DLancer
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s):[u] Forum:CaptainAmazing / / Website Application
[u]Coalition(s):[u]The Justice Guard Academy, Guardians of Paragon, Knights of Paragon, Guardians Secondary, Liberty Rising, Sentinels United. ( All Alliance, mainly OOC for the moment)
[u]Other Details:[u] We have a full base in each setup, we try to schedule a TF every week if not more, Prestige is not a full time requirement, we ask you stay in sg mode as much as possible, but we also fully understand "OMG I'm broke" So it's a 50/50 idea best put, until they fix the prestige system!
Name: SDI - Wolfcry Division
Currently Recruiting: Yes!
RP Level: Immersive RP
PvP Level: Your call
Theme/Concept: The team want to use their abilities to better themselves and the world around them. They hail from all backgrounds and from most origins - HOWEVER - this is a heroic organisation and as such the majority of ex-villains, demons, vampires, 'final justice', Crey experiments, generally crazed people, or those involved in highly illegal activities will not be accepted into the team.
Activity: Small, but active - looking for more people to join, rather than more alts.
Requirements for Membership: We're looking for RPers who prefer heroics to drama. Anti-heroes need not apply.
Leadership: Vandellia, Janus Tremaine
Contacts: @Vandellia, @Janus
OOG Contact:
Website: See above
Coalition: No coalitions (although open to them) currently, although we do have ties to the Templars of the Abbey
ny fyllyn ni, ny hedhyn ni, ny verwyn ni.
Y turyn nyni hag y pesyn nyni.
Y hwren nyni kavoes agan budh nyni.
Whoops! Hehe, nevermind.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

Name: The Survivors
Currently Recruiting: Actively - if you're looking for a solid, veteran supergroup that's adding new members, this is the place to be.
RP Level: RP-friendly to Light RP. We won the Honorable Mention in the CoH Fansite Competition for "The Strike Slip Journals", a site about some of our characters' backstories.
PvP Level: Casual and Arena, from time to time. We can PvP for fun sometimes, but we're not big into it.
Theme/Concept: Our founding members were Survivors of the first Rikti war, giving us our name. Over time, our group has expanded to include heroes from all walks of life who manage to survive the tough city that is Paragon.
Activity: We have around 15 members, at least eight of whom play almost every day. Our main time zone is EST, but we have members all across the US, logging on at various times of day. If you're on at 10 pm EST, though, you'll find us for sure.
Requirements for Membership: Good attitude, desire to have fun, and wanting to play the game! We don't require you to run in SG mode, though we certainly don't complain if you do.
Leadership: Circuit Shorter, Killawatt, Raker
In-Game Contact(s): @circuit shorter, @killawatt1, @raker
Out-of-Game Contact(s): pm me here at Circuit_Shorter or email me at
URL: Previously was - We've let this domain expire and will be choosing a new domain name soon.
Coalition(s): Fairly large coalition of active groups
Other Details: We run TFs at least once a week. We have fun getting better at the game and getting richer while doing it. We don't farm, and we're not one of the hugest supergroups on the server, but we're a rock-solid group of good people who know this game thoroughly. Our leadership has been playing since launch, and many of our newer members are vets as well. We're very active, and new joiners tend to bring along all their alts as well. If you're interested, get in contact with me and we'll get you in!
Name: Paragon Defence Authority (aka the PDA)
Currently Recruiting: Not recruiting.
RP Level: RP is a major part of the group, though it's done casually and kept light and comedic as opposed to drama. IC and OOC often gets mixed up (ie, there's no problem referring to 'pulling' as an IC tactic)
PvP Level: Practically zilch other than badges or temp powers.
Theme/Concept: Formed by court order when their leader ran into legal trouble, the PDA tends to attract heroes with serious faults, either due to incompetence, ethical issues, naivety, or some other problem. They are regularly hit by scandals due to their borderline cheating ways. Overall, though, the group strives to be heroic in the face of public scorn despite its numerous faults, and there are a few select members who are truly paragons of good.
Activity: 20 unique members, perhaps. Almost all coordination is done out of game via megamanmush (a text based RP game).
Requirements for Membership: Being a player or a friend of a player at megamanmush.
Dr. Chernobyl
Jayde Chameleon
Captain Ghoul
and many others...
In-Game Contact(s):
@Excise (Dr. Chernobyl)
@Savitar (Savitar)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Cygnus at
URL: Nothing worth linking to.
Coalition(s): None other than being somewhat active with Belle's Corner.
Other Details: Base is large, fully equipped, and is frequently changed by Savitar, who is probably OCD at this point about mixing it up. Members regularly get lost due to the constant changes/general incompetence.
Online times tend to be in the evening. Since most supergroup coordination is done out of game, folks tend to all log on at once for a TF or missions.
The PDA's villain opposite is the League of MEAN (aka the League of >, or LoM).
Name: Golden Brigade
Currently Recruiting: Currently Recruiting Active Roleplayers
RP Level: Required - Heavy!
PvP Level: Coming In Near Future.
Theme/Concept: Hero Themed
Activity: Very Active - Usually everyone comes on everyday or every other day.
Requirements for Membership: Must be very active. 9 days max of inactiveness. You are allowed 2 Characters in the supergroup. No cursing inside SG Chat or Coalition Chat. Friendly attitude. Roleplay Required. Etc.
Leadership: Aureus Knight - Commander Z'ar - Skypainter - Jansen
In-Game Contact(s): Global: @BB - Aureus Knight
Out-of-Game Contact(s): - Aureus Knight
Coalition(s): We currently have 3 Coalitions and looking for more active roleplaying coalitions.
Blind Justice League
Paragon City Thunder
The Freedom Centurions
Other Details: We have a website which is mentioned up at the top. We have a base with Medbay/Salvage Rack/IO Table now. Colors are Gold And White. We have a Uniform which required for Brigade Leader promotion. We currently hold CC's and Team events. In the future will be Base Raids - Tf's - Badge Hunts - Monster Hunts - PvP - and maybe even Farm Sessions! @BB if interested in invite! - Aureus Knight
Name: The HeartBreakers
Currently Recruiting: Yes, we are recruiting.
RP Level: Role players welcome, but RP not expected.
Theme/Concept: Sort of a Lassiez-faire/Libertarian approach. Each member is able and welcome to recruit, other like minded individuals. RPers can invite RPers, PvPers can invite other PvPers and so on.. so each member can help make the SG what works best for their individual interests.
Requirements for Membership: other than dont be disruptive/disrespectful, none really. All ATs and levels welcome .
Leadership: Ms Conception, Rock and Roll Animal.
In-Game Contact(s): Global @ms conception for in-game contact(s) but any member of the HeartBreakers can recruit.
Out-of-Game Contact(s): PM me here please.
URL: will set up a SG page in the near future...if we find/feel a need to.
[copied from SpectralDaisey's original post]
Welcome to the new SG (hero group) directory for Virtue covering Febuary 2008 to June 2008. Please quote this post and edit as needed for your SG listing if you desire. If something I have listed is irrelevant for you, don't worry about including it in your entry. If you can think of something major I don't have in this "template," feel free to let me know in a PM!
Name: SG Name
Currently Recruiting: you are / are not accepting new members, not recruiting new members but looking for other players/SGs interested in RP, not looking for anyone new in any way but wanting to let others know you exist, etc.
RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, RP-lite, nonRP, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial, etc., what degree of immersion do you expect or require?
PvP Level: Casual, hard-core, arena, zone, etc..
Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your SG's theme and/or concept (Longbow or other NPC-oriented group, Single Origin, Single Archetype, etc.) or general raison d'être
Activity: how many unique members do you have, what times (of which time zones) are your members active, which days of the week do you see the most log on - when is your "prime time" (so to speak)
Requirements for Membership: must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other SGs, no villains on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.
Leadership: character name(s)
In-Game Contact(s): Global @<name> for in-game contact(s)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
URL: the group's website
Coalition(s): If you wish to reveal them here -you might also describe the nature of it - alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc. or whether it is an IC or OOC associate
Other Details: feel free to add any other important information like base setup, frequency of TF/SF scheduling, prestige generation expectations / goals, or anything else of general but significant appeal
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company