Discussion: Rikti Encore

Aliana Blue



Please use this thread to discuss the following announcement:

By popular demand, the Rikti Invasion will return for limited engagements across Paragon City and the Rogue Isles through September! If you didn’t accumulate your badges from the event, this will be your chance to get in on the action!

The below schedule are dates in which a 24 hour Rikti Invasion will take place. You can plan on the event starting at approximately 10 AM Central (11 AM Eastern) on each day and then turning off at approximately the same time the following day. For example, at apx. 10 AM Central on Tuesday, August 14th, we will start the invasion event. It will run for 24 hours and then turn off at apx. 10 AM Central on Wednesday, August 15th.

Tuesday, August 14th
Saturday, August 18th
Thursday, August 23rd
Sunday, August 26th
Friday, August 31st
Sunday, September 2nd
Wednesday, September 12th
Saturday, September 15th
Monday, September 17th
Saturday, September 22nd

Happy Rikti hunting!

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Lighthouse, the opening to this is the single greatest display of subtlly dark humor ever committed by a Red Name.



ty lighthouse...there has been a lot of speculation as to when this would come back and how it would work...so i..and i'm sure many others...am glad to know not only when the planned invasions are gonna be at this point...but also how long they will be



Yes i can get the badges on my other alts now lol



Nice. Very nice. Thank you very much for bringing it back. How about, in the future, invasions once a month or so, depending on popular demand?

EDIT: Pown, Lighthouse says the invasions will be 24 hours.


Also on Steam



EDIT: Pown, Lighthouse says the invasions will be 24 hours.

[/ QUOTE ]



Wednesday, September 12th

YAY! What a birthday gift!

Thanks, I was really hoping that this would happen. Out of all the issues I've been around for (since i3), this is my favorite one. Thanks again!

Catch me over on Justice @Agent Jane



* covers Captain Photon's eyes so he can't read this thread *




EDIT: Pown, Lighthouse says the invasions will be 24 hours.

[/ QUOTE ]
i meant glad that we do know



Posting in legendary thread.

More: Rikti.

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013




Am I the only one who's wondering how Lighthouse came by this information?

He's a Rikti Spy I tell you!

The becon is not to warn naval traffic! It's to signal the mothership! The mothership I tell you!

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



Personally, I think the proposed schedule of one weekday and one weekend day per week to be a good permanent schedule for the invasion



Good show. Much well deserved praise goes to the Devs and Community team for responding quickly to the high demand which the invasion created (Even if the majority of it is for badge hunting).

Of course, they may have planned this encore all along, but I'll remain blissfully naive and assume that it was a matter of quick thinking on their part. Not that it matters much either way. Well done. The spaced out invasion schedule means most everyone will get ample chance to participate.



I really like this . . . I find the invasions to be fun most of the time, occasionally annoying. Turning it on for a couple of days a week is great! That way it doesn't become "old hat," but it gives me a chance to get the goodies on a few of my characters who haven't gotten to it yet.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control




Thanks, now this is what I call good customer service. Appreciate the heads up. *marks saturday rikit hunting in calendar....*

Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox




Here here!

(Where? Where?? Oh, there...)

Seriously, I too welcome our returning Rikti invaders, and I also applaud the way the schedule's been broken up here and there. Nice job, Devs.

Thanks, 'House!

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



<---- baby lemur steals the Invasion Switch thing from Lighthouse's desk and has it installed in the superbase.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



This is gonna sound like a stupid question, but is it a 24 hour CONSTANT invasion of all areas? or just the same Rolling invasions that got us before (Please say Constant! PLEASE that would rock so hardcore! Maybe with some intermediary events, like having the emergency transporter shuting down, so healers would have to go around the city rezing people, at the risk of their own lives PLEASE!!)



I am happy it comeing back can u make it not as laggy



This is gonna sound like a stupid question, but is it a 24 hour CONSTANT invasion of all areas? or just the same Rolling invasions that got us before (Please say Constant! PLEASE that would rock so hardcore! Maybe with some intermediary events, like having the emergency transporter shuting down, so healers would have to go around the city rezing people, at the risk of their own lives PLEASE!!)

[/ QUOTE ]

It's the same event that was running before at the launch of Issue 10: Invasion.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



*slowly falls down a wall whilst typing /cry*




Entire Posi blast set for LHs Full auto power*!!!

*disclamer: i don't have a full set....



What kind of invastion gives us the dates of their arival?

*Whew Thank for the new waves it was alot of fun*

Either overlong list of "50's" or obligatory quote, your choice.



What kind of invastion gives us the dates of their arival?

[/ QUOTE ]

An American.

The others just don't believe it.

Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.