Discussion: Rikti Encore

Aliana Blue



Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Magenta Melee lvl 50, Freedom (COH)
Dead Ninja Girl lvl 50, Champion (COV)




1) There has been OVERWHELMING disatisfaction with this event - from the RED ADMIN SPAM to the hideous performance issues some people suffer. And yet this enormous feedback is ignored, and they just dump the thing right back onto everyone? Huh? They can't even fix the ridiculous spam? That makes sense?

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There has been as much or more OVERWHELMING satisfaction with the event. Did you fail to read the pages of positive comments and people asking for more?

2) There is absolutely nothing interesting about the invasion after 1 or 2 times. Everything happens in the same way. The same random spawns of chump Rikti spawn and get slaughtered. Yawn.

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This is, of course, YOUR opinion and NOT fact. A little detail you did not see fit to include. I dare say that not everyone shares that opinion. *see above comment about the repeated positive comments and requests for more*

3) There are no objectives. There is nothing but killing a bunch of randomly spawning Rikti. The one thing that was marginally interesting (killing the drop ships) got nerfed.

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Again, I disagree. There is an objective, it just happens to be one that does not appeal to you. The Accolade power you can earn is sweet and there are many players who are happy for the opportunity to get it on additional alts. As for the drop ships, that was never even marginally interesting for me. I'm not saying my opinion is better but just pointing out that not everyone looks for the same things in the game.

Honestly, nobody with any experience playing MMOs could find this event at all worthy of praise. It is incredibly simplistic, unoriginal, repetitive, lacking in anything unique or interesting, and just plain rots. As an added bonus, it spams the heck out of everyone making chat unbearable (yes chat, one of the main features of any MMO) and slaughters some people's ability to play the normal game due to the performance hit.

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Honestly this is YOUR opinion and NOT fact. YOU do not find this event interesting or worth the time and effort but to say that NOBODY does is very presumptive.

This "event" is a total and utter failure on numerous levels, and the devs have no business dumping it back on the playerbase after it already fell on its face in an embarrassing fashion.

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IMO the event was not a total failure and it was not "dumped" on us but it was brought back due to the numerous requests.

The invasion event needs a TOTAL recode and redesign. Until it can be made interesting, varied, and exciting, it is just a complete waste. It is worse than a waste, since the spam and the performance hit actually WORSEN the normal game experience for a lot of people.

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I, for one, am glad the invasion was brought back. I can chose to take part in it or I can avoid it, whichever I desire at the time. And even though the pre-set scheduled days does take away from the spontaneous nature of an invasion it makes it so much easier to plan your game play time around it for either taking part or avoiding it.

Thanks devs! Thanks for listening to the call for more invasions.



oh christ, not again. i was JUST about to get used to not getting spammed by that stupid admin chat...


Keid of Freedom



And how about adding some damaged buildings to the maps if this is going to continue?

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Heh, I couldn't help but notice the staggering amount of no harm whatsoever the terrifying Rikti dropships were inflicting on Kings Row earlier tonight. Ooh scary!

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Personally, I would rather have the devs coding other things. While battle damage in city zones would be uber cool, it would have to involve tech that would be on the scale of Recluse's Victory, except on a bigger scale involving all zones that can be invaded. That would be a huge chunk of dev time that is probably better spent improving QoL or preparing for the next issue, IMHO.



oh christ, not again. i was JUST about to get used to not getting spammed by that stupid admin chat...


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Yes, a perfect example...

Yes, everyone knows there are some downsides to the invasions. No one really likes the red admin chat, but many players make this out to be a tantamount sin. With the reaction incurred by this, one could assume that the Admin chat ran over their family pet and defiled their loved ones.

Yes, red chat spam is annoying. No, it's not the end of the world, IMHO.

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Despite the outcry from the DOOMsayers with bare minimum hardware to play the game, I for one am delighted it's back! I didn't find out about the accolade until the very last days, so now I can get it on my alts as well! PSI Res is very handy!

However, I do agree on one point. The ADMIN warnings across all the chat windows does get annoying. Could I perchance persuade a considerate Dev to make it something we can add (or remove?) from a Tab, much like we do any other channel or game text?

Also, can the suits spawn with teams if 4, instead of 6? Or possibly even if there are 3 teams of 4 in the area, totalling 12?

Thanks for listening!

I used to list my 50's here, but now there are too many, and I don't think anyone cared in the first place :P



And yeah, I use extreme language, because sadly that is the only kind of post that has a chance of being noticed. The devs ignore calm, mild, moderate posts.

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Untrue. I talk to the devs like actual people, usually in a friendly, or otherwise sincere, tone. And I've received responses from them too, and <gasp> bug fixes and game enhancements

Shocking I tell you! Just simply shocking.

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And at the same time, even if you speak in a calm, friendly manner with a honest question, they may not respond. (Thinking along the lines of pm's more than regular board chat)

As to the return of the invasions, eh. Already got the accolades on my 2 badgers, so there's no attraction to get it on my others. But, oh, well. It's something else going on, which is nice.

@Death Conqueror

-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.




If it fell on it's face, why was it brought back "by popular demand"?

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The only "popular demand" is from the forum bootlickers who are more into comic books than games. In the actual game, the invasions are utterly despised.


And then I looked at the link in your signature.

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Do you realize how utterly you LOST the argument when you reduced yourself to attacking the game that is linked in my signature? Over 11 years of commercial success is really a foolish thing for you to attack.

Are you that completely unable to stay on topic? Wow. That is really sad.

Game. Set. Match.

Thanks for making it easy.




I fully understand that some are bored with this event. But there are others that play many, many less hours who aren't quite tired out yet. -Something to think about. And it's still optional content that can be ignored - except for the [Admin]: spam. Edit: and soon we won't even have to deal with that anymore.

And for those who've lost sight of the "objective" of this event:
You've made Paragon your hometown and every day you make it your job to keep the peace and protect people from harm and such. Or you're tooling around the Isles trying to make a name for yourself and keep less worthy villainous factions under your thumb. Now these punks that we thought, or at least hoped, that we already took care of are back! And they seem to be very intent on their goal. They think we're just going to stand around and let them have their way in our hometown?! And then the planet? Hell no!

So really, where's the confusion?
Point is, this [u]game[u], and almost any game really, would "fall on its face" if you just had objectives but no motives. Where do the motives come from in most games? Story and/or Setting.
(I can see why it would be great if a game existed that has everything I want and nothing that I don't want. For this reason I don't read very much "pure" fiction - it's all made up in someone else's head - no way for me to directly relate to it. At least in many fictional games though, you do have some control over your world: who your character is and how they react to their environment. But as for that perfect me game...? It's sad that it even has to be said: "Wake up!")

Edit: It's also my understanding that this event is all the more interesting once you do the Vanguard stuff so invasions get you merits, and especially Lady Grey's TF and take the time to at least skim the texts/clues as you go. Otherwise, again, it's just a string of objectives - how interesting can that be?




If it fell on it's face, why was it brought back "by popular demand"?

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The only "popular demand" is from the forum bootlickers who are more into comic books than games. In the actual game, the invasions are utterly despised.

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That does, of course, explain 100% why every time there's an invasion, the zone is swarmed with people and requests for teams fill the air, doesn't it.

Oh wait. That might actually imply that people on the servers enjoy the event and want to participate in it. Unless you'd like to make the claim that the only folks participating in the events on every single server are the "forum bootlickers".

Count me in on the "back by popular demand" section here. Oh, and about those comic books? The last comic/graphic novel I read (discounting the COH one) was Elfquest. When it was released. Do, please, continue painting folks with broadly inaccurate brushes. It gives us something to laugh about while we're licking the developers' boots and actively working to make this game an unpleasant place for you to be.

@SithRose and @Sith Rose
Permanent resident of Virtue
"Mommy, I need Cthulhu. He keeps the bad dreams away."



Just a few comments.... YAY!!!!! I am one that has the preformance issues during the invasion and frankly "I don't give a damn" It is the one time when all group together in a mass of team to kick but and forget the names. There is a true team effort and everyone helps everyone without the boundries of teams i.e. aoe heals, bon fire, ice slick, just to name a few. Granted I do agree that if you are not interested in team play with the invasion there should be a way to turn off the admin message but like everything else life has to offer.... "Just deal with it"

Champion 4 Life




That does, of course, explain 100% why every time there's an invasion, the zone is swarmed with people and requests for teams fill the air, doesn't it.

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About the only thing that gets swarmed on Triumph and Liberty (both hero and villain side) are the trams/ferries as people leave the zone.



oh christ, not again. i was JUST about to get used to not getting spammed by that stupid admin chat...


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I keep hearing this request over and over in the forums. So... let me get this straight. People don't want to be around a zone when the invasions start, but also want to be able to ignore the "Civil Defense Warnings" or "Emergency Broadcast System" that tell what zone will be under attack?

Can't have it both ways.

Since they're using the red Admin channel for this, nobody has any excuse to be caught in an invasion if they don't want to be there. You can't say that it was on a channel you don't use and then had to "suffer through an invasion."

I'm sure that some people will complain no matter how things are run though.

As for not wanting to take part in the invasions, while i personally enjoy them, I've also been able to ignore them and go about my business normally in zones that were in the middle of an invasion when I wanted to. It's not that difficult to do. Just keep moving and stay out of the path of the drop ships. Not very difficult to do if you care to actually pay attention to what you're doing and where you're going. During one invasion in Steel, I had my lvl 19 (then) blaster flying around from store to store to sell off enhancements and salvage I'd acquired from drops in radio mishes. Wasn't really affected at all by the invasion. I even got a new radio mish and went to it.

Amazingly enough I didn't die, despite my being squishy. I was only hit once for that matter. That invasion had no impact on my movements at all. I simply ignored the Rikti that popped up and kept moving and they went away without firing a shot for the most part.

So how exactly does this kind of situation make your game unplayable if you don't want to involve yourselves in being defenders of Paragon City and fighting off the invasion?

In other words, take a deep breath and relax people. This isn't the end of the world.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



zone invasion gives people something to do rather than usual afkers standing by the black market. I wish in the future there will be other factions thrown in the mix as well (council, cot and devouring earth etc)..




That does, of course, explain 100% why every time there's an invasion, the zone is swarmed with people and requests for teams fill the air, doesn't it.

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About the only thing that gets swarmed on Triumph and Liberty (both hero and villain side) are the trams/ferries as people leave the zone.

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Not on justice or Freedom - and I think the population differences causes that to balance out :P

Decently popular on Victory too - to my knowledge.

Then again, those sneaky devs, they have all that DATAMINING stuff they do to back up their statements, don't they?

Remember - just like people here on the boards don't necessarily represent the entire player base on an issue, doesn't mean some people you have seen in game do either.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.




If it fell on it's face, why was it brought back "by popular demand"?

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The only "popular demand" is from the forum bootlickers who are more into comic books than games. In the actual game, the invasions are utterly despised.

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Isn't this game based on comic books though? If the devs are appealing to the market from which the game was inspired, isn't that hitting the mark?

But back on topic, being "utterly despised"? Based on the increase in the number of concurrent users in the 2nd quarter, you are aware that the game is almost doing better now than it was right before WoW launched, and definitely better than it was at the same point last year?

You obviously have much hate and vitriol over something so benign as a (mostly) temporal event, or perhaps to me personally. But the NCSoft quarterly numbers are pretty obvious as to the re-sparked interest in the game in the wake of I9 (and probably I10), due to new additions, like Inventions, Invasions, and Advancements (in the storyline). Although the numbers for Q3 aren't out yet, based of of my personal views in-game (no bootlicking, I swear ), that those numbers are still increasing.

Lastly, a common defensive tactic used by a debater with a weak stance is to label someone who disagrees with his/ her opinion a fanboy, bootlicker, etc. to instantly invalidate their argument

I'm not sure of others' opinion of me, but I would like to think of myself as pretty objective in terms of dev feedback. There is such a thing as being critical without being dramatic, condescending, snide, rude, or mean. That doesn't make one a fanboy; that makes one courteous, even when dissatisfied.


That does, of course, explain 100% why every time there's an invasion, the zone is swarmed with people and requests for teams fill the air, doesn't it.

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About the only thing that gets swarmed on Triumph and Liberty (both hero and villain side) are the trams/ferries as people leave the zone.

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As a Triumphant (my home and sole server, the one I see every time I play), I've seen people on broadcast literally begging for teams to hunt bombs, Rikti, and Battle Suits.

Players aren't going to the trams to run away - they're massing at the trams to have a big group of heroes that will make the EBs spawn

Unfortunately, having 50 characters shooting off powers simultaneously in the same location may have adverse affects on older systems, hence some lag However, this should point to the popularity of the invasions, as that many players would be in the same place, at the same time, just for the invasion.

For many, it's more than just the badges and accolades - it's about Merits too But seriously, it's also about fun. Despite the problems with the current chat warnings, and the lag those with softer systems may experience, it's apparent to "this reporter", based solely on observing player activity (again, no bootlicking involved, I promise ), that the event seems to be a success to a decent majority of players.


And then I looked at the link in your signature.

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Do you realize how utterly you LOST the argument when you reduced yourself to attacking the game that is linked in my signature? Over 11 years of commercial success is really a foolish thing for you to attack.

Are you that completely unable to stay on topic? Wow. That is really sad.

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Well hey, I was on topic. You're the one who brought "pitifully dull, repetitive, unoriginal, unimaginative (content)" into the mix.

OK, so it is like the #4 best MUD according to www.topmudsites.com, I'll give you that. If MUDs full of wizards, orcs, and trolls floats your boat, captain, go for it. But don't knock the devs for trying something new and technologically hard to pull off, and, in the opinion of many, one of the "neatest" additions (in terms of random events) to happen to the game in a while.

And please, as a favor to all the forumites and I, find some new buzz words; we're bored of the old ones.

For a guy named "Cambios", you sure hate change.

Edit: sp



Obsidius, you have just won the Internets!

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Watch what you say - you could become a bootlicker too



Despite the outcry from the DOOMsayers with bare minimum hardware to play the game

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Point of order: My hardware handles the invasion just fine. I just happen to think they're unfun and lame.



Despite the outcry from the DOOMsayers with bare minimum hardware to play the game

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Point of order: My hardware handles the invasion just fine. I just happen to think they're unfun and lame.

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Well Cap, you can avoid them and with the patch notes for the Test Server today, soon you will even be able to ignore the Invasion messages.

Sign It : http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



oh christ, not again. i was JUST about to get used to not getting spammed by that stupid admin chat...


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Yes, a perfect example...

Yes, everyone knows there are some downsides to the invasions. No one really likes the red admin chat, but many players make this out to be a tantamount sin. With the reaction incurred by this, one could assume that the Admin chat ran over their family pet and defiled their loved ones.

Yes, red chat spam is annoying. No, it's not the end of the world, IMHO.

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Well, this should be better:


Rikti Invasions

* Changed default channel for Rikti Invasion broadcast messages to System instead of Admin

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It's only in one window now (by default), and you can move the System chat out of any window entirely if you wish.

On Test now, probably to Live Tuesday barring any bugs



Despite the outcry from the DOOMsayers with bare minimum hardware to play the game

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Point of order: My hardware handles the invasion just fine. I just happen to think they're unfun and lame.

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Well Cap, you can avoid them and with the patch notes for the Test Server today, soon you will even be able to ignore the Invasion messages.

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I was hoping to just avoid them by not playing until the event was over, only to discover to my horror that it never entirely will.




Despite the outcry from the DOOMsayers with bare minimum hardware to play the game

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Point of order: My hardware handles the invasion just fine. I just happen to think they're unfun and lame.

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Well Cap, you can avoid them and with the patch notes for the Test Server today, soon you will even be able to ignore the Invasion messages.

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I was hoping to just avoid them by not playing until the event was over, only to discover to my horror that it never entirely will.


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Yeah. What a shame.

But they will just listen to the "yes men" here on the forums whose drooling hero worship is as predictable and unchanging as the invasions themselves.



Despite the outcry from the DOOMsayers with bare minimum hardware to play the game

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Point of order: My hardware handles the invasion just fine. I just happen to think they're unfun and lame.

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Well Cap, you can avoid them and with the patch notes for the Test Server today, soon you will even be able to ignore the Invasion messages.

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I was hoping to just avoid them by not playing until the event was over, only to discover to my horror that it never entirely will.


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Yeah. What a shame.

But they will just listen to the "yes men" here on the forums whose drooling hero worship is as predictable and unchanging as the invasions themselves.

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Well, if they listened to "no men" like you, we would still not have capes, new faultline, or even wings probably.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.




If it fell on it's face, why was it brought back "by popular demand"?

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The only "popular demand" is from the forum bootlickers who are more into comic books than games. In the actual game, the invasions are utterly despised.


And then I looked at the link in your signature.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you realize how utterly you LOST the argument when you reduced yourself to attacking the game that is linked in my signature? Over 11 years of commercial success is really a foolish thing for you to attack.

Are you that completely unable to stay on topic? Wow. That is really sad.

Game. Set. Match.

Thanks for making it easy.

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Wow, yet another example of Cambios having gone and bascially called the devs morons over the game and how they have made it (boring/repetitive, etc), and then saying he has "won" the argument because someone laughed at the fact the guy saying this has a fantasy MUD.

Now, I am not saying your MUD sucks, Cambios. Obviously, at the very least, it has some very loyal fans to have been running for 11 years. But someone bringing mentioning Irony doesn't mean they lose an argument.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.