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  1. I thank you all for getting the word out on this. It means a lot to those of us who have been building for all these years. I'll be doing this for all of my bases in the next few days, to be certain, along with a few maps of sentimental value.
  2. The_Demon_Hunter

    Goodbye to Bases

    Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
    I need to collect some time and screenshot all of our bases. At the very least, the images can be cataloged for a virtual group tour.
    I feel lucky that I got to see your base handiwork first hand. That was a big part of how you and I got talking to begin with, however long ago that was.

    Good times. Good times, indeed...
  3. The_Demon_Hunter

    Goodbye to Bases

    It's been a long time since I've posted in this area of the forums. I'm not going to rehash why. It's no longer important. Some of you know me from the BaseBuildersInc. global channel as @DemonHunter-1 and @DemonHunter-2, always on Virtue.

    This was my first MMO, and the one I measure all others against.

    I never stopped building, but in the last 4 months I got back into base building quite heavily, especially for Ellis Industries. I found that one of my newer characters was essentially a printing press for Prestige (close to 9 million earned, without any inf conversions, in his first 2 and a half months). I had also found a muse to inspire my efforts once more, someone to help me see base building through new eyes as I helped her learn the basics that led to the glorious wonders we all created in cyberspace.

    It's always been there as a creative outlet, and in fact there have been months in the last five and a half years where all I did was edit one base or another, for myself or someone else. It was as important for me to do this in-game as it was to do anything else. Some of my SGmates can attest to the fact that after i13 hit, they literally had to gather everyone to where I was working in one base, just to use every high-vfx power they had at the same time in an effort to crash me out of the game to get my attention for TFs or RP or whatever they wanted me in on that day. Those were good times.

    My bases, all of them, are what I'll miss the most from City of Heroes. Being able to wring out a little more from the editor than some thought possible was a source of pride for me here, whether it was from creating sewers and an abandoned subway station in one base, or a full-on 18 wheeler to sit at the loading docks of another, or a 40-foot tall robot prototype in one, or a fully realized space station, or the forests and caverns outside the home of my main in yet another. That's just naming a few of the bases I've had a hand in over the years I've been here. All of these things and more were important to me here.

    When the lights go out for CoH, all of us who frequent this are of the forums will be losing a large part of our gaming hobby.

    My next game is The Secret World. Cabals don't have bases. Maybe somewhere down the road they will, but I won't hold my breath waiting for it.

    Good luck and good journey to you all
  4. I'm definitely interested in being part of this project in some fashion if it has legs, whether it's to assist with whatever I can spare financially or help provide story framework for a new player-created world. I'm more than a bit intrigued by the possibilities here.
  5. I'll throw my name in for this as well. Might as well start with one of the big ones I have.

    Your Forum Handle: The_Demon_Hunter

    Your Global: @DemonHunter-1 @DemonHunter-2

    The Character who will be doing the tour: Web-Spinner

    The name of your SuperGroup: Web-Spinner's Amazing Friends

    Your Home Server: Virtue

    A brief description of your base: Hidden in the sewers between Skyway City and the ruins of Faultline, teen heroine Web-Spinner and her young friends have set up their base of operations to battle crime in Paragon City and beyond. Approximately half of the 24x24 plot is taken up by sewers and abandoned sections of the Red Line, with the hidden areas including a ruined underground temple chamber, a makeshift "apartment" for a homeless schizophrenic, and of course, lots of sewers, complete with water effects. Somewhere in these tunnels is the entrance to the hi-tech base.

    *Edited for a typo. I hate typos.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    The optimal solution in my mind would be to have it a choice to the SG leader.

    "Would you like to upgrade this base to the new code? Just a warning, if you do, it gon' get nuked."

    The problem is, that's likely an infeasible solution. This is either a whole hog overhaul or leave it alone.
    Sadly, I believe you're correct.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Justice_Bringer View Post
    Bases like this are part of the motivation behind my suggestions. I can't speak for you, it'd be great to make things like that easier to do in part by giving us many of the items we're trying to replicate in the first place. Besides, if we were to get the option to have staff members out of the whole deal on top of it all, I'm sure the rage of most base builders would be quelled.
    Yeah. Not so much.

    If they nuke current bases, even in effort to make it easier for everyone, I'm betting I wouldn't be the only one who takes their ball and goes home due to the loss involved. Allow me to explain.

    The work I did for Dechs was fun, and I appreciate that it's gotten so many compliments (thanks again for the kudos, Dechs). I love the work that I did there and I'm very proud of it. But it's just a drop in the bucket time-wise for the number of bases that I've worked on. Losing those would be worse than having all my characters on both accounts deleted. You can get new 50s in no time comparatively, and while that would suck, I could regroup and start over on those far more easily than to rebuild any of the elaborate bases they currently inhabit. When I left to try out other games, not having that space is a large part of what brought me back. They're an extension of my characters and my groups, and a lot of people feel this way.

    That's the challenge the devs are facing, I think.

    And we're not talking because of any inherent difficulty in creating this stuff on my part. It honestly isn't that tough for a lot of us with the existing tools once you learn the process. As Dechs can vouch for, it was pretty quick, all things considered, to do the rooms I did for him.

    No matter how simple the new system would be though, I wouldn't have the time to rebuild the bases I currently maintain, much less help anyone else whose base I've worked on in the past. Not everyone has the time, or in some cases, the creativity, to work on these things, which is why some of us are brought in to do it for them. Some of them simply are a reflection of the head space we were in at the time, and that can't be replicated.

    So yeah, I'd consider totally nuking the currently existing bases a deal breaker for me. I'd love to see a way for others to take a more active hand in bases or to introduce more options, but not at the expense of all the people who have done this since bases were introduced.
  8. The_Demon_Hunter

    Pieces of Win

    The Rune of Warding as a permanent Temp Power like the Blackwand or Nem Staff. I'd gladly pay to unlock that as a permanent power for each of my accounts, as it's a far more suitable ranged option for my magic based toons than the Blackwand.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Why? It takes about 30 seconds to create a new character on the right server/side.
    Unless you're out of slots for that server, in which case you're not of much help now, are you?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GunnerSam View Post
    Awesome base! How were you able to do multi-level rooms? Is it a bug?
    Desks are the answer. In the case of Dechs' base, we mostly used the grey counters or white counters as flooring and walls. They're located in the base editor under the "Desks" tab.

    If you head on over to the Base Construction board, you'll find many threads that detail some of the tricks of the trade used to create bases like the one that Dechs now has. Most people there are helpful in teaching new builders how to create their own bases, and after that, it's just a matter of experience and patience to learn what works and what doesn't.
  11. The_Demon_Hunter

    Double Doors

    Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
    Has the new double doors method been discovered yet, or is it still being kept a secret?
    I wouldn't believe American Angel's claims if I were you.

    He's the same one who was trolling on the Base Builders Inc global channel on i21 launch day, raving about how awesome the new Environmental Settings tab that doesn't exist was. He's also currently regarded by many as a less than stellar example of the base community as a whole.

    If double doors exist again, we'll hear about it from reputable people soon enough. IMHO, he ain't it.
  12. The_Demon_Hunter

    Base Bugs in I21

    Originally Posted by Captobvs View Post
    Since they didn't make any changes to the base in I21, what I want to know is why the base logo was affected in the first place?
    I'm going to guess that a change was made to the database in how SG symbols were listed, due to the new change to the Costume/Character Creator screen breaking the Chest Emblem down into so many categories.
  13. I've done the Keyes trial exactly one time, on launch day, on Virtue, using my heavily IO'd and Incarnate-slotted storm/elec/elec defender. Skjor is simply a monster, as some of you may have seen if we've teamed. She's designed and played as my card-carrying thunder goddess, and she lives up to that billing.

    We succeeded at the Keyes trial easily, despite most of us going through it for the very first time in that run, having skipped the beta for once. We had leadership who communicated what we were looking for at each stage of the game and we knew where to go and what to do/not do. Hell, I don't think anyone even died once it came time to fight Keyes himself.

    For more than a few of us, it wasn't fun though. At all.

    I can accept being defeated by masses of enemies or powerful AVs. I can accept that my characters aren't really meant to do the things they often do, and that I can get in over my head with them if I'm not paying attention. I can accept that Skjor can be defeated if I'm not bringing my "A" game that day (and sometimes even when I am). That's part of the game.

    What wasn't fun was exiting the hospital only to lose half of my hit points on several occasions to auto-hit, unresisted pulses of damage. Or being hit while in the Hospital. Or being held while in the supposedly safe zone of the Hospital.

    It told me that the devs realized too late (or didn't realize at all?) that they'd make us completely OP'd with the use of Incarnate powers and now had to resort to cheating and doing things outside the game mechanics to provide a challenge. If they have to do things that break the game's previously established rules to create any kind of challenge for players, they've made some egregious errors long before reaching this point IMO.

    As far as raising the rewards goes, if it's less than triple-digit Emps (yeah, seriously, call me when it's awarding 100+ and maybe I'll join a few), I won't do this Trial again without a really good reason. I play to have fun and for me, this ain't it.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
    Perhaps a story involving time travel back to the beginning of the game...

    "Those are Circle of Thorns?"

    "They are Circle of Thorns, and it is a long story."

    "What happened? Some kind genetic engineering? A viral mutation?"

    "We do not discuss it with outsiders."
    I like it. All we need is a large angry CoT guy wielding a Rikti axe to say it, and it would be perfect.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Still too WH/WoW but tolerable.

    *semi-off topic*

    Q: How many Games Workshop employees does it take to change a light bulb?

    A: Three. One to change it, one to wield the chainsaw and one to glue on the spiky bits.
    LOL Far too true!

    Back on-topic, I think these look worlds better than the first revamp pics we saw, but still just strike me as having raided the Dark Eldar's closets.

    It's an acceptable compromise between keeping the old and the previous revamp revealed at SDCC.

    I just hope the legacy models remain in the AE for those of us using recolored critters for special enemy factions. I may not make arcs anymore, but I often put factions together for friends' arcs, and the CoT as they were before filled a very necessary niche for that. These new ones will not work even at all for that purpose.
  16. I have two accounts and play only on Virtue. I've gotten 28 to 50 so far, I think. Most of them have at least their Alpha slot unlocked, and I've gotten to at least T3 for the more recent slots on 5 or 6 of them.

    I've also deleted 2 50s this year, a tanker, and a blaster. Both were replaced by a re-roll of the same characters.

    My first 50 was my namesake dark/regen scrapper. I won't delete that one.
    My most recent 50 was a DP/EM/Mace blaster. I won't be deleting him either.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gothenem View Post
    Coyote: Honestly, he needs more of a classic aboriginal-style costume, and since Outbreak is going to be gone, he can move somewhere else and look cool there
    Given the character's history, I think it's a safe bet (at least I'm hoping) that Coyote wouldn't be changed much other than to possibly make a high-res version if they're actually moving him somewhere else.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
    However, this reaction of mine really isn't just about Hamidon. If you had made this comment ("That's one I'd like to get my hands on for a update") about pretty much any NPC in the game that was there at release, I would have had the same reaction: please don't change their general design. Updating their art assets to be higher res is great, but please don't change who they are.

    I have a fondness for this world that is similar to the fondness I have for Marvel and DC, and the characters and groups are the reason for that. This world now has a history filled with groups and beings that feel iconic to me. For most of these groups and beings, it feels like they fill a need in the universe-- an archetypical niche that must be filled. Alter them too much, or remove them, and it feels like there is a void (see the removal of the 5th Column-- we no longer had Nazis in the game, and the Council were a pale, watered down replacement, both in lore and graphically). Characters change and evolve, and this is understandable and often good, but if they ever change too much, people who love them get upset. Electric Blue Superman is the perfect example. The design was really cool, but he wasn't Superman anymore.

    The original design of this game, in both the writing and the art direction, was high quality. I know that the technical aspects are certainly out of date, but there was great attention to detail in most of the NPCs that existed at release, in both lore and visual design. If you want to make alternate universe versions of Nemesis, the Clockwork King, and Dr. Vahzilok that look radically different than their primal counterparts, that's awesome, and I look forward to what you would do with them. If you want to update their textures to be higher res, but maintain the current design, that, too, is awesome. But I'd rather the established characters retain their current designs rather than undergo anything close to a reimagining.

    If you want to know what resonates with me and why about the various NPCs in this game, I could continue to post about each group and character in it. That's going to be a lot of work, though. It would be easier to talk about the ones that don't resonate with me.
    ^^ All of this ^^

    Seriously and with all due respect, I know that the current art team sees things that they would have designed differently if they had done it, but we're at a point where the game now has a history and a legacy for long-time players.

    Look at what DC is going through online right now as they prepare to overhaul the looks of their characters with their planned September relaunch/retcon/reboot/non-reboot (depending on the title and who you talk to) because of how much they're changing some characters from their known looks. Superman in blue jeans and a t-shirt in flashbacks isn't exactly winning hearts and minds of long-time fans on the internet. Neither is the "armored" look he's going to have for modern stories.

    And be careful who you approach about Harley Quinn's new look.

    It's a case of fixing things that aren't really broken. Updating costumes would have worked, but there are a lot of people think that DC went too far into the 90s Image design vault for the changes.

    In a lot of ways, that's what many people here are going to be concerned about. I think that's where people were at with the CoT stuff we saw. At this point, the looks of all these groups are established for the people who have been here a while. Why change it any of it so much? Update it. Make it higher-res. Streamline it if needed. But drastic changes to existing NPCs and factions? Probably not a good idea.

    So yeah... at this point it would take far less time to tell you the ones that don't have the right feel, and to be honest, there aren't many of them IMO.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    I think you missed that he was talking about how much he liked it as is!
    Somehow this does not surprise me..... >.>
  20. The_Demon_Hunter

    Rogue Magazine

    Another great issue! Good to see this keep going
  21. My tastes might not always match up with the others here, but I do have some thoughts.

    Ghost Widow -- Everything that people have said so far. Seriously. Perfection here.

    Scirocco -- Love everything about his look. He looks like he is the storm of the desert.

    Arachnos -- As a whole, the organization has some of the best designs in the entire game, from Lord Recluse on down. Everything about this group stays within the motif of spiders and manages to be visually striking in the differences of the units and AVs as well.

    Statesman -- He is the classic hero. His look is a perfect blend of everything iconic about Captain America and Superman, with the faceplate being an obvious nod to his godly power. I could see him possibly with a Magneto-style helmet, but nothing too over the top. Perfection once again.

    Nemesis -- This guy is as close to Dr. Doom as we have in CoH, with his infinitely-layered plots and constant ability to leave us wondering if we've faced the real Lord Nemesis or not, and that gigantic ornate steam-powered body makes him out to be every bit the threat that he is. He's something special, and that level of ornate complexity trickles down into all his followers. Again, perfection.

    Clockwork King -- He's an obsessed madman who has his brain suspended in a fishbowl mounted on a massive patchwork frame. Can't do much better in getting across that he's essentially a poor man's Nemesis for the 1-20 crowd. And that rusted, jalopy-style construction for the Paladins and Babbage make them stand out as signature pieces of his would-be army.

    Banished Pantheon -- I love the look of the Totem bosses. It just screams "crazy arcane ritual ahead" when I see them.

    Warworks -- The giant War Walkers are just awesome to behold the first time and are visually a massive threat.

    And because almost nobody likes them, I feel the need to defend....
    All of the gangs. Seriously. The Outcasts, Hellions, Skulls, Trolls, and Warriors are all street gangs. They don't need to be redone to be all flashy and amped up. They're already exactly as they should be. Their look matches their station They're a threat to the locals and a scourge of the streets in low level areas, which is where we start out. These are just barely a cut above the typical muggers and purse snatchers that guys like Batman, Spider-Man, and Daredevil started against before they moved up to taking on the big guns.

    Our heroes and villains aren't ready to take on Recluse or Statesman from the start, and our lowbie enemies should reflect that. They're a little more than the police can usually handle on their own, but they're not so powerful to take down the whole city. These were designed to perfection in my opinion.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eldormain View Post
    Thanks for the avatar compliments. I feel the same way.

    Here is a humorous non-entry (obviously). It doesn't work well as an icon and would look better with a spray paint font. But it kind of sums up how I feel sometimes.


    Okay now that one made me laugh. Point made and well done.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Teraman View Post
    And BTW Eldormain, I have always been impressed to finally see an old Gatchaman signal icon for a avatar. Nice tribute to Tatsunoko.
    Not to threadjack too much, but yes, that avatar has always put a smile on my face as well.

    And now back to the regularly scheduled discussion.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post
    Do not like. I like Legacy Circle of Thorns MUCH better. What happened to all their wizard robes? WTF is with this tights )=
    These new ones look terrible. Absolutely terrible.

    Give us back CoT with robes please. Go back to the drawing board on this one and don't come back without CoT in Robes. Not Tights. Not armor. Not big spiky bits.
  25. Let me start off by saying that in addition to the bases I've done for SGs I've been affiliated with in the last 4-plus years on Virtue, I've been hired to do a few bases in my time as well. Just to name one you've heard about, I'll let the cat out of the bag here about one. I was the one Dechs Kaison chose a few months ago from the boards here to build the medical center and research labs for his base. (Again, my thanks to Dechs for letting me be the one to bring his vision to life in-game. It was a lot of fun to work in that style and for a great client.)

    As a builder, I hadn't considered paying with RL money for these services, to be honest, though I'll freely admit that if the opportunity arose, I'd certainly consider it to cover my game expenses (boosters and subs for two accounts adds up lol). To date I've solely been paid in inf and in-game items. It's sometimes a case of "I have this timeframe to work with, for this amount of inf if done on time" and there are others who simply pay whenever a new room is completed.

    You'll find that many people who build for others have varying viewpoints on how they approach the work and the quality they provide.

    As Dechs can attest to, I like to go through the existing base (if there is one) or show some of my existing work while chatting with the prospective client about what ideas I have to bring to the project and how I can execute them. I take notes as to what's needed, any kind of specific requirements that are involved for style/items/function/RP/whatever, what badges are currently held by the SG, stuff like that. Don't be afraid to ask for references and samples of a builder's existing work. Most will have access to at least some of them. I'd like to think that this is how most hired base builders would operate.

    An important consideration is to remember the Prestige budget we're working with. I've seen some groups that had a certain amount they'd been building for a long time specifically to have something done. I had another client who told me "if you run low, holler and we'll just take care of that. Use whatever you need." Everyone's level of resources will be different, and its important to take that into account when you start planning it out in your head. Don't accept a job that you can't do within the Prestige limitations for that group.

    Once the work begins, I tend to do a small sample area and then ask for a lot of feedback based on the style I'm working with to make sure we're on the same page. It's happened on occasion that someone has actually said "Oh actually, I was thinking more like x instead of y" and if it's caught early, this is easily taken into account for the rest of the project. Once the client agrees that the style is what they're looking for, it's off to the races at that point and the building blitz is on.

    I think that the most important thing for any hired builder to consider is this -- you've been handed the keys to someone else's castle. You've been entrusted with bringing the vision they have in their head into the virtual world of City of Heroes. They've asked for a medical center, their own X-Mansion, the Watchtower, the Sanctum Sanctorum, an ancient ruin, the TARDIS, or whatever, and if you can't provide that, you need to be up front about that.

    This is not a small matter, in my opinion. I take matters of trust very seriously, and I am always disappointed when I hear of people whose base isn't really what they asked for. I take pride in my work, but unfortunately not everyone does these days, just like in RL. Again, don't be afraid to ask for references.

    All of this is what both hired builders and potential clients need to look at when sitting down to find an agreement on base building.