Goodbye to Bases




It's been a long time since I've posted in this area of the forums. I'm not going to rehash why. It's no longer important. Some of you know me from the BaseBuildersInc. global channel as @DemonHunter-1 and @DemonHunter-2, always on Virtue.

This was my first MMO, and the one I measure all others against.

I never stopped building, but in the last 4 months I got back into base building quite heavily, especially for Ellis Industries. I found that one of my newer characters was essentially a printing press for Prestige (close to 9 million earned, without any inf conversions, in his first 2 and a half months). I had also found a muse to inspire my efforts once more, someone to help me see base building through new eyes as I helped her learn the basics that led to the glorious wonders we all created in cyberspace.

It's always been there as a creative outlet, and in fact there have been months in the last five and a half years where all I did was edit one base or another, for myself or someone else. It was as important for me to do this in-game as it was to do anything else. Some of my SGmates can attest to the fact that after i13 hit, they literally had to gather everyone to where I was working in one base, just to use every high-vfx power they had at the same time in an effort to crash me out of the game to get my attention for TFs or RP or whatever they wanted me in on that day. Those were good times.

My bases, all of them, are what I'll miss the most from City of Heroes. Being able to wring out a little more from the editor than some thought possible was a source of pride for me here, whether it was from creating sewers and an abandoned subway station in one base, or a full-on 18 wheeler to sit at the loading docks of another, or a 40-foot tall robot prototype in one, or a fully realized space station, or the forests and caverns outside the home of my main in yet another. That's just naming a few of the bases I've had a hand in over the years I've been here. All of these things and more were important to me here.

When the lights go out for CoH, all of us who frequent this are of the forums will be losing a large part of our gaming hobby.

My next game is The Secret World. Cabals don't have bases. Maybe somewhere down the road they will, but I won't hold my breath waiting for it.

Good luck and good journey to you all

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



SOE has an older fantasy game called Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. I used to play there & actually got my base-builders wings there. The crafting was good, I harvested/marketed the cash and materials needed to build my own Guildhouse and finished it out almost single-handedly. Their building tools were a bit more refined, though the variety of materials was less.

I could not see building a space station there, but I spent many enjoyable hours in creative construction before finally losing patience with stability... I heard a few days ago those stability issues are finally past - but now its ftp, I have to wonder if it will suffer this same fate as well.



I don't know what I'll do for a base fix now. The SIMs was a weeklong nightmare for me last year. I had to maintain needy friendships with neurotic NPC's to earn enough cash to paint *one* wall. Pretty much, that's all I remember.

Oh, City, you're so ******* perfect in every way. I didn't even need currency to change a wall. And adding items was earned by having fun with my friends in SG mode.

The worst part is, that base editing had just gotten sooooo easy! ...with the addition of free rotation and easier vertical/horizontal placement.

I need to collect some time and screenshot all of our bases. At the very least, the images can be cataloged for a virtual group tour.



Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
I need to collect some time and screenshot all of our bases. At the very least, the images can be cataloged for a virtual group tour.
I feel lucky that I got to see your base handiwork first hand. That was a big part of how you and I got talking to begin with, however long ago that was.

Good times. Good times, indeed...

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))