Discussion: Rikti Encore

Aliana Blue




I was afraid of this... the rikti have amassed so much popularity they're having scheduled appearances. Next thing you know they'll be featured on Oprah, Barbara Walters is going to interview the Honoree a week from thursday. Lady Gray is going to have a fit.

Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.



Thank god they added that feature to ignore the invasion alerts they assured us all they were looking into as far back as the 3rd, so people who would rather hang out in D's and chat can be left in peace.

Oh wait....



sorry if im not as excited as everyone else, but this just means more lagville. thanks



I know it's not a popular view, but I want to express my disappointment in this.

Firstly, people should be able to experience or ignore content as they wish. These Invasions amount to forced content. I would rather not have to deal with traveling through dropship-land to get to my mish because it happens to be in a currently-targeted zone. Additionally, the beginner zones of Atlas Park and Galaxy City are, according to policy, non-ambush zones. I see this as a violation of that policy.

The suggestions of removing contacts, access to the hospital, auction, and other places used during normal gameplay, are ridiculous. I pay my monthly fee and I want to play the game as I wish any time I log on.

Secondly, the ADMIN spam announcing attacks is irritating in the extreme. It would be better to have it only affect the zone that will be targeted and on a special channel that only those who care about them who are outside the zone can put on a chat tab.




Reged: 08/09/07
Posts: 1

Thank god they added that feature to ignore the invasion alerts they assured us all they were looking into as far back as the 3rd, so people who would rather hang out in D's and chat can be left in peace.

Oh wait....

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Reged: 08/09/07
Posts: 1

sorry if im not as excited as everyone else, but this just means more lagville. thanks

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Call me skeptical, but do you two know each other in RL, or are you just using two accounts to be obnoxiously vocal?

If it's the latter, you only need one post on one account to get the point across.

On the plus side, you can always plan around the dates in question - at least the Rikti were kind enough to share their schedule



I know it sounds a bit silly, but I've actually had hopes that the LGTF would trigger a *full* round of invasion events unless there were already a round running... just because the impression you get (or at least, my impression) while running the TF is that *everything* is falling apart... and what a better way to do that than hit all the zones?

This all being said..

Rikti: Mind Lacking: Plans: Warned of: Much Pain!!!




more??? why, wasn't the first round of pain enough???move on, dont have this stupid encore!



I'm often critical of the way the devs have handled things, so in all fairness I felt I should say thank you for this.

Thank you for responding to the requests of your customers who want more Rikti zone events.

And thank you for publishing the schedule. So those who enjoy this event can plan their schedule so as not to miss it, and those who do not can plan their schedule so as to avoid it.

Sounds like the best of both worlds to me.



I wouldn't mind being given a better idea of when the events are actually going to occur on each of those days. I've been hanging out in Cap on Protector for roughly an hour and a half now, with no sign of another attack.

Siegel Industries is proud to present: And Spray Down!: the only aerosol guaranteed to prevent foes from being resurrected or splitting into smaller ones!



here comes laggy hell in the form of a stupid move on the Game maker's part. THE SERVERS WILL LAGG TO ROTTEN! HEED ME! lol. Man they are screwing me out of 15 bucks a month with all this slow loading and lag.



here comes laggy hell in the form of a stupid move on the Game maker's part. THE SERVERS WILL LAGG TO ROTTEN! HEED ME! lol. Man they are screwing me out of 15 bucks a month with all this slow loading and lag.

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Step 1 - The admin message says zone X will be invaded.

Step 2 - You go to a different zone, thus avoiding the lag.

Step 3 - Profit!

Especially in CoH, there are at least 2 zones for every level range...



Thank god they added that feature to ignore the invasion alerts they assured us all they were looking into as far back as the 3rd, so people who would rather hang out in D's and chat can be left in peace.

Oh wait....

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Wasn't that "by popular demand" as well?



Any hope of this event being made interesting instead of the pitifully dull, repetitive, unoriginal, unimaginative thing it is currently?

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Any hope of you taking your criticism of an event a lot of people like and taking it elsewhere?

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Any hope of you posting on topic instead of attacking the poster?

This is the specific thread for discussion of this "feature." There is no better "elsewhere." This is exactly the appropriate place to post feedback about these invasions: both positive and negative.

And yeah, I use extreme language, because sadly that is the only kind of post that has a chance of being noticed. The devs ignore calm, mild, moderate posts.


Just as soon as your own posts are.

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Really unnecessary, but hey, make yourself look as bad as you want.

Why am I so harsh? The harshness is probably what makes some people resort to personal attacks. That is a shame, but they only make themselves look bad by doing it.

1) There has been OVERWHELMING disatisfaction with this event - from the RED ADMIN SPAM to the hideous performance issues some people suffer. And yet this enormous feedback is ignored, and they just dump the thing right back onto everyone? Huh? They can't even fix the ridiculous spam? That makes sense?

2) There is absolutely nothing interesting about the invasion after 1 or 2 times. Everything happens in the same way. The same random spawns of chump Rikti spawn and get slaughtered. Yawn.

3) There are no objectives. There is nothing but killing a bunch of randomly spawning Rikti. The one thing that was marginally interesting (killing the drop ships) got nerfed.

Honestly, nobody with any experience playing MMOs could find this event at all worthy of praise. It is incredibly simplistic, unoriginal, repetitive, lacking in anything unique or interesting, and just plain rots. As an added bonus, it spams the heck out of everyone making chat unbearable (yes chat, one of the main features of any MMO) and slaughters some people's ability to play the normal game due to the performance hit.

This "event" is a total and utter failure on numerous levels, and the devs have no business dumping it back on the playerbase after it already fell on its face in an embarrassing fashion.

The invasion event needs a TOTAL recode and redesign. Until it can be made interesting, varied, and exciting, it is just a complete waste. It is worse than a waste, since the spam and the performance hit actually WORSEN the normal game experience for a lot of people.



Lenin wrote:

Thank god they added that feature to ignore the invasion alerts they assured us all they were looking into as far back as the 3rd, so people who would rather hang out in D's and chat can be left in peace.

Oh wait....

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LOL. Sad but true.

Gstorm wrote:

sorry if im not as excited as everyone else, but this just means more lagville. thanks

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LordDynamo wrote:

I know it's not a popular view, but I want to express my disappointment in this.

Firstly, people should be able to experience or ignore content as they wish. These Invasions amount to forced content.


Secondly, the ADMIN spam announcing attacks is irritating in the extreme. It would be better to have it only affect the zone that will be targeted and on a special channel that only those who care about them who are outside the zone can put on a chat tab.


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Right on.

Redrage wrote:

more??? why, wasn't the first round of pain enough???move on, dont have this stupid encore!

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When will they listen? These invasions have been a total disaster.

Do the devs ever log into their game and listen to the players? Yeah, the forum kissups love them, but in the actual game people groan miserably over every channel.




Please do something about the admin channel spam. It was bearable when it was going to be for two weeks then random other times, but this is getting ridiculous.

Also, better recall that 'Vanguard claims success' article.

And how about adding some damaged buildings to the maps if this is going to continue?

#2409 - The Mystery of the MAGI vaults. Azuria has contacted you to help her stop the thefts from the MAGI vaults.
#68054 - Out of the gutters. Left for dead, you swore that you were through with being a victim (alt villain beginning story)



Sigh. Just when you thought it was safe to have chat windows again...



And how about adding some damaged buildings to the maps if this is going to continue?

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Heh, I couldn't help but notice the staggering amount of no harm whatsoever the terrifying Rikti dropships were inflicting on Kings Row earlier tonight. Ooh scary!



I just finished playing my first real Rikti hunt session (Hi, Kitsune!). I must say, this is surreally awesome! Yes, I now understand the lag complaints, but I loved everything else.

Thumbs up!

(Although it is a bit frustrating finding a good batch of Rikti for smackin')



Thank you thank you thank you thank you.



I think it's awesome. Laggy, yes... but still awesome. I was able to get both accolades last night and now I have a chance to get it on a few more of my toons. Thanks for bringing it back!

Omega Zim - lvl 50 Rad/Dark/Power Defender, Alpha Zim - lvl 50 Tri-form Peacebringer
Theta Zim - lvl 50 Tri-form Warshade, Nightshade Zim - lvl 50 Dark/Dark/Psi Defender
Omicron Zim - lvl 50 Emp/Psi/Power Defender, Scrappy Joe - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper



Well, I loved the initial invasion and accidently got the Watchman Accolade on my prime near the end of it & wondered what it did. Yesterday I went hunting with another alt, and got her the accolade. I found out the heavies didn't spawn in Atlas for some reason, even when I was teamed with a group of 8 midlevels (20s) when we left Steel to go to Atlas to find more. And there were 5 times as many people in Atlas.

This morning at 4 am the invasion was still going on, so I got a start on another of my alts before work, but there was noone to team with, so I'll have to finish that on Saturday.

The invasion seems to be 6 zones close together rather than the previous 3. Which I like since it is in limited run.

All in all, I think this is excellent & shouldn't be retired, but done at least one or 2 days a month at least.



I had a blast. Two blasts, actually. Got my Main the Watchman accolade, filling in that gaping Psi hole in his defense. Then I turned it over to my top alt and started the hunt with her. If only we weren't fighting so blasted close to the BM... We lost something like 8 Heavy Armors to the killzone around the Market, on account of the invasion being too close to the truck. Bah. I could have had the Chief AND sentry badges last night if not for that. Oh, well. Definitely looking forward to Saturday and finishing my acc on her.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



And yeah, I use extreme language, because sadly that is the only kind of post that has a chance of being noticed. The devs ignore calm, mild, moderate posts.

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Untrue. I talk to the devs like actual people, usually in a friendly, or otherwise sincere, tone. And I've received responses from them too, and <gasp> bug fixes and game enhancements

Shocking I tell you! Just simply shocking.

Edit: Personally sometimes I wonder if you have a contest with yourself to see how many biased, inflated, and inflammatory words you can cram into a single post

Honestly, nobody with any experience playing MMOs could find this event at all worthy of praise. It is incredibly simplistic, unoriginal, repetitive, lacking in anything unique or interesting, and just plain rots.

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Wait for it...
<Puts on flame-retardant shorts>

You mean, like the game mechanics of WoW?
Sorry, just had to. Flame all you want - it was pretty bad. Don't forget to tip your waitress

As an added bonus, it spams the heck out of everyone making chat unbearable (yes chat, one of the main features of any MMO) and slaughters some people's ability to play the normal game due to the performance hit.

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Yes, everyone knows there are some downsides to the invasions. No one really likes the red admin chat, but many players make this out to be a tantamount sin. With the reaction incurred by this, one could assume that the Admin chat ran over their family pet and defiled their loved ones.

Yes, red chat spam is annoying. No, it's not the end of the world, IMHO.

This "event" is a total and utter failure on numerous levels, and the devs have no business dumping it back on the playerbase after it already fell on its face in an embarrassing fashion.

The invasion event needs a TOTAL recode and redesign. Until it can be made interesting, varied, and exciting, it is just a complete waste. It is worse than a waste, since the spam and the performance hit actually WORSEN the normal game experience for a lot of people.

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If it fell on it's face, why was it brought back "by popular demand"? It shows that may players wanted this event back and were vocal about it. Yes, there is another extremely vocal group of players that constantly touts the problems with this event, but there is obviously a large demand for the return of this event.

And it hardly "woresened" the game. On the contrary, it seems to have brought quite a few players back into the game, as well as sparked interest in new players as well. Despite the flaws of the event, IMHO, it hardly "fell on its face", unless "Fell on its face" is another way of saying "it was pretty popular with a majority of players".

<Considers "falling on his face" to get back in with the cliques - perhaps it will improve my looks? >

As an aside, I remember this from your previous post:

Any hope of this event being made interesting instead of the pitifully dull, repetitive, unoriginal, unimaginative thing it is currently?

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And then I looked at the link in your signature.

I thoroughly poured over the web page, and forgive me if I'm greatly mistaken, but this looks like something from AD&D (circa 1977). Most of the classes, races, and concepts look like a rehash of any fantasy game I've ever played, except as a MUD (but possibly better than Stormreach )

Although I find it somewhat refreshing that RP is strictly enforced in this game, I just find ironic it that, unless I'm completely mistaken (and I very well may be), that someone who delivers such a harsh critique to the CoX devs regarding dull, repetitive, and unimaginative content would present such a game in comparison.

Just my 2 inf.




ZOMG! What a bunch of FOOLS! To be so kind and courteous to give us a schedule of the Invasions going forward. How could they be so idiotic?!

/end sarcasm

A few random days a month and we get all the [censored] and moaning like it was the end of the world. All you have to do is either avoid the zones where invasions occur (becasue *GASP* they tell you where) or just don't play the days that they are happening.

This is a masterstroke of customer service and it just goes to show you can give the public sugar frosted goodness on a stick and still you will get hatred in return.

Cheers to you Devs. Ignore the foolish haters, this is an excellent compromise in the return of this event. Much better than if you'd made it two more weeks solid down the road.

Sign It : http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes




ZOMG! What a bunch of FOOLS! To be so kind and courteous to give us a schedule of the Invasions going forward. How could they be so idiotic?!

/end sarcasm

A few random days a month and we get all the [censored] and moaning like it was the end of the world. All you have to do is either avoid the zones where invasions occur (becasue *GASP* they tell you where) or just don't play the days that they are happening.

This is a masterstroke of customer service and it just goes to show you can give the public sugar frosted goodness on a stick and still you will get hatred in return.

Cheers to you Devs. Ignore the foolish haters, this is an excellent compromise in the return of this event. Much better than if you'd made it two more weeks solid down the road.

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Everything this guy said.