Discussion: Rikti Encore

Aliana Blue



Why not toss a few Mayhem mission extras around? Cars, news paper tickers, citizens; etc for the invasions? That way, things blow up; citizens are running around. I don't know. It'd be more interesting. I have to agree all around. This started off great, but, really is getting boring..


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I've helped out in Steel Canyon, but I haven't seen any Badges. What are the Badges for this event, and where do I have to go to get them?




Watchman Accolade

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Thank you Lemur_Lad.

New goal to aim for. It's all about the Badge!



I have to admit, the lag has been painful and I've only been disconnected in one invasion, but the fact is, I've been in at least 10 and not once from any of those did I get enough EXP to get a level up. I got the badge the first time, but other then that I didn't get anything out of it.

I think if we do the new ritki invasion, there should be less spamming of enemies, and more AV style enemies. Have like...the giant mechs, but set up more like Babble, incredibly high defense and HP that would take two full teams to take down.



Thank you Devs!!!

@Portland Underground



What kind of invastion gives us the dates of their arival?

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An American.

The others just don't believe it.

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Heh heh, also, it doesn't matter if they do believe it or not...

Nothing can stop an American invasion.


If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



Looking ahead, once this new assault wave is over, will Rikti attacks still be triggered in random zones by players doing You-Know-What?

Cuz the attacks are just too much fun to lose entirely!

Also, it would be kinda cool if we could actually fail to drive them off, somehow...

F'rinstance, too many unexploded bombs allowed to detonate might:

... shut down the Hospital/Base telportation system (suggested elsewhere by another poster);

... lock down the Auction Houses/Black Markets for a while (actually closing the doors and making them inaccessible);

... cause street contacts to disappear for a while. It's been both amusing and annoying to see the Freedom Phalanx standing idly by while we have been fighting off the raids; we don't want (or need) their help, but we would greatly apprfeciate it if they would get out of the way while we're saving the city. ;

...turn off all the lights in the zone. This would be solely cosmetic, but it would create a cool background effect;

... rubble-out some of the buildings and the big statues of heroes (!). How fun would it be to be able to earn a badge actually helping repair the city? Superspeedsters using "Whirlwind" to clear away debris, Grav Controllers restoring noses to statue faces, whatever.

Yeah, yeah, I know, this last one's a coding stretch, but hey, you've tried almost everything else I have suggested in the last three years, so I am just continuing to be supportive.

Anyway, thanks again for keeping this great event going!


If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



Whoohoo! More chaotic goodness



Yeehaw! Thanks Devs!



I'm a bit confused. While the "major operations" seem to be over we've still been getting sporadic world events.

Are these uncommon world events something seperate, thats going to stay in the game, and this new invasions just a period of increased activity?



I'm a bit confused. While the "major operations" seem to be over we've still been getting sporadic world events.

Are these uncommon world events something seperate, thats going to stay in the game, and this new invasions just a period of increased activity?

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When the event is online, the invasions happen on the regular schedule across all zones.

When the event is offline, a single attack wave is triggered in a random zone each time the LGTF is completed.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Those "sporadic" events are the result of a team completing the Lady Grey TF in the Rikti Warzone. It triggers a random zone invasion event. These are scheduled, 24-hour periods of sustained raiding, like the invasion event when I10 started. Probably going to be on the same 3-hour timer too. UXB badge, here I come!
I might even decide to throw down with some of my alts and get it for them; there's going to be enough invasions to go 'round.

You don't have to be the one to deal the coup de grace to a UXB to get the credit, right? You just have to participate in dismantling it, like with the Heavies?

Also: For those of you complaining about lag: It's your own machines that are incapable of keeping up with the situation. Granted, it's a ridiculous amount of work to ask of a machine, but it's NOT something that the dev's can fix without implementing FX suppression code with the event, and even that wouldn't help the massive number crunching involved with all the moving bodies in an invasion knot. Turn your graphics all the way down if you're heading into an invasion event, upgrade your machine.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Oh, dear. I had not known that there could be so much animocity surrounding the rikti invasions. I personally have been enjoying them quite a lot. I consider them to be fairly well handled considering the mmorpg format. I noticed that there is new construction in many parts of the city and damaged old parts of the city... at least, I think these things happened since issue 10... could it be that you are just missing the more subtle events?

I wish the Rikti war zone could be accessed by lower level characters, I only have 1 character high enough to go toe to toe with the rikti. Maybe you could open a rikti skirmish zone? A lower, kinder zone for the L20 to 34 crowd?



Will you be data mining to see who doesn't log in on those days in order to credit their accounts?


(editted to add the suggestion link)



I agree with Beggly: There needs to be a 20-34 or even 25-35 zone for midrangers to rock some RWZ goodness.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



I know that's how it works right now... But maybe in the future, depending on how often the LGTF gets completed, it ought to trigger more than just one attack wave. At LEAST it should make one hero-side and one villain-side. Maybe 3, with at least one in each city? Or a half-hour rolling invasion? (if that's enough to virtually guarantee an invasion on each side) I just have this fear that the LGTF might not generate enough Rikti action to satisfy people. Maybe the solution lies in generating invasions aside from the LGTF. Personally, a frequency of once a week, alternating between weekdays and weekends (not counting LGTF invasions), for an hour or two, is enough for me.



Awesome! I have been enjoying the Rikti raids a great deal.
Thank you!



YES! More aliens for target practice!

Wait, I mean more aliens to beat into unconsiousness..

NO! Target practice!

Hrmm can't seem to keep the Hero seperated from the Villain.....

Need more bullets!

More Merits!

Oh about those Merits.. Are they supposed to drop in ALL Ritki missions now? Hrmmm if they ain't.. Then I never said anything. Nope. Nuhu I never said that...

Walks away whistling...

Pinnacle-Pale Spectre 50 Kat/Regen/Dark Scrapper
Spectre of the Gun 50 Thugs/Dark/Soul Mastery MM
MA Story Spectre of the Gun's Search" ID #352424
Spectral Darque 50 Dark/Dark Scrapper



Personally, I think the proposed schedule of one weekday and one weekend day per week to be a good permanent schedule for the invasion

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...and for all future events! Thanks for giving us weekday players some love!



Thanks a bunch-- this rocks!



Yes i can get the badges on my other alts now lol

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And I love that they are giving dates so I can plan accordingly

Thank You Very Much!



I am so very glad this is back. The invasions are the only part of I10 that characters below level 35 could participate in (except 2 new costumes which, while cool, don't exactly amount to an issue's worth of content).



Well I'm happy for everyone who likes it. It's a bit much if you ask me, I've been seeing Invasions even when the event isn't on, but hey, sometimes you have to get along to go along.

Here's where being on a lower populated server pays off.

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Is there a set interval between waves on these days, or is it random?

Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?