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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
    I will say again, since apparently I have been misunderstood: My only complaint is that the ability to rest and recover has a recharge time. I do not on any of my characters constantly need Rest after every spawn. However, sometimes things go awry, you pull too many mobs, and your character is left in a state with no inspirations and Rest on recharge. At this point you literally can do nothing but stare at the screen waiting. That specific situation is what I am talking about. Leave your posturing and snark out please.

    Again, my point is not about "endurance issues." It is about that one mechanic.
    I'm probably going to regret taking another look at this thread. But I'd thought I'd mention that while I don't really see a problem with the current mechanic of endurance, I don't actually have an issue with the suggestion of having [Rest] more readily available. It already has several "penalties" tacked on to it (as it should). I realize that there are ways to get it more readily available through slotting, however I generally find my characters using rest more often, usually due to health rather than endurance at lower levels, when there are fewer slots available. I can't imagine dropping it's recharge time a bit more would be unbalancing, but I've been wrong before ... once a long, long time ago.

    Originally Posted by Zanriel
    It doesn't take a math genius to see the numbers are a lot different in terms of players online than they were 2-3 years ago.
    I'm fairly sure numbers are actually down a bit from 2-3 years ago. The endurance mechanic has not changed since then, except for getting more ways to manage it. It's more likely that there are other, much more significant factors at work.
  2. One other thought comes to mind. I rarely even expect Speed Boost from a /Kin, it's just kind of a nice bonus when it comes my way from them ... quite frankly they generally have other more important tasks to focus on. Now a Kin/ I do expect more out of, but I don't get whiny about it if they're lagging behind either.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    I think the duration should be longer. Agreed.

    The way I'd achieve it though is to make the base duration the same but have the power refresh duration if the original caster hits them with Transfusion (the AoE heal) while the power is active. That way people couldn't just gather under the Atlas Statue and get their 30 minute long buffs (a significant problem in some games). You'd have to actually stick wit the buffer. This also protects buffing ATs from getting stuck buffing teams at mission entrances and then left behind so the "real" ATs can go take care of business.

    I'd approach Force Field, Sonic Res (refresh if they touch your big bubbles), Thermal (refreshed if you hit them with the AoE heal) and Cold Dom (refreshed if you hit them with Arctic Fog) the same way to reduce clicking. But I am probably just dreaming.
    I completely missed your post Tex. I like it.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Athanatosis View Post
    Hate to bring up WoW, but when the new team took over recently they changed all the 2 minute buffs to 15-30 minute buffs because they realized how annoying it was for people to have to put them up all the time.

    As it stands, without taking much away from their overall performance kins can keep the entire team speed boosted indefinitely. A lot of people expect as much from them, or at least close to it. It makes buff classes overall less desirable to play because it's so annoying having to buff that often. Either you take away from the team's potential to succeed or to steamroll, or you put yourself out and deal with the constant annoyance of buffing 7 other people so frequently.

    I see where you're coming from but what you're saying is that SB should take away from the overall performance of a class, in the name of balance, because they have to spend so much time keeping it up if they want to have it up most of the time. That's not right. That's not fun for anyone. Would anyone really complain if SB was exactly the same just with a much longer duration? I don't think that's the kind of "overpowered" people get jealous over. It's only beneficial to them... Much more kins would use SB and keep it up (without even expecting people to beg for it, like OP!) The only complaint I could see is that the other buff classes still have to buff everyone every two minutes, in which case they should just change most of those buffs to have longer durations as well.

    Hell, I'd even be happy with them just making it a "buff one person and everyone else gets it" buff. That way it's less of a hassle for the person in charge of it.
    I actually wouldn't mind the buff's being a bit longer myself, possibly just extending it to the same duration as most shields. However, when comparing to WoW, it's also fairly important to remember that most of WoW's buffs are incredibly weak in comparison to CoX's buffs ... not to mention that over here the buffs stack.

    To the OP:

    Personally, I've just generally viewed speed boost as a part of my responsibility when playing a kinetic. Sometimes I get thanked, and that's cool. Most of the time I don't, and that's cool too... I don't generally expect thanks for fulfilling my role. I also don't generally always have it up on everyone 100% of the time ... probably a good 80-90% though.
  5. JackONight

    New to the game.

    Originally Posted by JordanMS75 View Post
    I play WoW currently, but my friend that plays this asked me to try it, so i made a couple toons on his account and I love it. So I am starting with a trial and when that ends upgrading it. I was wondering what is the best/easiest class to first start out as? Any other help/tips would be appreciated thank you.

    and sorry about posting in here, didn't see the player help forum until I posted this.
    Easiest class to play, would have to be a Scrapper. But more importantly, what's fun for you? What roles are you used to fulfilling? Are you going to be soloing a lot, or mostly in a group?

    I've played WoW before as well. It's not bad, there are some similarities ... but loads of differences as well.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wiggz View Post
    I appreciate the responses - obviously, Mids is whacked.
    No problem. I haven't used Mid's since I've returned, but I'm surprised to hear it's inaccurate. It used to be very reliable.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post

    Telekinetic Thrust

    A way to get this info in game is to type the power's name in Brackets[Telekinetic Thrust] into chat. You can then click on the name and it will pop up info on the power.

    Excellent advice. Also, don't forget to click on the "Detailed Info" tab for actual numbers on the power
  8. ... It seems this thread is mostly just

    Does too! / Does not!

    And that makes me fairly finished with it.

    I'd try to get more actual playing data, but quite frankly I'd like to focus on the character that I was on before this debacle. I'll get some data with that FF/Rad later once I've "finished" with the Dual Pistols/Dev blaster if anyone still cares. I believe possibly that numbers on how often he has to pause/rest vs how many enemies might be more useful...I'll do that next time.

    I'm available to try to help in any way that I can though, if anyone needs help just pm me. Though I admit that I would be better suited to help if I get specifics on problems that I can recreate.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
    I spend most of my time in Lord of the Rings Online, Star Trek Online and DDO, though I've played other games (not WoW or Everquest, though). I've found that I don't have nearly the same issues in those games. Galaxies is another that suffers somewhat from this, but in that game I was playing a Crafter and didn't do much combat.
    I actually haven't tried any of those. =) I'll have to give one or two a go in a few months. A good friend of mine spent some time in LotRO, he was unimpressed, He prefers being able to defeat EBs even con while solo. Apparently that's pretty tough to do over there.

    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane
    I just want the game to be fun for everyone, not just for min maxers with the "right" power sets/build or power gamers with their own PL cliques and farm fresh IOs.
    I'm far from a min/maxer, I'm not a power gamer ... PL makes me ill, I spend most of my time solo, and I have very few set IOs. I have a blast with this game ... where does that leave me?

    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane
    And what is required is just about everyone taking the same power pool with two autopowers they likely don't want to get the one they do? Just to get the game to a point where the mechanic the devs admit everyone hates isn't absolutely crushing their fun any more?
    I will admit, that I've never quite agreed with the necessity of the 2 power prerequisite (I think the level restrictions are enough). Though Swift is just sweet on any ranged character, and fairly useful for melee as well. Your second sentence though seems more than a little exaggerated. I don't recall the dev post admitting that everyone hates endurance, but I have been gone for sometime so maybe it was during my absence. Even so they'd be wrong, I'm part of everyone ... and I don't hate it. And "to a point where it isn't crushing their fun?" the vast majority of my characters don't have Stamina, I have fun.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
    The lesson I take from all this is that if anyone other than that particular little clique has the audacity to post anything like a suggestion, that they will circle the wagons and make (often very) personal attacks until the thread's purpose is lost under a pile of ****.
    Generalizing isn't always very nice either. I don't recall remotely attacking you. I simply disagree with your position. I've used every powerset in the game in one combination or another, and I've never really had the issues that you describe. Part of it may be what someone else mentioned about perceiving the need to have full bars when going into battle, I tend to have full bars when I enter a mission, after that it hardly ever happens. But, very very seldom am I ever just waiting to do something. You report a different experience, that's fair ... I don't understand it, but I'm also not behind your desk chair watching you.

    Incidentally, at the very beginning of this thread you mentioned that this whole thing came about after having played other games you noticed that CoH was comparatively tedious because of current endurance mechanics. Do you mind me asking which MMORPGs that you tried out? I've played a number of them, and I've never come across a more power/spell friendly system. However, I do like new things and I certainly wouldn't mind trying the ones you were playing.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    As soon as end gets tight?

    So level 3 then?
    Seriously, what power combination has endurance issues at 3?

    How many non-MM, non-hit-and-run stalkers, do you have without them?
    35 not counting the ones that aren't at least level 30.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
    So far we've learned that you're a vet (your first two paragraphs indicate this), you enjoy the game (good), you breezed through the part of the leveling process that everybody agrees is quick and easy, while aiming to mimic a novice, and you stopped short of the level 11-19 part of the leveling up process that many are reporting presents more challenges for endurance management.
    Yes, I'm a vet. I've been on a break from CoX for the past couple of years, in that time I've spent time with WoW and Aion. Both are great games in their own right, but I figured I'd come back here for a bit. And yes, I enjoy CoX pretty much as it is.

    Sorry, about not testing the 11-19 leveling with that character. Not everybody seemed to think that the "very early levels" were quick and easy with certain types of characters. And many times in the thread it was said that the problems are there across all levels. If 11-19 was mentioned specifically in the thread I missed it. I will play through 11-19, but I had just hit 32 with that Dual Pistols blaster, and I do have a store to run in real life.

    I'll try to get some more playing/ testing done tomorrow. I do apologize for being a vet rather than a genuine newbie, but it's the best I can do. I do remember having more difficulty when I first started playing, but quite frankly not much.
  13. JackONight

    Nuke My Survey!

    Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post

    While technically a Nuke, Self Destruction is very unreliable. It almost never takes foes down, and often they move away before the countdown reaches zero.
    Unless things have changed while I was gone, the to-hit check for Self-Destruction is performed when you press the button, the countdown animation is strictly for show. If the to-hit check was successful the mob could be a running a mile away and get hit.
  14. Well, that was a fun read. Personally, I don't really see an issue with endurance. It tends to be much more forgiving than MP in most other MMORPs that I've played ... and there are many more ways to recover it (often instantly and repeatedly). I've been gone for a year or two, and I've really enjoyed my time back so far. I'm an altaholic, I have 62 characters, 43 of them are 30+, 5 of them have Stamina. The others do not feel gimped to me because of that. I rarely find myself needing to rest. I do NOT have remotely "optimal" builds for the most part, I generally rely on SOs or standard IOs. I regularly get complimented on my contributions to teams.

    Oh, and awhile back someone mentioned that Build Up was a defining Blaster power ... my 3 /Dev Blasters would like to disagree. =D

    Lastly just for fun I rolled a FF/Rad defender mostly out of curiosity. I leveled him to 10, it took me about two hours of play time running entirely solo. However, it's important to realize that I tried to simulate a "newbie" player as best that I could. I used no vet powers, or booster pack abilities. I ran missions rather than hunting, and I read every bit of mission story line, clues, etc. Though I did pretend that I didn't know to look at the information attached to some abilities, therefore I kept Sprint running the whole time not knowing that it was using end. At level 6 I chose Combat Jumping and ran it constantly as well. I had to actually rest about 6 times total. The rest of the time my natural recovery was enough, or I had insps to use ... or combine (they drop really often if you always keep a slot open.)

    The time breakdown was as follows:

    Outbreak - 7:06.0
    Lvl 3 - 15:02.5 (Most of that time was spent running from place to place)
    Lvl 4 - 25:45.9
    Lvl 5 - 39.52.7
    Lvl 6 - 53:39.0
    Lvl 7 - 62:01.4
    Lvl 8 - 77:36.2
    Lvl 9 - 94:15.7
    Lvl 10 - 120:06.3

    If someone really wanted to level one quickly, I have no doubt that they could do much better.

    I actually had a blast leveling this fella, though I'm a little miffed that I named him Neutron Guy and put him on Champion ... I'll have to remake him on Virtue with a better name. I do believe I'll focus on him once I'm done with the Dual Pistols / Dev Blaster I'm currently on. Thanks for the suggestion.
  15. JackONight

    Nuke My Survey!

    Originally Posted by Seraphael View Post
    If you by best mean coolest, then I'd agree. FA is unfortunately the worst of the mini-nukes from a power gamer point of view though.
    I thought that position was held by HoB?

    Anyhow, on to the Survey:

    Do you nuke? Yes

    When do you nuke? On teams, whenever it's up. The crash is ridiculously easy to manage and standard AoEs don't remotely compare to a solid nuke. I often will just pop a purple or two Aim+BU and dive right in and BOOM! ... a blue or two later and I'll have the spawn down before the rest of the team gets there. On to the next group. Solo, not as often, Though sometimes I'll pop a few purples and herd up a room to wipe out with it.

    Best and worst Nukes? I'm rather partial to Inferno. I'm generally least impressed with Elec's nuke. But that's just pure opinion.

    What other powers complement the nuke? Build Up+Aim, any damage boosting power, pretty well any end recovery power, various insps.

    Anything else you'ld like to add? Not really.
  16. JackONight

    DP/NRG Build

    Originally Posted by Simian_Stalker View Post
    Anyone got a DP/NRG super duper build? I have a 50 DP/NRG and went munitions, but still get my butt kicked on the regular. I was thinking about going Force mastery and was hoping for a good build. Cost is no object.
    "still my get butt kicked on the regular"?

    Regular difficulty?
  17. Just finished reading the thread. Personally, I don't have much issues with bosses on my blasters, however I agree that Widows are especially nasty. I mostly solo, but I do have bosses enabled to spawn for the challenge.I generally don't craft/slot IOs that don't drop... I just don't like bothering to do so until I hit 50. So my slotting is likely similar to yours. More often than not I do find myself using a couple of inspirations to defeat bosses. I always keep at least 3 lucks (or higher) on hand ... I find that using the "combine" function regularly helps me keep them, I very seldom buy insps. If it's an arachnos mission then a couple of insights are useful to counteract blind.

    I hope some of this might help a little. Just curious, but what sort of blaster was there?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post

    Howling Twilight is a godly power. It's not just a rez, it's an autohit AOE stun as well and a decent -regen for dealing with EBs and AVs. The fact it brings people back to life is almost incidental.
    Not to mention that it's a PBAoE rez ... Completely reversing a team wipe in one shot is priceless.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Enamel_32 View Post
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure crits are handled in the attack in question, where it just does more damage if a certain condition is met. I assume that's the same reason why we'll haven't seen a +fire damage proc effect in fiery embrace.
    Perhaps instead of actual crits, they could just add a randomly generated 100% damage buff with a 2-3 second duration. It should have more or less the same effect.

    All in all I've enjoyed the thread though. /dev blasters really could use a little love. I know mine put out significantly less damage than other blasters on teams. They're loads of fun, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to hold their ground with other blasters.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
    Pistols has no secondary effects with any ammo type. It cannot deal KB, slow, deal -damage, or apply a DoT. All the other powers will have a DoT using Incendiary ammo but with Pistols all you do is change 30% of the damage from Lethal to Fire.
    Just a nitpick, Pistols actually does have a -7.00% Defense Debuff with regular ammo. It does not have any secondary effects with any other ammo.
  21. Yup, it probably would help if I had mentioned that.

    If possible, I'd love to see suggestions for both budget IO's and "anything goes"

    SO's I could figure easy enough =) And Leveling isn't really an issue since this character at this point doesn't solo and is duoing with a Cold/Rad Defender.
  22. Been gone for quite some time, and my Search-Fu is even worse with the new forums than it was with the old ones. Could someone either post or point me to some up to date decent Claws/Inv builds? I'm having some difficulty with it for some reason.

    Thanks in advance,
  23. huh... Odd how I've managed to never come across this. Thanks, I'll give it a shot.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Get your marshmallows and pointy sticks here before the flames start, folks...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How much for just the pointy sticks? I want two.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just two? Heck I'll give that to ya. Gotta whole dimensional quiver full of them. Some with the flame built in even!
  25. Whoohoo! More chaotic goodness