Discussion: Rikti Encore

Aliana Blue



So just by joining the fight of the rikti invasion, badges are earned? A TF isn't needed or anything?

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Correct. All you need for the Badges are :

100 Invading Rikti = Sentry
20 UXB's (Unexploded Bombs) = Bomb Specialist
10 Heavy Assault Suits = Chief

The acquisition of these three Badges awards an Accolade :


This Accolade is a click power on a long recharge timer that grants the user decent amounts of Psionic Resistance and Defense for 60 seconds.

Also, if you are level 35+ and have earned the Member of Vanguard Badge, you can earn Vanguard Merits that can be redeemed in the RWZ for costume pieces and temp powers.

Good Hunting!

Sign It : http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



I really enjoy the Rikti invasions, I came back to CoH for the free weekend and was hooked. This game has improved immensely since I last played!




So just by joining the fight of the rikti invasion, badges are earned? A TF isn't needed or anything?

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They're much easier to get in a large group, since you won't have to compete for defeats counted.



I still want to figure out the WHOLE past of the Rikti. Ya know, it would be interesting for a future patch that you would take a stolen rikti bombing ship to their planet... Alright, sorry about that.



I still want to figure out the WHOLE past of the Rikti. Ya know, it would be interesting for a future patch that you would take a stolen rikti bombing ship to their planet... Alright, sorry about that.

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I was thinking about that earlier just looking at their ships etc makes me wonder how advanced everything else they have is



Heh. Well, there are a few unawnsered questions about my idea... like how they would find the Rikti homeland.



Hi! I'd like to thank you for extending the invasion period like this (i have many alts lol) . But i'd also like to ask for 1 extra day. You say the invasion period is suppose to run from 11am est to 11am est (the next day), but without fail at 9am est the servers go down for maintenance, shorting us 1 invasion everytime. I know this seems like nitpicking, maybe it is...but like i said i have alotta alts lol . Also during the actual invasion as the ritiki port in.....i understand why we can't hurt them til they're fully materialized, and have no probs with that, what i would also like to ask is, can they also be made untargetable? I mean it is VERY frustrating tryin to target a mob 2 inches away from you when your targeter keeps goin back to the stupid monkey waiting to materialize next to you . With all the lag associated with a serious rally it's next to impossble to just point and click the mob you can see killing you, but cant target . Ty for the space, and taking the time to read this .

When's the next altaholics anonymous meeting again?



actually the accolade power is elusive mind.....watchman/woman is the badge

When's the next altaholics anonymous meeting again?



I have been in a Raid zone with five teammates, stayed far away from the Herd-of-Sheep-Clusters of such players and we've gotten the Elusive Mind accolade in three raids with no lag.

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Actually, i think you needed 12-16 people to spawn heavies. It would be VERY nice if a team of 5 or even 8 could spawn them too tho .

When's the next altaholics anonymous meeting again?



I agrre it should only take a team of 8 to spawn the heavies

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

It's a dark and story night. That means something bad is happening out there



I've been in a team of 8 that spawned about five heavies during a raid. This was in a villain zone and we had MMs in the team, so the pets may have had an effect, I don't know. But heavies do spawn from a single team, from what I can tell.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Why does the Invasion not seem to be happening on Virtue?



I think someone needs to check out the invasion script. It was hours of waiting on Liberty before we got an invasion villain side. Meanwhile there were like 15 hero side.




Bleh, got my last badge for this. I don't care what you do now!

Today was much much better then the 15th tho!



Someone definitely needs to check the Heavy spawning script.

Been on several 8-man teams (with others around) and there have been no Heavies in multiple zone invasions. Other times, only a single one spawns and that's it.

It just seems hinky. *shrug*



why not leave it active every 3-5 days like it is until i11...or possibly permanently?

this way even new players later on can enjoy it?

just my 2 cents



Been on for a while now (bout 40 mins) on the 22nd, and I haven't seen a single invasion event. Has it been cancelled?



I've been on since 8:00 AM and I have experienced 2 so far, one on Virtue and one on Protector.

However, I am not sure if the TF triggered them or they were part of the encore event. I don't know how far apart the planned event ones are supposed to occur.



Just finished a quick dinner break after running around Kings Row, then Steel Canyon while the invasion in Skyway finished up, then ran off to Founders Falls just as the Galaxy invasion completed, then the mighty fight on the hill in Talos. This is awesome and I'm enjoying one last blast here on Virtue.

I'd like to thank the Devs again -- first, for letting us complete our badges if our day jobs kept us from taking advantage of the original event; and second, for being EVIL enough to send a bombing run right past the Founders Falls train station. That was a great shock, zoning in and realizing the whole place was shaking! Talk about getting into the mindset fast....

Scrapper roleplayer, Member of Wyldfire



Drat!!! Lightning took out my PC in July and have yet been able to get a replacement(this laptop isn't game worthy). In middle of moving now so will be a while longer before getting a new rig, also. Missed the entire Rikti invasion.... or maybe THEY were responsible for my PC's destruction...hiding under the bed, c'ya!!!!!

My Arc - #51736 Here Wolf... There Wolf... Werewolf!!!

Don't worry about the mule going blind, just load the wagon.

>")))>< ~~~~



Nore invasions please.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




I wish we still had a way to submit a screenshot for Cryptic's use, however they'd like, maybe to show all who'd wandered away just what they're missing.

See, on "Rikti Hill" -- you know that hill, on Talos Island, north of the Green Line station; the spot where Virtuites gather to hold off the invading aliens -- I usually have a pretty narrow view. I'm a kind of short character, and I can't keep up with the lag if I take a long camera distance, and scrappers can't exactly afford breathing space between themselves and the target anyhow.

Thanks to sheer luck with the "Print screen" button around two thirty in the morning Eastern time, I got this:
slightly shrunk, otherwise unaltered screenshot from Rikti Hill
and, for me anyway, it sums up all the awesome that kept me fighting Rikti invasions long after I finally got badges and an accolade.

Thanks again, Cryptic and NCSoft. This event was AWESOME.

Scrapper roleplayer, Member of Wyldfire



Nore invasions please.

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So, I stayed online in Freedom from 10pm to 10am CST, managed to get the 25 bombs, and the 100 rikti, but despite being on 8-man teams for those 12 hours, and attacking the heavy suits, only got 6 kills total.

Is there going to be a once-a-month or once-a-week event possibility for those of us still trying to get the badge?

Purple Sarcasmo
14 dark/dark defender



Nore invasions please.

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So, I stayed online in Freedom from 10pm to 10am CST, managed to get the 25 bombs, and the 100 rikti, but despite being on 8-man teams for those 12 hours, and attacking the heavy suits, only got 6 kills total.

Is there going to be a once-a-month or once-a-week event possibility for those of us still trying to get the badge?

Purple Sarcasmo
14 dark/dark defender

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Any time some team completes (I'm not sure if it's a 'complete' or at some other point in the TF as I haven't done it yet) a Lady Grey Task Force (the coop TF), it will trigger an invasion to a random CoH or CoV zone. It's only a single zone and it's random, but it is a complete invasion including bombs and potentially heavies.



It is a complete. In other words when the task force is done, invasion happens.

On the other hand, it should not just be one zone, but two. One random attack for both sides. Also it should be delayed for a few minutes so that those that did the Task Force could have time to participate in the invasion they called down. (2 inf)

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