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  1. Please do mention if your arc is solo friendly or not, and whether it is intended for low or high level characters. Custom group scaling is borked up right now, so this is especially important if you don't use stock critters. I have lost count of the number of missions I have had to cancel due to crazy numbers of orange con custom LTs spawning in arcs.
  2. You can make allied ambushes, but the pathing and AI issues make them kind of useless for anything but a cosmetic effect right now, unfortunately.
  3. I guess I will suggest my arc, it is a "serious" story, magic themed:

    The Legacy of Tfarkevol, ID 59206 iirc
  4. If the drag and drop thing is not in the tips and tricks, it should be.
  5. hmm, in my case it was very noticeable with 3 ambushes on a medium sized map (front, mid and back). They were ally ambushes but I suspect that does not make a difference.
  6. I have noticed a lot of my critters (especially patrols and ambushes) getting stuck on tiny rocks in cave maps and things like torches in the CoT maps. Also, a lot of the enemies seem to be "turned off". I can walk right up to them and unless I hit them they ignore me for a long time, which is not good for ranged critters. :P Anyone else having these kind of issues?
  7. I am fond of the CoT myself, huge level range, diverse models, and a backstory that can do pulpy two fisted adventure, straight up magical stuff, or even a bit of Lovecrafty goodness.
  8. This may be obvious, but in case it is not, use "save as" to make a copy of your arc, then delete all but the mission you want to test from the copy. Be careful not to delete the original!
  9. these are all excellent ideas, maybe sticky it and start this as a wishlist thread?
  10. Is there a trick to getting my custom groups to show up? The first two I made show up, but the third does not, and it is the only one with bad guys in it. :P
  11. I really enjoy the Rikti invasions, I came back to CoH for the free weekend and was hooked. This game has improved immensely since I last played!
