33 -
I had many lol's in that Document guys Thanks for your efforts!
This made me LOL so hard.
Confession, I made a character named Super Nanook on Virtue (Due to full character slots on Justice back in the day) Huge body style narrow shoulders big waist in an attempt to make a "fat" superman, then dressed him in Superman's exact colors with a big N on his chest. That costume was reported 5 times on Virtue and generic'd just to be remade and played again. 6th time it was gen'd I moved it to Justice remade the costume and the Generic's stopped. Love Justice server. -
Hey can we get this in JU and JFA chan? I probably won't remember if I don't see it.
I love that all the Dev's are revealing their secret identity!
Anyone want to argue about taunt for old times sake?
I've lurked on the forums for years, Where is Septembers Tanker Tuesday, I haven't made a single one in all these years.
P.S. Loved all the great BBQ talk! -
This thread is full of win, I lol'd hard and often! Thank you all.
My Plant/NA is only in his 20's I'll get back to you in a week or two with a build! -
Hey all my search-fu is apparently weak so I'll toss this out to the community! How soon after going VIP again do we get our stipend of Paragon Points?
Thanks -
Not quite up to FREEEEEM but I still love it! Thanks for a GRAT gag gifts this year!
P.S. I wants Clown MM please?!!?!?? -
Please super heroes can recover from death!
Today I built the vigor boost and vigor core boost alpha slot for my poorly slotted wp/ss tank and my regen went up to over 48 hp/sec (from 46.43) then I built the Vigor Total Core Revamp and my regen retuned to 46.43 hp/sec I cleard out the slot and my regen remained the same. I reslotted and changed zones, then restarted the game and still I am showing my base regen. So I checked the numbers in the enhancements seems the Vigor boost affects health/fast healing but the Total core revamp dose not, though it dose affect RTTC.
Thought I'd toss that out there seems the devs are working on it, based on the response to my bug report. -
I agree with local man on WoC I have it with the purple set, including proc, and it is mostly just a set mule at this point. I thought it would be great with hot feet/Choking cloud/WoC but I am going to drop WoC for Psi Tornado
I feel for you, on my ice/ice main 0 rare tables and I pulled the 10 thread reward 6 times, look unknown number oftrials to get to tier 3, I pulled these 4 rares as random drops so I slotted based on salvage finally not on choice. Jumped on my fire/sr scraper and I an working up to tier 4. I don't know how to game the reward system, but I may have to figure it out to finish my main.
I feel for you, on my ice/ice main 0 rare tables and I pulled the 10 thread reward 6 times, look unknown number oftrials to get to tier 3, I pulled these 4 rares as random drops so I slotted based on salvage finally not on choice. Jumped on my fire/sr scraper and I an working up to tier 4 with no whare near the grind time, I don't know how to game the reward system, but I may have to figure it out to finish my main.
*PSSST* Hey you need some XP? I got a fresh shipment fell off the truck this morning. follow me over to the AE.
Yea I've had the same experience, was in 1v1 arena then zone in RV no prestige, inspirations, recipes, or shards still getting rep. Only tried a couple of hours but clearly bugged, at least should have gotten prestige and a few inspirations.
First time I've regretted overtime, ah well.
Ice/Ice was my first 50 back in I6 and when they fixed defense in I7 I felt like a big boy tanker, then with IO's I felt like my ice/ice was easy mode. Capped S/L/E/N then tossing in some EA makes even Cimorans a breeze to tank, and was NOT to awfully expensive to cap w/out tough/weave.
If you decide to go with /ice as the secondary I'd suggest leaving out greater ice sword this seems counter intuitive, but has been shown over an over again that the DPA is about the poorest in the game. I agree with what was said above regarding survivability and with frozen touch, the hold from my epic, ice patch, Chilling embrace there is alot of control/mitigation in the arsenal. I love my ice/ice/ice tank and I've tweeking his build with I19 coming out I'm excited to see what the incarnate system has to offer my favorite tank. -
welcome back EW fyi the markets are cross sever and now combined red/blue/gold so prices are the same what ever your server!
Wow guys amazing work! Thanks for the amazing amount of information.
I loved lvling my SM/WP nothing gives me that SMASH feeling like swinging the hammers or one shoting LTs with siesmic smash. The aoe is ok, tremor's animation is longer than footstomp, and fault dosn't do any damage but the knock down/stun is amazing for stoping alpha from large spawn. The single target damage is insane and the sound effects just add to the smashy goodness. Prior to lvl 20 was real hard on the blue bar but after QR and stamina (I took both) I never worry about end even on a set as bad on end as SM.