Vigor Total core revamp not affecting health/fast healing.
Adding to this, on my Willpower/Dark Melee Tank the Vigor Core Paragon (left tree tier 4) also does not apply the Healing bonus to anything buy Rise to the Challenge and Siphon Life. My theory here is that it only applies the healing bonus to a power that also benefits from the Endurance Reduction or the Accuracy.
Powers unaffected by Vigor Core Paragon,
High Pain Tolerance
Fast Healing
Possible powers unaffected by Vigor Core Paragon,
True Grit
Physical Perfection
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The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
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As said in another topic
Maybe is only the Core Paragon then, on Live i've a Vigor Core Paragon and don't even add the HP or influence the regen and the increase should be very visible since add 45% health bonus ( more than a single SO in a power ).
Plus i check the enhancement management screen and yes, i confirm the health part is not applied to powers, load or remove a T4 Vigor Core Paragon don't change any values ( like hig pain tolerance or fast healing or rtc..speaking for a wp brute of course ) for exemple High Pain Tolerance the current HP bonus i have is 255 with or without Vigor Core Paragon or another exemple could be my HP level.
Using T3 Vigor Partial Core Revamp : hp 2500+
Using T4 Vigor Core Paragon : hp 2470
So maybe is the Core branch not working or apply the bonuses in a wrong way
Radial tier 4 seems to be working.
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t4 core worked for 3 minutes then i zoned and now its bugged. im sort of pissed now.
Hi all,
There is a bug with some tiers of Vigor where it is not currently applying its bonus to Auto powers - only to powers that can be slotted for recharge. This is not intentional and has already been corrected in a future patch. Hopefully this clears up any confusion with the tree's inconsistent performance in powers like High Pain Threshold, Fast Healing, or Health.
I see from today's patch notes that Vigor has been worked on, but something strange is still going on with my WP tank. I still have greater max hp with Spiritual Core Paragon equipped (3338.62) than with Vigor Core Paragon (3306.94).
Looking at my enhancement screen, everything seems to be boosted properly, and the boosted values with Vigor are greater than Spiritual, so far so good... But when I look at combat attributes, I am getting 604.82 hp from High Pain Tolerance with Spiritual, and only 573.15 from High Pain Tolerance with Vigor, despite the enhancement screen saying Vigor is getting a greater boost. I can't quite untangle this, anyone else experiencing it?
Yes. Reported in game this afternoon.
It shows I should be getting 60+ HP added to High Pain Tolerance, in reality I'm only getting 13.
Back to the drawing board.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
Is there a list somewhere of which incarnate powers are working and which are broken?

After the 12/13 patch, Vigor Core Paragon is still not working with High Pain Tolerance. I /bug'ed it in game again. I keep telling myself it's just a few HPs, but this is making me crazy.
Agree is still bugged..and im not even sure affect the regen part too or, at least, grant a very very small bonus ( like the small HP bonus )
Hopefully it'll be fixed tomorrow as I hit 50 on my TW/WP recently and wanted to pick up Vigor as his Alpha.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Today I built the vigor boost and vigor core boost alpha slot for my poorly slotted wp/ss tank and my regen went up to over 48 hp/sec (from 46.43) then I built the Vigor Total Core Revamp and my regen retuned to 46.43 hp/sec I cleard out the slot and my regen remained the same. I reslotted and changed zones, then restarted the game and still I am showing my base regen. So I checked the numbers in the enhancements seems the Vigor boost affects health/fast healing but the Total core revamp dose not, though it dose affect RTTC.
Thought I'd toss that out there seems the devs are working on it, based on the response to my bug report.
Either overlong list of "50's" or obligatory quote, your choice.