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  1. This is a relief, every flying run I've been on has been agonizing due to people/pets with -fly powers.
  2. I like teammates with little-used powersets or uncommon combinations. It keeps things interesting.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
    Fixed on Live per today's patch.
    Oh, awesome! The extra 16 HP are mine, all mine!
  4. My mind dom does not have hasten. Managing clicks for both hasten and domination was a bother. I have perma dom without it, and I like the simplicity.
  5. I wanted Vigor on my WP tank. The accuracy would be useful because I have Kinetic Combats in my melee attacks. Unfortunately, Vigor Core Paragon is not yet working with High Pain Tolerance. Spiritual Core gives more +Max HP. It's a nitpicky amount, but I'll be happy when it's fixed!
  6. After the 12/13 patch, Vigor Core Paragon is still not working with High Pain Tolerance. I /bug'ed it in game again. I keep telling myself it's just a few HPs, but this is making me crazy.
  7. I see from today's patch notes that Vigor has been worked on, but something strange is still going on with my WP tank. I still have greater max hp with Spiritual Core Paragon equipped (3338.62) than with Vigor Core Paragon (3306.94).

    Looking at my enhancement screen, everything seems to be boosted properly, and the boosted values with Vigor are greater than Spiritual, so far so good... But when I look at combat attributes, I am getting 604.82 hp from High Pain Tolerance with Spiritual, and only 573.15 from High Pain Tolerance with Vigor, despite the enhancement screen saying Vigor is getting a greater boost. I can't quite untangle this, anyone else experiencing it?
  8. Dark armor is amazingly versatile. It has great bones as-is, but if you throw some infamy at it, it goes from great to scrumtrulescent.
  9. My billing date is the 3rd, no points yet. C'mon guys, don't make me pull the it's-my-birthday card on you.
  10. Entered because I haven't had a haircut in like a year... Bring on the FlowBee!
  11. Okay, I keep trying to reply and getting logged out.

    I'll just say, this is my build, I just soloed Chimera, Nightstar, and Bobcat. They went down easily, but I needed Seers on Nightstar because of her smashing resistance. I had to eat a lot of blues; Ageless would have made it a non-issue (I have barrier but didn't use it). This build has a different focus than yours, but it worked well against a small sample of AVs, so maybe you can pick up some ideas from it. The fifth slot in Dark Embrace is for a gladiator's armor +def if you have the bucks; that would soft-cap it if you hover . (I almost never turn on hover because you can't footstomp, but during the AVs I found footstomp's end cost to not be worth it.)

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  12. In order to solo an AV, you need an endless fountain of endurance. Your build consumes 2.26 end/sec (and that's without death shroud). Your dark regen costs you 22 points of endurance and you will need it often against an AV. You will be too winded to put out constant damage. I would slot more end reducers in everything. If you'll also be doing regular content, I would put the numina recovery/regen in health to have access to it earlier, and possibly put a performance shifter proc in stamina.

    Finally, while not an essential power for an AV fight, death shroud is fabulous and if you can lower your end costs, I would really consider fitting it into the build.

    I'll post my SS/Dark if I can figure out Mids. It is not built to have softcapped defense like yours, but it can possibly give you end management ideas.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    Of course, there is absolutely no reason to believe it is true.

    I was on that run too and the whole thing went to ****.

    If you honestly believe I am lying, the only thing I can say is that I post very infrequently and would not have bothered replying except I recognized the specific team make-up and felt that reporting the run's success would help inform the discussion.

    Let me say something more general: it is possible to have successful teams with unusual compositions. It's even fun.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
    3. Today a group of us were standing around and someone said "Okay since no one else wants to I'll form a Lambda and we can do the BAF afterwards.. Sounded perfect until the teams formed. Team one, the leader's team btw, was nothing but brutes, tankers and scrappers. Team 2, the one I was placed on, was nothing but blasters, an MM, a corruptor, one tank and one SoA. In short team 2 was going to spend a LOT of time face down on the floor in phase two. I figured after he was done recruiting the leader would juggle but NO and not only that he announce that team 1 would be doing acids and 2 would get grenades. Acids always seems to be a little easier than the grenades .. less lag and a simpler route. Then this idiot actually q'd us up.. I was assuming all the time he was joking but he actually intended to run the league that way. I decline the q and quit. Now I don't give a crap if I hunt acids or grenades I have done enough trials to have both routes memorized but DO NOT put together a team that has failure written all over it and expect me to hang around so you can giggle at my frustration.
    I was on this trial. The blaster team wound up getting acids, and they beat the melee team. It was well-run and things went smoothly. I agree with some of your other points, but in the case of this particular run, there was nothing to complain about.
  15. Just realized I lost an Armageddon. Ugh. I usually don't leave valuable things in email, but with the side-switching and losing access to base storage, I thought... eh, this one time it will be OK! Guess not. On the bright side, now I have a bunch of EoEs I already claimed over the weekend...
  16. The character description box. It's been broken since I started playing. Trying to use this thing is like a mini-game in itself. Backspace, backspace... wait, where'd the cursor go? Why is nothing I'm typing showing up? Oh wait, it got inserted three lines up in the middle of a sentence. Yeah, you can copy & paste into it, but it kills me that we have this amazingly complex game and yet this seemingly simple text entry box is beyond fixing.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rofctaf View Post
    I've read alot about how sub-par DA is. But I mean, is it really that bad? I have wanted to make one for a while, but could never think of a good backstory for one, and i have finally found one that works for me. I am not looking for performance levels like that of my farmers, but also do not want to faceplant every third mob. I have a reasonable amount of inf to pour into him, but dont really want to get into minimaxing on this toon. So finally to my point: Can i have fun on a /DA brute without it getting to be overly frustrating?
    You can have lots of fun with a DA brute! You have inf, and that's good -- you'll need it. I think DA requires more money to be brought up to a "good" level, but its versatility makes it a lot of fun, and there's an infinite amount of infamy out there just waiting to be earned. I say spend the money and enjoy yourself. I've had my SS/DA since villains went live, and I still play her a lot.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
    If our Paragon Studios crew find the time to drive an hour south of Boston to Providence, Rhode Island that fateful weekend, there happens to be a place with the right name to go to - Cafe Paragon. They have a 10am to 2pm Sunday brunch menu that might fit your schedule, depending on when you're flying back home. It's a small restaurant, but one of the best in the city. Would be a unique place to say you've been Rhode Island of all (game) places!
    Yum! I ate at Cafe Paragon all too often when I was a risd student. The boursin burger is the best!

    The sell-out is a bummer, but maybe I can come to the Meet n' Greet with my better half. I am always complaining about the darn westies getting all the attention -- now's our chance to geek it up! Wicked pissah!
  19. Arc Name: Babysitting the Babysitter
    Arc ID: 124977
    Faction: Heroic
    Global: @Marit
    Difficulty: Easy to moderate, solo-friendly
    Synopsis: Penelope Yin is babysitting her eight year-old neighbor this evening. Her father has asked you to check in on and them and make sure everything's all right.
    Estimated Time to Play: 20-30 minutes? 3 missions.

    Designer's notes: This arc is pretty short and simple. Levels are 40-54, but it's do-able by any level hero. Or sentimental villain, I guess.
  20. Hey, that's pretty neat... now I just have to remember to log into facebook now and then.
  21. Congrats Kaiserin! Now that you have graduated, I recommend paying off any sleep debt accrued during the course of your education. Yaaaaaaay art zzzzzz.
  22. Mary_H

    Rate my pieces!

    Midnight Snack. I like the composition.
  23. Oh man that's adorable! I love that tail. So delicate!
  24. I don't think digital is going to replace traditional. I think it's a useful tool in the production of an illustration, especially since it makes changing your composition so much easier than keeping track of a dozen pieces of trace. But for a finished piece? I think it's the same as anything else, some people use it well and some people don't. Personally I think it encourages artists to labor over tiny areas and make the piece look overly tight and stale. But it depends on the artist.

    I think a lot of illustrators go for media that's fast -- time is money. Acrylics yes, watercolor yes, gouache if you're obsessive (actually I think Illustrator is a great route for gouache artists to take), oil paints, not so much. For a fine artist, it's a different story.. you're selling an actual physical thing, so you want it to look nice in meatspace (hah, I said meatspace) and be archival. For an illustrator, it's just gonna get reproduced, so who cares if the paper rots or you used pigments that aren't lighfast.

    For sketching I like to use anything but a standard pencil. Pens, fat brushes -- anything you can't erase. Tools that give the line character.

    Edited to add that in spite of everything I just said, I mainly use the slowest and most annoying media possible.. oil paints and relief printing. So take what I say with a grain of salt.