Does dark armor maybe in need of a buff




I have been having fun leveling up my STJ/DA brute and while /DA certainly is not a bad set i can't help but think that it is a little lacking compared to similar armors ELEC and FA. Dark regeneration is incredible and the psi resistance is sweet but DA doesnt have all the the bells and whistles that the other 2 sets have.
I'm thinking that maybe DA needs a little dev love...elec/fire and recently EA have all been given nice buffs so it's only right to give DA a buff too.
I'm not thinking anything huge like what EA got but just little things like kb and imob protecion...shadow cloak having the same defensive numbers as energy cloak...toggles requiring less endurance...and so on.
so what do you all think??



Dark armor gets a damage aura, the strongest heal in the game, arguably the strongest self rez in the game, fear protection, psi resistance, toxic resistance, endurance protection, two different control auras, stealth and defense, and just overall high resistance numbers. All it sacrifices for all of this is KB protection, which the other damage aura sets also lack to one degree or another, and high endurance usage. I'd call that a bargain at twice the price.

You could say it's a late blooming set, in that it benefits greatly from incarnate powers to mitigate its endurance problems, but it isn't as though there's nothing you can do about them earlier on. Pair it with certain primaries, use certain IOs, just slot your toggles and attacks for end reduction...

Let's put it this way: if the devs take another look at dark armor, it won't be to increase its power.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Let's put it this way: if the devs take another look at dark armor, it won't be to increase its power.
Came here to post this. Dark Armor is kind of a deceptive set. You start out with it, maybe you don't have an IO plan, or you heard bad things. You have the idea that it's not that great, it's hard to level, you are going to suck wind all the time, but maybe your theme or concept demands it.

Soon, you start seeing that you have good resistances to weird stuff, and you find that Dark Regeneration with a ToE proc sometimes results in a net end gain. Carnies and Malta are a joke. End drain? That's that thing that happens to other people. You forget that minions even exist, because whenever they get close enough to smell your farts, they are stunned and staggering around like drunken nuns or wetting their pants and cowering like beaten stepchildren.

After awhile, you are running around balls-deep in mobs that you thought you had no business even looking at, let alone soloing, you have no end issues, stuff is stunned, feared or melting from a damage aura, and you realize
Then you roll up a willpower or maybe a super reflexes, and you get the strange feeling that you should have never left the dark side.

At least, this is how it was for me.





...other than that, I'm pretty okay with the set as it is now.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Came here to post this. Dark Armor is kind of a deceptive set. You start out with it, maybe you don't have an IO plan, or you heard bad things. You have the idea that it's not that great, it's hard to level, you are going to suck wind all the time, but maybe your theme or concept demands it.

Soon, you start seeing that you have good resistances to weird stuff, and you find that Dark Regeneration with a ToE proc sometimes results in a net end gain. Carnies and Malta are a joke. End drain? That's that thing that happens to other people. You forget that minions even exist, because whenever they get close enough to smell your farts, they are stunned and staggering around like drunken nuns or wetting their pants and cowering like beaten stepchildren.

After awhile, you are running around balls-deep in mobs that you thought you had no business even looking at, let alone soloing, you have no end issues, stuff is stunned, feared or melting from a damage aura, and you realize
Then you roll up a willpower or maybe a super reflexes, and you get the strange feeling that you should have never left the dark side.

At least, this is how it was for me.
Emberly, I've only seen you a few times on the forums, but you always make me smile and you usually give good insights. Thanks.

(Even though I will never in a million years play Dark Armor because ew, tentacles, I don't do that aesthetic.)



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post


...other than that, I'm pretty okay with the set as it is now.
It does seem weird that on my Dark Armor scrapper, his highest resist is... Psi. I agree that Negative Resist should be higher and could probably be capped, like Energy Resist is on Electric and Fire Resist is on Fire.



Thanks for the awesome responses so far.
I really am enjoying my stj/da and i see that it is a late bloomer and dark regeneration is so addictive. I do have the ToE proc in dark helps immensly. I will not be taking the fear toggle but i will be taking the stun toggle. I have mostly solo'd my toon to 30...i am currently running at 0x6 and i am having few problems except for having to pop blues from time to time. I am heavily slotted for end reduction but end is still an issue from time to time but i have played other brutes with far more end problems then my /Da toon.
After reading these 2 responses im starting to think that /Da may actually be underated. You don't see that many toons with DA and the general feeling towards DA is that it's not very good. I chose DA because i have leveled every other brute secondary except DA, stone, and regen to 50 and i wanted to try a new set despite everyone in my SG telling me it was horrible.
So far i am liking it and maybe i just thought it needed a buff because i was focused on the negatives of the set and not the positives.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
It does seem weird that on my Dark Armor scrapper, his highest resist is... Psi. I agree that Negative Resist should be higher and could probably be capped, like Energy Resist is on Electric and Fire Resist is on Fire.
Exactly, and I don't see it as game breaking either. That's about the only change I think needs done with Dark Armor myself.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



DA is great, my dm/da scrapper ignores minions just because of a one-slot wonder power (OG). The thing I would change is reduce the end cost and raise the accuracy of Cloak of Fear (it was overnerfed before I started playing, dunno how it was before, but the nerf was too big according to what people say), I keep wanting to use it without having to dip into Physical Perfection. But even six slotted at the cap for acc and endred it's still too costly for a mag 2 fear. Which is a pity since it looks so cool and I like it more than OG.



Originally Posted by Lady Sunflash View Post
(Even though I will never in a million years play Dark Armor because ew, tentacles, I don't do that aesthetic.)
That's Dark Miasma. (Or blast. Think blast, actually.)



There's only one thing that I believe should be addressed with Dark Armor.

Lightning Field has a debuff: -end.
Blazing Aura has no debuff, but does extra damage.
Death Shroud has no debuff, and no extra damage.

Either Death Shroud should have some kind of debuff (-tohit is thematic), do some more damage, or have some other advantage like a larger radius or cost less endurance.

Like PleaseRecycle said, though, if the devs start looking at Dark Armor, I think buffs are the last thing I'd expect from it.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Lady Sunflash View Post
(Even though I will never in a million years play Dark Armor because ew, tentacles, I don't do that aesthetic.)
Dark Armor is tentacle-free! Try some today! It's Dark Melee that gets all tentacular on you, with Midnight Grasp.

edit: devil dingo, if you don't have the Theft of Essence proc in Dark Regeneration and can't afford it, PM me your global here and I will email you one soon as I get home for lunch or after work. It's seriously the greatest investment any DA user can make, and will be a gamechanger. If you already have one, carry on down that awesome road.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post


...other than that, I'm pretty okay with the set as it is now.
I have to agree with you on this. The set should cap your resistance to negative energy damage. Other than that the set can be very good if played right and IO's help a whole lot.



In short, no.

Good answers abound further up the thread.

Dark Armor rocks and even talking about touching it scares me.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



I'll chime in for dark armor. It is not a set for the feint of heart but if you can slot it to handle the endurance and use its control powers to your advantage it is great. The heal is over the top (just make sure you don't trigger it to late since it has a long cast time). If you happen to die the self rez at mag 50 will stun just about anything and you generally emerge with a full green and blue bar to go to battle again (although turning on all those toggles is a pain).



Two things.

First this:

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
There's only one thing that I believe should be addressed with Dark Armor.

Lightning Field has a debuff: -end.
Blazing Aura has no debuff, but does extra damage.
Death Shroud has no debuff, and no extra damage.

Either Death Shroud should have some kind of debuff (-tohit is thematic), do some more damage, or have some other advantage like a larger radius or cost less endurance.

Like PleaseRecycle said, though, if the devs start looking at Dark Armor, I think buffs are the last thing I'd expect from it.
I agree, but it isn't just Death Shroud. AFAIK Ice Armor's damage aura is the same way. Same damage/End/Range as Death Shroud and it also has no secondary effect.

Second (and this is just a general statement):

While IO's can't be ignored, the game isn't balanced around them. If, without IO's, a set isn't performing to the same standard as other sets; then that is an issue that needs addressing. Along the same vein, if the set is balanced without IO's then it's just gravy if it pulls ahead with IO slotting.

As to Dark's standing vs other sets? IDK, but if comparisons are made it's best to be mindful about not considering IO's as a part of a set's balance. I.E using the Theft of Essence proc, recovery/+maxend, or IO softcapping as a consideration toward Dark's standing in balance considerations between the sets.

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



You know everytime someone told me X melee defense set sucks I have rolled it and found it didn't.

/FA, was fantastic to play fully IO'd out.
/EA(BEFORE LAST BUFF) was fantastic to play fully IO'd out.
/ElA stalker was fantastic to play Fully IO'd out.
/DA stalker was fantastic to play Fully IO'd out.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




One of the changes I could see happening to DA would be to re-balance Neg/Psi resists so that DA had more Neg resist then Psi resist. Not that I'm complaining about where DA stands at all. I'm not as vocal about my love of DA as Dechs and Nalrok, but I am a big fan none the less.

As for Death Shroud vs. Lightning Field, I'm surprised that LF didn't have a higher end/sec cost similar to Mud Pots because of the -end effect. If not an end cost somewhere in between Death Shroud and Mud Pots.

Also, I'd be curious to see how many people actually take Cloak of Fear. This would be a power I'd like to see modified to make it more attractive to the general populous. Not sure how I'd change it off the top of my head, but if anything deserves a second look in Dark Armor, here's where I would start.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Emberly I DO have the theft of esence proc in dark regeneration. I bought it at level 22. It only cost me about 20 mil...which in these days is a bargain.
I totally agree that it is a must have and most certainly a game changer.



I hesitate to ask for capped Neg resist for DA to bring in in line with the other elemental armours because most likely we'll have to pay the price they do: a huge gapping hole against something else. I like the fact that I have at least some resistance to any of the typed damages. I'd go for changing the psi/neg balance however, as long as it doesn't drive the psi resist to low.

As for game play with DA, I solo a lot and in the lowbie days I adopted a very lazy style of setting Brawl on autofire against the LT/Boss, and letting Oppressive Gloom and Death Shroud take care of the minions. You can go through a surprising amount of content that way.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Came here to post this. Dark Armor is kind of a deceptive set. You start out with it, maybe you don't have an IO plan, or you heard bad things. You have the idea that it's not that great, it's hard to level, you are going to suck wind all the time, but maybe your theme or concept demands it.

Soon, you start seeing that you have good resistances to weird stuff, and you find that Dark Regeneration with a ToE proc sometimes results in a net end gain. Carnies and Malta are a joke. End drain? That's that thing that happens to other people. You forget that minions even exist, because whenever they get close enough to smell your farts, they are stunned and staggering around like drunken nuns or wetting their pants and cowering like beaten stepchildren.

After awhile, you are running around balls-deep in mobs that you thought you had no business even looking at, let alone soloing, you have no end issues, stuff is stunned, feared or melting from a damage aura, and you realize
Then you roll up a willpower or maybe a super reflexes, and you get the strange feeling that you should have never left the dark side.

At least, this is how it was for me.
Haha, this about sums up my experience with my Kat/Dark scrapper.



Dark armor is amazingly versatile. It has great bones as-is, but if you throw some infamy at it, it goes from great to scrumtrulescent.



Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
As to Dark's standing vs other sets? IDK, but if comparisons are made it's best to be mindful about not considering IO's as a part of a set's balance. I.E using the Theft of Essence proc, recovery/+maxend, or IO softcapping as a consideration toward Dark's standing in balance considerations between the sets.
Keep in mind, some of us built and leveled our first Dark Armor characters before IOs even existed. And my answer wouldn't be any different before or after. It was a great set before IOs, and it is a ton of fun with them.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Keep in mind, some of us built and leveled our first Dark Armor characters before IOs even existed. And my answer wouldn't be any different before or after. It was a great set before IOs, and it is a ton of fun with them.
Yeah, that was one heck of a ride. I can't explain with words just how awesome hitting 50 felt. And then... IO's. THE BEAST BECAME THE ABYSS!

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."