Emails lost AGAIN
Just realized I lost an Armageddon. Ugh. I usually don't leave valuable things in email, but with the side-switching and losing access to base storage, I thought... eh, this one time it will be OK! Guess not. On the bright side, now I have a bunch of EoEs I already claimed over the weekend...
Yah, 17,247,000,000 inf. was in my e-mail after I consolidated it all late last night.
It's gone...
awww crap not again with this..
The last time this happened did people get their stuff back ??
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
I think i might have had some influence in there maybe about 20 million but im not sure. I know I claimed all the recipes yesterday.
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
Last time, I lost about a billion worth of stuff, which I'm not overly concerned about.
This time, I have an email with 200 mil that I had already claimed (Saturday).

Thank you, Champion.
I tend to not use e-mail for storage, but with the free respecs there were several IO's that I was moving out and around for different characters.
What's the procedure for recovering lost e-mails? I can't recall which character I sent the e-mails from though the time frame must have been in the past 4 days.
You simply cannot trust the global e-mail server. It's the same server that runs global chat, and ever since global chat channels were introduced way back when, the global chat server has regularly and consistently been subject to crashes, disconnects, and rollbacks.
Never, ever, ever, ever leave anything in global e-mail overnight. Never leave anything in global e-mail for more than the time it takes to switch to the character you want to have the stuff you sent, and claim it.
Do that, and you'll never have to petition CS to get your stuff back.
Last night, was up late pulling enhancements out of a toon I intended on deleting. Was tired, didn't intend on switching toons to get these enhancements out of my e-mail. Remebered I had some money on the toon (that number I actually wrote down), sent that as well.
After reading the thread I logged on a toon... all gone. As a matter of fact, my e-mail box has been reset to as late as Nov. 28th. Enhancements and recipies that I already pulled out of my mailbox a week ago are back in there, the money I sent yesterday is gone.
Kinda disappointed that I hadn't sent myself a set of Armageddons at the end of November. I sent a petition.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Fool me at least once a week since the system came out then mail me a Nigerian money scam because I'll probably fall for that multiple times too.
Honestly with the reliability of the mail system it's like leaving a wad of money on the Starbucks counter and expecting it to still be there any time you walk into the store.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
I lost 650,000,000 and some large inspirations and some rare salvage, all used for my respecs.
Sent in a bug petition.
Hope it helps.
I lost a single Ragnorak recipe along with a piece of Lockdown I was transferring between characters overnight. My email was rolled back to an older date, duping another purple--a confuse recipe worth much less compared to the Ragnorak.
Kinda disappointing.
I lost a respec recipe and some other stuff.
Sent a petition, too.
Hopefully this gets resolved quickly.
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Wow, my heart sank a bit. I had some in my email I was thinking of claiming but figured "nah, this can't happen a second time!".
I *think* I have at least one duplicate in my email but I didn't lose anything important.
For those asking what to do, file a petition. You'll need to know who sent the email and around what time you sent it.
For those that got duplicates show up, you get to keep them.
I just noticed this myself.
Had a couple of Scirocco's Dervish sitting for a early 20's Character I was gonna use them on.
Time to let support know...
Thank you for the time...

In dialog with the GMs, they found most of the stuff, missing 3 hecatombs, which I've found on my base storage records and the toon that removed them, so hopefully they'll now find them on the logs.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
Another patch, another set of emails disappeared into the ether. I've partially respeced one of my toons (needs 4 respecs to get the relevant IOs out, done 1), and had the other IOs stored in email ready to slot.
Log on today to do part 2, and find all my emails have gone. Set of hecatombs, 2 sets of kinetic combats and some other stuff.
I've had this before and support usually restore it, but that's a toon I can't use for a few days while they sort it.
Really need to find out why this is happening but that's 3 times for me.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba