Discussion: Full Powerset Proliferation Revealed




i dont know if someone said this before but DOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM, who wants my stuff?

before someone believes it, i was joking, micro dooooommmm



I think you missed the mark on Tanks, Scraps, and Stalkers. I think most Tanks were asking for Electric Armor / Melee. What did they get? Dark Sorry guys, that's -1 in my book.

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Ditto on the Electricity for Tankers...
Who the heck asked for Dark? Scrappers don't even use Dark.

Heck I would have settled for Scrappers getting it and going with a Scrapper instead.

I'm very disappointed.



WTH when are you people going to get it through your head:

The sets they ported had nothing to do with what people wanted and everything to do with what was easy to port.

Scrappers and Tankers get Conserve Power in their Epics, so Electric Armor has to be changed for them, therefore Fire and Dark are easier. What's so difficult to understand about that?

They will give you Electric later when they have had time to modify it to exclude Conserve Power.

You're "so disappointed" because you haven't been paying the slightest bit of attention.

EDIT: "Scrappers don't use Dark"??? Oh, so Spines/Dark isn't the curent FOTM for farming Scrappers?

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



I’ll be trying out:
a psi/ment blaster
a plant/rad and a fire/therm troller
an earth/something dom
an invul/dark, dark/stone, and a fire/dark tanker
a fire/something scrapper

I’m sure I’ll find something I like.



Brute SR in PVP? Foc Acc will eat through it.

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thats what i was thinking ....... but then again tanks/brutes res/def is the highest in the game ..... maybe focused accuracy hasn't seen a defense of this magnitude ........ can't wait to find out though !


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Brute res/def modifier is similar to scrapper only thing they share with tanks is the hp cap. As for FA along with BU and IO Acc set bonuses can hit thru SR scrapper with elude on pretty easily from my experience .



How about Fire Blast for Defenders to round out the set? Seriously...



I'm just glad that we get fire aura for scrappers I have always wanted to make a bs/fa scrapper or tanker



I see a whole lot of whining because people either didn't get their dream combos, or because the combos will make PVP more interesting for them.

Personally, I think everyone, except stalkers, made out pretty well.

I don't know what would have been a better secondary choice for stalkers off the top of my head, but I think any of the weapon sets would have been a better choice than electric.

All in all, we got what was easy to port over and it should keep us busy for a few thousand hours




Well I am with a lot of players about porting over Cold and Therm. It wasn't enough that blueside already had /emp they had to add /therm? Now you can make a /SR darn near invicible in PvE. Emp, Sonic, FF, Kin, Rad, Therm, and Cold buffs on a /SR should pretty much offset when a shot does land.

I am worried about what, if any, nerfs will be following this. Granted you can now do the same redside with the /SR brute and stalker, except no /emp power. So that means no Fort which can really help out a /SR. I guess I'm just voicing my opinion on it because I felt cheated that the 'healing' set from redside is now teamed up with the healing set from blue. Seems sort of unfair. Other than that, I think the other powersets aren't that bad. Well, except for elec/elec for stalkers. But, I am also not a big stalker fan as it is.

Oh, I would love to see Energy Aura come to blue side for scrappers. That's the one power I was hoping we'd get. I could reroll my level 50 main as this would be a better secondary for his concept.



Devs said 'no emp as-is for villain'. So you automatically infer 'villain always get the (lightning) shaft' ? Fortitude could easily be renamed 'infuriate' or 'berserkize' (yes, I do have a PhD in Word Creation) and put in a reworked set for Corruptor.

Yes, villain are going to walk painfully after pvp in issue 12. Not like it wasn't already the case, was it?

But I expect in a future (and hopefully nearby) issue that villains will get powers like Fortitude, Clear mind and Recovery Aura.



Well i think this is great.

It states that Psy is going to be watched closely on blaster for pvp.
So is it that many of the complainers have not even read the first post.

I personally cant wait to make my PvP psy/eng blapper

Or Spine/Fire AOE GOD

Blaa Broadsword / fire pvper

Oh man there are so many good combinations it brings to mind for every class.

I would even contend to say that if the stalkers elec attack might be nasty in pvp for simply the end drain; highly unlikely. I do concur with others that this is the weakest change.

I just hope the Devs pay as much attention to Ice for the defenders in PvP as they say they will for Psy/ blasters.

Whatever though thats my 2 cents and im very excited to roll up some ATs even they are not new power sets