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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I think you missed the mark on Tanks, Scraps, and Stalkers. I think most Tanks were asking for Electric Armor / Melee. What did they get? Dark Sorry guys, that's -1 in my book.

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    Ditto on the Electricity for Tankers...
    Who the heck asked for Dark? Scrappers don't even use Dark.

    Heck I would have settled for Scrappers getting it and going with a Scrapper instead.

    I'm very disappointed.
  2. to the OP:
    I'm totally with you when you say blades are not very heroic.
    Yes, given the choice I'd pick something else.
    I'm also not sure that given a vote for a "superhero" powerset... blades would have won.

    However this was a long time coming for Stalkers. As for Brutes they've been asking for a weapon set for ages. So I can see why it got picked up.

    As for heroes... honestly I can't really picture blade wielding Tankers... but Tankers have not seen a new powerset since the original release of the game. It's the same for Scrappers... and the Blades are not un-scrapper like.... Scrappers kinda of have that anti-hero flavor to them...

    I'd much rather see Electric Armor and Melee make it to any hero AT (even if just one) than see Blades for heroes.

    But at this point I don't care what it is... just for the chance of getting a new and interesting mechanic or combo power... they need to give us something... so Blades it is.
  3. I just hope you guys aren't giving away the badges from the first halloween.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    Not to whine on everyone's parade, but can you tell me exactly how a STALKER is supposed to do any of these missons?

    Or a Dom?


    Didn't think so.


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    Oh, you've played the Mayhem Missions?


    You can solo any mission in this game. Just don't expect to do it on Relentless, whiner. My most-played villains are a Stalker and a Dominator. I've done fine.

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    Pathetic rejoinder.

    I've nearly completely soloed my Stalker to 40, as well. That, however, wasn't my question. How are we supposed to put out enough damage in the limited time we get to complete these ridiculous missions? And, they ARE ridiculous, you realize...?


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    There are different alternative objectives.... presumably there are tougher, more valuable ones...

    Seeing as "kill boss" fit the purpose of the stalker so perfectly, a stalker should be the last to complain about a mission type fitting an AT more than an other.
  5. Premium

    Tanker Update

    I can see how a superstrength powered punch could hurt less than being pierced by a sword or a 12 inch long claw... So I can understand why my SS tanker doesnt do scrapper like damage thematically... Wolvie probably packs more damage than Captain America...

    But it would have been nice to give tankers enhanced damage vs objects... Captain America would probably destroy a crate faster than Wolverine... Superman would mostlikely go through a steel door quicker then Batman...

    Thematically it would have helped with #3
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    II. Blood of the Black Stream - This Epic AT made it's debut on CoV as well in a story arc from Mr. Bocor. It's mentioned briefly,.....

    Also, Statesman has confirmed in a live interview that they will be Shapeshifters.

    Note: There was a mention of the Black Stream being the Nile River. Manticore (the dev) was quite pleased when someone finally figured it out. Wether or not the find was true or false remains unanswered.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hmm... isnt Shadowstar, the WS contact, a kheldian from ancient Egypt...? And those are shapeshifters too no?
    I predict BotBS is just the name for a group of Nictus (or Kheldians anyways)
  7. If Scrappers are Gods and what the heck are Stalkers?

    I'm not playing some drama here trying to pretend Tankers are awful such as the post you're referring to.. however even considering the range of performances from all sets... Tankers are not preferable to anything else in PvP

    I seem to observe a general satisfaction with Tankers being sub par. ... as if people somehow accepted this AT not meant to compete as well as others. The only ATs you can't judge 1vs1 are the support ATs... but if Tankers are to have no team effect they should be fixed to compete 1vs1 with scrappers... same should be done for Brutes and Stalkers (a nerf in that later case)
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    Replace tanks with any other AT in a PvP team and you perform much better, that's a fact you cannot argue about.

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    If you mean the other ATs can fulfill their intended roles better than a tanker can fulfill its intended role in PVP, I'll agree. If you mean tankers are impotent and worthless in PVP, I'm going to have to say that you're the one carrying illusions.

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    I think he means take any team with a Tanker in a PvP situation.
    Remove the tanker and replace him with a Scrapper, Blaster, Controller or Defender and your team will perform much better.
    Didn't think the wording was that confusing.

    The real reason is that the Tanker performs like a less efficient Scrapper without any real additional contribution in terms of team effects.
    Plus when it comes to resisting an onslaught... he can take the alpha better than a scrapper if he's not entirely ignored... and only if there aren't a few stalkers in there (who's AS goes through unmitigated)... which there always are.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    assassin strikes are unres'd (and detoggle)

    crits from srappers are unres'd

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    All criticals... that also includes Stalker crits (even the non AS) and the Scourge from corruptors too I think.
  10. Notice how all the top ATs in PvP are the ones with unresistable damage?
    Probably goes by order of unresistable damage output too...
    Stalkers, Scrappers, Blasters
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    Are you serious Kali?? You must have turned blind if you think tankers do ok in PvP.

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    Oh, please. Tankers do 80% blaster damage and have many times more durability.

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    sorry but I must concure with firebane
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    Yeah but Ice performs above the norm in PvP...
    If you'd switch to Ice/EM in Warburg it would be even more powerful.
    What's better than Defense in PvP? Resist. (+Acc)
    Better than Resist? Healing. (Criticals/Unresisted)
    Better than Healing? Slow.
    You're a muscled up controller.

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    That's, er, nice. I think there's a difference between having a rebuttal and just throwing up smoke to maintain an illusion.

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    That's, er, not an arguement.
    Ice is the best Tanker primary for PvP.
    You can't judge Scrappers in PvP based on Regen only.
    You can't judge Stalkers in PvP based on EM only.
    You can't judge Tankers in PvP based on Ice/ only.

    Your post is like saying "My FotM feels overpowered already so your AT has no problems AFAIC"
  13. Yeah but Ice performs above the norm in PvP...
    If you'd switch to Ice/EM in Warburg it would be even more powerful.
    What's better than Defense in PvP? Resist. (+Acc)
    Better than Resist? Healing. (Criticals/Unresisted)
    Better than Healing? Slow.
    You're a muscled up controller.
  14. Nah... I think we're only out performed in mediocrity by Masterminds.

    Feels good not to be the ultimate suckatash AT though.
  15. In any case there are more parameters to take into consideration... ratio in PvP is not everything...

    1) You need to consider how ATs perform int he Arena and in Base raids as well...

    2) You need to take into consideration that Squishies will die more often as long as it's so easy to kill em ... they're defense is... a strong offense or control... (an active defense)...
    In the case where they get one-shotted and that Stalkers are so dominant in zones... they hero squishies will get bad numbers.

    Tankers... whom Stalkers basically almost ignore entirely... are gonna get high kill ratios for the simple fact that MMs are such easy kills and that Tankers seem to not be worth the effort... attacking a tanker is an open invitation to be ganked. Doesnt mean in a controlled environement that people will shy away from it.
  16. Premium

    Placate Nerf

    [ QUOTE ]
    Whenever Im attacking a team, I usually get beat down right away.

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    So get a team!
    ...and be more mobile!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    Don't know if this is I7 or before but...Guantlet will work in PvP soon.

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    So does that mean Brutes single target taunt ability will workin in PvP as well in the future?

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    what? Taunt doesnt work for brutes? I thought it had the secondary effect of raising your rage on top of ... well.. Taunting... ?

  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    1- Perception is not intuitive and relies too much certain powerset specific powers

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    +Perception is not the only tool to prevent getting ASed.
    All of the others do work when employed.

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    Who cares!
    I'm not talking about AS

    Defense is measurable
    Resistance is measurable
    Accuracy is measurable
    Damage is measurable

    There is no way for anyone to know how much perception they currently have unless they constantly refer to some external list.

    as for
    [ QUOTE ]
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    2- Packing so much damage in a single attack leaves no room for active defense. The only thing you can do is insulate yourself from the attack.

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    Thats if the attack is able to get triggered and if it is allowed to land.

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    Yeah and if it doesnt land you placate, phase shift or TP out.
    And come back in a minute.
    Seriously if your freakin attack misses that often I suggest reslotting... I don't miss and I take on lvl 30 blasters with my lvl 18 stalker with TO enhancements... even when they're grouped... and yes I get away and they can't do anything about it.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I consider Hide + Build Up + AS one-shot on a squishy an "I Win" button.

    If you have never one-shot killed a squishie in PVP, then I will give you some credit. If you have, then you are just another Stalker trying to protect a broken ability in PVP

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    Gotta agree there...

    I don't give a rat's as$ that the game isnt balanced for 1vs1...
    Fact is it's not balanced for 1for1 either.
    3 typical stalkers will own 8 typical anything.

    The problem lies in 3 aspects
    1- Perception is not intuitive and relies too much certain powerset specific powers
    2- Packing so much damage in a single attack leaves no room for active defense. The only thing you can do is insulate yourself from the attack.
    3- Jumping around is exactly what gets you noticed in the first place. It's also makes it difficult to maintain group cohesion.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    you saw him because he activated AS but before it landed? god i hate that bug

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    Thought it was intentional...
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    On Triumph, it is the blappers that outnumber everything else... I'd guess 3 to 1 easily.

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    Nah... not in SC anyways... still stalkers.
    Blappers arent even close... there's more tanks than blasters.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    this says that stealth cap at 30 is 1003.0 and the perception cap is 1013.0...
    So even in your example... the range would be 1013.0-890=123... well within 2 slotted TP... no? (no not an expert so I could be wrong)

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    I helped, in a very minor way, collect some of that data and its what my calculations are all based off of. The issue isn't where the caps are, but what you as a Stalker can achieve solo. -890 is what Stealth+Hide gives you. In any case, most, but not all, of the Blappers also run Whirlwind, so even if you TP into AS range you have to deal with the autohit interrupt. Thats if both of them fail to see you in your 4 second animation setting up in melee range and fail to knock your head off. (the activate AS then TP away tactic was a bug that has already been fixed IIRC)

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    Beyond the fact that you currently require the Defender be empathy, have CM and do it on people...
    Beyond the Blasters now having whirlwind...

    Someone wouldnt even know that having Tactics up... or popping Insights wont do anything more because they're already at the perception cap.

    This whole thing is extremely far from intuitive.
    I'm sure there are tons of people out there swallowing a myriad of Insights thinking "hey... at somepoint I'll see something..."

    Nothing explains this anywhere... not as far as official material... there's nothing casual about it...

    Don't tell me defense or resistance works the same way.
    When someone misses... I can tell they did. When they hit less hard, I can see that...
    At somepoint I can tell that this buffing is not really helping anymore.... especially with resistance...

    When I see nothing... I'm not exactly sure if there is indeed nothing to see... or if I'm not seeing something I could be seeing
    See what I'm seeing?

    And even once you understand what you're up against...
    Preparing for it is also far from intuitive...

    It's just not a mechanic part of CoH... just CoV.
    In CoH all you need to know is... inviso... not inviso... and rikti drones see inviso...

    I don't see this helping PvP
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    It's a safe bet that the majority of PvP'ers on the hero side are scrappers.

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    Not safe.

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    I wouldnt say there is there are more scrappers than everything else...
    I would say there are more scrapper than anything else...

    so.. I'd say
    "It's a safe bet that the plurality of PvP'ers on the hero side are scrappers."

    ...if you're able to make the distinction.
    Otherwise I have to put it in a much less purty way like...
    the scrappers are generally present in higher proportions than other ATs individually... ie more scrappers than tankers, mroe scrappers than blasters, etc
  24. My stalker is 14 now... so I'll soon be able to enter BB
    But in PvE... AS is interrupted only if I get hit early on in the animation (Energy Melee)
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    fail to see you in your 4 second animation

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    We anyone playing a stalker knows it's not 4 seconds.... but more like 2-3 seconds
    anyone player a stalker knows if you get hit after about half the animation it still conencts..