Discussion: Full Powerset Proliferation Revealed




You can take Taunt

EA doesnt have problems getting Fury, it has a problem surviving. An aggro aura would not be good, the set has enough trouble living through the aggro generated just by attacking.

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tyvm Any brute secondary not good enough to survive having a taunt aura isnt worth beans imo. Regen may be the one exception, although I do believe it would have np at all surviving even if it did have a taunt aura.



I think with all these villain powers they are too many, and with the heros it just doesn't add up + villains are going to get epic ATs and they will tip the scale by alot. We heros need something to combat this, i suggest since the villains are getting the hero's eletric blast the heros should get the villain's eletric melee.



Heck you guys have the right idea, i say either decrease the powers they are getting or say no epics for you. You might as well just say here you go and give them our fire/kins!



Well for starters you guys should really do some personal research on coh vs cov, and you just might find out cov's power is way over compensated. I have told my friends this and will say it now, me and 2 other db/wp scrappers fought 1 corruptor and she killed us all, single handedly i might add. There are many other times as well when I and my friends were killed mercylessly by villains. Even with us being the same lv as them or greater!



Ok guys all great and valid ideas except you forgot the one factor that every forums member i thought had no-a-days balance. Do you have any idea what a kin MM would be like??!! The heros would be comepletely wiped out, I mean what the hell ever happened to good triumphs evil?? This is extremly unfair and one sided, you might as well have statesmen go here you go and give the key to paragon city to lord rescluse!



Hey Lighthouse sorry to bother you really, i have never had a chance to go right to the head since I am newer on the forums, also i have never been upset this far on here as well. The powers the villains are getting is too much and what are the heros doing?? Essencially trading cards with they're best friends, I wanted to ask aren't they sopposed to be doing that with the villains?? I'd say at this point, if we look into the future all i see is many more villains, and coh dominated. A exmple if you would like to listen to it , me and my friends all dual blades willpower scrappers fought just, 3 of us fought 1 corruptor and we were all killed by the same one right by,well on top of the hospital at Sirens Call. To finish up so this isn't a mile long , please get rid of some of the villain powers and add some more ones from cov or just more hero powers, such as eletric melee and armor fro scrappers, or further control over the controllers pets or maybe even the assult sets.

I guess I would say please read this post and consider it and the villain power issue, comic books, the heros always win or come back after a defeat, this time they might not.



Well for starters you guys should really do some personal research on coh vs cov, and you just might find out cov's power is way over compensated. I have told my friends this and will say it now, me and 2 other db/wp scrappers fought 1 corruptor and she killed us all, single handedly i might add. There are many other times as well when I and my friends were killed mercylessly by villains. Even with us being the same lv as them or greater!

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lol, learn to play better!

And really how much do you PVP? Saying that Villains stronger means that either you are just trolling or crazy stupid. Which one is it?



Possible reason for us not getting Electric Melee and Electric Armor for heroes yet. Recoloring blue electricity to red for the port from herosdie to villainside wouldn't be as hard as recoloring red to blue for the port from villainside to heroside. I imagine this bit of extra difficulty may have been a deciding factor in it's not being done for this round of Proliferation.

I'm sure Electric Melee will make it to heroside eventually, just as I'm sure that Broadsword will make it to the villainside.

Patience is a virtue.



And really how much do you PVP? Saying that Villains stronger means that either you are just trolling or crazy stupid. Which one is it?

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I'm not sure the "or" was really appropriate, there ...



Possible reason for us not getting Electric Melee and Electric Armor for heroes yet. Recoloring blue electricity to red for the port from herosdie to villainside wouldn't be as hard as recoloring red to blue for the port from villainside to heroside. I imagine this bit of extra difficulty may have been a deciding factor in it's not being done for this round of Proliferation.

I'm sure Electric Melee will make it to heroside eventually, just as I'm sure that Broadsword will make it to the villainside.

Patience is a virtue.

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As has been mentioned...

Electric Armor has Conserve Power in it. A power that is available to Scrappers and Tankers in their Ancillary Pools.

Energy Armor has the same problem.

This means, they weren't an easy port (remember, only easy ports this go around).

Not to mention, going by themes as the devs do (and really, it's the best way to do it).../EA on a scrapper would mean EM/.

For all the hardcore PvPers out there, they'd be losing it even more. They'd completely forget that they got stuck with what is considered the worst Armor set possible.

Poison. As the devs said, they didn't think it was Heroic. RP aside, the tier 9 would need changed. Trollers don't get henchmen...pets yes, but not henchmen.

Thermal Radiation gives the sun feeling for plants (as mentioned by Doc Brain) and goes themetic with Fire Control.

Don't know why they picked Cold Dom/Ice Blast over AR/Traps. Bit surprised myself.

Scrappers as mention couldn't get EA or ELA, couldn't get Ninjitsu either (Caltrops). Now...no matter what set they got, PvP complaints would of insued. Ice/Ice (they get Hibernate), Stone/Stone (High DMG attack complaints or Almost unkillable complaints).

BS for Brutes? Would of gotten complaints too. It's Lethal DMG! Ice/Ice because it's already been tested would need to much work.

Regen, they probably thought it would require extra testing, and there for not the easiest to port. I doubt it has to do with QR. They've given it to Brutes already. They could of easily moved it.

I think it has more to do with higher HP, to go with more Regen, and 2 burst heals in the set.

A regens/ weakness, even with the new MoG, is burst dmg...a Brute would need even more burst dmg, and would regen it back faster. Testing would need to be done.

Corrs not getting PSI. Elec is Storms themetic match. COuld argue could, but then you could argue Energy is Force Fields match.

Corrs will get Psi blast, just gonna have to happen next round.

Doms. ILL has already been said by many of the more hardcore Dom players, that ILL would have a harder time building domination (only part time Dom player here).

And Stone is a GREAT controll set. I find them to be a love/hate when I get them on my teams heroside. Love the control, hate the graphics (they're just huge )

Elec as the Secondary? No idea. But I'd also wait to see if it's a good set...depends on the powers given and the numbers given.

Same goes with Stalkers. Elec/Elec can be a great set (if they ditch CP for a recon clone), and they do ElecM/ just right.

Those sets are wait and see. I wouldn't discount them yet.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Put me down as in agreement that this Proliferation is a big "miss" for Tankers and Stalkers. Sure, I can understand that Conserve Power is a duplicate for Electric Armor, just as Caltrops is a duplicate for Ninjitsu. But Electric is a highly requested set on the hero side, and even though it may still come out later, I feel the time would have been better spent on replacing a single power and coming up with another Tanker Primary later.

As for Stalkers, the Ice/Ice combination, again, has been requested many times on the villain side. Stalkers are a second best solution, since Brute players would prefer it, but to have Ice Armor at all on the villain side would be a plus. All giving Electric to Stalkers does is further imbalance the distribution.

Mind you, I love Electric Assault. (although the writer of the article obviously misplaced the correct name) But this Power Set Proliferation seems to be a little Electric-centric, and not necessarily where it should be.



Hey Lighthouse sorry to bother you really, i have never had a chance to go right to the head since I am newer on the forums, also i have never been upset this far on here as well. The powers the villains are getting is too much and what are the heros doing?? Essencially trading cards with they're best friends, I wanted to ask aren't they sopposed to be doing that with the villains?? I'd say at this point, if we look into the future all i see is many more villains, and coh dominated. A exmple if you would like to listen to it , me and my friends all dual blades willpower scrappers fought just, 3 of us fought 1 corruptor and we were all killed by the same one right by,well on top of the hospital at Sirens Call. To finish up so this isn't a mile long , please get rid of some of the villain powers and add some more ones from cov or just more hero powers, such as eletric melee and armor fro scrappers, or further control over the controllers pets or maybe even the assult sets.

I guess I would say please read this post and consider it and the villain power issue, comic books, the heros always win or come back after a defeat, this time they might not.

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???...I'm sorry, I wouldnt even know where to start @.@



Put me down as in agreement that this Proliferation is a big "miss" for Tankers and Stalkers. Sure, I can understand that Conserve Power is a duplicate for Electric Armor, just as Caltrops is a duplicate for Ninjitsu. But Electric is a highly requested set on the hero side, and even though it may still come out later, I feel the time would have been better spent on replacing a single power and coming up with another Tanker Primary later.

As for Stalkers, the Ice/Ice combination, again, has been requested many times on the villain side. Stalkers are a second best solution, since Brute players would prefer it, but to have Ice Armor at all on the villain side would be a plus. All giving Electric to Stalkers does is further imbalance the distribution.

Mind you, I love Electric Assault. (although the writer of the article obviously misplaced the correct name) But this Power Set Proliferation seems to be a little Electric-centric, and not necessarily where it should be.

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Bottom line, Ice armor has too many AoE toggles. It would need to be adjusted before it was implemented as a stalker secondary. No Ice secondary...no Ice Primary. Nuff said.



Put me down as in agreement that this Proliferation is a big "miss" for Tankers and Stalkers. Sure, I can understand that Conserve Power is a duplicate for Electric Armor, just as Caltrops is a duplicate for Ninjitsu. But Electric is a highly requested set on the hero side, and even though it may still come out later, I feel the time would have been better spent on replacing a single power and coming up with another Tanker Primary later.

As for Stalkers, the Ice/Ice combination, again, has been requested many times on the villain side. Stalkers are a second best solution, since Brute players would prefer it, but to have Ice Armor at all on the villain side would be a plus. All giving Electric to Stalkers does is further imbalance the distribution.

Mind you, I love Electric Assault. (although the writer of the article obviously misplaced the correct name) But this Power Set Proliferation seems to be a little Electric-centric, and not necessarily where it should be.

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I would say you need to be patient. The Devs didn't have the time or resources to do more that simple ports (with the exception of Mind Manip). I'm sure electric/electric will make it next time, because as you say, they just need to adjust one power.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Here's my reaction, for what it's worht to anybody. Also, since we're basically be GIVEN things, these are *not* complaints, just reactions. Thanks for doing this devs I think it's a great idea.

New Primary - Psychic Blast
*I was hoping for Rad. I hate the activation times on some of these. This was probably the cooler choice, though and I think a lot of people will like it. I won't.
New Secondary - Mental Manipulation
*I'll be interested to see what you cook up as a new blaster secondary, regardless of the theme.


New Primary - Electrical Blast
*This one was obvious. I felt it was conspicuously missing from the CoV launch.
New Secondary - Storm Summoning
*Most people probably assumed this one too. That doesn't mean I'm not excited to roll a Storm Corr!

New Primary - Plant Control
*Well this is the only one it could have been. These will be flavor of the month after i12 for sure. I won't be playing one.
New Secondary - Thermal Radiation
*I agree with the guy who said poison would have been alot more interesting. This set still fits like a glove on traditional controllers though.


New Primary - Earth Control
*I'll bet people were hoping for illusion. Not me. I think this will be awesome on a dom. And balanced.
New Secondary - Electricity Manipulation
*If "manipulation" means it's the blaster secondary, then I agree with the folks would are put off by this. regardless I am uninterested in it, so meh.


New Primary - Cold Domination
*Nice idea. Prolly won't play it, but I like it.
New Secondary - Ice Blast
*THIS I will play. This makes me very happy.


New Secondary - Storm Summoning
*I understood why you'd never want kinetics on an MM, but I always thought Storm would have been a good idea. Somebody told me that it wasn't in already because it was "too powerful." If this proves to be true at all, it will be balanced by the sheer micromanaging required to handle both pets and storms. A good call.


New Primary - Battle Axe
New Primary - War Mace
*Meh. A good call, just uninteresting to me.
New Secondary - Super Reflexes
*I was hoping this'd be it. I just might roll one of these. Not terribly powerful, no, but something I'd want to play nonetheless.


New Primary - Electric Melee
New Secondary - Electric Armor
*When I explained to my girlfriend, (who also plays), all hte new powersets available, neither one of us noticed that I forgot to mention stalkers. You could make a set called "Clown Panic" and put it on a stalker and I still would never play one. Again, personal preference.


New Primary - Dark Armor
*Oh man I'm so glad you went with this instead of Elec. Well, Elec would have been cool too, but for a long while I've daydreamed of Dark armor as a tanker primary.
New Secondary - Dark Melee
*Well, I like dark melee, but meh. Probably fun on a stone tank, but I'm not taking one of those to 50 again.


New Primary - Fiery Melee
New Secondary - Fiery Aura
*Meh. But I feel like you couldn't possibly have made scrapper choices that weren't gonna result in "meh." That said at least these will break up the spines/dark stranglehold on aoe scrappers. Now aoe scrappers can have four different permutations!



Magnetic Control? its called Gravity, it does exactly everything Magnetic would do, cept it can affect plastics.

Personally sad not to see Stone Assault for Doms
Sonics for Masterminds & Elec/Elec for Tanks, Ice/Ice for Stalkers.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Oh sure, give heroes Thermal heals and Empathy heals - Thermal buffs and Cold Domination buffs. And villains get.... /storm... twice over.

*throws hands up* I give up. Obviously the devs want everyone to play blueside.

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I agree. Not too excited about storming Corruptors.
Maybe an Electrical Blast / Cold Domination Corruptor could be a monster end drainer with the Electrical Blasts, Heat Loss and Benumb.



Oh sure, give heroes Thermal heals and Empathy heals - Thermal buffs and Cold Domination buffs. And villains get.... /storm... twice over.

*throws hands up* I give up. Obviously the devs want everyone to play blueside.

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I agree. Not too excited about storming Corruptors.
Maybe an Electrical Blast / Cold Domination Corruptor could be a monster end drainer with the Electrical Blasts, Heat Loss and Benumb.

[/ QUOTE ]not true or the VEATS would be more HEAT

------------------------------------------------------------ Stealth is your ally -------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- Trust no one ------------------------------------------------------------------



Put me down as in agreement that this Proliferation is a big "miss" for Tankers and Stalkers. Sure, I can understand that Conserve Power is a duplicate for Electric Armor, just as Caltrops is a duplicate for Ninjitsu. But Electric is a highly requested set on the hero side, and even though it may still come out later, I feel the time would have been better spent on replacing a single power and coming up with another Tanker Primary later.

As for Stalkers, the Ice/Ice combination, again, has been requested many times on the villain side. Stalkers are a second best solution, since Brute players would prefer it, but to have Ice Armor at all on the villain side would be a plus. All giving Electric to Stalkers does is further imbalance the distribution.

Mind you, I love Electric Assault. (although the writer of the article obviously misplaced the correct name) But this Power Set Proliferation seems to be a little Electric-centric, and not necessarily where it should be.

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Well, untill Elec/Elec is revealed for Stalkers I wouldn't call it a miss.

Dark/Dark. Really not a miss. Have you played one to 50 on a scrapper? Only going to get tougher on a Tanker.

Might not be the PvP champ. But in PvE, this one will be a monster.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Hey everyone ok first off I am not a PVPer. And love the fact that Villains are getting new sets and Epics. Some of the things I wish I would have seen on Villains side are.

1. Ice Armour Brutes: Would have loved to have seen this on villains. I think it would have been fresh and a strong set that we could have played with. Super Reflexes really does not make that much sense. How do you build up Fury when in Elude... Duh.

2. Emp for Corruptors: Don't get me wrong I love Stormy's but Emps would have given Villains the boost in power they are looking for.

3. Not Electric Stalkers: Have not seen the powers yet but if there is AoE's wow just does not make sense.

Also I just want to say I am in no way a PVPer, I do go into the zones once in awhile and realize that things are pretty fair in the zones until a Emp comes and plays. So I really don't understand the need for Thermal buffs and debuffs on top of that. Anyways there is my two cents.. Can't wait should be fun.



Super Reflexes really does not make that much sense. How do you build up Fury when in Elude... Duh.

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The same way you do when not in elude: attacking and being attacked. Not being hit. Being attacked. Being missed grants you the same amount of Fury as being hit. Even if they miss you, you get Fury. The amount of defense you have does not affect your Fury generation. Only the amount of incoming attacks. Fury is generated when someone attacks you. Fury is generated if you are hit by the attack. Fury is also generated if you are missed my the attack. Misses generate the same amount of Fury as hits do. If you have 16 people attacking you and missing, you will get the same amount of Fury as if the same 16 people were attacking you and hitting. Only the number of attacks matters. Being hit does not matter. Being missed does not matter. Being attacked matters. Defense does not impede fury generation.

tl;dr summary: Defense good, slow bad.



Super Reflexes really does not make that much sense. How do you build up Fury when in Elude... Duh.

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The same way you do when not in elude: attacking and being attacked. Not being hit. Being attacked. Being missed grants you the same amount of Fury as being hit. Even if they miss you, you get Fury. The amount of defense you have does not affect your Fury generation. Only the amount of incoming attacks. Fury is generated when someone attacks you. Fury is generated if you are hit by the attack. Fury is also generated if you are missed my the attack. Misses generate the same amount of Fury as hits do. If you have 16 people attacking you and missing, you will get the same amount of Fury as if the same 16 people were attacking you and hitting. Only the number of attacks matters. Being hit does not matter. Being missed does not matter. Being attacked matters. Defense does not impede fury generation.

tl;dr summary: Defense good, slow bad.

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And thus ice armor is bad as it slows down the incoming attacks and thus slows down the amount of Fury built up.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



And thus ice armor is bad as it slows down the incoming attacks and thus slows down the amount of Fury built up.

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I was saving that for the advanced class. Don't want to distract them with two different things, it only causes confusion.



And thus ice armor is bad as it slows down the incoming attacks and thus slows down the amount of Fury built up.

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I was saving that for the advanced class. Don't want to distract them with two different things, it only causes confusion.

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You are very correct there. I've taught martial arts and know first hand that giving too much info at once doesn't help.

Edit: That doesn't change the fact that you will still see folks who want ice armor even knowing that it messes with Fury. I've already seen someone suggest that the slow elements could be removed from ice which is an option of course.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Edit: That doesn't change the fact that you will still see folks who want ice armor even knowing that it messes with Fury. I've already seen someone suggest that the slow elements could be removed from ice which is an option of course.

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In some people's defense, the more rational requests I've heard for Ice Melee/Armor for brutes have been pvp-influenced. Since Fury generation is already an issue there, the additional slows wouldn't be a detriment.

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash