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  1. That would be the Avengers cartoon, not the movie.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    ...somebody give me a good reason I can't name a mob neither "Zealot" nor "Disciple"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Zealot is a character from the Image Wildcats series, and Disciple is a character from Spawn.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    The shoulder fur needs to go in the shoulder section- NOT attached to the bolera thing. (Or both)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The "Magic Robe" shoulders are available for Jackets, Robes, Shirts, Baggy, and (IIRC) Trenchcoats - but not for the Tight, Armored, or Robotic Arm tops.
  4. I tried to buy the pack, didn't get the picture for "enter these letters", went back and did it again...and got charged twice. John @ NCSoft was very polite and will be reversing it (hasn't happened yet).

    Anyway, you have to go in and apply the serial code through your main NCSoft account- I did that and have the items.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    And thus ice armor is bad as it slows down the incoming attacks and thus slows down the amount of Fury built up.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was saving that for the advanced class. Don't want to distract them with two different things, it only causes confusion.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Super Reflexes really does not make that much sense. How do you build up Fury when in Elude... Duh.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    The same way you do when not in elude: attacking and being attacked. Not being hit. Being attacked. Being missed grants you the same amount of Fury as being hit. Even if they miss you, you get Fury. The amount of defense you have does not affect your Fury generation. Only the amount of incoming attacks. Fury is generated when someone attacks you. Fury is generated if you are hit by the attack. Fury is also generated if you are missed my the attack. Misses generate the same amount of Fury as hits do. If you have 16 people attacking you and missing, you will get the same amount of Fury as if the same 16 people were attacking you and hitting. Only the number of attacks matters. Being hit does not matter. Being missed does not matter. Being attacked matters. Defense does not impede fury generation.

    tl;dr summary: Defense good, slow bad.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    ok, Dr. Brainstorm says that Brutes relie on attacks coming in to promote,it only made sence to give them SR...?
    wth? thats why no Ice/Ice Brute

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, that's not why no Ice/Ice Brute. Try to follow along.

    Incoming attacks, whether they hit or not, generate Fury. Ice being a defense set is not a problem. The Brute gets mad whether the opponent hits or not.

    Ice (as an armor or as an attack set) has the secondary ability of slowing your enemies.

    Slowed enemies = fewer incoming attacks = less Fury = unhappy Brute.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    lol if you think i don't know what I'm talking about. We can meet in the arena anytime buddy, care to test your game knowledge and experience in a 10 minute match?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If your argument is that villains are underpowered in PVP, then beating a hero in PVP is a lousy way to make your point.

    Just sayin'.

  9. [ QUOTE ]
    And, as I said, if trial accounts can't send /t or emails, the next cheapest option is to appear in AP and spam Broadcast.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They are already doing this on Freedom - I watched one guy log on three different characters of the sdghasd style of naming and spam broadcast. They were all from the same account (according to my gignore list anyway) and they all got ignore_spammered as soon as I saw them.

  10. [ QUOTE ]
    So do you lie awake nights fretting the various healing badges?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Absolutely. Devs, please change the healing badges so that I can get them without relying on healing powers.

  11. [ QUOTE ]
    You're suggesting something similar to giving out welfare to the rich along with the poor

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know, I broke my own commandment about arguing on the internet. I apologize to everyone whose time I wasted with these posts.

    Anonym: sorry you have to wait a week. Be patient. It won't kill you. Be glad that other people get a gift too - it doesn't devalue yours in any way.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Needless to say, when I read that everyone was getting a free respec (I am 99% sure it did NOT say it would be held back until the 7th in that particular post)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And I am 99% sure it did NOT say that it would be granted immediately upon I11, either. And they've never done it that way before. So why did you expect them to change?

    Dude, it sucks that you screwed up your character so badly that you can't play him. It sucks that you can't get it right after three respec trials plus however many freespecs from the issues plus however many respects from veteran badges you have.

    But you know what? If you've respeced that many times and still not gotten it right, I don't really have a lot of sympathy for you, because you obviously have some sort of severe planning deficit - especially since with a minimum of forethought you can have infinite respecs using the test server.

    The kicker here is that you seem not to realize how crazy selfish you sound. "I don't care about anyone else's respec because they can't possibly need it as bad as me! Me! ME!"

    It's a game. Roll up a different character, go forth, and play. It'll be Dec 7th before you know it, you can waste your new freespec and still not be satisfied, and then you can get on with grinding for a recipe.

  13. [ QUOTE ]
    2) There were no good reasons stated for withholding the freespec. No "We didn't have the parts on hand" reasons that could not be avoided.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Clearly the devs (and many others) disagreed.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Lighthouses' reasons were, IIRC, to:

    A) give the ten thousand new DB characters a free respec

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and every other new character that's been created since I11 went live. I have heard that there are one or two that don't even have DB.

    [ QUOTE ]
    B) FORCE people to wait, instead of giving them the OPTION to wait, until they've tested any of the minor power changes announced

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In the past, there have been major outcries when changes have been made. (I don't think I've ever seen a change made without someone at least crying for a freespec).

    Some people (present company apparently included) burn through respecs as soon as they get them.

    [ QUOTE ]
    and C) give people who already have a free respec tucked away somewhere to use that one so they can get another one

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Again, not seeing the downside here.

    Oh, wait, I forgot. Your lack of respec is apparently like being set on fire. All I can say to that is: grow some perspective.

    [ QUOTE ]
    So... we who need one have to shell out time, inf, or wait for a week so the people who don't have any good reason to have a freespec, can have a freespec. NOT a good plan.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A whole week? Wow. That must be tough. Too bad your character is so crippled he can't even go outside without killing himself. I bet he'd really enjoy all the new stuff from I11. What were you going to do if they had not given out a freespec with I11?

    [ QUOTE ]
    And, on top of all THAT, I also stated somewhere that I wasn't horribly and irreversibly disgruntled over this mistake. Did you not read ANY of my other posts?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You are disgruntled enough to post about it. Repeatedly. At length. With lots of words in ALL CAPS. Really, what are we supposed to think?

  14. [ QUOTE ]
    How do you RP offering a bunch of new heroes a place to learn, and then summarily killing them all off? The funeral expenses for all those lowbie heroes is mind boggling.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    <ul type="square"> [*]They're the winners of Cape Radio's "Hero for a Day" contest.[*]Bring Your Child To Work Day.[*]You're hosting a fundraiser for your group and they are honorary members.[*]Make-a-wish foundation is working with a dying boy to give him his wish: he wants he and all his friends to be "real super heros" just once.[*]Visitors from a supergroup from a developing nation who want to see how they do things in Paragon.[/list]
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    However, as regards what players ask for and what they get...

    The players DID NOT ask for Travel Power Suppression or Enhancement Diversification

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Missing the point. Nobody said "the players asked for everything they got" or "the players only get what they ask for", which are the only ways that ED or travel suppression would be relevant.

    They said that &lt;i&gt;in this specific instance&lt;/i&gt;, there was a poll, dual blades was an option, people voted for it, it got implemented. Bringing your own personal crusade into it is not going to change that.

  16. DoctorNuncheon

    May 9th Update!

    [ QUOTE ]
    People like me who use the passive movement as there travel power are being punished.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    IIRC, Sprint takes both running and jumping IOs, so you can still get your sets.

  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I have had multiple people tell me in the last two days that they have noticed very clearly PBU effecting the +Regen and +Recovery of Regen and Recovery Aura and Adrenaline Boost. Obviously, this contradicts the information in this guide.

    How can I go about testing these claims?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Find a lowbie with hover and a safe spot. (Alternately, fly to the top of a building and use Recall Friend.)

    Have them hover up to the flight ceiling and then turn off hover. They'll fall and splat down to 1 hp. Time how long it takes them to get back to full.

    Repeat, but this time cast the regen-boosting power first.

    Wait for the +regen power to wear off, then repeat again, this time with the Power Boosted regen power.

    If power boost works on +regen, then the third time should be noticably shorter than the second which should be shorter than the first.

    Try similar things with recovery.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    The only thing missing would be an explanation in the most transparent terms possible of what they were able to restore and what they weren't and why.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...and whether they would be able to restore the missing items at a later date.

    J, still out 10 million in bids.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I can see how the proposed resolution will be to the benefit of the big winners, since you've indicated you won't be un-duping those items (and I'm not proposing you should), but I fail to see how it will be of any "benefit" to me, unless you consider having my influence restored, but having the time spent on choosing the enhancements, levels, and bid amounts completely wasted a benefit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dude...he can restore your influence. There is absolutely no way he can restore your time. Don't you think you're being just a teensy bit unreasonable?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    The Sea Witch won't be bothering you anymore.
    Golden Roller in Cap Au Diable
    Defeat the Luddites

    Privateer - Trap 100 Ghosts. ( When trapping the traps will occational spawn mobs of ghosts. )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Two different Privateer badges (plus the Sky Raiders one from CoH), or is one of these incorrect?
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Granted my Brute is only level 8, but currently he chomps down inspirations, has to use his self-heal every third battle or so, and in general isn't very effective in solo.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How often do you expect to use insps? My rule of thumb is, if I've got a full tray I am doing something wrong (and wasting potential drops).

    Anyway, SS/EA here, 12th level, no problem soloing so far - I've jumped into groups of yelows and oranges and come out of it.

  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Persons who paid the $10 and bought the extra box, get the special rewards which the box contains.

    Persons who did not pay the $10 and did not buy the extra box, do not get the special rewards which the box contains.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not to hijack, but: you got charged extra for the preorder box? My Gamestop charged $5 and applied that towards CoV when I bought it.

  23. [ QUOTE ]
    BUT we'll do it after release - hopefully very soon after release. Then heroes can have access to the new options.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /e thumbsup
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Then what about all the zones you won't be able to access either because you are heroic and those zones are villainous?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Er...what about them?

    [ QUOTE ]
    All I know is that if I didn't play CoH and I bought CoV I'd be a little ticked that heroes looked exactly like my characters. But that's me. 'Cause it is supposed to also be a stand alone game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't see how the costume options in CoH make CoV any less of a stand alone game. It's a game, you can play it without City of it's a stand alone game. The existence of another game where you can play similar-looking characters doesn't affect that at all.

    [ QUOTE ]
    There will be plenty of people that buy CoV solely for their hero SG to get bases. They will have no intention of playing a villain, no intention of taking part in the PvP zones, and yet..they can look exactly like a villain.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Wouldn't it be in Cryptic/NCSoft's best interests to make CoV as attractive as possible to the City of Heroes players that aren't interested in playing villains? Someone undecided on purchasing might be swayed by the inclusion of new costume options for their hero characters, but I think very few people would pick up the City of Villains box and say "What? The heroes get new costume options too? Forget that, I'm not playing this stupid game!"

  25. [ QUOTE ]
    To be quite honest, if you were truly going for that "anti-hero" Spawn, Punisher type fellow, I doubt he/she'd be doing any of the missions, if you wanted to keep true to the character.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They wouldn't go into a warehouse full of Hellions who had just pulled off a heist? They wouldn't head into an office building where the villains were holding the DA hostage? They wouldn't try to break up a gang war by beating the snot out of both sides?

    I have to respectfully disagree.
