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  1. To me it looks like the villians lost some of their best sets (plant and cold) in exchange for some very poor sets (mace, axe, and earth control). To make matters worse they then added a completely new set of highly unresisted damage type to a high damage AT. Villians dont look like they will be making up much ground in the pvp when any of these come out.
  2. Used this guide a lot in the past. Thanks for the help
  3. Was in Grandville this morning when someone shouted they needed help with Sister Pyche to take her down. When I joined the team I found out we were awhole team of 5 brutes level 40. Sister was at the zone in point when we all entered. After we all ganged rushed her and after 30 seconds of our biggest attacks. She was still at Full health. I understand wanting these named Heroes to be tough but thats not even possible. That has to be some kind of bug after all of us died she remain at full health the whole time as if on God mode or something. I dont like the idea of running missions that it not even possible of winning. And I like even less the idea that these signature heroes are completely untouchable by the rest of us "minor villians" It doesnt role play very well to know that we are just the foder that they guys can kick around. Non Roleplay wise I like being able to solo these MM missions. No not at the hardest level where I can end up with AVs spawning on me but at least be possible to beat solo at a lower level. Overall I love the addition of MM to the game. I just think the level of difficulty needs to addressed.