Something for smaller groups
Can I get an amen up in here?
Ms.Bolt - Level 50 Empathy/Energy
Thermal Bolt - Level 50 Ice/Thermal Corruptor
Member of 200 Bucks/Unspeakable Gathering
Right now a lot of posts have talked about the high Prestige cost of Base items - and that they're bringing in a ton of Salvage but can't really do anything about it.
Bases, as they currently stand, really focus on mid and large sized groups earning Prestige - so the complaints have a good point. We're trying to work something out so that a smaller group can get something useful quickly - and also put Salvage to use! Can't promise a timeline, but we are working on it.
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Thank you. Now maybe the whining will stop.....yeah right.
WooHoo! Thank you Statesman!
Good. Glad you realize that not every SG is massive.
Can I get an amen up in here?
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No way! But you can get more of my salvage!
Amen indeed! Thanks for listening Statesman!
Now there's just a couple other hundred Base Building threads you might want to take a look at.....
"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett

Now maybe the whining will stop.....yeah right.
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*chuckles* "Schaa and maybe monkies will fly out of my..."
But this is great news to hear, not only that they're planing on doing something for smaller groups, but also just what size of SG bases were intended for.
It also means that we're looking at 3 levels of player housing.
Current base system for mid sized and larger groups.
Something for smaller groups.
Apparements for solo and perhaps slightly more.
Here's an idea. What about selling salvage for prestiage for superbases? Collecting a Circle of Thorns Potion gives you like 250 prestiage.
This helps smaller groups make the costs of base building, where large superbases can be making enough with enough members to put salvage aside.
We are expected to sell excess enhancements for influence, why not sell salavage for prestiage.
awesome. just another step towards getting my own apartment.
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
▲Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition▲
Right now a lot of posts have talked about the high Prestige cost of Base items - and that they're bringing in a ton of Salvage but can't really do anything about it.
Bases, as they currently stand, really focus on mid and large sized groups earning Prestige - so the complaints have a good point. We're trying to work something out so that a smaller group can get something useful quickly - and also put Salvage to use! Can't promise a timeline, but we are working on it.
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Thank you. Now maybe the whining will stop.....yeah right.
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well... if it wasnt for the "whining" they would never have known there were issues and taken some action
Right now a lot of posts have talked about the high Prestige cost of Base items - and that they're bringing in a ton of Salvage but can't really do anything about it.
Bases, as they currently stand, really focus on mid and large sized groups earning Prestige - so the complaints have a good point. We're trying to work something out so that a smaller group can get something useful quickly - and also put Salvage to use! Can't promise a timeline, but we are working on it.
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Finally! Glad to hear a post from a Red Name about this. It explains a lot and answers a lot of questions. Of course it opens the door for more questions, but at least it is an answer.
Would have liked to see the answer sooner though.
Here's an idea. What about selling salvage for prestiage for superbases?
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Not against the idea... But salvage is right now, something most people have in excess. If a small group could rase a decent amount of prestige doing this, a larger group could rase even more.
Selling salvage for prestige would have nearly the same effect as simply increasing the amount of prestige earned per mob.
I'd much perfer seeing some of the idea's other people have had, like a combo power/control item that sells for say 75k prestige that could be put in any room. It would only provide enough power and control to run say a basic and advanced worktable or telepad however.
Thanks, States!
Thanks for the smaller group love, Jack. But I do have a question...
Why wasn't this issue addressed in development? I would have thought it would have been an obvious problem from the start.
Right now a lot of posts have talked about the high Prestige cost of Base items - and that they're bringing in a ton of Salvage but can't really do anything about it.
Bases, as they currently stand, really focus on mid and large sized groups earning Prestige - so the complaints have a good point. We're trying to work something out so that a smaller group can get something useful quickly - and also put Salvage to use! Can't promise a timeline, but we are working on it.
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The problem with the statment about mid to large size SG's.. Well, I am a member of the Paragons of Justice.. We have been around since early beta of COH.. It took us a month to earh the prestige to get a base to function and place just 1 work table.. I have made some cool items.. But said items will cost us well in excess of 4 million prestige to place.. What we have working now is almost 1mil prestige.. So it will take us what 4 months to 5 months to place 3 items we have crafted.. Kind of out of whack if you ask me.
That's really, really cool!
Can you do anything about AV, too? I like to solo and I'm stuck with 3 AV missions (barracuda, sea witch and aurora borealis). Can't you make "the third mission with AV" an elite boss?
Very nice. Thank you.
CatMan - some form on every server
Always here, there, and there again.
Good. Glad you realize that not every SG is massive.
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nor needs to be too manny people vanish with sgs id rather keep it simple it almost feels like workwhen dealig with prestige when it need to me simple like influence but not as simple
"Never attempt to balance mechanics through Role Playing."
Good. Glad you realize that not every SG is massive.
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nor needs to be too manny people vanish with sgs id rather keep it simple it almost feels like workwhen dealig with prestige when it need to me simple like influence but not as simple
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Great to hear, renews hope for my small sg.
Here's an idea. What about selling salvage for prestiage for superbases?
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Not against the idea... But salvage is right now, something most people have in excess. If a small group could rase a decent amount of prestige doing this, a larger group could rase even more.
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They could do some sort of sliding salvage value scale. Assign some sort of SG scarcity % or multiplier based on the SG's total assets (current base value + prestige).
Essentially salvage could be cashed in for prestige at a high rate for an SG with few assets, but is worth less and less prestige as the SG's assets build.
Something like this encourages small SGs to cash in salvage, large SGs to craft, and makes that fun period in the middle where you have to decide whether you will expand your base or craft items with your limited resources.
We don' need no stinkin' signatures!
Right now a lot of posts have talked about the high Prestige cost of Base items - and that they're bringing in a ton of Salvage but can't really do anything about it.
Bases, as they currently stand, really focus on mid and large sized groups earning Prestige - so the complaints have a good point. We're trying to work something out so that a smaller group can get something useful quickly - and also put Salvage to use! Can't promise a timeline, but we are working on it.
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Yes, please!
I would so welcome a way for those of us who never, ever plan to try to get any Items of Power or do any kind of SG PvP at all (and are really too small to, even if we actually wanted to) to still be able to build a nice functional Base.
We have a very small SG (a dozen members or so), and we're all on at wildly different times so there are never really more than 2 or 3 of us on at any one time. We team up together quite a bit, but the groups are small (obviously) and any kind of Base Raiding is out of the question (if we wanted to, which we don't).
So far, with all of us working our butts off to earn as much Prestige as possible, we have managed to create a Base with the following:
An Entry Room (there by default)
An Infirmary (non-functional)
An Energy Room (empty)
We are half way towards being able to afford to place a Control Room (100,000), but then we'll still be 250,000 Prestige away from having a Power Source, and then after that we'll need (if I understand it correctly), a Computer and a Database as well.
We are building the smallest/cheapest versions of everything, and placing no decorative items at all at this point. All we're really trying to do at this point is get a minimal functioning Infirmary.
We're getting lots of Salvage, but we can't do anything with it, and we're a very long way from being able to actually place a Workshop and Work Tables.
I think I understand why (for Raid/PvP purposes) you've set the prices so high (to try to keep SG's from immediately being able to build Uber-Bases), but it's keeping us smaller SG's from being able to enjoy the new Base feature at all.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to create our Base, up front, as either PvP or PvE-only, and have the prices be set accordingly (being dramatically lower for PvE-only).
If the SG ever grew, and for whatever reason we actually decided that we wanted to do Raiding, we would need to sell everything back and then go back and recreate the Base as PvP.
There shouldn't be any way for people to exploit this, since you sell back for the same price you buy for. So, while we would get all of our Prestige back (at PvE prices), when we made our PvP Base, we wouldn't have any unfair advantage over SG's that went PvP to start with.
Maybe it would also be possible to sell Salvage for Prestige? That way when you're trying to get your Base started, like we are (and can't even think about doing Crafting yet), you could use all of that dropped Salvage to boost your Prestige and actually be able to build more of your Base.
Just some thoughts. Thanks for listening, and looking into the problem!
Silas Dark
D.E.F.E.N.S.E. Incorporated
[i]"City of Heroes is at its best as a Superhero game that's implemented as an MMO, rather than as an MMO that just happens to be about Superheroes..."[/i]
Right now a lot of posts have talked about the high Prestige cost of Base items - and that they're bringing in a ton of Salvage but can't really do anything about it.
Bases, as they currently stand, really focus on mid and large sized groups earning Prestige - so the complaints have a good point. We're trying to work something out so that a smaller group can get something useful quickly - and also put Salvage to use! Can't promise a timeline, but we are working on it.