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  1. Take care and good luck, MB! It's been a pleasure teaming with you. I hope you return to CoX soon.
  2. Sorry to hear about that, Luna.

    Throw my name on the alt team, if there is room. I'll be bringing King Sac, Eng/Eng blaster.
  3. Hey E. I just got a last-minute dinner invite from some friends, and since I'm 5th on the alternate list, I'm going to take them up on the offer.

    Good luck everyone! And E, I hope you feel better soon.
  4. I'm good with both nights, too. If we happen to get the badge on Friday, I'll bring my ice/ice corruptor on Saturday to help with debuffs, if preferred.
  5. It's still a funny story to hear, no matter how many times Mr E-Man tells it.

    I probably could have spared Doc Codis if I had just gone within blasting range of the proximity bombs. Instead, I hit my snipe, with the delay being long enough for Doc Codis to run up right next to each bomb. Oh well. Heh heh.
  6. Tarquin's team took about an hour longer than MB's team, but we were able to succeed despite losing a pick-up during the first mish. Breezed through the first three missions, then suffered a case of "Can't find the Security Chief" in the fourth mission.

    Last mish took the longest, as we suffered numerous deaths against the first four AVs. Seemed like not many were familiar with E-Man's patented AV pull, so I brought everyone to the spot. We got Ghost Widow and Scirocco on the first pull, wiped and regrouped. We pulled GW again, got her to 50%, then Scir and Black Scorpion joined in. We stuck with GW, got her down, then had a bunch of wipes as finished the other 3 AVs.

    Killed the Flyer twice before starting on Recluse. Since we were lacking an emp, I decided to drop a Warburg regeneration nuke, thinking it would help Max, especially while we took down the red tower. Thanks to two bonfires and our rad monitoring Max, we were able to take the the towers (although they did manage to heal 2-3 times each). After the towers, Recluse was easy peasy.

    Even better, getting merit rewards from both the respec trial AND the task force. Nice!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Per a special request by Roxona, I've updated my signature to link to the Schedule for the upcoming Monday night TF's. I'll be updating it each week as we proceed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love Google Docs.
  8. E, I'm down with attempting this with Khan Sac, who is a necro/dark MM. I'll try to get rid of some of the rust by running a few missions during the week.
  9. Good job, everyone! Had a great time on Luna's team, finishing in just an hour and two minutes. Felt hella easy, but I'm sure the pets helped big time.
  10. Bah! Looks like the villains are out in force in Warburg tonight. I'll try again after a quick bite, but it didn't look good. But I did grab Shivans and a Vanguard heavy.
  11. KingSac

    A warm thank you

    Welcome back, Shandi. I remember you used to join the arena healing team. Did you ever get the Empath badge? They lowered the requirement recently, so hopefully you got it.
  12. At least we all know to stay underneath the damn spider now for that sweet spot. Hopefully we can take it out without a team wipe.
  13. Yeah, nice little arc tonight. Short and sweet, removing the bad taste of Monday's night bugged STF.

    Hope my rustiness with Khan wasn't too obvious. Took me about half of the first mish to figure everything out. I honestly haven't played him in group play for two years. Pretty sad.

    But good times all around. I didn't stay for the complete clear of the last mish, because I had a severe jonesin' of not sitting on my butt. Gotta stop drinking soda in the evening.
  14. I haven't taken out Khan Sac for missions in a while, so count me in.

    Warning: I will be rusty.
  15. I'll be joining with King Sac, only because I like him too much to play another toon. Plus, I like earning merits for him.
  16. I don't mind being on the team that clears through the missions. It's been a damn long time since I did that.
  17. Had a great time, as always. As stated, we pretty much mowed through everything we came across. I had a blast, even though I started feeling oddly sleepy halfway through the first mish. Damn silly work, making me tired.

    See ya'll next Monday!
  18. Thanks for signing me up, Luna. Feel free to include me on the auto sign-up list from here on out.

    FYI, I'll pretty much bring King Sac every time.
  19. Crap crap crap. I just found out I have to work late on Monday. I don't think I'll even be able to make it by 7pm. I'll try for the following week.
  20. No worries, MB. I knew you were joking on the wipe.

    It was just one of the instances where it was late, I was tired, I got a TP to the door and just went right in. I never saw what you said until I was inside. D'oh!
  21. Hey, count me in with King Sac again. Why the hell not?
  22. I had a lot of fun, and I was pretty impressed that we did it in 4 hours. I apologize if me entering the last mish before we were set contributed to the team wipe.